SAS Institute. The Power to Know

SAS Visual Investigator 10.7
Updates are available for the issues described in the following SAS Notes.

For instructions on how to access and apply software updates, see:
SAS Visual Investigator 10.7 Hot Fix 11 Release Notes and
Updating Your SAS Viya software in the SAS Viya 3.5 for Linux Deployment Guide.
To verify the installation of software updates in your Linux environment, see KB0036526
70764 The Object Manager execution displays a "no results found" message instead of an in-process indicatorApril 29, 2024 Manifest View
70763 A customized search with user "me" links results in the execution of the search   
70762 The workflow response dialog box might not be centered or contains too many values to display   
70761 Alert contributing items that contain a # in their ID value result in an underlying encoding error   
70760 Selecting a list of users could result in slow processing or process hanging   
70759 An edit is not saved if you process the edit too quickly   
70758 Duplicates might occur when processing a flow with record-level scenarios   
70757 Entering notes for an alert disposition fails with the error "A data error occurred..."   
70749 Users with an @ symbol in their user ID are unable to display disposition reports in SAS® Visual Investigator   
70706 You cannot select some items in the Print template "Insert value/label" drop-down list   
70651 Running a published flow with a record-level scenario fails to generate an alert in SAS® Visual Investigator   
70533 Grids might not render if you contain a column named "type"   
69776 Text that is pasted into a rich-text control is not saved in SAS® Visual Investigator   
70262 An indexing job might fail when multiple tenants concurrently start the jobJuly 26, 2023 Manifest View
70216 You are unable to run several jobs at the same time on multiple tenants in SAS® Visual Investigator   
70214 Some of your custom user groups on the Alert Recipients Group drop-down list might not be displayed in SAS® Visual Investigator   
69725 You cannot select cell values in the Relationships control grid in SAS® Visual Investigator   
69850 SQL Server elasticsearch incremental indexing performance might be slower when accessing relationships or transactions that have multiple primary keysJanuary 26, 2023 Manifest View
69792 A recent change to Java Development Kit (JDK) 8, which is supplied by Red Hat, is causing Elasticsearch to fail to start   
69786 SAS® Visual Investigator contains a stored cross-site scripting vulnerability   
69781 SQL server queries might fail when there are more than 2100 parameters in SAS® Visual Investigator   
69779 The "Index for search" configuration setting is not saved for fields of child entities in SAS® Visual Investigator   
69778 Comments are not displayed in the order in which they were created in SAS® Visual Investigator   
69777 Numeric values that have comma-delimited values might not be saved in SAS® Visual Investigator   
69776 Text that is pasted into a rich-text control is not saved in SAS® Visual Investigator   
69695 The server error "An unexpected error occurred" occurs when you work with network diagrams in SAS® Visual Investigator    
69677 Scenarios in SAS® Visual Investigator that have multiple aggregation columns might not have correct lookback periods   
69325 SAS® Visual Investigator contains a cross-site scripting vulnerabilityJune 07, 2022 Manifest View
69322 The scenario flow might fail with a NullPointerException in SAS® Visual Investigator   
69321 Context start and context end dates are missing from the scenario fired event grid on the alert activity page in SAS® Visual Investigator   
69312 Elasticsearch indexing takes a long time when the external database is Microsoft SQL Server in SAS® Visual Investigator   
69307 An alert is generated when a score is less than the scorecard threshold in SAS® Visual Investigator   
69223 A Scenario Flow scorecard fails to run because of caslib permission errors in SAS® Visual Investigator   
69221 Incremental indexing is slower when an entity has an extremely large number of historical deleted records in SAS® Visual Investigator   
69220 Pages take a long time to load in SAS® Visual Investigator   
69141 You cannot perform a filtered expansion when you are over the expansion limit in SAS® Visual Investigator   
68867 A Microsoft Excel file that is created after selecting "Export to Excel" does not contain all data-grid information from an entity pageFebruary 09, 2022 Manifest View
68866 Indexing transactions from database external entities in SAS® Visual Investigator is taking too long to complete   
68862 You encounter date and time issues in SAS® Visual Investigator when the Oracle time-zone setting is not set to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time)   
68861 Transactions and relationships between entities in SAS® Visual Investigator are missing after full or incremental indexing   
68858 A customized page in SAS® Visual Investigator accepts input slowly when it contains many controls and different selections    
68857 Indexing links and transactions can fail on Microsoft SQL Server when join key values require validation in SAS® Visual Investigator   
68856 A blank value is displayed in the Assignment User ID field in the Alert Grid after you specify "userNameCellRenderer" in the Administration interface   
68855 The lock for an alert that you had dispositioned is not released properly in SAS® Visual Investigator   
68852 The Suppress Scenario window shows an incorrect date format in SAS® Visual Investigator 10.7   
68851 You cannot edit scenario parameters that are defined as lists in SAS® Visual Investigator when you do not have the "Edit scenario flows" capability   
