SAS Strategic Performance Management 2.1

Hot Fix Downloads

Important: 913IDP06 and 913JPS04 must be applied to your system BEFORE applying 21SP05
913IDP02 was replaced by 913IDP06

Issue(s) Addressed :Introduced:
SN-015072DBCS characters in the Solutions Applications portlet are garbage 913IDP01
SN-015073Logoff response time in the Information Delivery Portal is degraded if Service Pack 2 has been applied 913IDP01
SN-015074ALERT - Java.lang.ClassCastException may occur when attempting to use the subscription feature in the Information Delivery Portal 913IDP01
SN-014708Object could not be found message sporadically occurs 913IDP01
SN-016453Remote Portlets are not displayed correctly when SSL is configured on the Mid Tier 913IDP02
SN-016455Cross site scripting vulnerability for specific Portal access patterns 913IDP02
SN-017966Sort order of packages published to a channel can not be changed within the Information Delivery Portal 913IDP06
WindowsReleased: Jul 2006
Install Instructions: 913IDP06wn.txt
Download: 913IDP06 for Windows   (file size: 19.7M)
ATTENTION (1): You must have SAS 9.1.3 (Service Pack 2) installed on your system before applying this hot fix.
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913JPS03 was replaced by 913JPS04

Issue(s) Addressed :Introduced:
SN-015086Connections fail for authorized users logging on through Web Report Studio or Information Delivery Portal913JPS03
SN-015404SAS Foundation EventViewer does not synchronize threads properly 913JPS03
SN-016403The event broker's Alert Notification e-mails default to us ascii 913JPS04
WindowsReleased: Dec 2005
Install Instructions: 913JPS04wn.txt
Download: 913JPS04 for Windows   (file size: 20.2M)
ATTENTION (1): You must have SAS 9.1.3 (Service Pack 2) installed on your system before applying this hot fix.
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21SP01 was replaced by 21SP05

21SP02 was replaced by 21SP05

21SP03 was replaced by 21SP05

21SP04 was replaced by 21SP05

Issue(s) Addressed :Introduced:
SN-015780Strategic Performance Management 2.1 security prevents batch processes from executing a calculate process 21SP01
SN-015781Deleting a diagram in Strategic Performance Managment 2.1 causes non-element based items to be removed from other diagrams 21SP01
SN-015782Problems with hyperlinks between diagrams in Strategic Performance Management 2.1 21SP01
SN-015893Locale preference read from GLOBAL profile instead of USER profile 21SP02
SN-015913Alert notifications not sent when sender email address has no domain name 21SP02
SN-015933Problems adding additional notification templates 21SP02
SN-015934Validation of Facts Table fails if it is loaded via ETL Studio 21SP02
SN-015931Alerts not showing up in Strategic Performance Management 21SP02
SN-015964SAS Strategic Performance Management 2.1 support for additional languages 21SP03
SN-015404SAS Foundation EventViewer does not synchronize threads properly 21SP03
SN-016366Copying a scorecard includes all properties 21SP04
SN-016439NullPointerException when selecting a measure in Strategic Performance Management 21SP04
SN-016441Strategic Performance Management project options 'Current Date' selection reset 21SP04
SN-016444Scorecards/Reorder may not correctly reorder the scorecards 21SP04
SN-016448Changing a date and hitting enter may cause a 404 Error in Aggregate View 21SP04
SN-016462Setting the default diagram in project options will always display the first diagram 21SP04
SN-016463Changine a date and hitting enter may not correctly set the date in diagrams 21SP04
SN-016464SAS Financial Management customers may have problems deleting KPI projects 21SP04
SN-016465Product not licensed message when adding a Performance Dashboard Portlet to Portal 21SP04
SN-016470SSL Support for SAS 9.1.3 Solutions improved 21SP04
SN-016365Importing a Strategic Performance Management Project may generate errors 21SP04
SN-017009Problem exporting Strategic Performance Management project with non-ASCII language characters 21SP05
SN-017086"ERROR: [Formula] Fail to execute formula id=XXXX ..." returned importing project 21SP05
SN-017090Elements with different time period definitions may cause selection lists to be empty 21SP05
SN-017091Thai language characters may not be correctly aligned in diagrams 21SP05
SN-017092Korean characters do not display correctly on "Comment Edit" page 21SP05
SN-017093Strategic Performance Management may not display negative percentages as desired on non-United States Regional Settings 21SP05
SN-017094Small numbers may display in scientific notation on data entry forms 21SP05
SN-017095SAS Strategic Performance Management 2.1 does not have Print Preview functionality 21SP05
SN-017096Unselecting "Show Values" may cause diagram to be unusable 21SP05
WindowsReleased: Mar 2006
Install Instructions: 21SP05wn.txt
Download: 21SP05 for Windows   (file size: 19M)
ATTENTION (1): You must have SAS 9.1.3 (Service Pack 2) installed on your system before applying this hot fix.
ATTENTION (2): Hot Fixes 913JPS04 and 913IDP06 must be applied BEFORE 21SP05. This hot fix will NOT be fully functional without 913JPS04, 913IDP06 and 21SP05 applied.
ATTENTION (3): 21SP05 downloaded from this page can also be applied to Korean, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, French, German, Italian, and Japanese sites.
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