SAS Release 8.2 (TS2M0)

Hot Fix Downloads for Windows
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82D203 was replaced by 82D226

82D204 was replaced by 82D226

82D208 was replaced by 82D226

82D210 was replaced by 82D226

82D216 was replaced by 82D226

82D220 was replaced by 82D226

82D222 was replaced by 82D226

82D225 was replaced by 82D226

82D226 for Windows
Released: Feb 2005
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-006004 "ERROR: CLI open cursor error: [IBM][CLI Driver] CLI0125E Functionsequence error" issued when using SAS/ACCESS Interface to DB2 82D203
SN-005708 ERROR: SQL0514N The cursor "SQLCURCS297" is not in prepared state 82D203
SN-006276 New special queries added for ODBC and DB2: SQLDataSources and SQLDBMSInfo 82D203
SN-005997 Access AS400 data using Access Interface to ODBC can causeERROR:[merant][ODBC driver][DB2/400] Keyword FOR not expected. 82D203
SN-005996 Access Interface to ODBC when accessing MSAccess data may causedata to be overwritten if using APPEND operations 82D203
SN-005330 PROC APPEND to SQL Server using BCP option will insert data incorrectly 82D203
SN-004053 CLI ODBC driver error occurs when using SAS/ACCESS Interface to ODBC toaccess LANDMARK DBMS, through LANDMARK ODBC driver 82D203
SN-006323 Unable to get a single connection when using CONNECTION=GLOBALREAD asdocumentation would suggest 82D204
SN-006293 Read Isolation Level defaults to CR when using SAS/Access Interface toDB2 82D203
SN-006312 CLI prepare error using NEON ODBC Driver to access DB2 on MVS withAccess to ODBC on Windows 82D208
SN-007694 NonStop Tandem LARGEINT columns causes problems with Access to ODBC V8.2on Windows 82D210
SN-008603 "No data found" error occurs when trying to update or delete from a DB2table with SQL 82D216
SN-009478 SAS/Access to ODBC accessing Sql Server 2000 generates errors whencreating a temporary table 82D220
SN-009773 Incorrect data when KEEP= contains a field with a binary data type 82D220
SN-009914 /UNIQUE option does not work with ODBC engine for character typedvariables 82D220
SN-012061 "ERROR: No matching observation was found in MASTER data set" is issuedafter applying HOTFIX 82D220 82D222
SN-013571 Bus Error accessing DBMS table via SAS/ACCESS to ODBC with rowset_size>1 82D225
SN-013504 SQL3061N received bulkloading to a DB2 table in a DBCS database 82D225
SN-013980 DB2 bulk loader does not run with ALLOW READ ACCESS enabled 82D226
SN-008941 Segmentation violation when specifying DBCOMMIT= on the LIBNAMEstatement for DB2 82D226
Install Instructions: 82D226wn.txt
Download: 82D226 for Windows   (File Size: 1.3M)
ATTENTION: To complete the installation of this hot fix on Windows platforms, you must also download and install hot fix 82BC07 for Windows. This hot fix will NOT be fully functional without 82BC07 applied.
Top ^


82OD01 was replaced by 82OD09

82OD02 was replaced by 82OD09

82OD03 was replaced by 82OD09

82OD04 was replaced by 82OD09

82OD05 was replaced by 82OD09

82OD06 was replaced by 82OD09

82OD07 was replaced by 82OD09

82OD08 was replaced by 82OD09

82OD09 for Windows
Released: Feb 2005
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-006004 "ERROR: CLI open cursor error: [IBM][CLI Driver] CLI0125E Functionsequence error" issued when using SAS/ACCESS Interface to DB2 82OD01
SN-005708 ERROR: SQL0514N The cursor "SQLCURCS297" is not in prepared state 82OD01
SN-006276 New special queries added for ODBC and DB2: SQLDataSources and SQLDBMSInfo 82OD02
SN-005997 Access AS400 data using Access Interface to ODBC can causeERROR:[merant][ODBC driver][DB2/400] Keyword FOR not expected. 82OD01
SN-005996 Access Interface to ODBC when accessing MSAccess data may causedata to be overwritten if using APPEND operations 82OD01
SN-005330 PROC APPEND to SQL Server using BCP option will insert data incorrectly 82OD01
SN-004053 CLI ODBC driver error occurs when using SAS/ACCESS Interface to ODBC toaccess LANDMARK DBMS, through LANDMARK ODBC driver 82OD01
SN-006323 Unable to get a single connection when using CONNECTION=GLOBALREAD asdocumentation would suggest 82OD02
SN-006293 Read Isolation Level defaults to CR when using SAS/Access Interface toDB2 82OD02
SN-006312 CLI prepare error using NEON ODBC Driver to access DB2 on MVS withAccess to ODBC on Windows 82OD03
SN-007694 NonStop Tandem LARGEINT columns causes problems with Access to ODBC V8.2on Windows 82OD04
SN-008603 "No data found" error occurs when trying to update or delete from a DB2table with SQL 82OD05
SN-009478 SAS/Access to ODBC accessing Sql Server 2000 generates errors whencreating a temporary table 82OD06
SN-009773 Incorrect data when KEEP= contains a field with a binary data type 82OD06
SN-009914 /UNIQUE option does not work with ODBC engine for character typedvariables 82OD06
SN-012061 "ERROR: No matching observation was found in MASTER data set" is issuedafter applying HOTFIX 82D220 82OD07
SN-013571 Bus Error accessing DBMS table via SAS/ACCESS to ODBC with rowset_size>1 82OD08
SN-013504 SQL3061N received bulkloading to a DB2 table in a DBCS database 82OD08
SN-013980 DB2 bulk loader does not run with ALLOW READ ACCESS enabled 82OD09
SN-008941 Segmentation violation when specifying DBCOMMIT= on the LIBNAMEstatement for DB2 82OD09
Install Instructions: 82OD09wn.txt
Download: 82OD09 for Windows   (File Size: 1.3M)
ATTENTION: To complete the installation of this hot fix on Windows platforms, you must also download and install hot fix 82BC07 for Windows. This hot fix will NOT be fully functional without 82BC07 applied.
Top ^


82OL01 was replaced by 82OL05

82OL02 was replaced by 82OL05

82OL03 was replaced by 82OL05

82OL04 was replaced by 82OL05

82OL05 for Windows
Released: Aug 2003
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-004249 PROC EXPORT of a numeric variable causes missing data in MSAccess2000/XP file 82OL01
SN-005811 Syntax error when using WGDB option with PROC IMPORT procedure 82OL01
SN-005812 PROC IMPORT fails when importing Microsoft files when MDAC 2.70 isinstalled on the machine 82OL01
SN-004195 PROC IMPORT is not setting the SYSLAST and SYSDSN Macros Correctly 82OL01
SN-005506 Importing from Excel 97 or 2000 where the sheet name contains an &fails. 82OL01
SN-006001 Access Interface to OLEDB will fail when attempting to call a storedprocedure with 'command was not prepared' 82OL01
SN-000494 Can SAS access Microsoft SQL Server OLAP cubes? 82OL01
SN-007399 ALERT - Version 8 import procedure might hang after SAS 9 Early AdopterRelease installed 82OL01
SN-007477 Error using Access to OLEDB w/MS V5 DB2OLEDB Provider to access data onOS390 82OL03
SN-007806 Accessing OLAP cube that contains a currency type will return $0 82OL04
SN-005809 ERROR: Problem removing original table, when using PROC EXPORT to createan MSACCESS table 82OL05
SN-010553 Unable to list tables or retrieve data using the Ihistorian OLE DBprovider 82OL05
Install Instructions: 82OL05wn.txt
Download: 82OL05 for Windows   (File Size: 1.3M)
Top ^


82OC01 was replaced by 82OC08

82OC02 was replaced by 82OC08

82OC03 was replaced by 82OC08

82OC04 was replaced by 82OC08

82OC05 was replaced by 82OC08

82OC06 was replaced by 82OC08

82OC07 was replaced by 82OC08

82OC08 for Windows
Released: Jun 2007
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-005272 V8 formats are not compatible with V6 formats with SQL Pass-throughfacility for Char and Number 82OC01
SN-006708 "ERROR: Oracle execute error: ORA-01403: no data found" issued whenattempting to update table using PROC DBLOAD with criteria if no rowsmatch the criteria 82OC02
SN-008203 Bulkload userid/password are passed to the Unix Shell 82OC03
SN-001162 No data found error may occur when trying to update oracle table 82OC04
SN-012675 Using DBSASTYPE=(VAR="CHAR17")) gets value padded with '00'x (binary 0)rather than blanks in Oracle 9 in SAS 8.2 82OC06
SN-009383 Datetime value containing 24 as hour value fails to load into Oracle 82OC07
SN-020088 The SAS/ACCESS® Interface to Oracle returns incorrect byte lengths for the CHAR and VARCHAR2 columns 82OC08
Install Instructions: 82OC08wn.txt
Download: 82OC08 for Windows   (File Size: 1.8M)
Top ^


82PF01 was replaced by 82PF05

82PF02 was replaced by 82PF05

82PF03 was replaced by 82PF05

82PF04 was replaced by 82PF05

82PF05 for Windows
Released: Aug 2003
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-004249 PROC EXPORT of a numeric variable causes missing data in MSAccess2000/XP file 82PF01
SN-005811 Syntax error when using WGDB option with PROC IMPORT procedure 82PF01
SN-005812 PROC IMPORT fails when importing Microsoft files when MDAC 2.70 isinstalled on the machine 82PF01
SN-004195 PROC IMPORT is not setting the SYSLAST and SYSDSN Macros Correctly 82PF01
SN-005506 Importing from Excel 97 or 2000 where the sheet name contains an &fails. 82PF01
SN-006001 Access Interface to OLEDB will fail when attempting to call a storedprocedure with 'command was not prepared' 82PF01
SN-000494 Can SAS access Microsoft SQL Server OLAP cubes? 82PF01
SN-007399 ALERT - Version 8 import procedure might hang after SAS 9 Early AdopterRelease installed 82PF01
SN-007477 Error using Access to OLEDB w/MS V5 DB2OLEDB Provider to access data onOS390 82PF03
SN-007806 Accessing OLAP cube that contains a currency type will return $0 82PF04
SN-005809 ERROR: Problem removing original table, when using PROC EXPORT to createan MSACCESS table 82PF05
SN-010553 Unable to list tables or retrieve data using the Ihistorian OLE DBprovider 82PF05
Install Instructions: 82PF05wn.txt
Download: 82PF05 for Windows   (File Size: 1.3M)
Top ^


82PE01 for Windows
Released: Oct 2001
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-005945 SAS/ACCESS Interface to PeopleSoft abends during Create PSFIELDS inmetadata extraction 82PE01
Install Instructions: 82PE01wn.txt
Download: 82PE01 for Windows   (File Size: 1.2M)
Top ^


