SAS 9.1.3 (9.1 TS1M3)
with Asian Language Support

Hot Fix Downloads for AIX
Hot Fix Download Quick Links:
* SAS/STAT      
Other Hot Fix Links:
* Hot Fixes for Additional SAS Products and Solutions
* National Language Support Hot Fixes

SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 for AIX
Released: Mar 2006
  • SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 contains previously available Hot Fixes and other SAS 9.1.3 updates. You must install SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 before installing any currently available hot fixes.
  • If you have installed any additional SAS products or solutions, please review the list of SAS Solutions NOT supported on Service Pack 4 before applying Service Pack 4 to your system.
  • SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 Fix List
    Service Pack FAQ
    Install Instructions: Service Pack 4 for AIX
    Download: Service Pack 4 for AIX   (File Size: 601.7M)
    Top ^


    E9BA01 was replaced by E9BD38

    E9BA02 for AIX
    Released: Apr 2006
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-017049 ALERT - Deleted observations can get added to new data set when migrating E9BA02
    Install Instructions: E9BA02r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BA02.
    Download: E9BA02 for AIX   (File Size: 41K)
    Top ^

    E9BA03 for AIX
    Released: Apr 2008
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-017176 JDBC connection to SAS/SHARE Server encounters transcoding error for non-English locale E9BA03
    Install Instructions: E9BA03r6.txt ( This Asian Language Support (DBCS) hot fix has post-installation requirements. Please review SN-038930 for more information. )
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BA03.
    Download: E9BA03 for AIX   (File Size: 164K)
    Top ^

    E9BA06 was replaced by E9BC40

    E9BA08 was replaced by E9BD50

    E9BA09 for AIX
    Released: May 2006
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-017440 SQRT function now supported in MDX code for SAS� OLAP Server E9BA09
    Install Instructions: E9BA09r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BA09.
    Download: E9BA09 for AIX   (File Size: 72K)
    Top ^

    E9BA12 for AIX
    Released: Jun 2006
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-017694 Missing Output when specifying APPLEVEL parameter on IOM Server definition in SAS Management Console or OBJECTSERVERPARMS SAS Option E9BA12
    Install Instructions: E9BA12r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BA12.
    Download: E9BA12 for AIX   (File Size: 123K)
    Top ^

    E9BA17 for AIX
    Released: Jun 2006
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-012817 Drill-through in MDDB Report Viewer fails with multiple filtered items E9BA17
    SN-017825 Microsoft Security patch may cause errors with MDDB Report Viewer graphs E9BA17
    Install Instructions: E9BA17r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BA17.
    Download: E9BA17 for AIX   (File Size: 430K)
    Top ^

    E9BA20 was replaced by E9BC59

    E9BA22 was replaced by E9BB78

    E9BA23 was replaced by E9BC96

    E9BA25 was replaced by E9BA92

    E9BA26 was replaced by E9BC20

    E9BA27 for AIX
    Released: Jul 2006
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-017801 XMLSELECT with OMI_MATCH_CASE does not honor multiple attributes in a search E9BA27
    Install Instructions: E9BA27r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BA27.
    Download: E9BA27 for AIX   (File Size: 113K)
    Top ^

    E9BA28 was replaced by E9BD42

    E9BA30 was replaced by E9BD50

    E9BA31 was replaced by E9BD61

    E9BA32 was replaced by E9BC31

    E9BA34 was replaced by E9BD38

    E9BA35 was replaced by E9BD40

    E9BA36 was replaced by E9BD42

    E9BA37 was replaced by E9BC72

    E9BA39 was replaced by E9BC49

    E9BA42 for AIX
    Released: Aug 2006
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-018019 The default value for the FTEXT= graphics option with the Japanese or Korean install is incorrectly set E9BA42
    Install Instructions: E9BA42r6.txt ( This Asian Language Support (DBCS) hot fix has post-installation requirements. Please review SN-038930 for more information. )
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BA42.
    Download: E9BA42 for AIX   (File Size: 256K)
    Top ^

    E9BA43 for AIX
    Released: Aug 2006
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-013603 IRR and INTRR function may generate INVALID ARGUMENT message in SAS 9.1 E9BA43
    Install Instructions: E9BA43r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BA43.
    Download: E9BA43 for AIX   (File Size: 72K)
    Top ^

    E9BA44 was replaced by E9BD61

    E9BA45 for AIX
    Released: Sep 2006
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-017208 A long format length might cause a system error in PROC REPORT E9BA04
    SN-018200 FLOW option on DEFINE statement may cause system error E9BA45
    Install Instructions: E9BA45r6.txt ( This Asian Language Support (DBCS) hot fix has post-installation requirements. Please review SN-038930 for more information. )
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BA45.
    Download: E9BA45 for AIX   (File Size: 1.2M)
    Top ^

    E9BA47 was replaced by E9BD38

    E9BA48 was replaced by E9BD61

    E9BA50 was replaced by E9BD42

    E9BA53 was replaced by E9BD61

    E9BA54 was replaced by E9BC59

    E9BA56 was replaced by E9BD38

    E9BA57 was replaced by E9BC49

    E9BA58 was replaced by E9BD48

    E9BA61 was replaced by E9BD34

    E9BA66 was replaced by E9BD48

    E9BA67 was replaced by E9BD42

    E9BA70 was replaced by E9BC34

    E9BA71 was replaced by E9BB91

    E9BA72 for AIX
    Released: Jan 2007
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-018969 Specifying an encoding for the _WEBOUT fileref does not work when you run a stored process with the Stored Process Server E9BA72
    Install Instructions: E9BA72r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BA72.
    Download: E9BA72 for AIX   (File Size: 51K)
    Top ^

    E9BA74 was replaced by E9BC36

    E9BA80 was replaced by E9BD40

    E9BA81 was replaced by E9BC43

    E9BA82 was replaced by E9BD39

    E9BA83 was replaced by E9BD61

    E9BA84 was replaced by E9BD38

    E9BA86 for AIX
    Released: Jan 2007
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-019227 NOWARN option for PROC APPEND in SAS� 9.2 E9BA86
    Install Instructions: E9BA86r6.txt ( This Asian Language Support (DBCS) hot fix has post-installation requirements. Please review SN-038930 for more information. )
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BA86.
    Download: E9BA86 for AIX   (File Size: 461K)
    Top ^

    E9BA88 was replaced by E9BB61

    E9BA89 was replaced by E9BD38

    E9BA92 for AIX
    Released: Jan 2007
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-017785 Combo Box Control placed in an Extended Table object generates program halt E9BA25
    SN-019176 Models in SAS/AF software that support multiple interfaces only recognize one interface E9BA92
    Install Instructions: E9BA92r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BA92.
    Download: E9BA92 for AIX   (File Size: 1.0M)
    Top ^

    E9BA93 was replaced by E9BD38

    E9BA94 was replaced by E9BC40

    E9BA96 was replaced by E9BC39

    E9BA97 was replaced by E9BC36

    E9BA99 was replaced by E9BD38

    E9BB02 was replaced by E9BD42

    E9BB04 was replaced by E9BD61

    E9BB07 was replaced by E9BD38

    E9BB08 was replaced by E9BD35

    E9BB10 was replaced by E9BD61

    E9BB11 was replaced by E9BC81

    E9BB13 was replaced by E9BD42

    E9BB16 was replaced by E9BC40

    E9BB17 was replaced by E9BD39

    E9BB18 was replaced by E9BD50

    E9BB19 was replaced by E9BD38

    E9BB21 was replaced by E9BC10

    E9BB23 for AIX
    Released: Sep 2007
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-020755 SAS� Enterprise Guide� might generate memory leaks under UNIX E9BB23
    Install Instructions: E9BB23r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BB23.
    Download: E9BB23 for AIX   (File Size: 72K)
    Top ^

    E9BB24 was replaced by E9BB61

    E9BB26 was replaced by E9BD61

    E9BB28 was replaced by E9BD34

    E9BB29 was replaced by E9BD61

    E9BB30 was replaced by E9BC10

    E9BB33 was replaced by E9BD38

    E9BB35 was replaced by E9BD42

    E9BB38 was replaced by E9BD38

    E9BB39 was replaced by E9BC40

    E9BB41 was replaced by E9BC98

    E9BB42 was replaced by E9BD34

    E9BB46 was replaced by E9BD50

    E9BB47 was replaced by E9BC36

    E9BB50 was replaced by E9BC68

    E9BB51 was replaced by E9BD40

    E9BB52 was replaced by E9BD42

    E9BB53 was replaced by E9BD34

    E9BB56 was replaced by E9BC40

    E9BB61 for AIX
    Released: Oct 2007
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-019223 New SASMSG function added to support internationalization E9BA88
    SN-019946 SASMSG FUNCTION causes memory leaks E9BB24
    SN-021045 The SASMSG function cannot differentiate traditional Chinese from Simplified Chinese E9BB61
    SN-021044 The SASMSG function causes an access violation in batch mode when called with %SYSFUNC E9BB61
    SN-021046 An access violation might occur if the input data set is not created as expected E9BB61
    Install Instructions: E9BB61r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BB61.
    Download: E9BB61 for AIX   (File Size: 41K)
    Top ^

    E9BB63 was replaced by E9BD42

    E9BB64 was replaced by E9BD48

    E9BB65 for AIX
    Released: Nov 2007
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-019742 An error occurs when attempting to connect to the SAS� Metadata Server and the METAUSER= system option contains an embedded space E9BB65
    Install Instructions: E9BB65r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BB65.
    Download: E9BB65 for AIX   (File Size: 420K)
    ATTENTION: This hot fix is available for PC, VMS and UNIX customers only. Customers running on z/OS (OS/390) should download E9BC56.
    Top ^

    E9BB66 for AIX
    Released: Oct 2007
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-021053 The SAS� Stored Process Server and SAS� Workspace Server load balancing is not distributed across hosts with the lowest cost algorithm E9BB66
    Install Instructions: E9BB66r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BB66.
    Download: E9BB66 for AIX   (File Size: 123K)
    Top ^

    E9BB68 was replaced by E9BD38

    E9BB69 was replaced by E9BC36

    E9BB70 was replaced by E9BD61

    E9BB71 was replaced by E9BC12

    E9BB72 was replaced by E9BD42

    E9BB73 was replaced by E9BC96

    E9BB74 was replaced by E9BC59

    E9BB76 was replaced by E9BD61

    E9BB77 was replaced by E9BC10

    E9BB78 for AIX
    Released: Feb 2008
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-015924 DATETIMEw.d format can produce incorrect results E9BA22
    SN-030622 Error generated when MDYAMPM format is used in a FOOTNOTE E9BB78
    Install Instructions: E9BB78r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BB78.
    Download: E9BB78 for AIX   (File Size: 51K)
    Top ^

    E9BB80 was replaced by E9BD48

    E9BB81 was replaced by E9BD34

    E9BB83 was replaced by E9BC36

    E9BB85 for AIX
    Released: Apr 2008
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-031053 Threaded procedures might return incorrect values when the DESCENDING option is specified E9BB85
    Install Instructions: E9BB85r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BB85.
    Download: E9BB85 for AIX   (File Size: 573K)
    Top ^

    E9BB91 for AIX
    Released: Feb 2008
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-018909 "ClassFormatError exception is thrown" Java runtime error when string constants contain umlaut characters E9BA71
    Install Instructions: E9BB91r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BB91.
    Download: E9BB91 for AIX   (File Size: 338K)
    ATTENTION: An installation wizard compatibility issue may prevent the installation of hot fix E9BA71 with SAS Enterprise Miner 5.3. To address the issue, E9BA71 was replaced with E9BB91.
    Top ^

    E9BB93 was replaced by E9BD61

    E9BB94 was replaced by E9BC98

    E9BB97 was replaced by E9BD40

    E9BB98 was replaced by E9BD42

    E9BB99 was replaced by E9BD61

    E9BC02 was replaced by E9BD40

    E9BC03 was replaced by E9BC59

    E9BC04 for AIX
    Released: Apr 2008
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-017125 LOCATEC/N function is counting deleted rows in its search E9BC04
    Install Instructions: E9BC04r6.txt ( This Asian Language Support (DBCS) hot fix has post-installation requirements. Please review SN-038930 for more information. )
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BC04.
    Download: E9BC04 for AIX   (File Size: 174K)
    Top ^

