SAS Institute. The Power to Know

SAS Merchandise Intelligence 4.2_M2

Hot Fix Downloads for Windows for x64

* General Information about Hot Fixes

D81001 was replaced by D81028

D81002 was replaced by D81028

D81003 was replaced by D81028

D81004 was replaced by D81028

D81005 was replaced by D81028

D81006 was replaced by D81028

D81007 was replaced by D81028

D81008 was replaced by D81028

D81009 was replaced by D81028

D81010 was replaced by D81028

D81011 was replaced by D81028

D81012 was replaced by D81028

D81013 was replaced by D81028

D81014 was replaced by D81028

D81015 was replaced by D81028

D81016 was replaced by D81028

D81017 was replaced by D81028

D81018 was replaced by D81028

D81019 was replaced by D81028

D81020 was replaced by D81028

D81021 was replaced by D81028

D81022 was replaced by D81028

D81023 was replaced by D81028

D81024 was replaced by D81028

D81025 was replaced by D81028

D81026 was replaced by D81028

D81027 was replaced by D81028

D81028 for Windows for x64
SAS Merchandise Intelligence 4.2_M2
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
42443 ALERT - "ERROR: Input table work._indata_00 is missing or empty in module SZPF_EST_DATA_IMP_CROSS" might be encountered D81001
42478 Exception "The purchase order plan has no planned quantities" might be encountered D81001
42502 Custom attributes are missing in the price export D81001
42505 Status is missing in the price and vehicle export D81001
42508 The active plan ID is missing in the vehicle export D81001
42517 Incorrect style-colors are displayed in the UI D81001
42562 Numeric precision of sales forecast values D81001
42565 ALERT - An error might be encountered during an evaluation of promotion plans D81001
42624 ALERT - Error "java.lang.RuntimeException: Default prices are not populated correctly, please update your database tables " might be encountered D81001
42641 ALERT - Resume fails when profiling project status is "sizesets ready" D81001
42744 UPDATED_DTTM might be null in PRICE_FACT_CURRENT D81001
42745 ALERT - Optimization and evaluation results in SASŪ Promotion Optimization might be invalid D81001
42754 ALERT - "ERROR: The length of the value of the macro variable PROD_PURGE_LIST (137452) exceeds the maximum length (65534)" might be encountered D81001
42766 Non-vehicle custom attributes might not be honored by the middle tier D81001
42771 UPDATED_DTTM might not be correct in GEO_PROD_STATUS D81001
42774 ALERT - Calculated cost might be incorrect in SASŪ Promotion Optimization D81001
42769 ALERT - Opening project filter or partitioning by attribute values might take a long time D81001
46551 Incorrect total inventory is used to compute inventory weighted MAPE in Model Analysis D81001
46370 ALERT - Share models might over forecast D81001
44818 GEO_PROD_PURGE fails with error D81001
44820 Product attribute data load fails D81001
47155 A Sales Forecast export might not generate records for all product-locations in scope D81001
49082 The product-location status might be incorrectly classified when there is model-group specific SALES_INTRO_FROM_GPSTATUS value in the MODEL_SPEC table D81001
42295 ALERT - Pricing rules inheritance might not display correctly for lower levels of the product and location hierarchies D81001
42503 ALERT - Cannot edit price endings in an inherited regular price grids rule D81001
42790 ALERT - Query in plan import results in poor performance D81001
43406 ALERT - Bulk packs are displayed incorrectly D81001
41724 ALERT - Base scenario specifications are not being promoted when an FA scenario is promoted D81001
42445 ALERT - The error "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Parameter 'ruleType' is null" might occur when you try to display pricing rules D81001
42507 Profile Lookup values are not shown in the Default Settings view D81001
42640 Incorrect "ROUND_TYPE" values might be saved for "Profile Apply" settings D81001
44769 ERROR: The SUM summary function requires a numeric argument. D81001
42886 Wrong version of the dipp.msg file is included with AIX installs for MR1 D81002
43069 Incorrect status might be returned for pack requests D81002
43073 Incorrect error "ERROR: For Purging GEOGRAPHY_HIER_ASSOC_DM, parameter geo_filter_table is either missing or empty." might occur D81002
42789 ALERT - Plans imported via SOAP might result in "Disaggregating" status D81002
42892 Bulk packs in the Pack Configurations view display wrong skus D81002
43067 Optimization is very slow on plans with prior results D81002
43099 ALERT - User Cost Adjustment is incorrect D81002
43107 ALERT - Promotion evaluations/optimizations might be incorrectly marked in an Error state after successful run D81002
43138 $0.00 is incorrectly displayed for price and cost in Promotion Details View D81002
43141 Total Promoted Metrics might be incorrect D81002
43152 Bulk pack might be incorrectly recommended in deliveries where bulk pack is not intended D81002
43189 ALERT - Default off invoice might be incorrect D81002