82R301 for Windows
Released: Aug 2003
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-006980 Error using transport files to install SAP objects for SAS/ACCESSInterface to R/3 82R301
SN-007683 Transport files to load SAP ABAP objects are available for SAS/ACCESSInterface to SAP BW 82R301
SN-010245 Function module Z_SAS_IOBJ_GETDETAIL_LIST for SAS/ACCESS Interface toSAP BW increases performance for extraction of metadata aboutInfoObjects 82R301
Install Instructions: 82R301wn.txt
Download: 82R301 for Windows   (File Size: 3.9M)
Top ^

82R302 for Windows
Released: May 2002
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-007103 Extract job continues to run when error encountered without abending inACCESS to R/3 82R302
Install Instructions: 82R302wn.txt
Download: 82R302 for Windows   (File Size: 1.8M)
Top ^

82R303 for Windows
Released: Jul 2002
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-007638 CALLRFC function used within SAS/ACCESS to R/3 and SAS/ACCESS to SAP BWfails for SAP Version 6.x 82R303
Install Instructions: 82R303wn.txt
Download: 82R303 for Windows   (File Size: 1.1M)
Top ^


82BW01 was replaced by 82BW03

82BW02 was replaced by 82BW03

82BW03 for Windows
Released: Oct 2003
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-006764 Runtime error when extracting or displaying InfoCube with 0DATEattribute from InfoObject 82BW01
SN-006766 Cannot extract InfoCubes from SAS/ACCESS to SAP BW which have compoundcharacteristics where reference character of compound in SID table doesnot match InfoObject name 82BW01
SN-006765 SQL star view requires excessive space for temporary files in SAS/ACCESSto SAP BW 82BW01
SN-007682 Error creating formats for class variables during InfoCube dataextraction within SAS/ACCESS Interface to SAP BW 82BW02
SN-007675 Full extraction versus change data capture for InfoCubes and ODS inSAS/ACCESS Interface to SAP BW 82BW02
SN-007719 SAS/ACCESS Interface to SAP BW extraction does not recognize certainerror conditions 82BW02
SN-007674 Metadata extractions with FIELDS and TABLES selected from SAS/ACCESSInterface to SAP BW returns metadata about non-relevant tables 82BW02
SN-010160 Extractions of InfoCubes or ODS tables within SAS/ACCESS Interface toSAP BW using remote host metadata fails 82BW03
SN-008892 Misleading error message written when extracting ODS tables that containInfoObjects with compound keys from SAS/ACCESS Interface to SAP BW 82BW03
SN-010159 Change Data Capture feature in SAS/ACCESS Interface to SAP BW mayproduce incorrect InfoCube data for compressed InfoCubes in SAP BW 82BW03
SN-010158 Format names created for infocubes in SAS/ACCESS to SAP BW are notdescriptive 82BW03
Install Instructions: 82BW03wn.txt
Download: 82BW03 for Windows   (File Size: 1.5M)
ATTENTION: To complete the installation of this hot fix, you must also download and install hot fix 82R302 for your operating system. Customers running in a DBCS environment should download 82R302. This hot fix will NOT be fully functional without both 82BW02 and 82R302 applied.
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82SB01 was replaced by 82SB12

82SB02 was replaced by 82SB12

82SB03 was replaced by 82SB12

82SB04 was replaced by 82SB12

82SB05 was replaced by 82SB12

82SB06 was replaced by 82SB12

82SB07 was replaced by 82SB12

82SB08 was replaced by 82SB12

82SB09 was replaced by 82SB12

82SB10 was replaced by 82SB12

82SB12 for Windows
Released: May 2005
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-004321 Unable to execute multiple SELECT statements with Access to Sybase inVersion 7 and Version 8 of the SAS System 82SB01
SN-005897 BULKLOAD of DOLLAR 12.2 format using SAS/ACCESS Interface to SYBASEproduces an OVERFLOW error 82SB01
SN-005909 Unable to append to a SYBASE table with BULKCOPY if an identity columnexists on the table 82SB01
SN-006327 SQL Pass-Through to Sybase EXECUTE statement allows only one statement 82SB02
SN-006335 Using PROC DBLOAD APPEND with BULKCOPY may cause data corruption 82SB02
SN-008355 PROC DBLOAD password is not X'd-out in the SAS log when using SAS/ACCESSInterface to Sybase 82SB04
SN-008473 "Error in results set for update" when updating a Sybase view with DATAstep MODIFY 82SB04
SN-008967 SAS/ACCESS Interface to Sybase incorrectly reads the Sybase value'JUN 21 2001 2:03:46:793AM' and generates a warning message 82SB05
SN-010317 Access to Sybase V8.2 is not honoring the database= option for updates 82SB08
SN-010867 Unable to update a Sybase table with an Identity field with SAS V8.2 82SB09
SN-012997 With SAS 8.2 ACCESS TO SYBASE, Notes, warning or errors are not beingissued when attempting to insertinto a Sybase table with triggers using RAISERROR with PROC APPEND 82SB10
SN-001373 ALERT - SAS/ACCESS Version 6 incompatibility issues with SAS Version 7 andVersion 8 82SB10
SN-010795 Wrong Sybase table accessed when using the SCHEMA LIBNAME option 82SB10
SN-015017 Segmentation Violation error issued intermittently when accessing aSybase server that is not available 82SB12
Install Instructions: 82SB12wn.txt
Download: 82SB12 for Windows   (File Size: 1.2M)
Top ^


82TE08 for Windows
Released: May 2005
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-005626 FASTLOADING using SAS/ACCESS Interface to TERADATA may cause SAS tocrash in different ways 82TE01
SN-008268 Setting the value for Teradata response buffer length outside of SAS 82TE02
SN-009378 ALERT - Implicit SQL Pass Through query returns incorrect results from the Teradata DBMS 82TE03
SN-010021 SAS/Access to Teradata V8.2 does not work with TUF Version 7.0 andV2R5.0 82TE03
SN-011547 Locking modifiers are not handled correctly when DBKEY= is used 82TE04
SN-011549 Out of memory error may occur if DBKEY= is used to query a Teradatatable 82TE04
SN-011713 SAS allows only CONNECTION=UNIQUE when READ_ISOLATION_LEVEL=ACCESS isused in a LIBNAME statement in SAS/ACCESS Interface to Teradata 82TE05
SN-011822 ALERT - Incorrect WHERE passed to Teradata when OR condition is used with a DATEvariable 82TE05
SN-012478 'Error: CLI2: BADBUFRQ(302): Invalid buffer size' returned withSAS/ACCESS Interface to Teradata 82TE07
SN-012639 ALERT - TERADATA large decimal values not inserted correctly with the SAS/ACCESSInterface to Teradata 82TE08
Install Instructions: 82TE08wn.txt
Download: 82TE08 for Windows   (File Size: 1.2M)
Top ^


82AS01 was replaced by 82AS02

82AS02 for Windows
Released: Apr 2003
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-007419 Deselect all button added to SAS/ASSIST Data Sources window 82AS01
SN-009112 Result Manager does not display entries in correct sort order 82AS02
Install Instructions: 82AS02wn.txt
Download: 82AS02 for Windows   (File Size: 4.5M)
Top ^


82BA02 was replaced by 82BC24

82BA03 was replaced by 82BA61

82BA04 was replaced by 82BC21

82BA05 was replaced by 82BC09

82BA06 was replaced by 82BC10

82BA07 was replaced by 82BC41

82BA08 was replaced by 82BC41

82BA09 was replaced by 82BC23

82BA10 was replaced by 82BB97

82BA12 was replaced by 82BC41

82BA13 was replaced by 82BB88

82BA14 for Windows
Released: Jun 2001
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82BX09.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-005237 When reading a Microsoft Access 97 file into 8.2 by using DDE, the lastcharacter in the last observation is dropped. 82BA14
Install Instructions: 82BA14wn.txt
Download: 82BA14 for Windows   (File Size: 1.1M)
Top ^

82BA16 was replaced by 82BC42

82BA17 was replaced by 82BC05

82BA19 for Windows
Released: Oct 2001
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82BX09.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-005868 New procedure CV2VIEW is available to assist in converting SAS/Accessview descriptors to LIBNAME views 82BA19
Install Instructions: 82BA19wn.txt
Download: 82BA19 for Windows   (File Size: 1.1M)
Top ^

82BA21 was replaced by 82BB18

82BA22 for Windows
Released: Nov 2001
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82BX09.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-006241 Memory Leak may be experienced in WebAF when accessing MDDB 82BA22
Install Instructions: 82BA22wn.txt
Download: 82BA22 for Windows   (File Size: 1.1M)
Top ^

82BA23 was replaced by 82BC05

82BA24 was replaced by 82BC12

82BA25 for Windows
Released: Aug 2001
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82BX09.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-005146 MDDB Error When Running Middleware Server With IOM Connection 82BA25
Install Instructions: 82BA25wn.txt
Download: 82BA25 for Windows   (File Size: 1.9M)
Top ^

82BA27 for Windows
Released: Jul 2001
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82BX09.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-004364 Master/Detail application may no longer be in sync and produce programhalt in the log 82BA27
SN-004433 Unable to find a value that contains double quotes in Datalistc/n window 82BA27
Install Instructions: 82BA27wn.txt
Download: 82BA27 for Windows   (File Size: 3.5M)
Top ^

82BA28 was replaced by 82BC24

82BA29 was replaced by 82BC07

82BA30 was replaced by 82SH09

82BA32 was replaced by 82BB12

82BA33 was replaced by 82BC24

82BA34 for Windows
Released: Jun 2002
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82BX09.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-005030 Using the DROP= (or KEEP=) option with NODUPKEY in PROC SORT may requireFORCE option 82BA34
Install Instructions: 82BA34wn.txt
Download: 82BA34 for Windows   (File Size: 1.1M)
Top ^

82BA35 for Windows
Released: Jul 2001
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82BX09.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-005323 $BIDIw. format for bi-directional text processing 82BA35
Install Instructions: 82BA35wn.txt
Download: 82BA35 for Windows   (File Size: 1.1M)
Top ^

82BA36 was replaced by 82BB46

82BA37 for Windows
Released: Jul 2001
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82BX09.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-005317 Unable to delete a directory greater than 2 gig from the Explorer Window 82BA37
Install Instructions: 82BA37wn.txt
Download: 82BA37 for Windows   (File Size: 1.1M)
Top ^

82BA38 was replaced by 82BB57

82BA40 was replaced by 82BC24

82BA41 for Windows
Released: Aug 2001
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82BX09.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-005408 $ASCIIw. informat may overwrite other variables 82BA41
Install Instructions: 82BA41wn.txt
Download: 82BA41 for Windows   (File Size: 1.1M)
Top ^