    E9BC05 was replaced by E9BC40

    E9BC10 for AIX
    Released: Oct 2008
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-019947 Writing a SAS� data set to a WebDAV library may fail E9BB21
    SN-020153 "ERROR: An I/O error has occurred on file" when WebDAV server sends back an invalid or unexpected response E9BB30
    SN-030802 A memory overwrite occurs when using WebDAV LIBNAME or FILENAME with hot fix E9BB30 applied E9BB77
    SN-032797 HTTP requests to an HTTPS server fail when the requests are made through a proxy E9BC10
    SN-033408 An error might appear in the SAS log when using the Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDav) filename engine E9BC10
    Install Instructions: E9BC10r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BC10.
    Download: E9BC10 for AIX   (File Size: 236K)
    Top ^

    E9BC11 was replaced by E9BD61

    E9BC12 for AIX
    Released: Dec 2008
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-021021 ALERT - Some national characters in variable names might be converted to other characters when the options VALIDVARNAME=ANY and GETNAMES=YES E9BB71
    SN-034254 How to allow a numeric value enclosed in quotation marks to be read in as numeric variable with PROC IMPORT or the IMPORT WIZARD E9BC12
    Install Instructions: E9BC12r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BC12.
    Download: E9BC12 for AIX   (File Size: 215K)
    Top ^

    E9BC14 was replaced by E9BD48

    E9BC15 was replaced by E9BD38

    E9BC16 was replaced by E9BD42

    E9BC19 for AIX
    Released: Jul 2008
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-032177 Negative percentages might be displayed in parentheses when using some language settings E9BC19
    Install Instructions: E9BC19r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BC19.
    Download: E9BC19 for AIX   (File Size: 41K)
    Top ^

    E9BC20 for AIX
    Released: Jun 2008
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-017906 The I/O subsystem has returned error message 'WHERE clause is not allowed with preset index.' E9BA26
    SN-017800 ALERT - WHERE clause is not allowed with preset index E9BA26
    SN-032112 Performance degradation might occur with the SAS� Metadata Server E9BC20
    Install Instructions: E9BC20r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BC20.
    Download: E9BC20 for AIX   (File Size: 102K)
    Top ^

    E9BC23 was replaced by E9BD40

    E9BC24 was replaced by E9BD50

    E9BC25 was replaced by E9BD61

    E9BC26 for AIX
    Released: Jun 2008
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-032426 Selection lists or pop-up menus might display behind SAS/AF� frames E9BC26
    Install Instructions: E9BC26r6.txt ( This Asian Language Support (DBCS) hot fix has post-installation requirements. Please review SN-038930 for more information. )
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BC26.
    Download: E9BC26 for AIX   (File Size: 430K)
    Top ^

    E9BC28 was replaced by E9BC49

    E9BC29 for AIX
    Released: Oct 2008
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-032570 PROC COPY might not honor the OBS= option E9BC29
    Install Instructions: E9BC29r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BC29.
    Download: E9BC29 for AIX   (File Size: 82K)
    Top ^

    E9BC31 for AIX
    Released: Aug 2008
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-017241 "ERROR: System abend 0C4 occurred in module SASYHRE8 function YHRMHMR at offset 000420" E9BA32
    SN-032682 Error causes SAS/SHARE� server running with the TTCP option to fill log with error messages E9BC31
    Install Instructions: E9BC31r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BC31.
    Download: E9BC31 for AIX   (File Size: 82K)
    Top ^

    E9BC32 was replaced by E9BD61

    E9BC33 for AIX
    Released: Aug 2008
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-031851 User accounts might show as in the SAS� OLAP Server Monitor in SAS� Management Console E9BC33
    Install Instructions: E9BC33r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BC33.
    Download: E9BC33 for AIX   (File Size: 174K)
    Top ^

    E9BC34 for AIX
    Released: Sep 2008
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-018857 Using the WebDAV filename option without specifying a full file path might cause problems when writing to or reading from a directory E9BA70
    SN-032831 An error might occur if you use the Web-based Distributed Authoring and Versioning (WebDAV) FILENAME statement E9BC34
    Install Instructions: E9BC34r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BC34.
    Download: E9BC34 for AIX   (File Size: 61K)
    Top ^

    E9BC36 for AIX
    Released: Aug 2008
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-018812 SAS� Information Map might fail to open in SAS� Enterprise Guide� E9BA74
    SN-020496 SAS� Information Map Libname Engine might generate "ERROR: Write Access Violation in Task" E9BB47
    SN-020991 SAS� Information Maps with more than 999 data items might fail to open with the SAS Information Map Libname Engine (IMLE) E9BB69
    SN-030898 Slow processing when using PROC INFOMAPS E9BB83
    SN-019093 Measure captions are limited to 30 characters for OLAP information maps E9BB83
    SN-030897 Error with PROC INFOMAPS when the data source is an OLAP Cube and the password is not stored in the metadata E9BB83
    SN-032856 Denying ReadMetadata on a column does not always prevent denied users from seeing the column E9BC36
    Install Instructions: E9BC36r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BC36.
    Download: E9BC36 for AIX   (File Size: 4.1M)
    Top ^

    E9BC37 was replaced by E9BC98

    E9BC39 for AIX
    Released: Sep 2008
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-018202 'Cannot start remote process' or 'spawner prompt not found' errors might occur when connecting to a UNIX spawner program (sastcpd) E9BA96
    SN-019354 An error occurs when you use SAS/CONNECT� software to sign on to a remote UNIX machine that is running a UNIX spawner program E9BA96
    SN-016689 SAS/CONNECT� software spawner does not invoke a remote SAS� session without the full path to SAS E9BC39
    Install Instructions: E9BC39r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BC39.
    Download: E9BC39 for AIX   (File Size: 113K)
    Top ^

    E9BC40 for AIX
    Released: Sep 2008
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-017270 Style not applied properly when sending ODS email E9BA06
    SN-017354 SMTP email only uses the e-mail user ID (rather than the full e-mail address) for authentication E9BA06
    SN-007782 Time stamp calculation when emailing from OS/390 E9BA94
    SN-019638 Sending e-mail attachments using SMTP causes a read-access violation E9BB16
    SN-020323 SAS� 9.1.3 and earlier SMTP e-mails do not timeout when block waiting for a response from a SMTP server E9BB39
    SN-018044 Using SMTP e-mail with SAS� 9.1.3 (English version with DBCS and Unicode support) might cause truncated or missing e-mail output E9BB56
    SN-031148 Unable to authenticate e-mail on z/OS E9BC05
    SN-033129 The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) e-mail facility stops sending all e-mails when it encounters an invalid address E9BC40
    SN-010962 SMTP e-mail might stop when an invalid address is encountered E9BC40
    SN-033077 A Read-access violation occurs when a Zip file is attached to e-mail in a DBCS SAS� session E9BC40
    Install Instructions: E9BC40r6.txt ( This Asian Language Support (DBCS) hot fix has post-installation requirements. Please review SN-038930 for more information. )
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BC40.
    Download: E9BC40 for AIX   (File Size: 174K)
    Top ^

    E9BC42 was replaced by E9BD50

    E9BC43 for AIX
    Released: Mar 2009
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-040359 You can use the CATALOG access method in the FILENAME statement to reuse an open fileref in SAS� 9.1.3 E9BA81
    SN-019166 Possible memory-related failures when using the CATALOG access method E9BA81
    SN-033414 An error occurs when you include the ENCODING option in the FILENAME statement E9BC43
    Install Instructions: E9BC43r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BC43.
    Download: E9BC43 for AIX   (File Size: 61K)
    Top ^

    E9BC45 for AIX
    Released: Oct 2008
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-033461 The METAOPERATE procedure does not set the value of the SYSERR automatic macro variable when an error occurs E9BC45
    Install Instructions: E9BC45r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BC45.
    Download: E9BC45 for AIX   (File Size: 51K)
    Top ^

    E9BC46 was replaced by E9BD61

    E9BC49 for AIX
    Released: Nov 2008
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-018011 SPECIFIED RESOURCE DOES NOT EXIST message with ENCODING=(W5|W6|W9) and SPDE engine E9BA39
    SN-018254 MDX WHERE clause might return incorrect number of rows resulting in a performance loss E9BA57
    SN-018911 "ERROR: System Exiting Status=401" message occurs when multiple processes update a SPD Engine data set E9BA57
    SN-032674 PROC OLAP stops responding even though CPU usage is high E9BC28
    SN-033673 Encountered error in DA-subsystem. E9BC49
    Install Instructions: E9BC49r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BC49.
    Download: E9BC49 for AIX   (File Size: 4.7M)
    ATTENTION: To fully implement the fix for SN-018254, you must also download and install SAS Base hot fix E9BD24. The fix for the problem documented in this SAS Note will not be fully functional unless both E9BD24 and E9BC49 are applied.
    Top ^

    E9BC51 was replaced by E9BD42

    E9BC52 was replaced by E9BC98

    E9BC57 was replaced by E9BD48

    E9BC58 for AIX
    Released: Dec 2008
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-033995 Error: "IOM call failed. Internal server exception: floating point divide by zero." E9BC58
    Install Instructions: E9BC58r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BC58.
    Download: E9BC58 for AIX   (File Size: 113K)
    Top ^

    E9BC59 for AIX
    Released: Dec 2008
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-017767 Export and Import Wizards require Metadata Server fixes E9BA20
    SN-017743 Login to SAS� web application fails when using an email address as the userid with LDAP authentication E9BA20
    SN-017761 ALERT - Jobs that are duplicated within a Project repository may lose their connection to Target objects E9BA20
    SN-017860 ALERT - BI Manager "Import" might cause metadata to be destroyed for all stored processes that contain parameters in SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 E9BA20
    SN-017852 ALERT - External table objects may get inadvertently deleted from metadata when importing or exporting metadata multiple times E9BA20
    SN-017855 ALERT - Server code does not support exporting and importing from a metadata Project repository E9BA20
    SN-017857 Exception may occur while exporting a block of objects from the Data Integration Studio custom tree E9BA20
    SN-017854 ALERT - Incorrect behavior might occur when all items are not selected within a package when performing a metadata import E9BA20
    SN-018452 ALERT - Unauthorized access to metadata server content E9BA54
    SN-030465 ALERT - Adding new records to a metadata repository after performing a metadata restore adds multiple metadata objects with the same internal ID value E9BB74
    SN-031345 Metadata objects stored in a custom repository are not returned by client applications or metadata query results when they should be E9BC03
    SN-033984 Poor performance occurs in client applications when the metadata environment contains a large number of repositories E9BC59
    SN-034096 Content is added to a parent repository, even when you do not have Check In Metadata permissions E9BC59
    Install Instructions: E9BC59r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BC59.
    Download: E9BC59 for AIX   (File Size: 1.8M)
    Top ^

    E9BC61 was replaced by E9BD42

    E9BC62 was replaced by E9BD61

    E9BC63 was replaced by E9BD48

    E9BC66 was replaced by E9BD50

    E9BC68 for AIX
    Released: May 2009
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-017841 Extraneous characters appear for catalog entry descriptions when using PROC CIMPORT E9BB50
    SN-020578 PROC CIMPORT generates "Warning: The transport file is from an earlier SAS release" E9BB50
    SN-020673 Using PROC CIMPORT in DBCS version of SAS� may result in errors or garbage characters if transport file contains data with indexes E9BB50
    SN-020675 Garbage characters may result when using PROC CIMPORT to import a transport file containing double-byte character set data E9BB50
    SN-034280 A "426 Connection closed; transfer aborted" message might appear in your SAS� log when using FTP to send a transport file that was created with CPORT E9BC68
    Install Instructions: E9BC68r6.txt ( This Asian Language Support (DBCS) hot fix has post-installation requirements. Please review SN-038930 for more information. )
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BC68.
    Download: E9BC68 for AIX   (File Size: 276K)
    Top ^

    E9BC72 for AIX
    Released: Mar 2009
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-020299 PROC PRINT may show missing columns in HTML, LISTING or RTF output E9BA37
    SN-017976 Error about running out of space using PROC PRINT in certain situations E9BA37
    SN-034756 Column data might be blank using the List Data task in SAS® Enterprise Guide® E9BC72
    SN-035147 A variable is missing from PROC PRINT output when using ODS Listing or ODS HTML E9BC72
    Install Instructions: E9BC72r6.txt ( This Asian Language Support (DBCS) hot fix has post-installation requirements. Please review SN-038930 for more information. )
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BC72.
    Download: E9BC72 for AIX   (File Size: 256K)
    Top ^