43207 ALERT - Candidate scope might be incorrectly larger than objective scope D81002
43150 Metrics in regional plans might have values that are not initialized D81002
43087 ALERT - Performance issue with promotion list view when using DB2 D81002
43074 Memory leak occurs when OPT_ALGORITHM_CD 0, 2, or 3 is specified in purchase order optimization requests D81002
43098 Pack Optimization heuristic does not consider handling costs in making the pack order decision D81002
43135 ALERT - NullPointerException might be thrown when clicking on the Optimization Results tab D81002
42564 ALERT - Duplicate records might be exported in price export D81003
43404 The error "BY variables are not properly sorted on data set WORK.PROD_GEPGRP_DATA_TBL" when you run the di_md_gp_status_wrap job D81003
43409 The error "File _MDU_OUT.VEHICLE_CATEGORY.DATA does not exist" occurs when you run calibration in SASŪ Promotion Optimization and SASŪ Regular Price Optimization D81003
43421 Disabled model groups might be included in calibration in SASŪ Promotion Optimization and SASŪ Regular Price Optimization D81003
43580 ALERT - Calendar and category plans that have the same scope as a promotion might produce different results D81003
43741 Price export incorrectly considers miles and points promotions in conflict resolution D81003
43778 ALERT - An "Invalid data set name" error occurs when you run calibration in SASŪ Promotion Optimization D81003
43779 ALERT - The error "Variable vehicle_category_sk already exists. . ." occurs when you run calibration in SASŪ Promotion Optimization D81003
43870 ALERT - Base forecast partition table duplication error might cause estimation to fail D81003
43900 ALERT - Promo factor partition table duplication error might cause estimation to fail D81003
43092 ALERT - The error "Could not import vendor deal. . ." might occur when you import vendor deals in SASŪ Promotion Optimization D81003
43571 Workflow status cannot be determined in promotions that are imported using ETL when multiple workflow statuses are defined D81003
43380 The reason for cannibalization or halo effects in SASŪ Promotion Optimization is difficult to determine D81003
43547 Selecting vendors from a vendor list in the Vendor Deal properties window can be time-consuming when the list contains a large number of vendors D81003
43273 You cannot easily collapse all sections in the properties pane of the Promotion Details view in SASŪ Promotion Optimization D81003
43274 Metric inconsistency might be displayed between table and graph views on the Regional and Alternative tab in SASŪ Promotion Optimization D81003
43385 The user interface requires you to reset the user cost adjustment to "0% off" in order to clear clear it D81003
43416 ALERT - A null-pointer exception occurs when you enter a price candidates override for price type "$" for a price that is suggested by system D81003
43417 An error occurs when you click a vendor deal cell in SAS® Promotion Optimization D81003
43384 ALERT - Successfully optimized/evaluated promotions might not be re-evaluated nightly D81003
43455 ALERT - The value for GM_AMT_UNWEIGHTED_MIN might be incorrect in SASŪ Promotion Optimization D81003
43475 Vendor deal cost calculations might be incorrect in SASŪ Promotion Optimization D81003
43373 Error "There are no size sets to be processed in profiling project." might be encountered D81003
43412 ALERT - Maximum cost should be used when costs vary below the uniform pricing level in SASŪ Regular Price Optimization D81003
44045 Duplicate custom attributes might be exported in price export D81004
44099 Weekly sales forecast export numbers might not be correct D81004
36209 The Export Price incorrectly outputs prices for closed stores D81004
43972 Parser.log file not found D81004
44143 SASŪ Promotion Optimization Price export incorrectly outputs prices for closed stores D81004
44310 ALERT - Error in calibration when REFERENCE_PRICE_TYPE=4 D81004
44332 Using realignment process can show unexpected results in the form of "Parent ID is not Immediate Parent or not found in stage hierarchy" D81004
44366 Exporting user cost instead of actual user cost D81004
44371 ALERT - Dangling nodes might exist in analytical hierarchy D81004
44378 ALERT - Pricing rules import or export fails with ERROR: Write access to member DI_MACRO.SASMACR.CATALOG is denied. D81004
44464 ALERT - Share model under-forecasts when EXCLUDE_NP_FROM_SHARE=0 D81004
44465 ERROR: Ambiguous reference, column parent_geo_hier_sk is in more than one table. D81004
44467 Application returns zero forecasts D81004
43925 Exception thrown if import file has no quantity elements D81004
44137 Non-integer CASE_PACK attribute not being honored in Promotion details display D81004
44163 Filtering by vehicle in Promotion List view does not honor primary scope filter D81004
44202 Information missing in export from master promotion D81004
44237 Bulk recommendations are displayed in a Delivery when "Pre-Packs" are selected as My Pack Setting D81004
44246 Exception thrown during the invocation of method savePurchaseOrder D81004
