SAS Management Console 9.1.3

Hot Fix Downloads

913SMC01 was replaced by 913SMC02

Issue(s) Addressed :Introduced:
SN-017858Unable to select a SAS Data Integration Studio Custom group folder destination for a new library in the New Library wizard 913SMC01
SN-017875SAS Data Integration Studio 3.4 Custom tree displays only the BIP tree and BI folders 913SMC01
SN-017874BI Manager Plug-in does not sort a column correctly 913SMC01
WindowsReleased: Mar 2007
Install Instructions: 913SMC02wn.txt
Download: 913SMC02 for Windows   (file size: 27.6M)
ATTENTION (1): This hot fix should be applied to any client machine running SAS Management Console for SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4, with Implementation-Version=9.1.20050622.20001. Do not apply this hot fix to any other Implementation-Version of SAS Management Console.
ATTENTION (2): Additional requirements are SAS Foundation Services (BI Manager) 1.4. To determine the version of BI Manager Installed on your system, go into the SAS Management Console and click on the root node of the BI Manager and select 'About' for Implementation Version
HPUX 64bitReleased: Mar 2007
Install Instructions: 913SMC02h6.txt
Download: 913SMC02 for HPUX 64bit   (file size: 65.6M)
ATTENTION (1): This hot fix should be applied to any client machine running SAS Management Console for SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4, with Implementation-Version=9.1.20050622.20001. Do not apply this hot fix to any other Implementation-Version of SAS Management Console.
ATTENTION (2): Additional requirements are SAS Foundation Services (BI Manager) 1.4. To determine the version of BI Manager Installed on your system, go into the SAS Management Console and click on the root node of the BI Manager and select 'About' for Implementation Version
Solaris 64bitReleased: Mar 2007
Install Instructions: 913SMC02s6.txt
Download: 913SMC02 for Solaris 64bit   (file size: 37.9M)
ATTENTION (1): This hot fix should be applied to any client machine running SAS Management Console for SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4, with Implementation-Version=9.1.20050622.20001. Do not apply this hot fix to any other Implementation-Version of SAS Management Console.
ATTENTION (2): Additional requirements are SAS Foundation Services (BI Manager) 1.4. To determine the version of BI Manager Installed on your system, go into the SAS Management Console and click on the root node of the BI Manager and select 'About' for Implementation Version
AIX 64bitReleased: Mar 2007
Install Instructions: 913SMC02r6.txt
Download: 913SMC02 for AIX 64bit   (file size: 42.4M)
ATTENTION (1): This hot fix should be applied to any client machine running SAS Management Console for SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4, with Implementation-Version=9.1.20050622.20001. Do not apply this hot fix to any other Implementation-Version of SAS Management Console.
ATTENTION (2): Additional requirements are SAS Foundation Services (BI Manager) 1.4. To determine the version of BI Manager Installed on your system, go into the SAS Management Console and click on the root node of the BI Manager and select 'About' for Implementation Version
LinuxReleased: Mar 2007
Install Instructions: 913SMC02lx.txt
Download: 913SMC02 for Linux   (file size: 36.3M)
ATTENTION (1): This hot fix should be applied to any client machine running SAS Management Console for SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4, with Implementation-Version=9.1.20050622.20001. Do not apply this hot fix to any other Implementation-Version of SAS Management Console.
ATTENTION (2): Additional requirements are SAS Foundation Services (BI Manager) 1.4. To determine the version of BI Manager Installed on your system, go into the SAS Management Console and click on the root node of the BI Manager and select 'About' for Implementation Version
HPUX for ItaniumReleased: Mar 2007
Install Instructions: 913SMC02hx.txt