    E9BC73 was replaced by E9BD38

    E9BC75 was replaced by E9BD50

    E9BC81 for AIX
    Released: Apr 2009
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-019773 Abend U1314 or traceback notes and messages attempting to read a migrated view from SAS� 8 E9BB11
    SN-035112 ALERT - Invalid binary data when tranferring SAS data sets with PROC COPY or CPORT/CIMPORT. E9BC81
    Install Instructions: E9BC81r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BC81.
    Download: E9BC81 for AIX   (File Size: 215K)
    Top ^

    E9BC85 was replaced by E9BD42

    E9BC86 was replaced by E9BD42

    E9BC88 was replaced by E9BD38

    E9BC89 was replaced by E9BD42

    E9BC90 was replaced by E9BD48

    E9BC91 for AIX
    Released: Sep 2009
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-036111 Potential memory leak in SORT module causes Workspace server to fail E9BC91
    Install Instructions: E9BC91r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BC91.
    Download: E9BC91 for AIX   (File Size: 174K)
    Top ^

    E9BC92 was replaced by E9BD38

    E9BC93 was replaced by E9BD42

    E9BC94 was replaced by E9BD61

    E9BC95 was replaced by E9BD36

    E9BC96 for AIX
    Released: Jun 2009
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-017784 Item in Verion 6 Legacy Radio Box might become unselectable on Linux E9BA23
    SN-019976 Delete key not working when maskCharacter attribute set for Text Entry Control E9BB73
    SN-036214 Segmentation violation error in masked text entry box E9BC96
    Install Instructions: E9BC96r6.txt ( This Asian Language Support (DBCS) hot fix has post-installation requirements. Please review SN-038930 for more information. )
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BC96.
    Download: E9BC96 for AIX   (File Size: 2.6M)
    Top ^

    E9BC97 was replaced by E9BD40

    E9BC98 for AIX
    Released: Jun 2009
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-020378 A segmentation violation might occur during execution of the DOWNLOAD procedure E9BB41
    SN-031087 A floating-point exception error might occur if you use the DOWNLOAD procedure to move a file that is larger than 2 GB E9BB94
    SN-013122 WZX: Invalid Conversion Map Specified E9BC37
    SN-032983 Invalid results occur when you use the DOWNLOAD procedure with the V6TRANSPORT option in SAS� 9.1.3 in the z/OS environment E9BC37
    SN-035807 Observations might be missing after you use the UPLOAD procedure to transfer data sets E9BC52
    SN-033576 SAS� Enterprise Guide� does not detect when SAS data sets are created, updated, or deleted through a grid E9BC52
    SN-036081 The UPLOAD and DOWNLOAD procedures add null values to the ends of variables when you specify a SAS� view with the DATA= data set option E9BC98
    Install Instructions: E9BC98r6.txt ( This Asian Language Support (DBCS) hot fix has post-installation requirements. Please review SN-038930 for more information. )
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BC98.
    Download: E9BC98 for AIX   (File Size: 338K)
    ATTENTION : If you use SAS/CONNECT, you MUST also install E9CT05. If E9CT05 is not installed, this hot fix will not be fully functional AND jobs that include PROC UPLOAD and PROC DOWNLOAD will fail.
    If you are running SAS with Asian Language Support, please download E9CT05 (Asian Language Support).
    Top ^

    E9BD01 was replaced by E9BD42

    E9BD02 was replaced by E9BD35

    E9BD03 was replaced by E9BD38

    E9BD05 was replaced by E9BD50

    E9BD08 was replaced by E9BD61

    E9BD09 was replaced by E9BD48

    E9BD10 was replaced by E9BD42

    E9BD11 for AIX
    Released: Aug 2009
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-036617 SAS� might become unresponsive if the FILEDIALOG function is called from an SCL entry on Unix platforms E9BD11
    Install Instructions: E9BD11r6.txt ( This Asian Language Support (DBCS) hot fix has post-installation requirements. Please review SN-038930 for more information. )
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BD11.
    Download: E9BD11 for AIX   (File Size: 2.6M)
    Top ^

    E9BD13 was replaced by E9BD61

    E9BD14 was replaced by E9BD48

    E9BD15 was replaced by E9BD42

    E9BD18 for AIX
    Released: Nov 2009
    This Hot Fix is included in Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05.
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-037898 Incorrect results might be produced when the TRANSPOSE procedure uses 2 GB or more of memory E9BD18
    Install Instructions: E9BD18r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BD18.
    Download: E9BD18 for AIX   (File Size: 61K)
    Top ^

    E9BD19 was replaced by E9BD50

    E9BD20 was replaced by E9BD61

    E9BD21 was replaced by E9BD38

    E9BD22 was replaced by E9BD42

    E9BD23 was replaced by E9BD38

    E9BD24 was replaced by E9BD38

    E9BD25 was replaced by E9BD42

    E9BD26 was replaced by E9BD61

    E9BD27 was replaced by E9BD34

    E9BD28 was replaced by E9BD50

    E9BD30 was replaced by E9BD35

    E9BD32 was replaced by E9BD61

    E9BD33 was replaced by E9BD48

    E9BD34 for AIX
    Released: Jul 2010
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-018463 Access Violation or 0C4 abend in module SASSFM01 when using procedures that use multi-label formats E9BA61
    SN-020189 Statistic labels in PROC TABULATE not displayed in uppercase in table output E9BB28
    SN-020444 Error in PROC TABULATE NLS versions after applying hot fix E9BB28 E9BB42
    SN-020359 Variable labels that contain multi-byte character set strings do not split correctly E9BB53
    SN-030679 Page dimension "and" in PROC TABULATE not displayed in uppercase in table output E9BB81
    SN-039321 ALERT - PROC MEANS, SUMMARY, or TABULATE might report incorrect _FREQ_ values when the THREADS and NOTRAP options are specified E9BD27
    SN-040136 PROC TABULATE might give incorrect frequency statistics when only the N statistic is requested and memory is constrained E9BD34
    Install Instructions: E9BD34r6.txt ( This Asian Language Support (DBCS) hot fix has post-installation requirements. Please review SN-038930 for more information. )
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BD34.
    Download: E9BD34 for AIX   (File Size: 727K)
    Top ^

    E9BD35 for AIX
    Released: Jul 2010
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-019525 "Communication error with launch server" message when attempting to start a Workspace server or Stored Process server in SAS� 9.1.3 E9BB08
    SN-036254 SAS� 9.1.3 elssrv and jproxy processes not exiting correctly on Solaris zones E9BD02
    Install Instructions: E9BD35r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BD35.
    Download: E9BD35 for AIX   (File Size: 82K)
    ATTENTION: You should review Usage Note 32816 for additional post-processing instructions after installing this hot fix.
    Top ^

    E9BD36 for AIX
    Released: Jul 2010
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-040188 CALL IS8601_CONVERT generates error messages if a null argument is passed to the routine E9BD36
    Install Instructions: E9BD36r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BD36.
    Download: E9BD36 for AIX   (File Size: 154K)
    Top ^

    E9BD38 for AIX
    Released: Aug 2010
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-017410 SAS� OLAP Server process may crash if slicer contains infinite loop E9BA01
    SN-017408 Permission condition memory is not released when OLAP session closed E9BA01
    SN-017409 SAS� OLAP Server performance enhancements available in SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 E9BA01
    SN-018037 PROC OLAP DEFINE statement can allow duplicate calculated members to be created E9BA34
    SN-017931 NUNIQUE values may be incorrect depending on the setting for "Maximum number of region execution threads" E9BA34
    SN-017445 Listing active queries on SAS� OLAP Server can cause server crash E9BA34
    SN-017523 Selecting an OLAP Session in the OLAP Server monitor may cause SAS� Management Console to hang E9BA34
    SN-018020 ALERT - SAS� OLAP Server may error when empty data is passed to certain SAS� functions E9BA34
    SN-017871 ALERT - Drilldown may cause calculated member values to return from the SAS� OLAP Server as missing in Service Pack 4 E9BA34
    SN-018018 Complex MDX query within a WITH expression might generate an access violation E9BA34
    SN-018030 SAS� OLAP Server might abend with an OLS_NAMESPACEDELETE traceback E9BA34
    SN-017907 ALERT - OLAP cubes with deep hierarchies may return incorrect result sets E9BA34
    SN-018089 Detailed SAS� OLAP Server logging now outputs SAS OLAP Server option settings E9BA34
    SN-018012 Threadpool options for the SAS® OLAP Server are being overwritten E9BA34
    SN-018198 TKASSERT error might be received when querying a SAS� OLAP cube on z/OS E9BA34
    SN-017449 NON EMPTY CROSSJOIN optimization in SAS� OLAP Server E9BA47
    SN-018254 MDX WHERE clause might return incorrect number of rows resulting in a performance loss E9BA56
    SN-018701 ALERT - Session and Global calculated members might be dropped when using NonEmpty Optimization E9BA56
    SN-018580 Disabling NonEmpty Crossjoin optimization does not have any effect E9BA56
    SN-018794 ALERT - DrillDownMemberTop function might cause crashes in the SAS� OLAP Server E9BA56
    SN-018702 ALERT - Global calculated members might cause crash in SAS OLAP Server with Optimization of Non Empty Crossjoins E9BA56
    SN-018795 ALERT - OLAP queries might return empty results if requesting missing values E9BA56
    SN-018796 ALERT - MDX iif functions that return null values might incorrectly return empty result sets E9BA56
    SN-019048 ALERT - Calculated measures might be dropped from the OLAP result set when using Non Empty Crossjoin Optimization E9BA56
    SN-019164 Memory degradation or access violation could occur when querying a SAS® OLAP cube with member-level security applied E9BA84
    SN-018253 DBCS drillthrough labels might not be rendered correctly E9BA89
    SN-019226 ALERT - Sorted OLAP queries might return incorrect results E9BA89
    SN-019314 Use of global MDX String functions could halt the SAS� OLAP Server E9BA93
    SN-019418 AGGREGATE MDX function might cause slow query performance when member-level security is defined to the OLAP cube E9BA99
    SN-019725 AGGREGATE functions using calculated members containing NUNIQUE measures might cause SAS� OLAP Server to crash E9BB07
    SN-019820 ALERT - NONEMPTYCROSSJOIN function might cause data loss in an OLAP Query E9BB19
    SN-020202 Incorrect totals calculated when aggregate has members in same dimension of the NUNIQUE measure being used E9BB33
    SN-020292 SAS� OLAP Server performance might be worse after applying hotfix E9BA34 or later E9BB38
    SN-020291 ALERT - SAS� OLAP Server AGGREGATE function might return incorrect results on certain calculated members E9BB38
    SN-030537 SAS MDX isEmpty function will not evaluate cells containing character data E9BB68
    SN-020146 ALERT - Total calculations might be incorrect when an NUNIQUE measure is used E9BB68
    SN-013365 Drill-through and ROLAP aggregation tables can fail if the MDX query contains a numeric member E9BC15
    SN-020028 Empty drillthrough result when format width for a column is too small E9BC15
    SN-020652 NON EMPTY CROSSJOIN optimization might drop members from result set E9BC73
    SN-035621 SAS� OLAP Server appears to hang and must be frequently restarted E9BC88
    SN-033970 NON EMPTY CROSSJOIN optimization might cause slower performance with secured data E9BC92
    SN-036393 ERROR: "An OLAP server thread has failed" occurs when a drill-through query returns no records E9BD03
    SN-038401 MDX queries using totals in SAS� Web reports are not optimized by the SAS� OLAP Server E9BD21
    SN-038374 An error related to AVL trees might be returned by OLAP queries E9BD23
    SN-038652 Performance problems might occur on SAS� OLAP Servers that are running multiple requests E9BD24
    SN-038708 "Internal server exception: access violation" and _pthread_body errors received during an OLAP query E9BD24
    SN-040398 The SAS� OLAP Server might fail on Microsoft Windows Server installations E9BD38
    Install Instructions: E9BD38r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BD38.
    Download: E9BD38 for AIX   (File Size: 2.2M)
    ATTENTION: If you are running SAS Management Console 9.1.3 Service Pack 4, with Implementation-Version=9.1.20050622.20001, you must also download and install SAS Management Console hot fix 913SMC02 to address the issue described in SN-017449. The fix for the problem documented in this SAS Note will not be fully functional unless both E9BD38 and 913SMC02 are applied.
    You do not need to install 913SMC02 if you have any other Implementation-Version of SAS Management Console.