82BA42 was replaced by 82BB97

82BA44 was replaced by 82BB97

82BA45 was replaced by 82BC24

82BA46 was replaced by 82BC41

82BA47 was replaced by 82BC42

82BA48 for Windows
Released: Sep 2001
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82BX09.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-005884 Strategic Vision fails in SBCS when using the functions KSUBSTRB andKLENGTH 82BA48
Install Instructions: 82BA48wn.txt
Download: 82BA48 for Windows   (File Size: 1.1M)
Top ^

82BA49 was replaced by 82BC34

82BA50 was replaced by 82BC41

82BA51 was replaced by 82BB97

82BA53 was replaced by 82BC23

82BA54 was replaced by 82BB97

82BA56 was replaced by 82BB12

82BA58 was replaced by 82BC07

82BA59 was replaced by 82BC41

82BA61 for Windows
Released: Jan 2002
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82BX09.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-004167 MDMDDB interface enhanced for defining racking metadata 82BA03
SN-006476 Problems with newly added Racking functionality in MDMDDB 82BA61
Install Instructions: 82BA61wn.txt
Download: 82BA61 for Windows   (File Size: 1.3M)
Top ^

82BA62 was replaced by 82BC24

82BA63 was replaced by 82BC07

82BA64 was replaced by 82BB92

82BA67 was replaced by 82BC10

82BA68 was replaced by 82BC27

82BA71 was replaced by 82BC21

82BA72 for Windows
Released: Apr 2002
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82BX09.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-006752 PROC COPY of an MDDB greater than 2g in size to an HFS file may resultin S0C4 abend in E7CWRIT 82BA72
Install Instructions: 82BA72wn.txt
Download: 82BA72 for Windows   (File Size: 1.1M)
Top ^

82BA73 was replaced by 82BB57

82BA74 was replaced by 82BB12

82BA78 was replaced by 82BC24

82BA80 was replaced by 82BB97

82BA82 for Windows
Released: Apr 2002
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82BX09.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-007057 Segmentation Violation may occur with multiple array aliasing in PROCNLIN 82BA82
Install Instructions: 82BA82wn.txt
Download: 82BA82 for Windows   (File Size: 1.3M)
Top ^

82BA83 was replaced by 82BB97

82BA84 was replaced by 82BC09

82BA85 was replaced by 82BC41

82BA87 was replaced by 82BC07

82BA88 was replaced by 82BB51

82BA91 was replaced by 82BC05

82BA92 was replaced by 82BC12

82BA93 for Windows
Released: May 2002
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82BX09.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-007062 WHERE Expression window may not create subset if column name contains"PUT" 82BA93
Install Instructions: 82BA93wn.txt
Download: 82BA93 for Windows   (File Size: 1.5M)
Top ^

82BA96 was replaced by 82BB57

82BA98 was replaced by 82BB46

82BA99 was replaced by 82BC41

82BB01 was replaced by 82BC32

82BB02 was replaced by 82BC07

82BB03 was replaced by 82BC42

82BB04 was replaced by 82BB12

82BB06 was replaced by 82BC24

82BB08 was replaced by 82BC12

82BB10 was replaced by 82BB92

82BB12 for Windows
Released: Nov 2002
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82BX09.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-004619 Risk Dimensions documentation will not display after SAS System Helphas been invoked 82BA32
SN-005042 Margin settings are ignored in Release 8.2. 82BA32
SN-005201 Read-access violation submitting a simple data step on Windows ME 82BA32
SN-005938 The SAS system abends after you select File from the menu bar 82BA56
SN-004882 FIND and REPEAT FIND (RFIND) keys do not work in the Enhanced Editor inRelease 8.2 82BA56
SN-006943 ALERT - Combo Box may not display blank value using Dropdown List 82BA74
SN-007007 Abnormal SAS termination entering a long string in a Text Pad Control 82BA74
SN-007766 ALERT - When opening SAS System Help 8.2, browser opens and "The page cannot befound" error message appears 82BB04
SN-008335 Scrolling the wheel of an Intelli Mouse while the END command is issuedcrashes SAS 82BB12
SN-008755 Webhound child processes may hang during the reporting phase 82BB12
Install Instructions: 82BB12wn.txt
Download: 82BB12 for Windows   (File Size: 1.7M)
Top ^

82BB13 for Windows
Released: Nov 2002
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82BX09.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-008454 Invalid Operation Error may occur in PROC UNIVARIATE with a HISTOGRAMstatement 82BB13
Install Instructions: 82BB13wn.txt
Download: 82BB13 for Windows   (File Size: 1.4M)
Top ^

82BB14 was replaced by 82BC41

82BB16 was replaced by 82BC24

82BB17 was replaced by 82BB35

82BB18 for Windows
Released: Jan 2003
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82BX09.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-006354 Using Syncsort with the SAS System for Windows 82BA21
Install Instructions: 82BB18wn.txt
Download: 82BB18 for Windows   (File Size: 1.1M)
Top ^

82BB19 for Windows
Released: Nov 2002
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82BX09.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-008686 Only one revision is saved when entry name length is greater than 40 82BB19
Install Instructions: 82BB19wn.txt
Download: 82BB19 for Windows   (File Size: 1.7M)
Top ^

82BB25 was replaced by 82BC27

82BB26 was replaced by 82BC19

82BB27 was replaced by 82BB80

82BB28 was replaced by 82BB66

82BB29 was replaced by 82BB79

82BB31 was replaced by 82BB35

82BB32 was replaced by 82BC24

82BB33 was replaced by 82BB46

82BB35 for Windows
Released: Feb 2003
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82BX09.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-008405 Write-access violation error message appears when reading file with URLengine 82BB17
SN-008973 Problems reading redirected web pages with the URL engine 82BB31
SN-008974 Problems using the URL engine to read web pages from sites that setcookies 82BB31
SN-009209 HTTP 1.1 support for URL access method 82BB35
Install Instructions: 82BB35wn.txt
Download: 82BB35 for Windows   (File Size: 1.1M)
Top ^

82BB37 was replaced by 82BB97

82BB39 was replaced by 82BB57

82BB40 for Windows
Released: Feb 2003
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82BX09.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-009445 TOOLKIT engine may not properly handle member names over 8 characters 82BB40
Install Instructions: 82BB40wn.txt
Download: 82BB40 for Windows   (File Size: 1.1M)
Top ^

82BB41 was replaced by 82BC41

82BB42 was replaced by 82BC24

82BB44 was replaced by 82BC07

82BB46 for Windows
Released: Jul 2003
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82BX09.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-005210 ALERT - LINE statement may display incorrect data with COMPUTE BEFORE and theFLOW option 82BA36
SN-005223 BREAK statement and GROUP under an ACROSS may cause an error 82BA36
SN-005211 ALERT - GROUP values under ACROSS may be missing if BREAK/COMPUTE AFTER variableis requested 82BA36
SN-005767 ALERT - Nested ACROSS variables may result in system specific errors 82BA36
SN-005770 ALERT - Row variable values may be printed under wrong variable column 82BA36
SN-005766 ALERT - Rows of data may be missing from output with multiple ACROSS variablesin PROC REPORT 82BA36
SN-007784 ALERT - PROC REPORT quantile values may be incorrect 82BA98
SN-007785 ALERT - ACROSS values may be missing in the REPORT WINDOW of PROC REPORT 82BA98
SN-007786 BY statement in PROC REPORT may cause memory problems 82BA98
SN-007888 ALERT - All but the first column under an ACROSS variable may contain missingvalues 82BA98
SN-005776 CALL DEFINE specified in COMPUTE block may produce an abend 82BA98
SN-009218 ALERT - Data missing when ANALYSIS variable is requested over multiple ACROSSvariables 82BB33
SN-009829 PROC REPORT _PAGE_ location LINE statements are missing when onlysummary rows are printed on a page 82BB46
SN-010063 PROC REPORT option NOCOMPLETECOLS may apply only to last variable listedunder a nested ACROSS 82BB46
SN-010051 Label for OTHER format range may display in RBREAK summary line 82BB46
Install Instructions: 82BB46wn.txt
Download: 82BB46 for Windows   (File Size: 1.3M)
Top ^

82BB49 for Windows
Released: May 2003
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82BX09.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-009781 ALERT - Update may be lost if modify input field and then scroll with PageDownor PageUp 82BB49
Install Instructions: 82BB49wn.txt
Download: 82BB49 for Windows   (File Size: 1.2M)
Top ^

82BB50 was replaced by 82BC34

82BB51 for Windows
Released: May 2003
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82BX09.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-007089 ALERT - Edits to wrapped data values in VIEWTABLE may be lost 82BA88
SN-009978 VIEWTABLE may abnormally terminate when tabbing across a locked row 82BB51
SN-009681 ALERT - When data values wrap row of data may become corrupt after editing inVIEWTABLE 82BB51
Install Instructions: 82BB51wn.txt
Download: 82BB51 for Windows   (File Size: 1.2M)
Top ^

82BB57 for Windows
Released: Jul 2003
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82BX09.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-004660 Library used by DATA step view executing on SAS/SHARE Server remainslocked 82BA38
SN-005758 ALERT - Assignment statements using Boolean logic may produce incorrect results 82BA38
SN-004681 ALERT - UNEXPECTED ERROR occurs when running a selection rule that references adynamic SAS modeling score 82BA38
SN-007025 Memory overlay possible with $CHARw., $ASCIIw., and $EBCDICw. informatsand character variable length mismatch 82BA73
SN-004659 ALERT - DATA step view containing Boolean comparisons can return incorrectresults 82BA96
SN-009334 Error occurred in the code generation subsystem during program load 82BB39
SN-010252 Segmentation violation using the FILEVAR= option with the FTP engine ona FILE statement 82BB57
Install Instructions: 82BB57wn.txt
Download: 82BB57 for Windows   (File Size: 1.3M)
Top ^

82BB59 was replaced by 82BB79

82BB61 was replaced by 82BB97

82BB62 was replaced by 82BC12

82BB64 was replaced by 82BC10

82BB65 for Windows
Released: Jul 2003
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82BX09.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-010386 "ERROR: Invalid Argument" or incorrect results when using ZIP codefunctions 82BB65
Install Instructions: 82BB65wn.txt
Download: 82BB65 for Windows   (File Size: 1.1M)
Top ^

82BB66 for Windows
Released: Jul 2003
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82BX09.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-006316 Run-time error '-2147217407 (80041004)':Error: The requested function was not performed due to an invalid orexpired product license. 82BB28
SN-008938 No results returned or connection fails when opening an OLE DBConnection in ArcCATALOG or ArcMAP 82BB28
SN-010442 Unable to navigate file system in Enterprise Guide. 82BB66
SN-010480 .NET applications may fail when using IOM methods that make use ofdatetime values. 82BB66
Install Instructions: 82BB66wn.txt
Download: 82BB66 for Windows   (File Size: 1.1M)
Top ^