Download: 913SMC02 for HPUX for Itanium   (file size: 90.0M)
ATTENTION (1): This hot fix should be applied to any client machine running SAS Management Console for SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4, with Implementation-Version=9.1.20050622.20001. Do not apply this hot fix to any other Implementation-Version of SAS Management Console.
ATTENTION (2): Additional requirements are SAS Foundation Services (BI Manager) 1.4. To determine the version of BI Manager Installed on your system, go into the SAS Management Console and click on the root node of the BI Manager and select 'About' for Implementation Version
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Issue(s) Addressed :Introduced:
SN-019308SAS Grid Manager offering does not ship with a license for Integration Technologies.913SMC03
WindowsReleased: Jan 2007
Install Instructions: 913SMC03wn.txt
Download: 913SMC03 for Windows   (file size: 27.0M)
ATTENTION (1): To complete the installation of this hot fix, you must also download and install hot fix E9BA68. This hot fix will NOT be fully functional unless both 913SMC03 and E9BA68 are applied.
ATTENTION (2): This hot fix should be applied to any client machine running SAS Management Console for SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4, with Implementation-Version=9.1.20050622.20001. Do not apply this hot fix to any other Implementation-Version of SAS Management Console.
HPUX 64bitReleased: Jan 2007
Install Instructions: 913SMC03h6.txt
Download: 913SMC03 for HPUX 64bit   (file size: 52.0M)
ATTENTION (1): To complete the installation of this hot fix, you must also download and install hot fix E9BA68. This hot fix will NOT be fully functional unless both 913SMC03 and E9BA68 are applied.
ATTENTION (2): This hot fix should be applied to any client machine running SAS Management Console for SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4, with Implementation-Version=9.1.20050622.20001. Do not apply this hot fix to any other Implementation-Version of SAS Management Console.
Solaris 64bitReleased: Jan 2007
Install Instructions: 913SMC03s6.txt
Download: 913SMC03 for Solaris 64bit   (file size: 36.8M)
ATTENTION (1): To complete the installation of this hot fix, you must also download and install hot fix E9BA68. This hot fix will NOT be fully functional unless both 913SMC03 and E9BA68 are applied.
ATTENTION (2): This hot fix should be applied to any client machine running SAS Management Console for SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4, with Implementation-Version=9.1.20050622.20001. Do not apply this hot fix to any other Implementation-Version of SAS Management Console.
AIX 64bitReleased: Jan 2007
Install Instructions: 913SMC03r6.txt
Download: 913SMC03 for AIX 64bit   (file size: 41.4M)
ATTENTION (1): To complete the installation of this hot fix, you must also download and install hot fix E9BA68. This hot fix will NOT be fully functional unless both 913SMC03 and E9BA68 are applied.
ATTENTION (2): This hot fix should be applied to any client machine running SAS Management Console for SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4, with Implementation-Version=9.1.20050622.20001. Do not apply this hot fix to any other Implementation-Version of SAS Management Console.
HPUX for ItaniumReleased: Jan 2007
Install Instructions: 913SMC03hx.txt
Download: 913SMC03 for HPUX for Itanium   (file size: 86.4M)
ATTENTION (1): To complete the installation of this hot fix, you must also download and install hot fix E9BA68. This hot fix will NOT be fully functional unless both 913SMC03 and E9BA68 are applied.
ATTENTION (2): This hot fix should be applied to any client machine running SAS Management Console for SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4, with Implementation-Version=9.1.20050622.20001. Do not apply this hot fix to any other Implementation-Version of SAS Management Console.
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913SMC04 was replaced by 913SMC08