    ATTENTION: To fully implement the fix for SN-018254, you must also download and install SAS Base hot fix E9BC49. The fix for the problem documented in this SAS Note will not be fully functional unless both E9BD38 and E9BC49 are applied.
    Top ^

    E9BD39 for AIX
    Released: Sep 2010
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-019231 JAVAOBJ component object fails to free semaphores E9BA82
    SN-019812 Values are quoted when DBCS value has same hex code as delimiter character E9BB17
    SN-040559 VVALUE function causes segmentation violation in some cases in SAS® 9.1.3 E9BD39
    Install Instructions: E9BD39r6.txt ( This Asian Language Support (DBCS) hot fix has post-installation requirements. Please review SN-038930 for more information. )
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BD39.
    Download: E9BD39 for AIX   (File Size: 563K)
    Top ^

    E9BD40 for AIX
    Released: Sep 2010
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-017915 Memory leak in transcoding routine from MBCS to MBCS E9BA35
    SN-019115 TRANWRD() function has different performance in SAS� 6, and SAS� 8 and SAS� 9.1.3 E9BA80
    SN-020675 Garbage characters may result when using PROC CIMPORT to import a transport file containing double-byte character set data E9BB51
    SN-020676 PROC CIMPORT may fail or generate errors when the file contains SBCS Katakana data E9BB51
    SN-030987 Performance problems occur in DBCS SAS� software when you use the RLINK or DLM= options in the FILENAME statement E9BB97
    SN-031391 Transcoding problem occurs between SAS� Japanese encoding shift-jis and EUC E9BC02
    SN-019088 KCVT function has problem handling trailing null character E9BC23
    SN-036269 Inconsistent transcoding using the KCVT function produces incorrect results in SAS� 9.2 E9BC97
    SN-040528 Slow performance of DBCS SAS� when UPCASE() function is used E9BD40
    Install Instructions: E9BD40r6.txt ( This Asian Language Support (DBCS) hot fix has post-installation requirements. Please review SN-038930 for more information. )
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BD40.
    Download: E9BD40 for AIX   (File Size: 2.7M)
    ATTENTION(1) : To fully implement the fix for SN-019088, you must also download and install SAS/CONNECT hot fix E9CT05. If you are running SAS with Asian Language Support, please download E9CT05 (Asian Language Support).
    The fix for the problem documented in this SAS Note will not be fully functional unless both E9BC97 and E9CT05 are applied.

    ATTENTION(2) : This hot fix is available for UNIX customers only. Customers running on PC, VMS and z/OS (OS/390) should download E9BC97. If you are running SAS with Asian Language Support, download E9BC97 (Asian Language Support).
    Top ^

    E9BD42 for AIX
    Released: Nov 2010
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-017745 WHERE clause processing against an SQL view can cause Read Access or Segmentation Violations E9BA28
    SN-031607 Using the BY statement with the formatted ODS destinations can generate incorrect output E9BA36
    SN-017962 The first blank space in the name literal table names gets removed when you set the SYSLAST macro variable or _LAST_ system option E9BA36
    SN-017876 Creating index may cause SAS� to loop E9BA36
    SN-017981 ALERT - Incorrect output with WHERE and BY statements E9BA36
    SN-015813 Read Access Violation in Task (CONNECT) caused by long comments E9BA50
    SN-018156 Invoking an autocall macro which is stored as a SOURCE entry within a catalog may cause errors E9BA50
    SN-018305 Garbage characters in SAS log when localized DBCS SAS is used with products related to the Workspace server E9BA50
    SN-018396 Queries or WHERE clauses run against large data sets can cause SAS/SHARE� server to hang E9BA50
    SN-019372 Performance is poor in the SQL procedure when you use the COUNT(Distinct xxxx) function E9BB02
    SN-019601 The option VALIDVARNAME=UPCASE is not working as expected E9BB02
    SN-019978 Specifying LOGPARM system option may generate INSUFFICIENT AUTHORIZATION messages E9BB13
    SN-019984 Output in the listing is truncated using the DBCS version of SAS E9BB13
    SN-019344 SAS� may ignore indexes during query on 64-Bit UNIX systems E9BB13
    SN-019578 Update Flags from PROC SQL views are propagated by SAS� procedures with OUT= option E9BB13
    SN-020208 The ACCESS=READONLY option in the CATNAME statement is not working correctly E9BB35
    SN-020562 PROC APPEND step may damage BASE data set E9BB52
    SN-021003 Using the %v or #v LOGPARM path directive might cause the workspace server to fail to start and processes to stop responding E9BB63
    SN-030428 Aliased constant values become missing in outer joins and unions E9BB72
    SN-030390 Improvements are now available in relational database optimization via the SQL procedure E9BB72
    SN-019655 Filter behavior inconsistent between SAS� Web Report Studio 3.1 and SAS� Information Map Studio E9BB72
    SN-031300 Poor performance occurs when you use views that consist of inner joins from DBMS tables E9BB98
    SN-032375 Errors might occur reading XML files using the XML engine with very long strings E9BC16
    SN-033744 An incorrect buffer break occurs when calling a macro from an EXECUTE statement that specifies a parameter with an "at" sign (@) in the parameter name E9BC51
    SN-036281 PROC REPORT output generated by the CALL EXECUTE routine does not include text or variables generated by a COMPUTE block E9BC61
    SN-034018 MPRINT output generated twice when CALL EXECUTE is used within a macro E9BC61
    SN-035492 Could not find value or Record ID (RID) to do delete on index E9BC85
    SN-035117 ANYDTDTE informat incorrectly interprets invalid date value as a SAS date E9BC86
    SN-035895 An error occurred Executing the Workspace Job The server is disconnected message might occur if you run a job in SAS� Enterprise Guide� E9BC89
    SN-035991 A generic IOM error occurs when executing a stored process that produces graphics output E9BC89
    SN-034012 Column aliases are not passed correctly to GROUP BY or ORDER BY clauses in the SAS� Scalable Performance Data Server� E9BC93
    SN-036280 ALERT - The SQL procedure generates incorrect results when you copy a SAS� data set from one platform to another platform E9BC93
    SN-033084 An SQLPLAN internal error might occur when reference a variable from an in-line view that created the variable from a constant E9BC93
    SN-040951 Arithemetic performed on DATA and TIME data types is not passed to the underlying DBMS in SAS/ACCESS� 9.1.3 software E9BC93
    SN-034678 An SQLPLAN error occurs when you submit a query with a CALCULATED column reference in a CASE expression that contains a GROUP BY clause E9BC93
    SN-036177 Incorrect results might occur when you run a PROC SQL join with an additional WHERE clause against Teradata tables E9BC93
    SN-036202 SQLPLAN internal errors might occur when you reference calculated columns in an SQL procedure E9BC93
    SN-036070 Extraneous code might be added if CALL EXECUTE is used to generate many ODS HTML statements E9BD01
    SN-036592 ALERT - DELETE statement sometimes does not remove qualifying observations E9BD10
    SN-034234 Incorrect results might occur if you use the LIBNAME statement option IP=YES with an SQL procedure that contains data calculations in a WHERE clause E9BD15
    SN-038698 SAS� Enterprise Guide� becomes unresponsive and the SAS� Workspace Server log grows extremely large E9BD22
    SN-040558 Invoking nested autocall macros using des= option causes error E9BD42
    Install Instructions: E9BD42r6.txt ( This Asian Language Support (DBCS) hot fix has post-installation requirements. Please review SN-038930 for more information. )
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BD42.
    Download: E9BD42 for AIX   (File Size: 4.1M)
    ATTENTION (1): To complete the installation of this hot fix, you must also download and install SAS Base hot fixes E9BD61 and E9BD48.
    Download E9BD61
    Download E9BD61 for SAS with Asian Language Support (DBCS)
    Download E9BD48
    Download E9BD48 for SAS with Asian Language Support (DBCS)
    This hot fix will NOT be fully functional without E9BD61 and E9BD48 applied.
    ATTENTION (2): For additional configuration instructions for improving relational database optimization, see Problem Note SN-030390 above.
    Top ^

    E9BD43 was replaced by E9BD61

    E9BD46 was replaced by E9BD48

    E9BD47 was replaced by E9BD61

    E9BD48 for AIX
    Released: Feb 2011
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-016428 DBSLICEPARM creates incorrect syntax when DB2DECPT=, E9BA58
    SN-030942 The WHERE clause strips trailing blanks from string literals that are concatenated with DBMS columns of type VARCHAR E9BB80
    SN-031862 A U1314 abend might occur when a job sorts an SQL procedure view that references a DB2 table E9BC14
    SN-016338 Using PROC APPEND to insert rows into an Oracle table may report an error as a note E9BC57
    SN-033648 ALERT - The implicit pass-through facility does not correctly switch argument order for the DB2 LOCATE() function when you pass the INDEX() function to DB2 E9BC63
    SN-035895 An error occurred Executing the Workspace Job The server is disconnected message might occur if you run a job in SAS� Enterprise Guide� E9BC90
    SN-035991 A generic IOM error occurs when executing a stored process that produces graphics output E9BC90
    SN-036748 The MULTI_DATASRC_OPT= option is ignored when multiple WHERE clause predicates are used in an SQL join operation E9BD09
    SN-035879 ALERT - Data imported from a DB2 library may be corrupt E9BD14
    SN-039997 A database error can occur when you submit an SQL query with a LIBNAME statement that uses the MULTI_DATASRC_OPT=IN_CLAUSE option E9BD33
    SN-041748 Using the LIBNAME option MULTI_DATASRC_OPT=IN_CLAUSE can result in an error E9BD46
    SN-042030 Oracle PREPARE error issued when SAS table is empty and no keys are in the WHERE clause E9BD48
    Install Instructions: E9BD48r6.txt ( This Asian Language Support (DBCS) hot fix has post-installation requirements. Please review SN-038930 for more information. )
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BD48.
    Download: E9BD48 for AIX   (File Size: 502K)
    ATTENTION (1): To complete the installation of this hot fix, you must also download and install SAS Base hot fixes E9BD42 and E9BD61.
    Download E9BD42
    Download E9BD42 for SAS with Asian Language Support (DBCS)
    Download E9BD61
    Download E9BD61 for SAS with Asian Language Support (DBCS)
    This hot fix will NOT be fully functional without E9BD42 and E9BD61 applied.
    ATTENTION (2): Oracle customers running on Solaris for X64 must download and install SAS Oracle hot fix E9OC11 and SAS Base hot fix E9BB64.
    Download E9OC11
    Download E9OC11 for SAS with Asian Language Support (DBCS)
    Download E9BB64
    Download E9BB64 for SAS with Asian Language Support (DBCS)
    ATTENTION (3): Oracle customers running on all other platforms must also download and install SAS Oracle hot fix E9OC15.
    Download E9OC15
    Download E9OC15 for SAS with Asian Language Support (DBCS)
    ATTENTION (4): OpenVMS Alpha customers should install SAS BASE hot fix E9BD33.
    Download E9BD33
    Top ^