82BB70 was replaced by 82BC41

82BB73 was replaced by 82BC23

82BB74 was replaced by 82BC24

82BB75 for Windows
Released: Oct 2003
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82BX09.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-010789 Batch job ends with RC=0 when uncompiled or nonexistant SCL fails toexecute 82BB75
Install Instructions: 82BB75wn.txt
Download: 82BB75 for Windows   (File Size: 1.2M)
Top ^

82BB77 was replaced by 82BC05

82BB78 was replaced by 82BC27

82BB79 for Windows
Released: Oct 2003
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82BX09.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-006975 The SAS System Release 8.2 PC Spawner Program may stop runningunexpectedly 82BB29
SN-010003 Multiple SAS/CONNECT PC Spawner Programs can be run at the same time 82BB59
SN-010237 Hotfix 82bb52 causes SAS/CONNECT SIGNON problems 82BB59
SN-011006 Attempting to run multiple Spawners may fail. 82BB79
Install Instructions: 82BB79wn.txt
Download: 82BB79 for Windows   (File Size: 1.1M)
ATTENTION: Before installing the updated spawner included in this hot fix, you must first delete the existing spawner service and re-install it after applying this hot fix. Failing to do so will prevent this hot fix from working properly. Refer to TS-638 for additional information about installing the PC spawner program.
Top ^

82BB80 for Windows
Released: Nov 2003
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82BX09.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-009317 Using the LIKE condition with an escape sequence against an indexedcolumn returns 0 matches 82BB27
SN-011266 SQL join using LIKE syntax on variables fails with Illegal Instructionerror 82BB80
Install Instructions: 82BB80wn.txt
Download: 82BB80 for Windows   (File Size: 1.1M)
Top ^

82BB82 was replaced by 82BC42

82BB84 was replaced by 82BB97

82BB85 was replaced by 82BC27

82BB88 for Windows
Released: Mar 2004
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82BX09.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-004576 ALERT - IN operator in PROC SQL sometimes gives incorrect results 82BA13
SN-011805 Result of assignment of an array element may be incorrect 82BB88
Install Instructions: 82BB88wn.txt
Download: 82BB88 for Windows   (File Size: 1.1M)
Top ^

82BB90 for Windows
Released: Mar 2004
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82BX09.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-011798 Memory leak accessing Excel data using OLE Automation 82BB90
Install Instructions: 82BB90wn.txt
Download: 82BB90 for Windows   (File Size: 1.1M)
Top ^

82BB91 for Windows
Released: Apr 2004
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82BX09.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-011620 Data set password no longer valid after transporting SAS libraries withCPORT/CIMPORT 82BB91
Install Instructions: 82BB91wn.txt
Download: 82BB91 for Windows   (File Size: 1.2M)
Top ^

82BB92 for Windows
Released: Apr 2004
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82BX09.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-011902 Error: Unable to bind to port xxxx (10038 - WSAENOTSOCK) when startingthe Object Spawner 82BB92
Install Instructions: 82BB92wn.txt
Download: 82BB92 for Windows   (File Size: 1.1M)
ATTENTION: To complete the installation of Integration Technologies hot fix 82IH17 on Windows, this hot fix (82BB92) must also be applied. The Integration Technologies object spawner will not work without both 82IH17 and 82BB92 applied.
Top ^

82BB93 was replaced by 82BC09

82BB94 was replaced by 82BC24

82BB96 was replaced by 82BC42

82BB97 for Windows
Released: Jun 2004
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82BX09.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-004574 Spanned headers in PROC REPORT may cause incorrect cellwidth when usingODS 82BA10
SN-004501 PROC TABULATE repeats statistics in all ODS destinations except listingand output data sets 82BA10
SN-004756 ODS RTF and ODS PRINTER may take a long time to process 82BA10
SN-005256 Column headers may wrap incorrectly when generating output with the ODSRTF destination 82BA10
SN-005950 ODS PDF does not render Latin1 (ISO 8859-1) encoding correctly 82BA54
SN-005951 ODS PDF and RTF can not produce double-byte encoded output 82BA54
SN-005949 ODS PDF will only use Times, Helvetica, and Courier as default font 82BA54
SN-005596 Output data set may not be generated when using the ODS OUTPUT statement 82BA44
SN-009281 The OVERPRINT system option does not work correctly with the ODS PRINTERand PDF destinations 82BB37
SN-010318 User-defined format can not be updated when applied to a variablecreated with ODS OUTPUT 82BB61
SN-010411 ALERT - Customized template may cause observations to not appear in ODS PRINTERoutput 82BB61
SN-005994 Using a PREIMAGE= specification and STARTPAGE= with ODS PRINTER causeserrors 82BB61
SN-009366 ODS PRINTER does not close registry keys properly 82BB84
SN-012168 Gaining file compression with ODS PDF in SAS 8.2 82BB97
SN-005481 "File is damaged but is being repaired" message when opening PDF filescreated by ODS 82BB97
SN-005486 PDF output generated with ODS and the DATA step may have columns withincorrect alignment 82BB97
SN-012125 Setting CONTENTS= to null using ODS PDF generates errors 82BB97
SN-005089 Recursive node generated in PDF table of contents when DESCRIPTION= orCONTENTS= options set to null 82BB97
SN-006634 Errors generated when multiple styles applied to ODS PDF output 82BB97
SN-011001 Viewing PDF files with Adobe Reader 6.0 may display strange characters 82BB97
SN-012660 Creating links to other pages from within a PDF file created by ODS 82BB97
SN-006928 Page breaks suppressed using a null TITLE statement and NONUMBER andNODATE options 82BB97
Install Instructions: 82BB97wn.txt
Download: 82BB97 for Windows   (File Size: 2.1M)
Top ^

82BB98 was replaced by 82BC27

82BB99 was replaced by 82BC09

82BC01 for Windows
Released: Jul 2004
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-012361 Production version of the enhanced XML Engine is available for SAS 8.2via hotfix 82BC01
Install Instructions: 82BC01wn.txt
Download: 82BC01 for Windows   (File Size: 1.4M)
ATTENTION: If you downloaded hot fix 82BC01 for Windows before July 30, 2004, you must download and re-install this hot fix.
Top ^

82BC02 was replaced by 82BC24

82BC05 for Windows
Released: Jul 2004
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82BX09.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-004155 ALERT - Value in combo box may display incorrectly when using Pageup/Pagedownkeys 82BA17
SN-006146 May receive ERROR: Parameter 1 to method setcamText was not character 82BA23
SN-006942 ALERT - Value may not be stored with combo box using Dropdown List 82BA91
SN-010956 Memory is not freed when terminating all objects in a Work Area 82BB77
Install Instructions: 82BC05wn.txt
Download: 82BC05 for Windows   (File Size: 1.2M)
Top ^

82BC06 was replaced by 82BC32

82BC07 for Windows
Released: Sep 2004
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82BX09.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-004969 Incorrect results returned when using the LIBNAME statement or ACCESSview to query a DBMS 82BA29
SN-006278 "ERROR: The maximum number of DBMS opens for this engine has beenreached" 82BA58
SN-005276 Error joining multiple ACCESS views or DBMS tables from differentlibrefs with CONNECTION=GLOBALSHARED 82BA63
SN-009683 New DB2 LIBNAME option to reduce number of concurrent DB2 threads 82BB44
SN-012757 SAS/ACCESS query may return incorrect results when duplicate variablenames exist 82BC07
Install Instructions: 82BC07wn.txt
Download: 82BC07 for Windows   (File Size: 1.2M)
Top ^

82BC08 was replaced by 82BC41

82BC09 for Windows
Released: Sep 2004
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82BX09.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-004378 Detail data not subsetted correctly when class variable value has an "="character 82BA05
SN-004379 Detail data may not be subsetted correctly after changing filter byvalues 82BA05
SN-004377 All variables may not be displayed when reaching through to the detaildata 82BA05
SN-004376 Download to spreadsheet may not work when class variable value containsan "&" character 82BA05
SN-004437 Reach Through to detail data in MDDB Report Viewer returns ERROR:Calling function DELLIST 82BA05
SN-006298 Javascript Error when analysis variables names are in mixed case 82BA05
SN-006300 Javascript Error on the Options page after viewing a Graph 82BA05
SN-006011 Java Script Error in MDDB Report Viewer 82BA05
SN-006301 Detail data is not subsetted when variable value contains "+" character 82BA05
SN-006297 Applying a filter may remove drilldown capabilities 82BA05
SN-006296 MDDB Report Viewer does not fully support secure server 82BA05
SN-004375 Filters may not work when you specify a label for the class variable 82BA05
SN-004858 MDDB Report Viewer problem when using Access Controls or AUTH=HOSTauthentication 82BA05
SN-006715 Filters may not be applied when class value contains special characters 82BA05
SN-006726 Statistic values may be shifted left in the MDDB Report Viewer 82BA05
SN-006727 Detail data returns only columns registered in the Repository for MRV 82BA05
SN-006728 Values unavailable by ACL may still be listed under MRV filters 82BA05
SN-006719 Error when using Access Control and Total are turned off 82BA05
SN-006718 Where Clause not applied to Detail Data correctly 82BA05
SN-006716 Graph may not display when Standard Graph GIF is selected 82BA05
SN-007047 After drilldown on a value with '+', applying a filter causes error 82BB93
SN-012367 Errors with filter functionality in MDDB Report Viewer 82BB99
SN-012821 Sorting fails in MDDB Report Viewer with custom statistic labels 82BB99
SN-012823 Down action occurs in MDDB Report Viewer with filters 82BB99
SN-012822 Graph Applet might fail when running MDDB Report Viewer hot fix 82bb93 82BB99
Install Instructions: 82BC09wn.txt
Download: 82BC09 for Windows   (File Size: 1.4M)
Top ^