68848 You filter or sort alert enrichment data that is defined as integer or double data types, and you see "An error occurred loading data from the server"   
68847 You are limited to 500 characters when entering your comments in the alert "Disposition notes" field in SAS® Visual Investigator   
68846 The Message Text and Value columns in the Alert Activity grid are not exported correctly when you use the Export to Excel option   
68845 SAS® Visual Investigator does not generate an audit record when you select "Export to Excel"    
68844 The Export to Excel option creates multiple workbooks when exporting multiple tabs on a page in SAS® Visual Investigator   
68842 The Help link to documentation does not work in either SAS® Anti-Money Laundering 8.2 or SAS® Customer Due Diligence 8.2   
68841 Incremental indexing fails for internal entities when history is not enabled in SAS® Visual Investigator 10.7   
68825 Incremental indexing fails with a "...mapper_parsing_exception..." error in SAS® Visual Investigator   
68823 There are a larger number of database calls than expected when using SAS® Visual Investigator   
68822 An entity details screen takes a long time to load in SAS® Visual Investigator   
68821 An alert disposition window is slow to render when dispositioning an alert in SAS® Visual Investigator   
68582 You cannot configure an LDAP data store connection for Teradata in SAS® Visual InvestigatorOctober 29, 2021 Manifest View
68561 SAS® Visual Investigator contains cross-site scripting vulnerabilities   
68514 Elasticsearch indexing fails with a NullPointerException in SAS® Visual Investigator   
68513 Some indexes are skipped during Elasticsearch indexing in SAS® Visual Investigator   
68488 ALERT - The Search Guard license for both SAS® Visual Investigator 10.6 and SAS® Visual Investigator 10.7 expires on December 31, 2023   
68469 The displayed time in SAS® Visual Investigator is incorrect if the time value is related to an Oracle field with a TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data type   
68468 Unnecessary tables are created when you test a scenario in SAS® Visual Investigator   
68467 A search for a field name fails in SAS® Visual Investigator with the error "The query contains syntax errors"   
68466 A SAS® Anti-Money Laundering alert disposition fails with the error "...Expression operands do not match..."   
68464 Elasticsearch indexing in SAS® Visual Investigator fails with an IllegalTransactionStateException error   
68409 Incremental indexing fails with the error "The incoming request has too many parameters..." when the external database is Microsoft SQL Server   
68408 An exported cell value from the Alert Activity tab contains the text "NUMERIC" instead of the actual value in SAS® Visual Investigator   
68407 Conditions for creating a child object record are not enforced for the first created record in SAS® Visual Investigator   
68402 A scorecard score is rounded down or up when it is displayed in SAS® Visual Investigator, and it does not show the exact decimal value   
68401 A grid that contains related records on an alert details page incorrectly shows "No items are available"   
68359 Full node labels are not displayed on the network diagram in SAS® Visual Investigator   
68180 ALERT - The svi-alert service does not start after you apply Hot Fix 4 for SAS® Visual Investigator 10.7   
68110 The time value in a datetime field is 0 when you use the Report Viewer in SAS® Visual Investigator   
68345 ALERT - A failure occurs when you install or upgrade to SAS® Visual Investigator 10.7 September 02, 2021 Manifest View
68194 Creating a flow in SAS® Visual Investigator fails with either a "java.lang.ClassCastException" error or "java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException" errorJune 30, 2021 Manifest View
68101 The alert grid does not load when you filter on a timestamp column in SAS® Visual Investigator   
68100 You see the message "The activation time is either in the past or in a wrong format" after you set an alert disposition as Inconclusive - Wait   
68099 There are items above the top of a scroll bar that you cannot scroll to in SAS® Visual Investigator   
68097 SAS® Visual Investigator does not hide text snippets when performing unfielded queries   
68096 Exported print templates in SAS® Visual Investigator appear in a different order when they are imported into another system   
68092 A tooltip reports a tip for the cell in the previous column instead of a tip for its own cell in SAS® Visual Investigator   
68091 The process of loading icons on a page occurs more slowly than expected in SAS® Visual Investigator   
67584 You see "The search could not be completed. The error was logged and notified.... Error code: 95224" in SAS® Visual Investigator   
67683 A published flow that contains summary scenarios produces incorrect alerts in SAS® Visual InvestigatorApril 12, 2021 Manifest View
67676 A scenario ID is noted instead of the scenario name in a list of scenario-fired events   
67673 The OK button is disabled when you attempt to select a scenario-fired event for re-investigation in SAS® Visual Investigator   
67672 Navigating through a grid of related items results in the error "The alert with ID 'alert-ID' was not found" in SAS® Visual Investigator   
67670 Incremental indexing fails with a NullPointerException in SAS® Visual Investigator   
67669 The Export to Excel record limit for the Related Objects grid is ignored in SAS® Visual Investigator   
67665 Editing a data item in the SAS® Visual Investigator investigation UI fails with the error "The user does not have a lock on the object with ID..."   