    E9BD50 for AIX
    Released: Feb 2011
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-031241 "ERROR: Library LIBREF is not assigned" when running the METALIB procedure E9BA08
    SN-017581 ERROR: Invalid physical name for library XXXX is displayed when using Update Table Metadata or PROC METALIB with concatenated libraries E9BA08
    SN-017580 ERROR: This Library is already assigned or cannot be reassigned E9BA08
    SN-017849 PROC METALIB fails to update an SPDS library table metadata with "Error: Invalid Option User." E9BA30
    SN-019486 "ERROR: Invalid memptr" occurs and the SAS� session becomes unresponsive when trying to access a view via a libref with the META LIBNAME engine E9BB18
    SN-020460 Joining two tables can cause your system to stop responding or can cause an access-violation problem E9BB46
    SN-031002 Database passwords are displayed in the SAS� log in clear text E9BC24
    SN-032284 A Read-access violation occurs when running PROC METALIB to update tables that originate from an Adabas database E9BC24
    SN-016116 Pre-Assigned Library fails with an unexpected error has occurred E9BC42
    SN-032376 Access violation occurs when updating metadata for a table that contains multiple indexes with long index names E9BC66
    SN-034840 Running PROC METALIB on a DB2 libray and attempting to update a table that has a foreign key relationship with another table might cause an error E9BC75
    SN-036544 ERROR: "Libname lref not available for use" occurs when assigning a library using the META engine E9BD05
    SN-038292 Libname X not available for use error when password for WebDAV library is more than nine characters E9BD19
    SN-039550 A Read access violation occurs when you use the METALIB procedure to import or register database tables into the SAS� Metadata Repository E9BD28
    SN-042180 Support for implicit pass-through facility with SAS� Scalable Performance Data Server when using the META engine on the LIBNAME statement E9BD50
    Install Instructions: E9BD50r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BD50.
    Download: E9BD50 for AIX   (File Size: 276K)
    Top ^

    E9BD55 for AIX
    Released: Apr 2011
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-017704 ALERT - An update to ensure proper authentication logging on to an Integration Technology Server E9BA16
    SN-032805 Trusted Peer Connections between a SAS� process in a Windows environment and a Metadata Server in a z/OS environment run as public user connections E9BB40
    SN-020384 If your z/OS user ID begins with special characters, you cannot see pre-assigned libraries from SAS� Enterprise Guide� 4.1 E9BB40
    SN-020418 "ACCESS DENIED" authentication error is not displayed as expected when the Metadata server using a Japanese version of Windows E9BB40
    SN-031165 IOM messages are truncated in the SAS� Metadata Server log E9BB96
    SN-034913 The SAS� Metadata Server stops responding if a long user ID or password is submitted for authentication E9BC69
    SN-034915 Submitting a blank user ID when logging in to the SAS� Metadata Server causes the server memory usage to increase suddenly E9BC69
    SN-040494 ALERT - A SAS/SHARE� server fails or does not respond when it is run as a Microsoft Windows service E9BD37
    SN-042456 You cannot access files on a SAS/SHARE� server E9BD51
    Install Instructions: E9BD55r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BD55.
    Download: E9BD55 for AIX   (File Size: 502K)
    ATTENTION(1): To fully implement the fix for SN-041220, you must also download and install SAS Base hot fix E9BD54. The fix for the problem documented in this SAS Note will not be fully functional unless both E9BD54 and E9BD55 are applied.
    ATTENTION(2): OpenVMS Alpha customers should install SAS BASE hot fix E9BD62.
    Top ^

    E9BD56 for AIX
    Released: Jun 2011
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-017667 ALERT - Segmentation Violation in task [ DATASETS ] using DELETE statement E9BA13
    SN-017072 Metadata server service might show starting state but never start E9BA19
    SN-018790 SAS� fails when running a very large DATA step on AIX E9BA69
    SN-020233 Increasing timeout value on UNIX may improve performance E9BB32
    SN-020274 Grid sign-on fails to honor the TCPPORTFIRST and the TCPPORTLAST options E9BB36
    SN-020438 Unix cleanwork utility does not remove UTILLOC directories E9BB45
    SN-019386 SAS/CONNECT may issue "Segmentation Violation In Task [ Program ]" E9BB58
    SN-020817 Using the JOBNAME= option to specify a job name in the GRDSVC_ENABLE call routine E9BB58
    SN-021112 A SAS/CONNECT� software session might result in orphaned processes on a remote UNIX server E9BB75
    SN-031368 Poor performance with complex merges on AIX E9BB95
    SN-031719 Some components from version 6 of SAS/AF� software might cause a read-access violation with repeated use E9BC09
    SN-031795 Dragging the cursor to an unselected item within the Radio Box control can unexpectedly update the internal value for the unselected item E9BC09
    SN-031400 Resetting system time backwards causes negative "real time" value in STIMER output E9BC09
    SN-019028 Truncation errors might occur when using Unicode SAS with UTF-8 encoding to process 8-bit characters E9BC18
    SN-032113 The $EBCDIC format/informat generates incorrect results if ENCODING=UTF8 is set E9BC18
    SN-019330 Problems might occur when you invoke SAS� macros using Microsoft Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) automation submit method E9BC18
    SN-032096 ERROR "SAS Error Event: Error sending status, 1, to SCM. Error 6: The handle is invalid." occurs when stopping the SAS� Metadata Server E9BC18
    SN-032521 ALERT - A Multi-Processing (MP) CONNECT session might not respond in UNIX environments E9BC18
    SN-032547 Data sets written to tape in SAS� 8.2 are not readable in SAS� 9.1.3 E9BC18
    SN-033403 Segmentation violation and bridge stub errors on AIX E9BC60
    SN-036130 Running large SQL queries in the AIX operating environment can generate results with missing values E9BC60
    SN-033581 Program with a large number of ELSE statements produces incorrect results on AIX E9BC60
    SN-034651 Using a Japanese or DBCS character in a pathname may cause truncation of file name E9BC67
    SN-034955 The SAS� Metadata Server stops accepting new client connections and returns an error when too many files are open E9BD12
    SN-040822 Specifying the SAS� system option OPLIST may cause a segmentation violation error in the UNIX environment E9BD41
    SN-041361 Modification datetime stamp is changed on existing version of a SAS� data set when you create a new data set with same name E9BD44
    SN-031894 The SAS� Metadata Server might appear to hang during a period of high activity E9BD56
    Install Instructions: E9BD56r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BD56.
    Download: E9BD56 for AIX   (File Size: 2.9M)
    ATTENTION (1): To obtain the complete fix for SN-020817 and SN-019386 you must also download and install SAS/CONNECT hot fix E9CT05. The issues described in SN-020817 and SN-019386 will not be fully fixed until both E9BD56 and E9CT05 are applied.
    ATTENTION (2): To obtain the complete fix for SN-021112 you must also download and install SAS/ACCESS Interface to DB2 hot fix E9D216. The issue described in SN-021112 will not be fully fixed until both E9BD56 and E9D216 are applied. This is not applicable to z/OS sites.
    Customers running on VMS should download E9BD44.
    Customers running on Windows should download E9BD59.
    Top ^

    E9BD61 for AIX
    Released: Oct 2011
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-017873 ALERT - Extra WHERE clause may get added to query passed to databases E9BA31
    SN-017888 Segmentation Violation error issued when using PROC SQL and SAS/ACCESS� with a LENGTH= option larger than 32 E9BA31
    SN-018108 Segmentation violation when executing multiple queries against a PROC SQL view containing a LIBNAME statement E9BA44
    SN-018176 ALERT - Import of table through Information Map Library Engine deletes physical table E9BA48
    SN-020479 Batch jobs might end with a return code of 4 with no warning in the SAS� log E9BA53
    SN-018487 Compress() function returns incorrect results when used on PROC SQL INSERT statement after applying SAS� 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 E9BA53
    SN-016074 "WARNING: At least one nonessential grouping column reference has been removed from a GROUP BY's reference list" E9BA53
    SN-019170 Errors issued when integer references for column is used in a PROC SQL GROUP BY statement E9BA83
    SN-019372 Performance is poor in the SQL procedure when you use the COUNT(Distinct xxxx) function E9BB04
    SN-019527 Specifying the NOIPASSTHRU option in PROC SQL does not disable implicit passthru E9BB04
    SN-016547 Correlated subqueries using column aliases may not be passed to your dbms when using SAS/ACCESS LIBNAME statement E9BB10
    SN-019930 Using more than 36 tables in a UNION operation within an SQL procedure generates an error message E9BB26
    SN-020130 Aliases columns or aliased tables in the SQL procedure blocks Implicit Pass-Through E9BB29
    SN-030428 Aliased constant values become missing in outer joins and unions E9BB29
    SN-020162 Using functions without parameters in WHERE clauses can block Implicit Pass-Through E9BB29
    SN-020126 SAS/ACCESS� software now provides full support of the INNER JOIN syntax E9BB29
    SN-020116 SAS/ACCESS� software fails to use table aliases correctly when you use in-line SELECT statements E9BB29
    SN-020123 Incorrect SQL text is generated when inner and left joins are used E9BB29
    SN-020125 Using implicit pass-through might cause an incorrect table reference assignment E9BB29
    SN-020129 An incorrect Implicit Pass-Through query is generated when you use a combination of inner and outer Joins E9BB29
    SN-020122 Performance issues occur because SQL code is not passed to the database E9BB29
    SN-030390 Improvements are now available in relational database optimization via the SQL procedure E9BB70
    SN-019655 Filter behavior inconsistent between SAS� Web Report Studio 3.1 and SAS� Information Map Studio E9BB70
    SN-020635 Incorrect textualization of SQL Implicit Pass-Through queries occurs when you combine multiple inner joins with one or more outer joins E9BB70
    SN-032085 Incorrect SQL optimization may produce incorrect results E9BB76
    SN-030942 The WHERE clause strips trailing blanks from string literals that are concatenated with DBMS columns of type VARCHAR E9BB76
    SN-030923 Aliased summary functions in Base SAS� software are not passed to databases E9BB76
    SN-030893 Using an ORDER BY clause in the SQL procedure causes performance problems E9BB76
    SN-031102 A segmentation-violation error might occur after you apply Hot Fix E9BA83 and you access Oracle E9BB76
    SN-031191 Support is now available for the PROC SQL CREATE TABLE statement for the SAS� Scalable Performance Data Server� E9BB93
    SN-031122 SQLPLAN internal errors might occur when you select columns from an SQL view E9BB93
    SN-031121 Implicit Pass-Through errors occur when accessing Oracle tables E9BB93
    SN-031291 Errors occur in SAS� Scalable Performance Data Server� for numeric columns that are defined with the MISSING statement when it is used in WHERE processing E9BB99
    SN-031211 Errors occur in the SQL procedure's Implicit Pass-Through facility after you apply hot fixes E9BB72, E9BB76, and E9BB80 E9BB99
    SN-031249 SQLPLAN errors occur when you reference a calculated column on an SQL WHERE clause E9BB99
    SN-031905 Enhancements to the Implicit SQL Pass-Through facility enable more of a query to be passed to a database E9BC11
    SN-031863 ALERT - Using the EQT operator in the SQL procedure incorrectly classifies rows with missing values as a match E9BC11
    SN-031564 Performance problems occur when you use the CASE expression with DBMS tables E9BC11
    SN-031825 After applying hot fixes E9BB98 and E9BB99, column aliases are passed to the SQL GROUP BY clause in place of the corresponding real column names E9BC11
    SN-033763 Using the CALCULATED keyword in a WHERE clause in a PROC SQL inner join generates a cartesian product E9BC25
    SN-033649 Calculations that involve DBMS datetime values can return incorrect results E9BC25
    SN-033073 Using the CALCULATED keyword in a WHERE clause generates a Carteisan product E9BC25
    SN-032636 A Read-access violation might be generated after you apply hot fixes E9BB80, E9BB98, and E9BB99 E9BC25
    SN-032537 ALERT - Incorrect query results might be generated after you apply hot fixes E9BB80, E9BB98, and E9BB99 or you run SAS� 9.2 E9BC25
    SN-032925 An error occurs when you use the IDXNAME= and the WHERE= data set options in an SQL procedure query E9BC32
    SN-032472 Concatenating libraries can result in Read-access violations in the SQL procedure E9BC32
    SN-032545 An SQLPLAN error might occur after you apply hot fixes E9BB98 and E9BB99 E9BC32
    SN-032406 Outer joins that contain a WHERE clause with the STRIP() and PUT() functions cause abnormal endings E9BC32
    SN-035779 The LENGTH= column modifier is handled incorrectly when you use PROC SQL to create character columns in SAS� Scalable Performance Data Server� tables E9BC32
    SN-034012 Column aliases are not passed correctly to GROUP BY or ORDER BY clauses in the SAS� Scalable Performance Data Server� E9BC32
    SN-032542 An error message incorrectly appears when you use the IDXNAME= and the WHERE= option data set options together in an SQL procedure E9BC32
    SN-011210 Incorrect results occur when you use a WHERE= option with indexed tables in the SQL procedure E9BC46
    SN-034564 The COUNT() or N() functions return incorrect results when used in a query containing a WHERE clause or a WHERE= data set option E9BC46
    SN-035011 A Read-access violation occurs in the SQL procedure when the WHERE= data set option is placed in an ORDER BY clause E9BC46
    SN-033094 ALERT - Incorrect results might be generated when you use the LIBNAME statement to join multiple Oracle tables E9BC46
    SN-033648 ALERT - The implicit pass-through facility does not correctly switch argument order for the DB2 LOCATE() function when you pass the INDEX() function to DB2 E9BC62
    SN-034993 An error occurs when you run an SQL query with the ORACLE LIBNAME engine E9BC62
    SN-034975 Segmentation violations might occur after you apply Hot Fix E9BC46 in queries that reference DBMS tables E9BC62
    SN-034391 An SQLPLAN error might occur when you use a calculated field to subset a table E9BC62
    SN-036280 ALERT - The SQL procedure generates incorrect results when you copy a SAS� data set from one platform to another platform E9BC94
    SN-033084 An SQLPLAN internal error might occur when reference a variable from an in-line view that created the variable from a constant E9BC94
    SN-034678 An SQLPLAN error occurs when you submit a query with a CALCULATED column reference in a CASE expression that contains a GROUP BY clause E9BC94
    SN-036177 Incorrect results might occur when you run a PROC SQL join with an additional WHERE clause against Teradata tables E9BC94
    SN-036202 SQLPLAN internal errors might occur when you reference calculated columns in an SQL procedure E9BC94
    SN-036748 The MULTI_DATASRC_OPT= option is ignored when multiple WHERE clause predicates are used in an SQL join operation E9BD08
    SN-034153 Option DBIDIRECTEXEC prevents SAS� Enterprise Guide from opening tables created by PROC SQL E9BD13
    SN-034234 Incorrect results might occur if you use the LIBNAME statement option IP=YES with an SQL procedure that contains data calculations in a WHERE clause E9BD13
    SN-040951 Arithemetic performed on DATA and TIME data types is not passed to the underlying DBMS in SAS/ACCESS� 9.1.3 software E9BD20
    SN-038458 SQLPLAN internal errors might occur when you reference a view in a query that has variables that are defined with the the LENGTH= column modifier E9BD20
    SN-040492 Incorrect textualization of SQL Implicit Pass-Through queries occurs when you combine multiple inner joins with the UNION operator E9BD20
    SN-037846 A segmentation violation occurs in the SAS� 9.1.3 SQL procedure after you apply hot fixes E9BD08, E9BD09, and E9BD10 in the AIX operating environment E9BD20
    SN-038519 Specifying both the DBSLICPARM= and the MULTI_DATASRC_OPT= options might generate incorrect results E9BD26
    SN-039304 SQL views of DBMS tables may not return aliased column names E9BD26
    SN-039129 Formatting a newly created, missing numeric variable might result in a "Format not found" error E9BD32
    SN-039125 An SQLPLAN error might occur when you use a new column variable in a correlated subquery E9BD32
    SN-039271 ALERT - Outer join condition may not appear on WHERE clause when performing query against Oracle E9BD32
    SN-039984 An SQL procedure view does not return any rows when it is used in DATA step or a PRINT procedure E9BD43
    SN-041785 Read Access Violation errors occur when creating a long macro variable with the PROC SQL / INTO: macro interface E9BD43
    SN-042030 Oracle PREPARE error issued when SAS table is empty and no keys are in the WHERE clause E9BD47
    SN-044069 Performance might be affected if your query joins multiple tables or views in which variables are being renamed E9BD61
    Install Instructions: E9BD61r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9BD61.
    Download: E9BD61 for AIX   (File Size: 1.1M)
    ATTENTION (1): E9BD61 for Windows is also available for the following languages:
    German, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Simplified Chinese
    ATTENTION (2): Customers running SAS Base SQL must also download and install SAS Base hot fixes E9BD42 and E9BD48.
    Download E9BD42
    Download E9BD42 for SAS with Asian Language Support (DBCS)
    Download E9BD48
    Download E9BD48 for SAS with Asian Language Support (DBCS)
    ATTENTION (3): OpenVMS Alpha customers should install SAS BASE hot fix E9BD32.
    Download E9BD32
    Top ^