44248 Model Members created via import file are not saved correctly D81004
44250 Viewing disaggregated quantities on the Delivery view incorrectly shows quantities for all deliveries D81004
44255 Purchase order plans with model members and less than all sizes specified to order will not optimize D81004
44282 Cannot create copy of regional plan using a non-model vehicle marketing vehicle D81004
44287 Plan status incorrect after import D81004
44370 Hierarchical import file does not filter by location correctly D81004
44397 Approval of regular price plan fails when using Active Directory/LDAP D81004
44178 ALERT - Day of week name misaligned in locales that do not start week on Sunday D81004
44283 Model specification changes not committed to data mart D81004
44386 Product id and product name displayed in hierarchy D81004
44463 ALERT - Cannot select all levels of the analytical hierarchy when selecting products and locations for a new model group configuration D81004
44438 Plan status not updated after price rules check, evaluation, or optimization D81004
44458 Incorrect levels are displayed on 'View Disaggregated Quantities' view when filtering disaggregated quantities by location scope D81004
44461 ALERT - Actual metrics might be incorrect for partial week promotions D81004
44457 "ERROR: A character operand was found in the %EVAL function or %IF condition where a numeric operand is required..." might be encountered D81004
44311 "ERROR: ROLLBACK issued due to errors for data set DI_T_DBC.PROFILE_LOOKUP_STAT.DATA." might be encountered D81004
44367 Profile lookup statistics not updated correctly D81004
44373 Handling Cost calculation is incorrect D81004
44403 Error "An order constraint was specified for product XXX in delivery 12345 but there are no packs with this product available..." might be encountered D81004
44630 ALERT - Forecast might not be generated for new products D81005
44468 ALERT - KPI values for cost incorrect when user cost adjustment added D81005
44469 Margins might be incorrect D81005
44470 ALERT - Non-positive reference prices causes differences in forecasts D81005
44476 SASŪ Promotion Optimization should use day of week sales mix index values D81005
44492 ALERT - Optimization fails for promotion plans that contain a non-price vehicle D81005
44497 Promotion plan is not being optimized/evaluated during weekly job D81005
44135 Set Approval Status option not selectable in the Regular Price Change Approvals screen D81005
44179 ALERT - Price sensitivity always displayed as low D81005
44387 Priority of competitive price rule too high D81005
44404 Optimization performance enhancements for SASŪ Regular Price Optimization 4.2 M1 D81005
44405 Optimization fails with run time error D81005
44496 ALERT - Status code for promotion plans that are marked for manual optimization/evaluation does not get updated to EXECUTING or EXECUTED D81005
44807 ALERT - Custom attribute and price values incorrect in export D81006
44808 ALERT - Optimization fails with database error D81006
44844 ALERT - Adding new model groups to a configuration group might fail D81007
44132 ERROR: Variable class_cd is not on file ODF_TMP._GP_NEW_PROD_LIKE_G D81008
44945 ALERT - Incorrect subsidy amounts exported D81008
44946 Price rules export missing product relationship rules D81008
44949 Price export file contains inactive geo-prods D81008
44950 Load_STG2DM_Scope job fails D81008
44959 ERROR: File HMGP_LIB.MODEL_GEO_PROD_1.DATA does not exist. D81008
45030 ALERT - Analytical hierarchies do not update correctly when they contain only standard hierarchy levels D81008
45046 Future GEO_PROD_STATUS not updated to GEO_PROD table D81008
45127 ALERT - PS_MARKDOWN aggregated incorrectly for share forecasting D81008
45286 GEO_PROD_AGG runs slowly D81008
45387 ALERT - ERROR: BY variables are not properly sorted on data set WORK.GP_DOW D81008
45410 Slow performance when running %di_mc_score_card_grph D81008
44857 Plan copy does not include user modifications from source plan D81008
44944 Attributes lost during model member import D81008
44952 ALERT - Error importing planned quantities D81008
44962 Decimal type custom attributes displayed incorrectly D81008
44965 Regional promotions have incorrect status D81008
45032 ALERT - Incorrect margin displayed in product performance view D81008
45080 Oracle database error might be generated when using the find by attributes filter D81008
45089 Margin (%) not consistent between Plan Member Summary view and Plan Performance view D81008
45214 Error "Planned quantities product count does not match products in database. Import contains X product, database contains X matches." might occur D81008
45301 ALERT - Error when creating an optimized promotion with multiple model vehicles D81008
45312 ALERT - Slow performance when refreshing promotion list view D81008
45319 Layouts and sections of versioned vehicles not displayed D81008
45335 Margin with lump sum different from margin when vendor deal does not contain lump sum D81008