82BC10 for Windows
Released: Oct 2004
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82BX09.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-004436 Assert Data error message after hiding statistic labels and expanding awebEIS report 82BA06
SN-005262 Column order may change after performing an Analysis Sort 82BA06
SN-005259 Error displaying a hierarchy level when all values are hidden 82BA06
SN-005260 Computed columns calculated from restricted analysis variables arevisible 82BA06
SN-005265 MDDB Table Exception invalid dimension error running with MiddlewareServer 82BA06
SN-005263 HOLAP Data Group Values marked SHOW in Access Control not found 82BA06
SN-004934 Holap data sources may not always be correctly joined 82BA06
SN-005668 Modifying column colors or fonts may not work and could generate errors 82BA06
SN-005670 ALERT - Formats on Computed Values are not honored using a Bookmark in WebEIS 82BA06
SN-003072 Values for a class variable that have been restricted in Access Controlmay display in Subset by Dimension window. 82BA06
SN-005669 Java exception received when accessing Bookmarks using Access Control 82BA06
SN-005671 ERROR: Invalid list item index message received in WebEIS using NUNIQUEand ACL 82BA06
SN-005196 Cannot register an MDDB if SAS/MDDB Server common products not licensed 82BA06
SN-005264 Informat not honored in WHERE statement of PROC SQL when using a StarSchema 82BA06
SN-007171 Olap reports may fail when using user-defined display formats and noinformats 82BA67
SN-007174 Mixed case variable names could generate error on _GET_UNIQUE_VALUES_ 82BA67
SN-007163 Columns Database not used when synchronizing MDDB metadata 82BA67
SN-007176 Only the computed values on current level of report get saved 82BA67
SN-007177 Drilling back up after applying a subset may not display correct report 82BA67
SN-007169 Metabase sort order not honored for registered MDDB tables 82BA67
SN-007179 Mixed case analysis variable used in a computed value may generateerrors 82BA67
SN-007168 Unable to programatically register computed columns with long names 82BA67
SN-007178 Computed values may not appear when level is expanded and subset applied 82BA67
SN-007180 Subset specified on a drill variable may not be applied 82BA67
SN-007181 Computed columns defined with mixed case analysis variable names may notdisplay 82BA67
SN-007042 Program halt in SASHELP.MDDB.TRANSLATE.SCL when EIS catalog notavailable 82BA67
SN-010373 ASSERT DATA and segmentation violation in task SASAZF errors whensorting MDDB column 82BB64
SN-013296 Analysis Variable sort is extremely slow 82BC10
Install Instructions: 82BC10wn.txt
Download: 82BC10 for Windows   (File Size: 2.4M)
Top ^

82BC11 was replaced by 82BC24

82BC12 for Windows
Released: Dec 2004
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82BX09.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-005070 Authentication through SSPI not functioning properly in SAS Release 8.2 82BA24
SN-004499 The UNIX and PC Spawner program using the -INHERITANCE option causesVQTCP FATAL ERROR messages 82BA92
SN-010354 ERROR: Administrator permission denied 82BB62
SN-010293 Kerberos SSPI authentication fails in SAS® 8.2 82BB62
SN-011759 WSAECONNREFUSED when using SAS Connect in 3270 Full Screen Mode (TN3270) 82BC12
Install Instructions: 82BC12wn.txt
Download: 82BC12 for Windows   (File Size: 1.2M)
Top ^

82BC13 for Windows
Released: Nov 2004
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82BX09.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-013669 PROC APPEND incorrectly sets SYSERR 82BC13
Install Instructions: 82BC13wn.txt
Download: 82BC13 for Windows   (File Size: 1.2M)
Top ^

82BC14 was replaced by 82BC41

82BC15 for Windows
Released: Dec 2004
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82BX09.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-013656 Using PROC SORT with the TAGSORT option causes a bus error or unalignedaccess messages 82BC15
Install Instructions: 82BC15wn.txt
Download: 82BC15 for Windows   (File Size: 1.1M)
Top ^

82BC17 was replaced by 82BC27

82BC18 was replaced by 82BC34

82BC19 for Windows
Released: Feb 2005
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82BX09.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-008880 Attachments within Form Viewer or Data Form are lost when frame is saved 82BB26
SN-004028 FRAME entry with custom tab order might become corrupted aftersynchronization 82BC19
Install Instructions: 82BC19wn.txt
Download: 82BC19 for Windows   (File Size: 1.3M)
Top ^

82BC20 was replaced by 82BC27

82BC21 for Windows
Released: Mar 2005
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-003691 SMTP email method ignores the -EMAILID option 82BA04
SN-013786 By default all EMAIL attachment filenames are given an extension 82BC21
Install Instructions: 82BC21wn.txt
Download: 82BC21 for Windows   (File Size: 1.1M)
Top ^

82BC23 for Windows
Released: Apr 2005
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-004359 ALERT - PROC MEANS/SUMMARY/TABULATE/REPORT may produce additional classificationgroups and not apply format to printed output 82BA09
SN-005747 PROC MEANS/SUMMARY may produce incorrect output with numeric CLASSvariables 82BA53
SN-010802 ALERT - PROC MEANS/SUMMARY produces null ID values in the output data set 82BB73
SN-014737 ALERT - PROC MEANS/SUMMARY incorrectly assigning missing value to weightedstatistic 82BC23
Install Instructions: 82BC23wn.txt
Download: 82BC23 for Windows   (File Size: 1.2M)
Top ^

82BC24 for Windows
Released: Dec 2005
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-005158 ALERT - IntrNet Application Server may crash on Windows 2000 82BA33
SN-010845 Windows 2000 SAS® Integration Technologies server terminates clientconnections 82BA33
SN-004509 ALERT - SAS/SHARE secured server fails to honor host security file access 82BA02
SN-005283 External I/O performance degradation 82BA02
SN-005048 Incorrect output results from PROC FORMAT with the MULTILABEL option 82BA02
SN-005384 Starting a SAS SSCU Service on Windows 2000 might result in the errormessage "Process terminated abnormally" 82BA02
SN-004316 WHERE returns incorrect number of observations 82BA02
SN-005243 CALL EXECUTE may truncate or repeat generated code 82BA02
SN-004992 Interrupting and cancelling a DATA step replaces exiting data set 82BA45
SN-005744 WHERE statement returns incorrect results 82BA45
SN-004633 "Error: The yieobtn function is not supported by the SASE7 engine" mightappear when you examine remote SQL views via the SQL dictionary table 82BA45
SN-005975 ERROR: Macro variable name & must start with a letter or underscore 82BA45
SN-006109 Exiting SAS within a macro window causes an infinite loop 82BA62
SN-006963 Values within %SYSFUNC on a %DO loop are incorrectly uppercased 82BA78
SN-006566 SAS SHARE server abends with S0C4 in VSRACR1 82BA78
SN-006847 COMPRESS=BINARY may cause problems 82BA78
SN-007001 Missing semicolon on a %LOCAL statement causes system specific errors 82BA78
SN-007193 "Erroneous internal condition encountered" when using SAS/SHARE 82BA78
SN-007953 SAS/SHARE server fails after multiple client attempts to update data set 82BB06
SN-008119 Error message generated when creating a V6 SAS data set from a DBMStable containing a character column greater than 200 bytes 82BB16
SN-004165 Catalog becomes corrupted leaving header information unreadable 82BB16
SN-008130 "Lock is not available" error message appears when running multiple SASjobs with data files pointing to the same directory 82BB16
SN-008902 Segmentation Violation or other abend possible when running SAS macrocode from within Risk Dimensions 82BB16
SN-008911 Macro causes errors when tokenizer reads past an end of line 82BB16
SN-008919 WHERE with user-written informat produces incorrect results 82BB32
SN-009349 Errors from EFI, PROC IMPORT, or PROC EXPORT followinghot fix installation 82BB32
SN-009294 Long character value might not be visible in the FSVIEW window 82BB32
SN-009299 PROC UNIVARIATE may abend with the PLOTS option and BY statement 82BB32
SN-009625 PROC TRANSPOSE produces errors when VALIDVARNAME=V6 is specified and82BX04 HotFix is applied 82BB32
SN-010150 Interrupting a SAS process can result in compromised data integrity 82BB42
SN-011148 PROC APPEND Abends with S0C4, U2096, Segmentation Violation, StackOverflow or Read/Write Access Violations in Task Append 82BB74
SN-011219 Error condition not trapped when 2K byte parameter limit ofSAS/Integration Technologies Stored Process facility is exceeded 82BB74
SN-011250 SAS/CONNECT's WAITFOR _ANY_ statement only waits for asynchronousprocesses 82BB74
SN-012376 ALERT - Stratified sample may be incorrect when DATA= and SAMPSIZE= read thesame indexed data set 82BB94
SN-012162 MODIFY Statement uses more I/O in Version 8 than in Version 6 82BB94
SN-012745 $EBCDIC. informat does not produce correct results in SAS 8.2 82BC02
SN-013275 The DATETIME() function might return incorrect values over DaylightSaving cutovers for long-running processes such as SAS/SHARE® servers 82BC02
SN-006334 Ending from Output window may return to Program Editor instead of the AFwindow 82BC11
SN-008832 SAS code in SUBMIT block may suspend execution 82BC11
SN-007336 Program Editor window may display on top of fullscreen window 82BC11
SN-013577 ALERT - WHERE clause returns incorrect results with overlapping ranges 82BC11
SN-015882 A DBCS character that contains the hexadecimal value for a single or doublequote might be misinterpreted by the SAS® tokenizer 82BC24
SN-016283 A Japanese character that contains the hex value for a single or doublequote may cause the Program Editor to have an incorrect color 82BC24
Install Instructions: 82BC24wn.txt
Download: 82BC24 for Windows   (File Size: 3.5M)
Top ^

82BC27 for Windows
Released: Jun 2005
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-004336 ERROR: Missing numeric suffix on numbered variable list 82BA68
SN-008830 LVARLEVEL and SORTLIST functions may not clear memory correctly 82BB25
SN-011715 ALERT - webEIS fails when accessing an MDDB containing THAI data and labels 82BB85
SN-012368 _CHANGEMETHOD calls in SAS/AF® applications might generate memory leak 82BB98
SN-010505 May receive Write Access violation when SYSTEM function executes CDcommand 82BC17
SN-013657 VIEWTABLE window may be slow to close after creating WHERE subset with"Lookup distinct values" 82BC17
SN-014134 Slow performance with FWRITE function in SAS Component Language 82BC20
SN-015187 Current token length warning when remote submitting long SAS statementfrom SCL program 82BC27
Install Instructions: 82BC27wn.txt
Download: 82BC27 for Windows   (File Size: 1.8M)
Top ^

82BC30 was replaced by 82BC41

82BC32 for Windows
Released: Sep 2005
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-006576 FTP filename engine fails from Win2000 and WinXP to MVS FTP host 82BB01
SN-012912 FTP engine may cause SAS to terminate abnormally 82BC32
Install Instructions: 82BC32wn.txt
Download: 82BC32 for Windows   (File Size: 1.1M)
Top ^

82BC34 for Windows
Released: Nov 2005
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-005606 Abend after modifying a Master/Detail application and clicking on aVersion 8 control 82BA49
SN-009979 Column label cells may not align properly in _createHTML output 82BB50
SN-013940 Decimal value entered in Table Viewer cell might not match decimal value displayed 82BC18
SN-016426 Special circumstance might clear a DropDownComboBox selection in a TableViewer Control in SAS 8.2 82BC34
Install Instructions: 82BC34wn.txt
Download: 82BC34 for Windows   (File Size: 1.9M)
Top ^

82BC38 for Windows
Released: Jan 2007
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-019166 Possible memory-related failures when using the CATALOG access method 82BC38
Install Instructions: 82BC38wn.txt
Download: 82BC38 for Windows   (File Size: 1.8M)
Top ^