    E9QL01 for AIX
    Released: May 2006
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-017677 Potential error when generating match codes via the DQMatch procedure E9QL01
    SN-017055 The DQMATCH procedure is limited to 10 CRITERIA statements that contain the EXACT options E9QL01
    SN-017678 Cluster analysis failing with Proc DQMATCH against large datasets E9QL01
    SN-017643 dqidentify function not returning same value as dfPower Studio for PLPOL locale E9QL01
    Install Instructions: E9QL01r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9QL01.
    Download: E9QL01 for AIX   (File Size: 625K)
    Top ^


    E9IH01 for AIX
    Released: Jul 2006
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-017764 ALERT - Processing halted and Error dialog box displayed when reading IBM WebSphere MQ queue E9IH01
    Install Instructions: E9IH01r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9IH01.
    Download: E9IH01 for AIX   (File Size: 92K)
    Top ^

    E9IH02 for AIX
    Released: Feb 2008
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-030996 The SAS Message Queue interface can now use the Base/Server model with WebSphere MQ V6.0 E9IH02
    Install Instructions: E9IH02r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9IH02.
    Download: E9IH02 for AIX   (File Size: 31K)
    Top ^


    E9D203 for AIX
    Released: Sep 2006
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-018374 Bulkload statistics now stored in macro variables E9D203
    Install Instructions: E9D203r6.txt ( This Asian Language Support (DBCS) hot fix has post-installation requirements. Please review SN-038930 for more information. )
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9D203.
    Download: E9D203 for AIX   (File Size: 502K)
    ATTENTION: This hot fix is intended for Unix and Windows customers running any version of DB2 Client earlier than DB2 Client 8.1 Fix Pack 9. Customers running the DB2 Client 8.1 Fix Pack 9 or later should download and install hot fix E9D216.
    Top ^

    E9D205 was replaced by E9D216

    E9D208 was replaced by E9D216

    E9D210 was replaced by E9D216

    E9D214 was replaced by E9D216

    E9D216 for AIX
    Released: Jun 2009
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-019987 PROC DBLOAD fails to insert the correct number of rows using SAS/ACCESS� Interface to DB2 E9D205
    SN-019993 SAS/ACCESS� Interface to DB2 has been enhanced to use the new DB2 API interface for bulk loading and importing to DB2 E9D205
    SN-019989 A floating-point exception error can occur when you use SAS� Data Integration Studio 3.4 to update table metadata in the SAS/ACCESS� Interface to DB2 E9D205
    SN-020976 An error might occur when you perform concurrent uploads to DB2 partitioned databases E9D208
    SN-020977 SAS/ACCESS� Interface to DB2 cannot obtain the last inserted identity value unless you issue a separate SELECT statement after the INSERT statement E9D208
    SN-021112 A SAS/CONNECT� software session might result in orphaned processes on a remote UNIX server E9D210
    SN-033912 The SYSDBRC and SYSDBMSG macro variables are not populated after a bulk-loading failure E9D214
    SN-033902 Incorrect error messages are generated for errors that result when you try to insert rows into DB2 and you use the BULKLOAD=YES option E9D214
    SN-033663 Bulk loading fails when you use the DB2 9.5 client with SAS/ACCESS� Interface to DB2 E9D214
    SN-035928 An error occurs when you access data of types BLOB and CLOB from a DB2 table E9D216
    Install Instructions: E9D216r6.txt ( This Asian Language Support (DBCS) hot fix has post-installation requirements. Please review SN-038930 for more information. )
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9D216.
    Download: E9D216 for AIX   (File Size: 676K)
    ATTENTION: This hot fix is intended for Unix and Windows customers running the DB2 Client 8.1 Fix Pack 9 or later. Customers running earlier versions of the DB2 Client should install hot fix E9D203.
    ATTENTION: To obtain the complete fix for SN-021112 you must also download and install SAS/BASE hot fix E9BC76. The issues detailed in SN-021112 will not be fully fixed until both E9D216 and E9BC76 are applied.
    Top ^


    E9IF01 was replaced by E9IF03

    E9IF02 was replaced by E9IF03

    E9IF03 for AIX
    Released: Jul 2009
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-019818 Upgrading to SAS�9 causes SAS/ACCESS� Interface to Informix to freeze (lock up) when you try to create or drop the same table repeatedly E9IF01
    SN-033839 An error occurs in SAS/ACCESS� Interface to Informix when you run a database commit action against a non-logging Informix IDS database E9IF02
    SN-036627 Opening an Informix table in a concatenated library may cause errors E9IF03
    Install Instructions: E9IF03r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9IF03.
    Download: E9IF03 for AIX   (File Size: 256K)
    Top ^


    E9MQ01 for AIX
    Released: Jul 2009
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-036426 The READBUFF= setting is not honored when certain types of SQL queries are made against a libref in SAS/ACCESS� Interface to Microsoft SQL Server E9MQ01
    Install Instructions: E9MQ01r6.txt ( This Asian Language Support (DBCS) hot fix has post-installation requirements. Please review SN-038930 for more information. )
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9MQ01.
    Download: E9MQ01 for AIX   (File Size: 635K)
    Top ^


    E9YQ03 for AIX
    Released: Oct 2008
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-018039 "ERROR: numeric expression requires numeric format" E9YQ01
    SN-018165 A MySQL decimal column is incorrectly being seen as a text column with MySQL 5.0 within SAS� E9YQ01
    SN-018494 Column length is doubled when MySQL LIBNAME engine settings are changed to any DBCS encoding values E9YQ02
    SN-031117 The MySQL client might run out of memory if a large results set is produced with SAS/ACCESS� Interface to MYSQL E9YQ03
    SN-033404 A segmentation violation occurs when a MySQL table contains a binary large object (BLOB) variable E9YQ03
    Install Instructions: E9YQ03r6.txt ( This Asian Language Support (DBCS) hot fix has post-installation requirements. Please review SN-038930 for more information. )
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9YQ03.
    Download: E9YQ03 for AIX   (File Size: 369K)
    Top ^


    E9NZ01 was replaced by E9NZ02

    E9NZ02 for AIX
    Released: Feb 2010
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-030556 The BULKUNLOAD= option is ONLY used as a data set option in SAS/ACCESS� Interface to Netezza E9NZ01
    SN-030464 Japanese characters do not display successfully in SAS� Enterprise Guide� when you access Netezza with SAS/ACCESS� Interface to ODBC or SAS/ACCESS� Interface to Netezza E9NZ01
    SN-035799 An error occurs when you use the Netezza engine in a LIBNAME statement to access Netezza release 4.6 E9NZ02
    Install Instructions: E9NZ02r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9NZ02.
    Download: E9NZ02 for AIX   (File Size: 287K)
    Top ^


