I22117 for Linux for x64 |
Base SAS 9.3_M2 |
Issue(s) Addressed: | Introduced: |
48236 | "Invalid value" and "Invalid option name" errors occur when you assign a library using the SAS® software's metadata (META) LIBNAME engine |
I22006 |
48785 | The error "An insufficient set of LIBNAME options. . ." occurs when you use the METALIB procedure to register or update table metadata |
I22006 |
48941 | The METALIB procedure produces a segmentation violation error when you update SAS® metadata for a Sybase IQ table |
I22021 |
43097 | The error "No available engine session manager slots" occurs when you access Teradata tables with the META LIBNAME engine |
I22045 |
44120 | Assigning DBMS libraries might fail in SAS® Enterprise Guide® |
I22045 |
49607 | The maximum number of database connections is exceeded when you access databases that are registered in metadata |
I22045 |
50033 | Accessing a metadata-defined SAS/SHARE® library might result in the error "Cannot find TCP service..." |
I22045 |
50373 | The META LIBNAME engine enforces permissions incorrectly when you add a new row to a table |
I22045 |
50788 | A segmentation violation occurs when you are running the MEANS procedure with the Metadata LIBNAME Engine and SAS/ACCESS® Interface to Teradata |
I22061 |
50503 | A table in the Metadata Library Engine library might not close after you access it with an SQL view that is created from an SQL procedure step |
I22080 |
48885 | An out-of-memory error message might occur when you run a Base SAS® procedure that supports in-database processing while accessing a Teradata table |
I22093 |
50374 | PROC METALIB fails to properly assign the MemberType attribute when it registers a new SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server table in metadata |
I22093 |
52776 | A Read access violation occurs when you run a query against an SAP table in a SAS® double-byte character set (DBCS) encoding |
I22093 |
54662 | A LIBNAME statement that uses the META engine to Netezza creates too many connections to the database |
I22106 |
54761 | The message "Error during in-database processing" is generated when you assign the META LIBNAME engine to a Netezza library |
I22106 |
56563 | Running a PROC SQL query against a database table might result in a Segmentation Violation |
I22117 |
NOTE: If you install this hot fix, you must also install hot fixes I22065, I22091 and I22134 for Base SAS 9.3_M2. |
I22118 for Linux for x64 |
Base SAS 9.3_M2 |
Issue(s) Addressed: | Introduced: |
44189 | Poor performance might occur when you subset against a DB2 binary (raw/bit) data type |
I22033 |
52059 | CONNECTION=GLOBAL is not honored when you use SAS/ACCESS® Interface to Oracle and DBMSTEMP=NO |
I22071 |
50800 | In-database processing errors occur when the Oracle password contains parentheses or braces (curly brackets) |
I22090 |
53851 | Performance in SAS/ACCESS® Interface to Oracle is slow when you use the MULTI_DATASRC_OPT=IN_CLAUSE in a LIBNAME statement |
I22090 |
54153 | The ACCESS=READONLY LIBNAME option is ignored when the DBIDIRECTEXEC system option is used |
I22090 |
54092 | SAS® OLAP cubes that are sorted using a language-specific SORTSEQ option might display incorrect values when you expand a single level of a member |
I22107 |
54751 | The BETWEEN operator might re-order values, possibly leading to unexpected results in a linguistic-sensitive environment |
I22107 |
NOTE: If you install this hot fix, you must also install hot fix I22134 for Base SAS 9.3M2.
NOTE: If you install this hot fix and have SAS/ACCESS Interface to DB2 9.31M1 installed, you must also install hot fix J39004.