913SMC05 was replaced by 913SMC08

913SMC06 was replaced by 913SMC08

913SMC07 was replaced by 913SMC08

Issue(s) Addressed :Introduced:
SN-031008Hot fixes 913SMC04 and 14JPS02 provide the capability to add job flows using partial promotion913SMC04
SN-013777The "ERROR: There is an illegal character in the entity name" message can appear when you attempt to update metadata that contains special characters913SMC04
SN-018534Importing tables in SAS Management Console stops working after applying913SMC01 hot fix913SMC04
SN-019308SAS Grid Manager offering does not ship with a license for Integration Technologies913SMC04
SN-020145Incorrect behavior during partial promotion export and missing contentunder the BI Manager plug-in 1.4913SMC04
SN-020080ALERT - The Define Repository Dependencies dialog in the SAS� Management Console and SAS� Data Integration Studio contains a translation error913SMC04
SN-020251Dependencies for jobs in a flow cannot be selected or changed913SMC04
SN-017365Scheduled Reports window does not update status when a scheduled reporthas run913SMC05
SN-030908When hot fix 913SM04 is applied to a Japanese version of SAS� Management Console, the language is converted to English for the scheduler plug-in913SMC05
SN-030903When a flow is deleted within SAS� Management Console, it remains visible in SAS Management Console and Platform LSF still runs the job913SMC05
SN-030905Adding exceptions to a job flow's advanced properties might corrupt the job properties and cause the job not to execute913SMC05
SN-030909When a job is deleted from outside of a flow, the flow metadata can become corrupt913SMC05
SN-032226The Data Library Manager might unintentionally and incorrectly update concatenated library paths913SMC06
SN-031833The Data Library Manager might unintentionally and incorrectly update concatenated library paths913SMC06
SN-033003Trigger times for flow schedules are based on the client machine rather than the server after you apply hot fix 913SMC06913SMC07
SN-033552Flows that are launched by Java applications in the UNIX environment can leave XML files behind in the local drive’s root directory913SMC07
SN-033550An error might occur if you try to delete deployment directories under the Schedule Manager plug-in in SAS� Management Console913SMC07
SN-033409The RunAs job property that is defined on the Advanced Properties tab in the Schedule Manager is not honored913SMC07
SN-035907Man-in-the-middle/downgrade attacks could cause credentials to improperly encrypt during the initial login from a SAS client913SMC08
WindowsReleased: May 2009
Install Instructions: 913SMC08wn.txt
Download: 913SMC08 for Windows   (file size: 32M)
ATTENTION (1): You must download this hotfix, 913SMC08, and 14JPS02 respectively for this hotfix to be fully functional.
ATTENTION (2): This hot fix should be applied to any client machine running SAS Management Console with the following, Implementation-Version=9.1.20060726.1008. You can determine the SMC level from the About SAS Management Console Dialog under Product Release Information.
HPUX 64bitReleased: May 2009
Install Instructions: 913SMC08h6.txt
Download: 913SMC08 for HPUX 64bit   (file size: 68M)
ATTENTION (1): You must download this hotfix, 913SMC08, and 14JPS02 respectively for this hotfix to be fully functional.
ATTENTION (2): This hot fix should be applied to any client machine running SAS Management Console with the following, Implementation-Version=9.1.20060726.1008. You can determine the SMC level from the About SAS Management Console Dialog under Product Release Information.
Solaris 64bitReleased: May 2009
Install Instructions: 913SMC08s6.txt
Download: 913SMC08 for Solaris 64bit   (file size: 42M)
ATTENTION (1): You must download this hotfix, 913SMC08, and 14JPS02 respectively for this hotfix to be fully functional.
ATTENTION (2): This hot fix should be applied to any client machine running SAS Management Console with the following, Implementation-Version=9.1.20060726.1008. You can determine the SMC level from the About SAS Management Console Dialog under Product Release Information.
AIX 64bitReleased: May 2009
Install Instructions: 913SMC08r6.txt
Download: 913SMC08 for AIX 64bit   (file size: 46M)
ATTENTION (1): You must download this hotfix, 913SMC08, and 14JPS02 respectively for this hotfix to be fully functional.
ATTENTION (2): This hot fix should be applied to any client machine running SAS Management Console with the following, Implementation-Version=9.1.20060726.1008. You can determine the SMC level from the About SAS Management Console Dialog under Product Release Information.
LinuxReleased: May 2009
Install Instructions: 913SMC08lx.txt
Download: 913SMC08 for Linux   (file size: 40M)
ATTENTION (1): You must download this hotfix, 913SMC08, and 14JPS02 respectively for this hotfix to be fully functional.
ATTENTION (2): This hot fix should be applied to any client machine running SAS Management Console with the following, Implementation-Version=9.1.20060726.1008. You can determine the SMC level from the About SAS Management Console Dialog under Product Release Information.
HPUX for ItaniumReleased: May 2009
Install Instructions: 913SMC08hx.txt
Download: 913SMC08 for HPUX for Itanium   (file size: 93M)
ATTENTION (1): You must download this hotfix, 913SMC08, and 14JPS02 respectively for this hotfix to be fully functional.
ATTENTION (2): This hot fix should be applied to any client machine running SAS Management Console with the following, Implementation-Version=9.1.20060726.1008. You can determine the SMC level from the About SAS Management Console Dialog under Product Release Information.
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Issue(s) Addressed :Introduced:
SN-036716ExportCubes batch tool for exporting SAS® OLAP cubes in XML from 9.1.3 SP4 for import into SAS 9.2TS2M2913SMC09
SN-036842Promoting SAS® OLAP Cubes from SAS® 9.1.3 to SAS 9.2 if the second 9.2 maintenance release is not installed913SMC09
WindowsReleased: Aug 2009
Install Instructions: 913SMC09wn.txt
Download: 913SMC09 for Windows   (file size: 18.8M)
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Issue(s) Addressed :Introduced:
SN-019949Exporting metadata with a SAS� Metadata Bridge from SAS� Management Console might cause an error 12MITIBRIDGE01
WindowsReleased: Aug 2007
Install Instructions: 12MITIBRIDGE01wn.txt
Download: 12MITIBRIDGE01 for Windows   (file size: 19.3M)
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