    E9OD01 was replaced by E9OD08

    E9OD02 was replaced by E9OD08

    E9OD03 was replaced by E9OD08

    E9OD04 was replaced by E9OD08

    E9OD05 was replaced by E9OD08

    E9OD06 was replaced by E9OD08

    E9OD07 was replaced by E9OD08

    E9OD08 for AIX
    Released: May 2010
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-037514 Support is now available for reading the MySQL LONGTEXT data type in SAS/ACCESS� Interface to ODBC E9OD01
    SN-018348 "Data truncated" warning issued using SAS/ACCESS� Interface to ODBC to access Informix data E9OD01
    SN-017463 Incorrect length assigned to character variables using SAS/ACCESS� Interface to ODBC and SAS 9.1.3 SP4 E9OD01
    SN-018476 READBUFF setting not honored with certain SQL queries against a SAS/ACCESS� Interface to ODBC libref E9OD02
    SN-018538 "Error: DIAG[42000] [HP ODBC driver] ERROR [4118] The cursor query expression is not updatable. (-4118) when using HP ODBC driver SQL" E9OD02
    SN-018988 Netezza support for remote external tables interface for SAS/ACCESS� Interface to ODBC E9OD03
    SN-018990 Incorrect data inserted into DB2 column defined as "CHAR() FOR BIT DATA" E9OD03
    SN-018991 ALERT - Bulkloading into Microsoft SQL Server can lead to loss of precision E9OD03
    SN-019988 PROC DBLOAD fails to insert the correct number of rows when you use SAS/ACCESS� Interface to ODBC E9OD04
    SN-019994 SAS/ACCESS� Interface to ODBC has been enhanced to use the new DB2 API interface for bulk loading and importing data to DB2 E9OD04
    SN-019990 A floating-point exception error can occur when you use SAS� Data Integration Studio 3.4 to update table metadata in the SAS/ACCESS� Interface to ODBC E9OD04
    SN-019995 Accessing SYBASE IQ tables with SAS/ACCESS� Interface to ODBC appears to freeze or is extremely slow E9OD04
    SN-019970 SAS/ACCESS� Interface to ODBC does not properly set the SYSDBRC and SYSDBMSG automatic macro variables when a Netezza load fails E9OD04
    SN-032370 DBLOAD procedure does not write non-English characters to Microsoft SQL Server Unicode Field E9OD05
    SN-016094 Invalid characters might display when use SAS/ACCESS� Interface to ODBC to connect a SAS Unicode server to a Unicode database E9OD05
    SN-033733 The LIBNAME statement’s QUALIFIER= option is not honored in subsequent PROC SQL SELECT statements that include the DISTINCT option and that are run against the same libref E9OD06
    SN-035182 The QUALIFIER= option is ignored when you use DISTINCT in a PROC SQL SELECT statement with a libref in SAS/ACCESS� Interface to DB2 E9OD06
    SN-033148 An error message occurs when you connect to the HP Neoview database with the SAS/ACCESS� Interface to ODBC engine E9OD06
    SN-035971 An error occurs when you use SAS/ACCESS� Interface to ODBC to append data to a nonexistent DATAllegro table E9OD07
    SN-037477 An incorrect value might be inserted into an Oracle SMALLINT data type when you use SAS/ACCESS� Interface to ODBC on a Linux platform E9OD08
    Install Instructions: E9OD08r6.txt ( This Asian Language Support (DBCS) hot fix has post-installation requirements. Please review SN-038930 for more information. )
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9OD08.
    Download: E9OD08 for AIX   (File Size: 1.3M)
    Top ^


    E9OC02 was replaced by E9OC15

    E9OC04 was replaced by E9OC15

    E9OC05 was replaced by E9OC15

    E9OC06 was replaced by E9OC15

    E9OC07 was replaced by E9OC15

    E9OC08 was replaced by E9OC15

    E9OC09 for AIX
    Released: Aug 2007
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-019772 The Oracle Database 10g client is supported on the Linux Itanium operating system through the SAS/ACCESS� Interface to Oracle E9OC05
    SN-019771 The Oracle Database 10g client is supported on the HP Itanium operating system through the SAS/ACCESS� Interface to Oracle E9OC06
    SN-020088 The SAS/ACCESS� Interface to Oracle returns incorrect byte lengths for the CHAR and VARCHAR2 columns E9OC07
    SN-020190 The Oracle bulk loader is disabled when you use the -NOXCMD command to invoke the SAS� System E9OC07
    SN-020317 The Oracle 10g client is supported on the Linux operating system through SAS/ACCESS� Interface to Oracle E9OC08
    SN-020733 Control files and data files might still exist after you bulk load an Oracle table E9OC09
    SN-020794 An error occurs when there is a space in the directory paths of an SQL*Loader file E9OC09
    SN-020712 Decreased performance might occur when you use bulk loading in SAS/ACCESS� Interface to Oracle E9OC09
    SN-020710 The BL_DEFAULT_DIR data set option enables you to overide the default path for SQL*LOADER intermediate files when bulk loading to Oracle E9OC09
    SN-020714 TIMESTAMP format does not work for all foreign languages E9OC09
    SN-020734 An error occurs when data that has any date format is loaded to Oracle in a non-English environment E9OC09
    Install Instructions: E9OC09r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9OC09.
    Download: E9OC09 for AIX   (File Size: 225K)
    ATTENTION: To complete the installation of this hot fix on Alpha/VMS, you must also download and install hot fix E9BC90 for Alpha. This hot fix will NOT be fully functional without E9BC90 applied.
    ATTENTION: This hot fix is intended for customers running the Oracle 8i client. Customers running the Oracle 9i client or above should install E9OC15 instead. DBCS customers should install the DBCS version of E9OC15.
    Top ^

    E9OC10 was replaced by E9OC15

    E9OC11 was replaced by E9OC15

    E9OC12 was replaced by E9OC15

    E9OC13 was replaced by E9OC15

    E9OC14 was replaced by E9OC15

    E9OC15 for AIX
    Released: Apr 2010
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-019772 The Oracle Database 10g client is supported on the Linux Itanium operating system through the SAS/ACCESS� Interface to Oracle E9OC05
    SN-019771 The Oracle Database 10g client is supported on the HP Itanium operating system through the SAS/ACCESS� Interface to Oracle E9OC06
    SN-020088 The SAS/ACCESS� Interface to Oracle returns incorrect byte lengths for the CHAR and VARCHAR2 columns E9OC07
    SN-020190 The Oracle bulk loader is disabled when you use the -NOXCMD command to invoke the SAS� System E9OC07
    SN-020317 The Oracle 10g client is supported on the Linux operating system through SAS/ACCESS� Interface to Oracle E9OC08
    SN-020733 Control files and data files might still exist after you bulk load an Oracle table E9OC09
    SN-020794 An error occurs when there is a space in the directory paths of an SQL*Loader file E9OC09
    SN-020712 Decreased performance might occur when you use bulk loading in SAS/ACCESS� Interface to Oracle E9OC09
    SN-020710 The BL_DEFAULT_DIR data set option enables you to overide the default path for SQL*LOADER intermediate files when bulk loading to Oracle E9OC09
    SN-020714 TIMESTAMP format does not work for all foreign languages E9OC09
    SN-020734 An error occurs when data that has any date format is loaded to Oracle in a non-English environment E9OC09
    SN-020687 Support for Oracle TIMESTAMP data types added in SAS 9.1.3 E9OC10
    SN-031179 Hot Fix E9OC10 for Oracle timestamp support might cause performance degradation E9OC11
    SN-032148 The Table Loader step in a SAS� Data Integration Studio job might not stop processing properly after a constraint violation error E9OC12
    SN-019910 INSERTBUFF= should be set to 1 when Using MODIFY to update an Oracle table E9OC12
    SN-032461 An error occurs because temporary tables are not deleted when you execute SCD2 code E9OC12
    SN-036595 The BL_DELETE_FILES option deletes all file types(.ctl, .log, and .dat) that are created with the bulk loader E9OC13
    SN-035837 Trace messages do not appear for the SQL statements INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE E9OC13
    SN-033135 "Error: Physical file does not exist" occurs when using SAS� Merchandise Data Integration with Oracle SQL*Loader E9OC13
    SN-038842 An SQL query that is run against an Oracle table might return incorrect results if a WHERE clause contains the BETWEEN operator and a date operand E9OC15
    Install Instructions: E9OC15r6.txt ( This Asian Language Support (DBCS) hot fix has post-installation requirements. Please review SN-038930 for more information. )
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9OC15.
    Download: E9OC15 for AIX   (File Size: 410K)
    ATTENTION: To complete the install of this hot fix on the UNIX platforms, you must manually relink the sasora executable. See step 8 of the install instructions for more details.
    ATTENTION: Customers running on the Solaris for X64 platform should download and install E9OC11. DBCS customers should install the DBCS version of E9OC11.
    ATTENTION: To complete the installation of this hot fix, OpenVMS_Alpha customers must also download and install hot fix E9BD33. DBCS customers should install the DBCS version of E9BD33. Customers running on all other platforms should download and install hot fix E9BD48. DBCS customers should install the DBCS version of E9BD48. This hot fix will NOT be fully functional without having both E9OC15 and E9BD33 or E9BD48 applied.
    ATTENTION: This hot fix is intended for customers running the Oracle 9i client or above. Customers running the Oracle 8i client should either upgrade their Oracle client to 9i or above before installing this hot fix, or install E9OC09 instead.
    Top ^


    D9R302 for AIX
    Released: Oct 2005
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-015516 ALERT - The incorrect Xerces library for the SAS RFC server is installed on all UNIX hosts in SAS 9.1.3 D9R302
    SN-016007 SAS/ACCESS 4.1 Interface to R/3 produces 'ERROR: Unexpected end of file' D9R302
    SN-016008 ERROR: Unexpected end of file generated when running SAS/ACCESS 4.1 Interface to R/3 batch extractions in parallel D9R302
    Install Instructions: D9R302r6.txt
    Download: D9R302 for AIX   (File Size: 48.5M)
    ATTENTION (1): This hot fix should be applied to SAS/Access to R/3 4.1 only. It should not be applied to any other release of this product.
    ATTENTION (2): This hot fix can be applied to systems running either SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 3 or SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4.
    Top ^

    E9R305 for AIX
    Released: Oct 2009
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-037210 Some informats fail to load when you use SAS/ACCESS� Interface to R/3 to extract SAP data E9R305
    Install Instructions: E9R305r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9R305.
    Download: E9R305 for AIX   (File Size: 123K)
    Top ^


    D9BW01 for AIX
    Released: Mar 2006
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-016839 ERROR: A failure occurred while generating InfoObjects Metadata D9BW01
    SN-016898 Change Data Capture adds invalid records to an ODS table in SAS/ACCESS Interface to SAP BW software D9BW01
    Install Instructions: D9BW01r6.txt
    Download: D9BW01 for AIX   (File Size: 737K)
    ATTENTION: This hot fix can be applied to systems running either SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 3 or SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4.
    Top ^


    E9SB08 for AIX
    Released: Jun 2009
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-017567 Connection to Sybase not released when using PROC DBLOAD with the SAS/ACCESS� Interface to Sybase E9SB01
    SN-018210 Incorrect amount of data may be returned when using SAS/ACCESS� Interface to Sybase with threads E9SB02
    SN-017889 Notes, Warnings, or Errors not being issued when attempting to insert into a SYBASE table with triggers E9SB02
    SN-018400 Different column Format is given when using ORDER BY and a date literal within a SELECT statement using the Sybase engine E9SB03
    SN-018792 Text strings greater than 32767 are stored as a blank field when read into SAS� with the DBMAX_TEXT option set E9SB04
    SN-019240 Selecting a column that contains null values for autopartitioning when DBSLICEPARM=ALL might generate incorrect data E9SB04
    SN-019099 SAS/ACCESS� Interface to Sybase with the bulkcopy feature may return a warning when an actual error was issued E9SB04
    SN-019748 Incorrect results can occur when you use the DBSLICEPARM= option with SAS/ACCESS� Interface to Sybase E9SB05
    SN-033901 An error occurs in releases of Sybase that support the data types Date and Time E9SB06
    SN-033896 Performance degradation occurs when you run programs in SAS/ACCESS� Interface to Sybase after you have migrated from SAS� 8.2 to SAS� 9.1.3 E9SB06
    SN-035927 ALERT - An error occurs when you append a SAS� data set to Sybase table that has a VARCHAR column with a length greater than 255 E9SB08
    Install Instructions: E9SB08r6.txt ( This Asian Language Support (DBCS) hot fix has post-installation requirements. Please review SN-038930 for more information. )
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9SB08.
    Download: E9SB08 for AIX   (File Size: 2.0M)
    Top ^


    E9TE01 was replaced by E9TE13

    E9TE02 was replaced by E9TE13

    E9TE03 was replaced by E9TE13

    E9TE04 was replaced by E9TE13

    E9TE05 was replaced by E9TE13

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    E9TE07 was replaced by E9TE13