67650 A disposition invocation in SAS® Visual Investigator results in "Server Error - An unexpected error occurred"   
67631 You experience slow performance while using the Network View in SAS® Visual Investigator   
67611 You see a "userid could not execute statement" error message in SAS® Visual Investigator    
67600 A configuration import fails with a ValidationException message in the datahub log   
67599 Creating a domain fails with the error "A reference list with the name 'domain-name' already exists" in SAS® Visual Investigator   
67598 Audit records are not being created for linking activities in SAS® Visual Investigator   
67584 You see "The search could not be completed. The error was logged and notified.... Error code: 95224" in SAS® Visual Investigator   
67079 You can resize a grid column only once in SAS® Visual Investigator when the language setting is a right-to-left language   
62623 A Gantt chart shows an incorrect color for a successful campaign on the Execution Page in SAS® Customer Intelligence Studio   
67291 *Multiple Teradata database sessions remain active after a table is imported into SAS® Visual InvestigatorFebruary 16, 2021 *Manifest View
67108 *An entity scorecard is missing in SAS® Visual Investigator   
67107 *A custom related object control is not accessible from a previous configuration in SAS® Visual Investigator    
67103 *The titles in prompt dialog boxes in SAS® Visual Investigator are not translated correctly after importing   
67102 *Radio buttons are missing from the Detail View Paging Configuration window in SAS® Visual Investigator   
67100 *You see the message "Server Error - An unexpected error occurred" after trying to open a Microsoft SQL Server table from the data store    
67099 *Issues occur with the Map View in SAS® Visual Investigator   
67098 *Issues occur with indexing DB2 tables in SAS® Visual Investigator   
67097 *You cannot add a new condition for an entity in SAS® Visual Investigator   
66404 *The scenario context grid freezes or fails when the number of records is too big   
66279 *Importing page contexts in SAS® Visual Investigator removes existing page contexts   
66242 *A scorecard batch job fails in SAS® Visual Investigator when a definition ID includes uppercase letters   
66203 *Disposition and queue mappings are deleted after you update your version of SAS® Visual Investigator    
66706 Elasticsearch has multiple master nodes or the elasticsearch_check_cluster deployment step fails during an installation October 07, 2020 Manifest View
66705 A caslib is not removed after a scenario job flow fails in SAS® Visual Investigator   
66701 High CPU usage occurs when you are running an Elasticsearch indexing job in SAS® Visual Investigator   
66699 The error "TypeError: Cannot read property ..." occurs after you drag controls onto a page using the Page Designer in SAS® Visual Investigator   
66698 The mouse pointer is offset when you drag items in the Page Builder in SAS® Visual Investigator   
66668 XML is displayed instead of reference data on related pages in SAS® Visual Investigator   
66659 The list of alert disposition queues is not sorted in SAS® Visual Investigator   
66462 A downloaded attachment in SAS® Visual Investigator uses the display name and not the file name   
66449 Document filter requests do not recognize numeric fields in SAS® Visual Investigator   
66435 The Datahub service fails to load after you upgrade to SAS® Visual Investigator 10.7   
66434 Timestamps are displayed incorrectly for entity scorecards    
66433 Flow expressions that contain parameters are not imported correctly from SAS® Visual Investigator 10.6   
66431 The workflow history on the "Tasks" tab is not filtering for both the instance ID and the entity    
66426 The screen shifts to the right while you are entering information for relationship properties   
66416 You cannot map the REST service response to user-group workflow variables, and you see the error message "The service task 'REST Service' failed…"   
66414 Data stores that work with the Data Hub do not work with the Scenario Administrator in SAS® Visual Investigator   
66413 Tables are not loaded into SAS® Visual Investigator   
66412 Aggregation fails for scorecards in the Scenario Administrator   
66410 You can create a data store successfully in SAS® Visual Investigator, but you cannot import tables from your data source   
66408 Previously defined labels for "Start Workflow" buttons appear as "Undefined" after you upgrade to SAS® Visual Investigator 10.7   
66405 The "Home" page for SAS® Visual Investigator opens slowly when the Alert Summary component is present   
66404 The scenario context grid freezes or fails when the number of records is too big   
66279 Importing page contexts in SAS® Visual Investigator removes existing page contexts   
66266 The message "The following users or groups were not found for the entity..." occurs when you try to save an entity in SAS® Visual Investigator   
66262 You might not be able to see a hidden tab or group box after you save an entity even if the condition is met in SAS® Visual Investigator   
66260 Attachments are downloaded without a file extension in SAS® Visual Investigator if their name does not include a file extension   
66259 Search results are not updated after you update a large number of alerts in SAS® Visual Investigator   
66258 Creating a many-to-many relationship fails with an error message about the default data store   
66256 A network diagram in SAS® Visual Investigator remains in pan mode and you can cannot select additional nodes   
66242 A scorecard batch job fails in SAS® Visual Investigator when a definition ID includes uppercase letters   
66238 Pending workflow tasks in SAS® Visual Investigator do not appear in your task list as expected   
66203 Disposition and queue mappings are deleted after you update your version of SAS® Visual Investigator    
66127 You receive an error that says an ". . . extension failed to load" after you import a flow into SAS® Visual Investigator   
66116 Identification fields are empty and do not provide selections in the drop-down menus for Oracle data history in SAS® Visual Investigator   
65259 Child entities are queried during incremental indexing even though the child entities are not marked for indexing   
* A new revision of a product. See the product's About box for more information.

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