82BC39 was replaced by 82BC41

82BC41 for Windows
Released: May 2007
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-004241 ALERT - PROC SQL may return incorrect number of observations when using uniqueindex 82BA07
SN-003976 Inconsistent results returned from the PROC SQL pass-through facilityversus the LIBNAME Access engine 82BA12
SN-005899 PROC SQL set operators UNION and OUTER UNION CORRESPONDING returnthe wrong number of rows when used with subqueries 82BA08
SN-005712 ERROR: where clause processing could not obtain memory 82BA46
SN-006247 Reflexive join operations which execute successfully using the SQLprocedure in previous releases of SAS fail in Release 8.2 82BA59
SN-006274 Error: sqlplan internal error: cannot find symbol RIFNOTE, var=1 tag=3occurs using SQL view 82BA59
SN-006741 PROC SQL syntax errors occur when using SET operators UNION and/or OUTERUNION CORR within subqueries 82BA85
SN-004536 PROC SQL UPDATE statement may use excessive CPU time 82BA85
SN-006773 Calls to the CONSTANT function can cause READ ACCESS violations in PROCSQL 82BA85
SN-004451 ALERT - Query submitted to DBMS may generate incorrect results 82BA85
SN-006403 "ERROR: Invalid position -2147483308 for utility file" may beissued when using PROC SQL against SAS/ACCESS SQL views 82BA85
SN-006582 Opening a PROC SQL view twice using %SYSFUNC(OPEN()) causes SAS toterminate and the Display Manager windows to disappear 82BA85
SN-006768 ALERT - Incorrect results from PROC SQL when a query contains the UNION operatorand subqueries 82BA85
SN-006624 SQLPLAN Internal Error occurs when grouping by variable created bysubquery 82BA85
SN-006772 ALERT - Incorrect results from PROC SQL when UNION operator used in a subquery 82BA85
SN-005608 SQL views cannot be used with procedures that do multipass processing 82BA85
SN-005808 PROC SQL ORDER BY uses additional disk space to cache intermediateutility file 82BA50
SN-006829 SAS 8.2 PROC SQL appears to loop when using multiple reflexive joinreferences 82BA85
SN-007824 Incorrect implicit pass-through SQL can be generated from PROC SQLqueries leading to incorrect results 82BA99
SN-007820 Dataset options IDXWHERE and IDXNAME available for use with PROC SQL 82BA99
SN-007319 ALERT - Downloading a SAS Version 6 data set using the V6TRANSPORT option maycorrupt data 82BA99
SN-007829 PROC SQL query containing boolean logic can return incorrect results inspecific cases 82BA99
SN-007827 Segmentation violation produced from PROC SQL query containingsubqueries where both a SAS data set and a DBMS table are referenced 82BA99
SN-007831 PROC SQL join of a view and a SAS data set can return different results 82BA99
SN-007822 Access violation or system abend when executing a PROC SQL direct joinagainst an Oracle table 82BA99
SN-007636 DISTINCT keyword in SQL subquery produces incorrect results or noresults in SAS/ACCESS to ODBC or SAS/ACCESS to DB2 82BA99
SN-007826 ALERT - PROC SQL generates incorrect pass through code when there are multipleOR'd expressions in the WHERE clause 82BA99
SN-007871 Password value is displayed in SAS log when defining an SQL view with aUSING clause which contains a password parameter 82BA99
SN-008356 Integer divide by zero error when displaying column with length of 32767 82BB14
SN-008314 SASHELP.VTABLE displays data set labels unexpectedly 82BB41
SN-007222 ALERT - Outer join of two (2) DBMS tables via a LIBNAME engine with WHERE clausesubsets may generate incorrect results 82BB41
SN-009491 Implicit SQL Passthru may drop important parenthesis from WHEREcondition 82BB41
SN-009727 Aliased columns in SQL views which perform a simple calculation maylose part of the condition 82BB41
SN-009529 Performing a COUNT or COUNT DISTINCT on a renamed column that is part ofa view may result in performance degradation 82BB41
SN-008877 ALERT - Incorrect results or abends in PROC SQL working with shortened numerics 82BB41
SN-010745 Part of join criteria is lost joining DBMS tables via LIBNAME engine 82BB70
SN-011220 Numeric literals in an ON clause with outer join of some DBMS tables maynot return correct results 82BB70
SN-011239 Final WHERE clause not included in the SQL to be proccessed by thedatabase when using the LIBNAME ACCESS engine 82BB70
SN-018349 "Error Fetching from Cursor" issued when accessing Oracle using PROC SQL 82BB70
SN-011210 Incorrect results from PROC SQL using WHERE= option with indexed tables 82BB70
SN-011802 "Error: sqlplan internal error" when joining a table with an inline view 82BB70
SN-012854 Using LIBNAME engine may result in an incorrect query being generated 82BC08
SN-009514 Accessing DBMS tables with column aliases defined via a view may preventimplicit pass-thru 82BC08
SN-012757 SAS/ACCESS query may return incorrect results when duplicate variablenames exist 82BC08
SN-012760 Applying hotfix 82BB70 causes SQLPLAN Internal Error 82BC08
SN-004451 ALERT - Query submitted to DBMS may generate incorrect results 82BC14
SN-015943 Installation of HOTFIX 82BC08 can cause performance degradation by notusing available index 82BC30
SN-017366 ALERT - The CV() function in PROC SQL returns missing values when the mean ofthe value is less than or equal to 0 82BC39
SN-020046 An error occurs when you apply hot-fix bundle 82bx09 in SAS® 8.2 and SAS®9.1.3 82BC41
Install Instructions: 82BC41wn.txt
Download: 82BC41 for Windows   (File Size: 2.2M)
Top ^

82BC42 for Windows
Released: Aug 2007
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-004606 PROC TABULATE abnormally terminates when the PRINTMISS option is used 82BA16
SN-005685 ALERT - PROC TABULATE may generate unweighted percentage with weighted analysisvariable 82BA47
SN-007709 PROC TABULATE prints 'AND' in page heading section of table in listingoutput 82BB03
SN-011373 Pages are ordered incorrectly when using ALL in the page dimension inTABULATE 82BB82
SN-012302 PROC TABULATE fails to produce error in the ODS destinations in SAS 8.2regarding limit on potential interactions 82BB96
SN-020359 Variable labels that contain multi-byte character set strings do notsplit correctly 82BC42
Install Instructions: 82BC42wn.txt
Download: 82BC42 for Windows   (File Size: 1.9M)
Top ^


82CT01 was replaced by 82CT09

82CT02 was replaced by 82CT09

82CT03 was replaced by 82CT09

82CT04 was replaced by 82CT09

82CT05 was replaced by 82CT09

82CT06 was replaced by 82CT09

82CT07 was replaced by 82CT09

82CT08 was replaced by 82CT09

82CT09 for Windows
Released: Jan 2004
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-005062 "Warning: Current token length of x is not supported; token has beentruncated" 82CT01
SN-006280 Transfer of catalogs between different host platforms causessegmentation violations 82CT02
SN-007725 SAS Stray Processes remaining on Remote Hosts 82CT05
SN-009775 'Write Access Violation in Task (CONNECT)' when performing a controlbreak of a PROC UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD within SAS/CONNECT 82CT06
SN-010167 Remote submit of 29 or more %sysrput statements may result in "OUT OFRESOURCES" error. 82CT07
SN-010727 Client/Server processes can hang when an asynchronous process abnormallyterminates 82CT08
SN-010655 RLS assignment after SIGNON causes Segmentation Violation 82CT08
SN-007758 HTML output is not visible in the RESULTS window when producing HTMLoutput from a remote submit 82CT09
Install Instructions: 82CT09wn.txt
Download: 82CT09 for Windows   (File Size: 1.2M)
ATTENTION: For this hot fix to be fully functional, it must be installed on both the Release 8.2 client and the Release 8.2 server.
Top ^


82ES01 for Windows
Released: Jun 2001
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-005228 Erroneous data exported to Excel with non-English regional settings 82ES01
Install Instructions: 82ES01wn.txt
Download: 82ES01 for Windows   (File Size: 4.3M)
Top ^

82ES02 for Windows
Released: Aug 2001
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-004491 Error running EIS Business Reports using summarized data 82ES02
Install Instructions: 82ES02wn.txt
Download: 82ES02 for Windows   (File Size: 1.4M)
Top ^


82DT01 for Windows
Released: Aug 2001
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-004968 ALERT - Replacement node results may depend upon the order of data values whenreplacing multiple values by existing data values 82DT01
Install Instructions: 82DT01wn.txt
Download: 82DT01 for Windows   (File Size: 1.3M)
Top ^

82DT02 for Windows
Released: Aug 2001
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-005639 Input Data Source Node fails with ACCESS engine LIBNAME specification 82DT02
Install Instructions: 82DT02wn.txt
Download: 82DT02 for Windows   (File Size: 1.2M)
Top ^

82DT04 for Windows
Released: Nov 2001
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-006161 ALERT - Predicted values from Neural Network may be incorrect for observationswith missing input values if a standardization method is specified 82DT04
Install Instructions: 82DT04wn.txt
Download: 82DT04 for Windows   (File Size: 1.4M)
Top ^

82DT05 for Windows
Released: Nov 2001
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-006224 Enterprise Miner may give error that the profile for target xxxx is notcompatible with incoming data 82DT05
Install Instructions: 82DT05wn.txt
Download: 82DT05 for Windows   (File Size: 1.4M)
Top ^

82DT06 for Windows
Released: Jan 2002
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-003568 ALERT - Specifying transaction window length may prevent some sequences frombeing detected 82DT06
Install Instructions: 82DT06wn.txt
Download: 82DT06 for Windows   (File Size: 1.1M)
Top ^

82DT07 for Windows
Released: Jan 2002
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-006570 Slow performance in Enterprise Miner when reading DBMS data 82DT07
Install Instructions: 82DT07wn.txt
Download: 82DT07 for Windows   (File Size: 1.9M)
Top ^

82DT08 for Windows
Released: Jan 2002
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-004335 Long dataset name containing underscore fails in Input Dataset node 82DT08
Install Instructions: 82DT08wn.txt
Download: 82DT08 for Windows   (File Size: 1.3M)
Top ^


82ET01 for Windows
Released: Sep 2001
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-005127 ALERT - Seasonal root test statistics and p-values are incorrect in the TimeSeries Forecasting System 82ET01
SN-005098 ALERT - Lag 0 seasonal Dickey-Fuller test statistics and p-values incorrect 82ET01
Install Instructions: 82ET01wn.txt
Download: 82ET01 for Windows   (File Size: 1.7M)
Top ^

82ET02 for Windows
Released: Mar 2004
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-011597 ALERT - Results are incorrect for models with transformed input variables 82ET02
Install Instructions: 82ET02wn.txt
Download: 82ET02 for Windows   (File Size: 1.9M)
Top ^

82ET03 for Windows
Released: Nov 2004
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-013491 ALERT - Differencing of dependent and independent variables may not be performedas specified 82ET03
Install Instructions: 82ET03wn.txt
Download: 82ET03 for Windows   (File Size: 1.5M)
Top ^