    E9TE08 was replaced by E9TE13

    E9TE09 was replaced by E9TE13

    E9TE10 was replaced by E9TE13

    E9TE11 was replaced by E9TE13

    E9TE12 was replaced by E9TE13

    E9TE13 for AIX
    Released: Mar 2010
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-018170 Teradata FASTLOAD performance problems in SAS� 9 E9TE01
    SN-034604 Running multiple, concurrent processes in SAS� Marketing Automation causes an error in the FastLoad utility in the SAS/ACCESS� Interface to Teradata E9TE03
    SN-019941 Running multiple, concurrent processes causes an error in the FastLoad utility when you use it with the SAS/ACCESS� Interface to Teradata E9TE03
    SN-019939 Using MULTILOAD=YES without CREATE/DROP table rights in the SAS/ACCESS� Interface to Teradata can generate an error E9TE03
    SN-020199 The same query produces different results when submitted using the Pass-Through Facility in SAS/ACCESS� Interface to Teradata and using Teradata BTEQ E9TE04
    SN-020515 An error occurs when you attempt to access a Teradata TTU 8.2 library via SAS/ACCESS� Interface to Teradata 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 E9TE04
    SN-031370 LDAP authentication is not supported in SAS/ACCESS� Interface to Teradata E9TE05
    SN-032796 An incorrect error message is sometimes generated when using MODE=Teradata E9TE06
    SN-033955 Using the X versions of Teradata views to retrieve metadata causes performance degradation E9TE07
    SN-035002 An error occurs when you use the MultiLoad facility with SAS/ACCESS� 9.1.3 Interface to Teradata E9TE08
    SN-034729 Teradata's BIGINT data type is not supported in SAS/ACCESS� Interface to Teradata E9TE08
    SN-036348 An error might occur when you invoke the FastExport utility multiple times with the SAS/ACCESS� Interface to Teradata E9TE09
    SN-036369 An error might occur when you invoke the MultiLoad utility multiple times with the SAS/ACCESS� Interface to Teradata E9TE09
    SN-035616 The FastExport module fails when it is run under an object spawner E9TE09
    SN-036176 A Read-access violation occurs when you submit an explicit SQL pass-through query to Teradata E9TE10
    SN-037244 Performance decreases when you use an ORDER BY clause in the SQL procedure with the Teradata FastExport utility E9TE11
    SN-037894 A segmentation violation occurs when you use the MULTILOAD=YES option in the SAS/ACCESS� Interface to Teradata on an HP Itanium operating system E9TE11
    SN-031972 Teradata Tools and Utilities (TTU) 12 is not supported in the AIX environment E9TE12
    SN-038521 An error occurs when you use a LIBNAME statement with LDAP authentication to connect to Teradata in UNIX operating environments E9TE12
    SN-038647 An FNCLOADERROR(519) error occurs when you try to connect to the Teradata database in UNIX operating environments E9TE12
    SN-038840 Teradata Tools and Utilities (TTU) 13 is not suppported in the AIX operating environment E9TE13
    SN-038873 A UTY4015 access-module error occurs when you use the Teradata MultiLoad utility with SAS/ACCESS� Interface to Teradata E9TE13
    Install Instructions: E9TE13r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9TE13.
    Download: E9TE13 for AIX   (File Size: 11.0M)
    Top ^


    E9CT01 was replaced by E9CT05

    E9CT02 was replaced by E9CT05

    E9CT03 was replaced by E9CT05

    E9CT04 was replaced by E9CT05

    E9CT05 for AIX
    Released: Jun 2009
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-019386 SAS/CONNECT may issue "Segmentation Violation In Task [ Program ]" E9CT01
    SN-020817 Using the JOBNAME= option to specify a job name in the GRDSVC_ENABLE call routine E9CT01
    SN-031089 A floating-point exception error might occur if you use the UPLOAD procedure to move a file that is larger than 2 GB E9CT02
    SN-013122 WZX: Invalid Conversion Map Specified E9CT03
    SN-032983 Invalid results occur when you use the DOWNLOAD procedure with the V6TRANSPORT option in SAS� 9.1.3 in the z/OS environment E9CT03
    SN-031820 An error can occur when you have applied Hot Fix #E9BB97 and you remotely submit PROC UPLOAD with a WHERE clause that points to a remote DBCS machine E9CT03
    SN-034153 Option DBIDIRECTEXEC prevents SAS� Enterprise Guide from opening tables created by PROC SQL E9CT04
    SN-033576 SAS� Enterprise Guide� does not detect when SAS data sets are created, updated, or deleted through a grid E9CT04
    SN-036081 The UPLOAD and DOWNLOAD procedures add null values to the ends of variables when you specify a SAS� view with the DATA= data set option E9CT05
    Install Instructions: E9CT05r6.txt ( This Asian Language Support (DBCS) hot fix has post-installation requirements. Please review SN-038930 for more information. )
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9CT05.
    Download: E9CT05 for AIX   (File Size: 881K)
    ATTENTION: To make this hot fix fully functional you must also download and install hot fixes E9BD56 for z/OS and Unix, E9BD59 for Windows, E9BC97 and E9BC98.
    If you are running SAS with Asian Language Support, please download :
    E9BD56 (Asian Language Support) for z/OS and Unix, E9BD59 (Asian Language Support) for Windows, E9BC97 (Asian Language Support) and E9BC98 (Asian Language Support)
    Top ^


    E9GR01 for AIX
    Released: Jun 2006
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-017031 Some labels may be missing from graphs when using the GIF device driver E9GR01
    Install Instructions: E9GR01r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9GR01.
    Download: E9GR01 for AIX   (File Size: 317K)
    Top ^

    E9GR02 was replaced by E9GR17

    E9GR05 for AIX
    Released: Jun 2007
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-019778 PROC GMAP with the GIF device driver may leave extra white space around the map E9GR05
    Install Instructions: E9GR05r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9GR05.
    Download: E9GR05 for AIX   (File Size: 215K)
    Top ^

    E9GR06 was replaced by E9GR13

    E9GR08 was replaced by E9GR13

    E9GR10 was replaced by E9GR16

    E9GR11 was replaced by E9GR16

    E9GR12 was replaced by E9GR13

    E9GR13 for AIX
    Released: Nov 2008
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-020254 The SAS� 9 SAS/GRAPH Java applets have an expired digital signature E9GR06
    SN-021087 Application of hotfix E9GR06 causes problems with ODS Graphics and the JAVAIMG device driver E9GR08
    SN-033169 Link tips are not displayed unless the "Show all links" option is checked E9GR12
    SN-033830 Constellation threshold scrollbar does not interact with diagram E9GR13
    Install Instructions: E9GR13r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9GR13.
    Download: E9GR13 for AIX   (File Size: 6.3M)
    Top ^

    E9GR15 was replaced by E9GR16

    E9GR16 for AIX
    Released: Jun 2009
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-030713 If you use SAS/GRAPH� software with fonts that support only Western characters in non-English locales, text and spacing problems might occur E9GR10
    SN-032294 Text characters might appear as boxes when using the SASEMF or SASWMF device drivers E9GR11
    SN-033596 Overlapping font characters when using fixed-spaced Asian fonts with the SASEMF and SASWMF device drivers E9GR15
    SN-035913 Top of text on the first graph title might be clipped E9GR16
    SN-035914 Incorrect characters could appear on graphics output when using a TrueType font with the SASEMF device driver E9GR16
    Install Instructions: E9GR16r6.txt ( This Asian Language Support (DBCS) hot fix has post-installation requirements. Please review SN-038930 for more information. )
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9GR16.
    Download: E9GR16 for AIX   (File Size: 522K)
    Top ^

    E9GR17 for AIX
    Released: Sep 2009
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-017238 Plotted line(s) may be missing from a graph created with PROC GPLOT E9GR02
    SN-036987 BOX interpolation with PROC GPLOT might produce different results on UNIX versus Windows E9GR17
    Install Instructions: E9GR17r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9GR17.
    Download: E9GR17 for AIX   (File Size: 287K)
    Top ^


    E9ML03 for AIX
    Released: Sep 2009
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-034587 ALERT - CALL EIGEN in the IML Procedure might modify the input matrix E9ML03
    Install Instructions: E9ML03r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9ML03.
    Download: E9ML03 for AIX   (File Size: 82K)
    Top ^


    E9OR02 for AIX
    Released: Jan 2007
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-018762 Grid points are incorrect when printed with the OUTGRID option E9OR02
    SN-018763 Optimization algorithms do not start from the best grid point found during a grid search E9OR02
    Install Instructions: E9OR02r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9OR02.
    Download: E9OR02 for AIX   (File Size: 809K)
    Top ^

    E9OR04 for AIX
    Released: Nov 2009
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-036896 An incorrect optimum is produced during credit risk mitigant allocation E9OR04
    Install Instructions: E9OR04r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9OR04.
    Download: E9OR04 for AIX   (File Size: 2.6M)
    Top ^


    E9QC01 for AIX
    Released: Jun 2006
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-016789 PROC SHEWHART abends with ANNO= option and only a single subgroup E9QC01
    Install Instructions: E9QC01r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9QC01.
    Download: E9QC01 for AIX   (File Size: 307K)
    Top ^


    E9ST01 for AIX
    Released: Apr 2006
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-015911 PROC SURVEYMEANS may abnormally terminate with crossed terms on the DOMAIN statement E9ST01
    Install Instructions: E9ST01r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9ST01.
    Download: E9ST01 for AIX   (File Size: 205K)
    Top ^

    E9ST02 for AIX
    Released: May 2006
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-013179 ALERT - Incorrect standard errors may occur when using the OFFSET option with the COVS option E9ST02
    SN-017530 ALERT - Incorrect sandwich estimate standard errors occur in PROC PHREG with the counting process (start, stop) syntax when using the COVS, OFFSET and MULTIPASS options E9ST02
    SN-017587 COVS option in PROC PHREG may cause missing standard errors, chisquare statistics, pvalues and hazard ratios E9ST02
    Install Instructions: E9ST02r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9ST02.
    Download: E9ST02 for AIX   (File Size: 348K)
    Top ^

    E9ST03 was replaced by E9ST10

    E9ST04 for AIX
    Released: Jun 2006
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-016790 PROC BOXPLOT abends with ANNO= option and only a single box E9ST04
    Install Instructions: E9ST04r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9ST04.
    Download: E9ST04 for AIX   (File Size: 481K)
    Top ^

    E9ST05 was replaced by E9ST08

    E9ST06 for AIX
    Released: Jul 2006
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-017845 Insufficient memory error may occur when performing local kriging over a large number of grid points E9ST06
    Install Instructions: E9ST06r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9ST06.
    Download: E9ST06 for AIX   (File Size: 123K)
    Top ^

    E9ST07 was replaced by E9ST10

    E9ST08 for AIX
    Released: Mar 2007
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-017255 ALERT - PROC MIXED can produce incorrect results for CONTRAST or ESTIMATE statement involving levels of random effects E9ST05
    SN-017503 ALERT - Incorrect results with RANDOM statement and TYPE=SP() when random effect involves a continuous effect E9ST05
    SN-017511 ALERT - Incorrect output when REPEATED statement uses TYPE=ANTE(1) and data not sorted by repeated effect within each subject E9ST05
    SN-019432 ALERT - Incorrect output possible with the GROUP= option on RANDOM statement E9ST08
    Install Instructions: E9ST08r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9ST08.
    Download: E9ST08 for AIX   (File Size: 727K)
    Top ^

    E9ST09 for AIX
    Released: Jan 2008
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-021142 ALERT - Missing or incorrect results for stratified tests via the GROUP= option of the STRATA statement in PROC LIFETEST may occur when a BY statement is used E9ST09
    Install Instructions: E9ST09r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9ST09.
    Download: E9ST09 for AIX   (File Size: 358K)
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    E9ST10 for AIX
    Released: Apr 2009
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-013510 Invalid reference value error if REF='level' used for two or more variables E9ST03
    SN-017517 SCALE= option may be ignored when PARAM=REF or PARAM=EFFECT is specified E9ST03
    SN-019162 Excessive time or memory required with many levels of CLASS variable E9ST07
    SN-016848 ALERT - Incorrect output statistics with DIST=MULT and full-rank CLASS coding E9ST10
    Install Instructions: E9ST10r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9ST10.
    Download: E9ST10 for AIX   (File Size: 614K)
    Top ^

    E9ST11 for AIX
    Released: Oct 2009
    Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
    SN-037320 ERROR: Write Access Violation In Task [ STDIZE ] E9ST11
    SN-037321 Filter node gives A Problem Has Been Encountered on the Server, Write Access Violation In Task [ STDIZE ] errors E9ST11
    Install Instructions: E9ST11r6.txt
    IMPORTANT! You must have SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before installing E9ST11.
    Download: E9ST11 for AIX   (File Size: 184K)
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