NOTE: If you install this hot fix and have SAS/ACCESS Interface to Oracle 9.31M1 installed, you must also install hot fix I33003. |
I22124 for Linux for x64 |
Base SAS 9.3_M2 |
Issue(s) Addressed: | Introduced: |
48169 | Incorrect SYSRC from OPEN function when a password is not specified |
I22009 |
48054 | Very long lines of syntax may cause a Generic Critical Error or unexpected syntax errors |
I22010 |
48412 | Text that contains tokens that are longer than 255 characters might not be stored correctly within a compiled macro definition |
I22010 |
48439 | Global macro variables are incorrectly set within a workspace server |
I22010 |
48707 | Text Cluster node returns "ERROR 180-322: Statement is not valid or it is used out of proper order" |
I22016 |
48843 | Error may occur if a string is preceded by more than 255 blanks |
I22016 |
49146 | Using the SASFILE statement for large data sets might produce an error |
I22024 |
49389 | Tick mark values might overlap on graphs produced by the ODS Graphics Designer or Graph Template Language |
I22024 |
49839 | You receive an error message indicating the %INCLUDE has encountered an I/O error |
I22031 |
50023 | SAS® Workspace Server connections do not respond when the process owner does not have access permission to the file specified in a %INCLUDE statement |
I22031 |
50584 | Syntax error is generated within PROC SQL when a query is inside a macro |
I22054 |
51138 | A Read-access violation might occur when you perform a correlated subquery using the SQL procedure |
I22059 |
51003 | Using a %SYMDEL statement within a CALL EXECUTE routine incorrectly deletes local macro variables |
I22060 |
51701 | ALERT - When you run SAS® Foundation, non-allocated memory might be overwritten |
I22069 |
52698 | A user 1319 abend occurs in a SAS/SHARE® server |
I22081 |
53676 | Executing large macros from disk in the z/OS operating environment causes performance loss |
I22100 |
54723 | Large user-defined formats might cause an insufficient memory message and a message about insufficient contiguous storage |
I22108 |
54909 | SAS® Drug Development 4.3.2 - Application of J37005 and I22022 Hotfixes results in XLSX files not being picked up in Job Manifest in the Repository |
I22108 |
57254 | The &SYSCC automatic macro variable returns an incorrect value when the SASAUTOS= system option contains an unmatched quotation mark |
I22124 |
57348 | SAS® Drug Development 4.3.2 - Incorrect completion status might occur when mismatched or single quotation marks are in SAS® code including for Jobs |
I22124 |
NOTE: If you install this hot fix and need the fix documented in SAS Note 49146, you must also install hot fix I22133 for Base SAS 9.3_M2.
If you install this hot fix and need the fix documented in SAS Note 49389, you must also install hot fixes I22025 for Base SAS 9.3_M2
and I16004 for Base SAS JAR Files 9.3_M2. |
I22133 for Linux for x64 |
Base SAS 9.3_M2 |
Issue(s) Addressed: | Introduced: |
45225 | Installation with a sub-capacity license fails if hyper-threading has been enabled |
I22029 |
49871 | Transcoding errors occur in the Asian language version of SAS® 9.3 when a SYSTEM function is used to run a UNIX command with a DBCS string |
I22029 |
45574 | INFILE option RECFM=N causes an increase in processing time in SAS® 9.3 |
I22049 |
51642 | Using a negative array subscript might generate the error "Array subscript out of range" |
I22067 |
52078 | You can manipulate metadata-bound SAS data sets regardless of server authentication or permissions set on the file |
I22073 |
48994 | During termination, a SAS® 9.3 Metadata Server that is executing in a z/OS operating environment might abend with a user 4039 or system 0C2 abend code |
I22103 |
54246 | The error "sas.exe has stopped working" occurs when you are working in an interactive SAS® session |
I22103 |
55851 | Secured tables return "ERROR: An I/O error has occurred on file..." when the SGIO option is enabled |
I22112 |
56215 | The ODS PACKAGE destination removes the byte order mark (BOM) from ZIP files that are generated with UTF-8 encoding |
I22115 |
61379 | Extraneous characters might be displayed if a SAS® view is opened in a text editor |
I22133 |
NOTE: If you install this hot fix and need the fix documented in SAS Note 49146, you must also install hot fix I22124 for Base SAS 9.3_M2.