82FS01 was replaced by 82FS03

82FS02 was replaced by 82FS03

82FS03 for Windows
Released: Feb 2005
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-006147 Potential security exposure with SAS/FSP 82FS01
SN-010748 ALERT - Underscores or pad character may remain as part of value 82FS02
SN-014026 Generic critical error when resizing the FSVIEW window in X WindowSystem environment 82FS03
Install Instructions: 82FS03wn.txt
Download: 82FS03 for Windows   (File Size: 1.2M)
Top ^


82GN01 was replaced by 82GN03

82GN02 was replaced by 82GN03

82GN03 for Windows
Released: Dec 2003
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-008626 ALERT - The Chi-Square statistic in PROC FAMILY may be incorrectly reported forthe COMBINED STDT 82GN01
SN-008611 ALERT - Haplotype frequencies and linkage disequilibrium measures in PROC ALLELEmay be incorrectly reported 82GN01
SN-008644 ALERT - PROC FAMILY with RCTDT option and some missing genotypes may giveincorrect results 82GN01
SN-008629 ALERT - PROC FAMILY may incorrectly report TDT Chi-square results when the SDTand COMBINE options are also specified 82GN01
SN-008628 ALERT - PROC FAMILY with SDT option and one allele with zero contribution oftenincorrectly reports degrees of freedom for the SDT 82GN01
SN-008627 ALERT - PROC FAMILY reports incorrect results when using character variables 82GN01
SN-008625 ALERT - The Likelihood Ratio Test Statistic for the Marker-Trait Association inPROC HAPLOTYPE is incorrect 82GN01
SN-008624 ALERT - Tests for Haplotype-Trait Association table in PROC HAPLOTYPE mayreport incorrect chi-square and p-value 82GN01
SN-008620 The NDATA option causes the WHERE statement not to function with four ofthe SAS GENETICS procedures 82GN01
SN-008737 READ ACCESS VIOLATION may occur in PROC ALLELE when requesting linkagedisequilbrium measures 82GN01
SN-009096 ALERT - PROC ALLELE incorrectly computes haplotype frequencies when two locihave the same exact allele and genotype frequencies 82GN02
SN-011381 ALERT - PROC ALLELE generates floating point zero divide error 82GN03
Install Instructions: 82GN03wn.txt
Download: 82GN03 for Windows   (File Size: 1.2M)
Top ^


82GR01 was replaced by 82GR06

82GR02 for Windows
Released: Jan 2003
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-008888 Incorrect values returned from _GetLegendPosition method for Scattercontrol 82GR02
Install Instructions: 82GR02wn.txt
Download: 82GR02 for Windows   (File Size: 1.2M)
Top ^

82GR03 was replaced by 82GR06

82GR06 for Windows
Released: Jul 2003
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-008970 Browser session may be lost when using the SAS/GRAPH control for ActiveXdue to useless cookies 82GR01
SN-008969 "Out of Memory" errors may occur when using the SAS/GRAPH control forActiveX 82GR01
SN-005217 "ERROR: Unauthorized use of SAS/Graph ActiveX Controls" may occur whenusing the ActiveX control 82GR03
SN-009668 Various problems may occur when producing overlaid or subgroupedhigh/low charts with the ActiveX graph control 82GR03
SN-010296 When producing an ActiveX graph in RTF format, the legend may be lostwhen saving the RTF file with MS Word 82GR06
Install Instructions: 82GR06wn.txt
Download: 82GR06 for Windows   (File Size: 11.8M)
Top ^

82GR07 for Windows
Released: Feb 2004
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-007110 SAS/GRAPH Java applets do not load properly with Java plug-in 1.3.1_01or later 82GR07
Install Instructions: 82GR07wn.txt
Download: 82GR07 for Windows   (File Size: 2.5M)
Top ^

82GR09 for Windows
Released: Jul 2004
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-012514 PROC GREMOVE incorrectly defines polygons where holes should be 82GR09
Install Instructions: 82GR09wn.txt
Download: 82GR09 for Windows   (File Size: 1.1M)
Top ^


82ML01 for Windows
Released: Apr 2002
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-007033 ALERT - CALL SVD, GINV and HOMOGEN functions may return incorrect results 82ML01
Install Instructions: 82ML01wn.txt
Download: 82ML01 for Windows   (File Size: 1.1M)
Top ^

82ML02 was replaced by 82ML03

82ML03 for Windows
Released: Jan 2005
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-013523 IML MAD function may loop or hang 82ML02
SN-013913 IML MAD function can cause Privileged Instruction Violation 82ML03
Install Instructions: 82ML03wn.txt
Download: 82ML03 for Windows   (File Size: 1.2M)
Top ^

82ML04 for Windows
Released: May 2009
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-034587 ALERT - CALL EIGEN in the IML Procedure might modify the input matrix 82ML04
Install Instructions: 82ML04wn.txt
Download: 82ML04 for Windows   (File Size: 1.8M)
Top ^


82IH01 for Windows
Released: Jul 2001
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-003942 ALERT - Deleting data in the Data Grid of SAS® Enterprise Guide might modify the datain the remaining cells 82IH01
Install Instructions: 82IH01wn.txt
Download: 82IH01 for Windows   (File Size: 1.1M)
Top ^

82IH02 was replaced by 82IH12

82IH03 was replaced by 82IH10

82IH04 for Windows
Released: Oct 2001
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-006037 ListLibrefs method of SAS/Integration Technologies has limit of 50libraries 82IH04
Install Instructions: 82IH04wn.txt
Download: 82IH04 for Windows   (File Size: 1.1M)
Top ^

82IH09 was replaced by 82IH14

82IH10 for Windows
Released: May 2003
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-005484 Publishing to an HTTP 1.0 WebDAV-compliant server results in a hang. 82IH03
SN-005494 Publishing package is replaced when publishing to a WebDAV compliantserver 82IH03
SN-009495 Ability to publish with WEBDAV fails when publishing to a non-SAScollection 82IH10
Install Instructions: 82IH10wn.txt
Download: 82IH10 for Windows   (File Size: 1.5M)
Top ^

82IH12 for Windows
Released: Oct 2003
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-010493 SAS processes consume high CPU resources after client application isabnormally terminated 82IH12
Install Instructions: 82IH12wn.txt
Download: 82IH12 for Windows   (File Size: 1.1M)
Top ^

82IH14 for Windows
Released: Feb 2004
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-009451 Unexpected client termination during long running job hangs SAS session 82IH09
SN-011772 SHOW DETAIL against a large MDDB while simultaneously opening a tablemay cause SAS Human Capital Management to hang 82IH14
Install Instructions: 82IH14wn.txt
Download: 82IH14 for Windows   (File Size: 1.1M)
Top ^

82IH19 for Windows
Released: Feb 2005
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-007626 SAS IOM Server requires manual intervention to cancel orphaned or "hung"SAS process 82IH06
SN-011902 Error: Unable to bind to port xxxx (10038 - WSAENOTSOCK) when startingthe Object Spawner 82IH15
SN-013228 "Conversion of environment block failure" in ObjectSpawner log caused byObject Spawner not sizing DBCS Characters in the Windows environmentvariables correctly 82IH17
SN-013381 SIGHANDLER caught signal 20 or Segmentation Violation in Task (PEBridg) using Object Spawner 82IH18
SN-014312 SAS IOM WorkSpace Server may fail to launch when environment variablecontains DBCS in value 82IH19
Install Instructions: 82IH19wn.txt
Download: 82IH19 for Windows   (File Size: 1.3M)
ATTENTION (1): To complete the installation of this hot fix on Windows systems, you must also download and install hot fix 82BB92 for Windows. The Integration Technologies object spawner will not work without both 82IH19 and 82BB92 applied.
ATTENTION (2): Customers running on Solaris (32-bit SAS) should download 82IH21.
Top ^


82WB01 was replaced by 82WB03

82WB02 was replaced by 82WB03

82WB03 for Windows
Released: Jul 2003
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-009279 Hot fix provides SAS/IntrNet® Application Server SAS log enhancements 82WB02
SN-009217 IntrNet Application Server may crash on Broker disconnect 82WB02
Install Instructions: 82WB03wn.txt
Download: 82WB03 for Windows   (File Size: 1.2M)
Top ^


82MX01 for Windows
Released: Oct 2001
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-003983 "Failed to Execute MDX Query" error when attempting to open a cube using SAS®Enterprise Guide 82MX01
SN-005961 ALERT - Unable to open "library.cube(repository)" data when using Create MDDBtask in SAS® Enterprise Guide 82MX01
SN-005088 Garbage characters might appear in MDDB cells when viewing cubes in SAS®Enterprise Guide 82MX01
Install Instructions: 82MX01wn.txt
Download: 82MX01 for Windows   (File Size: 1.4M)
Top ^


82QC01 was replaced by 82QC05

82QC02 for Windows
Released: Jan 2003
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-004863 The column headings on the parameters tab under FIT DETAILS areincorrectly labeled in the ADX Interface 82QC02
SN-008913 ALERT - Design Points on the Residual Plots may not be plotted and plots may notbe updated in the ADX Interface 82QC02
Install Instructions: 82QC02wn.txt
Download: 82QC02 for Windows   (File Size: 3.6M)
Top ^

82QC03 for Windows
Released: Jan 2003
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-004864 ALERT - The mean response values are incorrectly displayed in cube plots andfactorial plots in the ADX Interface 82QC03
Install Instructions: 82QC03wn.txt
Download: 82QC03 for Windows   (File Size: 1.2M)
Top ^

82QC04 for Windows
Released: May 2003
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-009835 ALERT - PROC OPTEX fails to output correct design with the NUMBER=*BEST optionson the OUTPUT statement when using CRITERION=A 82QC04
Install Instructions: 82QC04wn.txt
Download: 82QC04 for Windows   (File Size: 1.2M)
Top ^

82QC05 for Windows
Released: Feb 2004
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-005428 ALERT - Interval censoring syntax may lead to incorrect results 82QC01
SN-011688 Unable to Read Utility File and/or Read Access Violation error(s) withbinomial or Poisson analysis 82QC05
Install Instructions: 82QC05wn.txt
Download: 82QC05 for Windows   (File Size: 1.4M)
Top ^


82RI05 was replaced by 82RI09

82RI06 was replaced by 82RI09

82RI08 was replaced by 82RI09

82RI09 for Windows
Released: Sep 2005
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-009079 ALERT - Missing simulated risk factor values result in incorrect informationmeasure and ERROR: Floating Point Overflow 82RI05
SN-010268 Some currencies codes are not supported 82RI06
SN-013938 Support for the Turkish Lira currency code in SAS® Risk Dimensions® 82RI08
SN-016115 SAS Risk Dimensions 3.3 - The Romanian New Leu is Not Supported 82RI09
SN-015769 SAS Risk Dimensions 3.3 - If a project contains a scenario simulationthat does not affect the portfolio value, the project stops and allother analyses are skipped 82RI09
SN-016114 Tolerance for Non Positive Semi Definite Covariance Matrix can not beset in SAS Risk Dimensions 3.3 82RI09
Install Instructions: 82RI09wn.txt
Download: 82RI09 for Windows   (File Size: 1.9M)
ATTENTION: Risk Dimensions Release 3.3 must be applied before installing this hot fix.
Top ^


