SAS Institute. The Power to Know

SAS/ACCESS Interface to Teradata 9.21_M2

Hot Fix Downloads for Windows

* General Information about Hot Fixes

C71001 was replaced by C71007

C71002 was replaced by C71007

C71003 was replaced by C71007

C71004 was replaced by C71007

C71005 was replaced by C71007

C71006 was replaced by C71007

C71007 for Windows
SAS/ACCESS Interface to Teradata 9.21_M2
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
41435 The Teradata Parallel Transporter (TPT) is not supported when you use Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) authentication C71001
41596 Keys and indexes that are associated with Teradata tables are not properly registered or updated in the metadata C71001
41601 Integrity constraints might not import into metadata when you import them from the Teradata database C71001
41669 Teradata FastLoad sessions might fail when you set the SLEEP= and the TENACITY= data set options C71001
43172 A system crash might occur when you run concurrent bulk-loading processes with SAS/ACCESS® Interface to Teradata C71001
38873 A UTY4015 access-module error occurs when you use the Teradata MultiLoad utility with SAS/ACCESS® Interface to Teradata C71002
43257 The error "WZX: origin buffer overflowed" occurs when you access Teradata tables via SAS/CONNECT® or SAS/SHARE® software C71002
43311 The Teradata Parallel Transporter requires character-set specification for multi-byte clients at library initialization C71002
44420 No members are shown in a Teradata library C71003
44698 The UPSERT data set option is not supported when you are using the Teradata Parallel Transporter (TPT) with the MULTILOAD data set option C71003
44186 LOGDB is not a supported option when using the Teradata Parallel Transporter (TPT) with SAS/ACCESS® Interface to Teradata C71004
45099 ALERT - When data of type VARCHAR is extracted from a Teradata table with SAS/SHARE® software, the column data is truncated C71004
45789 The default database is used for the log file for Teradata Parallel Transporter instead of the one that is specified in the DATABASE parameter C71005
46045 Null values are loaded as blanks when using the Teradata Parallel Transporter (TPT) application C71005
46063 One- and two-byte character fields are truncated when you are using SAS/SHARE® with SAS/ACCESS® Interface to Teradata C71005
46066 If you apply Hot Fix C71004, the default database is used with TPT instead of the database specified in the DATABASE= option C71005
45162 ALERT - Slow performance and incorrect results might occur if you use DBCREATE_TABLE_OPTS to create a primary index for a Teradata table C71006
50964 When you open a Teradata library in SAS® Enterprise Guide®, the library takes a long time to open C71007
NOTE: If you install this hot fix, you must also install Base SAS 9.21_M3 hot fixes B25219 and B25226.
Customers running on Solaris for x64 must install hot fix C71002.
Customers running on Windows for x64 must install hot fix D35006.
Released: November 22, 2013     Documentation: C71007wn.html       Download: C71007wn.exe  
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