If you install this hot fix on WIN and WX6, you must also install hot fix I22127 for Base SAS 9.3M2. |
I22134 for Linux for x64 |
Base SAS 9.3_M2 |
Issue(s) Addressed: | Introduced: |
47967 | "SPDS_ERROR: Column XXXXX could not be found in the table identified with the correlation name YYYYY" when running PROC SQL |
I22002 |
44189 | Poor performance might occur when you subset against a DB2 binary (raw/bit) data type |
I22032 |
47294 | Customized metadata column descriptions might be lost when you read data from a database management system (DBMS) table with the META LIBNAME engine |
I22055 |
48063 | ALERT - An incorrect query might be passed to the database when the query contains inner and outer joins within a subquery |
I22055 |
48605 | Results generated by the SQL procedure GROUP BY clause might not be correct for tables that contain more than 2 billion rows |
I22055 |
49076 | Use of a DISTINCT argument in a view in a subquery might cause an exception or cause SAS to fail |
I22055 |
49175 | ALERT - Incorrect sort information might be placed in the header of a SAS® data set that was created by the SQL procedure |
I22055 |
50703 | ALERT - An incorrect number of rows are returned from the Extract transformation |
I22055 |
50733 | An SQL query containing date arithmetic might not be pushed to the underlying database, leading to poor performance |
I22055 |
50784 | ALERT - SAS® data set headers might contain incorrect SORTED BY information |
I22055 |
50797 | When the attributes for DBMS tables are defined in SAS® Management Console, new tables based on the existing tables might not have the same attributes |
I22055 |
50944 | ALERT - The transcode bit might be changed to YES when you join database management system (DBMS) tables with TRANSCODE=NO |
I22055 |
51029 | Incorrect results occur when you use Japanese queries that contain certain Japanese characters |
I22055 |
48585 | SQL queries that contain column or inline-view aliases might cause errors when executed against a database using the SAS/ACCESS® software |
I22068 |
48831 | The wrong column name might be used in a query that is passed to the database management system |
I22068 |
50827 | ALERT - When you use the COUNT(distinct x) function in the SQL procedure, incorrect counts might be returned |
I22078 |
50503 | A table in the Metadata Library Engine library might not close after you access it with an SQL view that is created from an SQL procedure step |
I22079 |
49962 | ALERT - Incorrect results for SQL implicit pass-through queries occur when you use the CALCULATED keyword on a HAVING clause |
I22096 |
51712 | An 0C4 abend might occur when you access a DB2 table through a SAS/ACCESS® view descriptor |
I22096 |
52327 | SQL procedure code that used to work properly now leads to issues such as missing table columns, incorrect results, or an incorrect query being passed |
I22096 |
54648 | ALERT - Including the LENGTH= modifier in an SQL query might result in incorrect results |
I22104 |
54751 | The BETWEEN operator might re-order values, possibly leading to unexpected results in a linguistic-sensitive environment |
I22104 |
54652 | ALERT - Running an SQL query that contains the COUNT() function might result in incorrect results |
I22113 |
54915 | An abend might occur when you are accessing a SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server table on a Linux x64 system |
I22113 |
56478 | An error occurs when you use the CAST=YES LIBNAME option with an ORDER BY clause or a SELECT DISTINCT clause in SAS/ACCESS® Interface to Teradata |
I22119 |
50790 | An SQLPLAN error might occur when you query a database management system (DBMS) table and the query includes a LENGTH= modifier |
I22123 |
50801 | Implicit pass-through processing might be disabled, resulting in performance issues |
I22123 |
56389 | ALERT - When you use the SQL procedure to join multiple DBMS tables, the column used is from an incorrect table |
I22123 |
56976 | ALERT - When you attempt to subset an SQL view, you might get incorrect results |
I22123 |
56979 | A segmentation violation or Read access violation might occur when you are accessing a DBMS table via the SQL procedure |
I22123 |
56981 | A simple join might not be not passed to the database, resulting in poor performance |
I22123 |
57014 | Using a PUT function with SAS/ACCESS® Interface to ODBC might cause a segmentation violation in Base SAS® |
I22123 |
57048 | Results of a join operation might differ depending on whether the join is done by the database or by the SAS® software |
I22123 |
57899 | ALERT - PROC SQL returns incorrect results reading from an In-Line View or an SQL View |
I22128 |
61621 | Performance issues or an ORA-01841 error might occur when querying a DBMS table |