82SH01 was replaced by 82SH09

82SH02 was replaced by 82SH09

82SH03 was replaced by 82SH09

82SH04 was replaced by 82SH09

82SH05 was replaced by 82SH09

82SH06 was replaced by 82SH09

82SH07 was replaced by 82SH09

82SH08 was replaced by 82SH09

82SH09 for Windows
Released: Jan 2006
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-004909 Cross-architecture catalog access fails to reflect updates by samearchitect clients in a SAS/SHARE environment 82BA30
SN-006581 Cross-architecture RLS catalog access fails to reflect updates by serverside in a SAS/CONNECT environment 82BA30
SN-005507 Loop in SAS/SHARE server with Yielding to Wait messages 82SH01
SN-006053 ALERT - Concurrent updates against shared data on a SAS/SHARE server mightcompromise data integrity 82SH01
SN-005185 "WZX: conversion buffer overflowed" error with SAS/CONNECT RLS 82SH02
SN-005745 ALERT - Version 6 data set header corruption by Version 8 SAS/SHAREcross-architecture client 82SH02
SN-005694 ALERT - VIEWTABLE, Table Viewer, and Data Table WHERE clauses might returnincorrect results through SAS/CONNECT RLS 82SH02
SN-006387 ALERT - Explicit locking against Version 6 SAS/SHARE server can compromise dataintegrity 82SH02
SN-005187 "WZX: conversion buffer overflowed" error with SAS/SHARE RLS 82SH02
SN-005697 ALERT - VIEWTABLE, Table Viewer, and Data Table WHERE clauses might returnincorrect results through SAS/SHARE RLS 82SH02
SN-007225 Using PROC FSEDIT with a WHERE statement in SAS/SHARE across platformsand releases generates error message 82SH04
SN-006337 Memory abends may occur when processing SAS data with a WHERE clausethrough remote library services. 82SH05
SN-009498 CLOSE function through REMOTE engine abends CONNECT server side 82SH06
SN-009371 KEY= value not found in SAS/SHARE cross-platform and cross-releaseenvironment 82SH06
SN-009499 CLOSE function through REMOTE engine abends SHARE server side 82SH06
SN-009549 "Library damaged" error message appears when reading large catalog entrythrough REMOTE engine 82SH06
SN-007490 PROC OPERATE and DISPLAY USER returning two rows of output to SAS/SHAREserver SAS Log 82SH06
SN-010004 Creating new catalog via RLS (Remote Library Services) throughSAS/CONNECT results in appending to existing catalog 82SH07
SN-010876 ALERT - S0C4 in SAS/SHARE Server 82SH07
SN-011360 PROC SQL with SHARE via XMS produces incorrect results 82SH07
SN-014465 "WARNING: Task is in hold-term" 82SH08
SN-016778 ALERT - The NOALLOC option is not completely honored for a server in certain cases 82SH09
Install Instructions: 82SH09wn.txt
Download: 82SH09 for Windows   (File Size: 2.2M)
Top ^


82ST01 for Windows
Released: Jun 2001
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82SX02.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-004841 ALERT - PROC CALIS produces incorrect results if an INWGT= data set is specifiedwhen METHOD=GLS 82ST01
Install Instructions: 82ST01wn.txt
Download: 82ST01 for Windows   (File Size: 1.7M)
Top ^

82ST02 was replaced by 82ST15

82ST03 was replaced by 82ST19

82ST04 for Windows
Released: Aug 2001
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82SX02.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-005120 ALERT - Incorrect standard errors and parameter tests possible with NOPRINT andLACKFIT options 82ST04
Install Instructions: 82ST04wn.txt
Download: 82ST04 for Windows   (File Size: 1.3M)
Top ^

82ST05 was replaced by 82ST14

82ST06 was replaced by 82ST11

82ST07 was replaced by 82ST14

82ST08 was replaced by 82ST19

82ST09 was replaced by 82ST11

82ST10 was replaced by 82ST14

82ST11 for Windows
Released: May 2002
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82SX02.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-005560 ALERT - Incorrect standard errors for repeated, multinomial models 82ST06
SN-006439 ALERT - Incorrect results when BY statement and AGGREGATE= option used together 82ST09
SN-007104 ALERT - Incorrect results with FREQ and/or WEIGHT statement when DIST=NEGBIN 82ST11
SN-007143 ALERT - Weights incorrectly applied when REPEATED statement is used 82ST11
SN-007297 ALERT - Incorrect results possible when the REPEATED statement is used with aFREQ or WEIGHT statement 82ST11
Install Instructions: 82ST11wn.txt
Download: 82ST11 for Windows   (File Size: 1.3M)
Top ^

82ST13 for Windows
Released: Jul 2002
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82SX02.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-007028 ALERT - Incorrect results from IPF estimation if response variable has more than256 levels 82ST13
SN-007732 Abnormal Termination in PROC CATMOD when response effects have longvariable names 82ST13
Install Instructions: 82ST13wn.txt
Download: 82ST13 for Windows   (File Size: 1.2M)
Top ^

82ST14 for Windows
Released: Oct 2002
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82SX02.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-005594 NLIN may give Error: Could not compute the change vector and fail toconverge 82ST05
SN-005692 PROC NLIN may give a Floating Point Zero Divide error with a BOUNDS 82ST07
SN-006607 PROC NLIN may terminate abnormally if ARRAY variables begin with "der" 82ST10
SN-006626 Invalid Operation error possible with BOUNDS and OUTPUT statements inPROC NLIN 82ST10
SN-008501 NLIN may terminate with a Floating Point Overflow when a weight is used 82ST14
Install Instructions: 82ST14wn.txt
Download: 82ST14 for Windows   (File Size: 1.2M)
Top ^

82ST15 for Windows
Released: Nov 2002
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82SX02.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-004855 ALERT - NEGBIN Distribution Produces Incorrect Results in PROC NLMIXED 82ST02
SN-008683 PROC NLMIXED fails to process all levels of BY variable when a floatingpoint overflow error occurs 82ST15
SN-008759 ALERT - PROC NLMIXED may display incorrect labels for some by-groups 82ST15
Install Instructions: 82ST15wn.txt
Download: 82ST15 for Windows   (File Size: 1.5M)
Top ^

82ST16 for Windows
Released: Nov 2002
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82SX02.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-008764 ALERT - PROC GLM may not compute the correct error sums of squares when solvingthe Expected Mean Squares for RANDOM effects 82ST16
Install Instructions: 82ST16wn.txt
Download: 82ST16 for Windows   (File Size: 1.4M)
Top ^

82ST17 for Windows
Released: Aug 2003
This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle 82SX02.
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-010513 Out of memory error may occur when running PROC CLUSTER with a largedistance matrix as input 82ST17
Install Instructions: 82ST17wn.txt
Download: 82ST17 for Windows   (File Size: 1.1M)
Top ^

82ST18 was replaced by 82ST19

82ST19 for Windows
Released: Aug 2006
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-005135 ALERT - PROC MIXED Produces Incorrect Satterthwaite or KR Degrees of Freedomwith TYPE=FA0(2) on RANDOM Statement and a profile residual variance 82ST03
SN-005132 ALERT - PROC MIXED May Report Wrong Satterthwaite or KR Degrees of Freedom withHeterogeneous Covariance Structures on the RANDOM statement 82ST03
SN-005780 ALERT - The DDFM=SATTERTHWAITE option can cause incorrect results when used inthe presence of both a RANDOM and a REPEATED statement 82ST08
SN-011543 ALERT - The HTYPE=2 option on the MODEL statement in PROC MIXED producesincorrect results 82ST18
SN-011541 ALERT - Incorrect Parameter Estimates When Same Variable List Used on RandomStatement and Model Statement 82ST18
SN-011540 ALERT - ASYCOV Matrix May Be Computed Incorrectly When Scoring Does Not Stop 82ST18
SN-011542 ALERT - Incorrect Covariance Parameter Estimates When LOCAL Option Used withKronecker Product Structures on REPEATED Statement 82ST18
SN-017503 ALERT - Incorrect results with RANDOM statement and TYPE=SP() when random effectinvolves a continuous effect 82ST19
SN-017255 ALERT - PROC MIXED can produce incorrect results for CONTRAST or ESTIMATEstatement involving levels of random effects 82ST19
SN-017511 ALERT - Incorrect output when REPEATED statement uses TYPE=ANTE(1) and data notsorted by repeated effect within each subject 82ST19
Install Instructions: 82ST19wn.txt
Download: 82ST19 for Windows   (File Size: 2.1M)
Top ^


82TM01 for Windows
Released: Nov 2002
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-008579 Processing error occurs when using Text Miner node in Enterprise Miner 82TM01
SN-008600 Text Miner node appears to hang with X command active 82TM01
SN-008757 Processing error occurs when using Text Miner node in Enterprise Miner 82TM01
SN-008763 %TMFILTER macro fails with ERROR: Physical file does not exist 82TM01
SN-007921 Errors can occur reading XML markup characters in SAS Text Miner 82TM01
SN-008785 Scoring a text data set fails if flow is defined incorrectly 82TM01
Install Instructions: 82TM01wn.txt
Download: 82TM01 for Windows   (File Size: 2.9M)
Top ^


82WH01 was replaced by 82WH02

82WH02 for Windows
Released: Dec 2001
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-005943 Hot Fix 82WH02 recommended for SAS/Warehouse Administrator Release 2.2user 82WH01
SN-006289 Hierarchies are not defined with DISPLAY attribute in PROC MDDB codegenerated by Warehouse Administrator 82WH02
Install Instructions: 82WH02wn.txt
Download: 82WH02 for Windows   (File Size: 3.7M)
Top ^


82WD01 for Windows
Released: Apr 2002
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
SN-006697 Treeview report applet will not start 82WD01
SN-006681 If a web log requesting URL starts with // then the domain isincorrectly set to the first directory 82WD01
SN-006687 Hourly site reports are incomplete and incorrect 82WD01
SN-006688 The Activity Over Time statistics chart shows wrong numbers forstatistics 82WD01
SN-006680 Stayarea name of length 38 or longer is too long for Webhound reports 82WD01
SN-006696 Not able to process IIS log files with Webhound when version info ismissing 82WD01
SN-006682 Potential file lockouts when running URL reports 82WD01
SN-006683 Unique vistors and active sessions statistics are incorrect for weeklyand monthly timespans 82WD01
SN-007238 Month not calculated in calendar when crossing year boundary in Webhound 82WD01
Install Instructions: 82WD01wn.txt
Download: 82WD01 for Windows   (File Size: 4.4M)
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