I22132 |
62752 | Incorrect results are generated when you use multiple views with the SQL procedure |
I22134 |
NOTE: If you install this hot fix, you must also install hot fixes I22091, I22117, and I22118 for Base SAS 9.3 M2. |
K66003 for Linux for x64 |
Base SAS 9.3_M2 |
Issue(s) Addressed: | Introduced: |
47932 | The error "The URI for libref ' ' cannot be resolved" might appear when you build a cube by using the short form of the OLAP procedure |
K66001 |
47974 | A data integrity issue might occur if the NWAY is not compacted when you build a SAS® OLAP cube that uses a star schema |
K66001 |
48308 | The SAS® OLAP Server might stop responding if a nonstandard method is used to cancel the query |
K66001 |
50220 | A library assignment error might occur when you drill to detail records from a SAS® OLAP cube |
K66001 |
50245 | When you use the MDX FILTER function with a MEASURE caption, the filter is incorrectly applied to the MEASURE name and not the MEASURE caption |
K66001 |
50278 | SAS® OLAP Server returns incorrect results when there are more than 100 members in a set for HIERARCHIZE POST |
K66001 |
50314 | ALERT - A data integrity issue might occur if the NWAY is not compacted when you build a SAS® OLAP cube that uses shared dimensions |
K66001 |
50484 | The OLAPOPERATE procedure might not return cube names when you use the LIST SESSIONS statement |
K66001 |
50672 | The IGNORE_MISSING_DIMKEYS option is not enforced for cubes that use only shared dimensions |
K66001 |
51037 | The SAS® OLAP Server might stop responding if a search returns large amounts of data |
K66001 |
51060 | Aggregate totals might not be included in SAS® OLAP Server query results |
K66001 |
47238 | Query cancellations sent to the SAS® OLAP Server are sometimes delayed |
K66001 |
52460 | Calculated measures that reference nunique and standard measures might return unexpected results when sorting or ranking a SAS® OLAP cube |
K66001 |
51546 | An ambiguous reference error might occur when you build a SAS® OLAP cube using a star schema |
K66002 |
50352 | The SAS® OLAP Server might stop responding when you use PROC OLAPOPERATE DISABLE CUBE |
K66002 |
51236 | An "Internal server exception" error might occur when you attempt to view the member properties of a level in a SAS® OLAP cube |
K66002 |
52436 | Calculated members might return missing values in OLAP query results after container Hot Fix K66002 is applied |
K66003 |
53918 | OLAP cubes with ragged hierarchies might generate incorrect results when using a WHERE clause in the MDX query |
K66003 |
S36008 for Linux for x64 |
SAS/Secure SSL 9.3_M2 hot fix for Base SAS 9.3_M2 |
Issue(s) Addressed: | Introduced: |
54374 | ALERT - Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) capability in SAS® Foundation products is susceptible to the POODLE security vulnerability |
S36001 |
48142 | The SAS® Metadata Server might not respond when you use SSL with direct LDAP authentication |
S36001 |
50747 | A client machine connects to a server machine even when the connection should not be allowed |
S36001 |
53245 | ALERT - OpenSSL security vulnerabilities (05 Jun 2014) exist in SAS/SECURE software |
S36001 |
54073 | ALERT - OpenSSL security vulnerabilities (6 Aug 2014) exist in SAS/SECURE software |
S36001 |
55767 | ALERT - OpenSSL security vulnerabilities (19 Mar 2015) exist in the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) capability in SAS® Foundation products |
S36002 |
56385 | ALERT - OpenSSL security vulnerabilities (11 Jun 2015 and 9 Jul 2015) exist in the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) capability in SAS® Foundation products |
S36004 |
57686 | OpenSSL security vulnerabilities (4 Dec 2015) exist in the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) capability in SAS® Foundation products |
S36005 |
58391 | OpenSSL version 1.0.2h is available for SAS® 9.3 and 9.4 on UNIX and z/OS |
S36006 |
58785 | ALERT - The HTTP procedure generates an exception error |
S36006 |
59244 | OpenSSL vulnerabilities exist in the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) capability in SAS® Foundation products (OpenSSL advisories through 26 September 2016) |
S36007 |
61700 | OpenSSL vulnerabilities exist in the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) capability in SAS® Foundation products (OpenSSL advisories through 02 November 2017) |
S36008 |
Released: January 15, 2018 | | D | | |
IMPORTANT: Please contact SAS Technical Support for information on accessing this hot fix and reference SAS Note 61700 |
D indicates that the Documentation has special pre-installation, post-installation or other unique instructions not commonly used for hot fix deployment. |