45337 ALERT - Case cost total column displaying incorrect values D81008
45347 ALERT - Vendor and subsidy cost adjustment in the Promotion List view incorrect when scan amount % off used D81008
45348 Versioned vehicles incorrectly displayed in the add vehicles to promotion dialog box D81008
45373 Incorrect overlapping promotions displayed D81008
44964 ALERT - Performance is slow when adding new model groups to configuration group D81008
44922 Price sensitivity does not update when plan changes D81008
44960 Product relationship numeric values misleading when separated with a comma D81008
45303 Vehicle selection table shows location names in products column D81008
45310 ALERT - Slow performance when evaluating plans D81008
45311 ALERT - NullPointerException might be encountered when creating new promotion D81008
45313 Margin with lump sum % displayed incorrectly D81008
45374 Optimization fails when promotion contains buy and get discounted with $ D81008
45395 Potential issues when applying rounding rules for a Profile Apply D81008
45413 Poor pack recommendations might be encountered D81008
45415 Pack Optimization plan might fail to optimize D81008
45420 Disaggregated quantity might be zero for a delivery D81008
44484 Slow performance when graphing of pricing rules is enabled D81008
44928 Margin calculations do not exclude value added tax (VAT) D81008
45021 ALERT - Units sold target produces unexpected results D81008
45598 Forecast override not honored in aggregation D81009
45673 ALERT - Category plans Revenue($) might not match Tentative Approved Promotion plans Revenue($) D81009
45558 Average promotional discount rule might not effectively handle sparse sales data D81009
45899 Buy-get level not available in export D81010
45900 Regular price export is slow D81010
45902 etlp_exclude_recs_prev_export parameter does not work D81010
45919 Optimization fails with "ERROR: Extracting elasticity" D81010
45921 Overforecasting observed for some SKUs D81010
46093 ALERT - Analytical hierarchy requires migration script D81010
45867 Optimization setting might not persist in alternate promotions D81010
45868 ALERT - Margin ($) calculation does not honor forecast override D81010
45918 ALERT - Gross margin incorrect D81010
46090 ALERT - Margin might be incorrect when promotion does not span entire week D81010
45989 Database error encountered during optimization D81010
46258 Error might be encountered when purging purchase order plans D81011
45832 ALERT - Cannot delete size sets D81011
46273 Sizes are not sorted properly D81011
46274 Mid-tier runs out of memory D81011
46276 Closed stores are included in purchase order plans created manually D81011
44626 "ERROR: Could not read SOURCESIZE from table ATTRIBUTE." might be encountered D81011
46240 ALERT - "ERROR: Read Access Violation In Task [ PACKOPT ]" might be encountered D81011
46299 Stores might not be displayed properly after batch job GEO_SYNC runs D81011
46112 ALERT - No size sets displayed when filtering at a level higher than the style level D81011
46681 The %DI_JOB_RO JOB_EST task might run slowly D81012
46783 ALERT - Stores are not added to a delivery in a purchase order plan D81013
45412 ALERT - Negative forecasts might be generated for products that restart their lifecycle during the holdout period D81014
46437 "ERROR: work_t.sales_fact is empty for model group=XXX" might occur in task FA_Compute D81014
46862 Online optimization runs slowly D81014
46996 ALERT - Calibration generates an "ERROR: File WORK1.PROD_ATTR_TMP_1.DATA does not exist." error D81014
47005 Incorrect analytical results occur from %di_mc_scenario_run when misc_adj_type = 2 D81014
47006 ALERT - Complex promotions are not extracted from the PROMOTION_FACT table D81014
47007 Calibration fails with "ERROR: All BY groups were bad." D81014
47010 ALERT - Final forecasts for new products that do not have like items defined are incorrectly assigned nonzero values D81014
47012 ALERT - Slow performance when optimizing promotion plans D81014
46952 Optimization fails with an "...item groups dataset is out of scope" error D81014
46992 Recommended prices might not meet specified target D81014
47137 Performance might be slow when running the DI_Export_Sales_Forecast job D81015
48069 Forecasts for new products might incorrectly be zero in the first week D81016
48087 The product-location status might be incorrectly classified D81016
48124 Approved prices for all product-locations might not be included in the SASŪ Regular Price Optimization Price Change Export D81016
48195 Forecasts for short series products might be incorrect D81016
48288 Estimation fails when forecast disaggregation is enabled and FCST_DISAGG_PROD_LVL_OFFSET is greater than 0 D81016
47803 A copy of a plan does not include recommended prices even if recommended prices are tagged as fixed prices D81016
47802 Customized columns from the Plan Details view are not honored when exporting all product-locations from the Plan Summary view D81016
46950 %DI_JOB_RO rpo_alert task generates "ORACLE execute error: ORA-00001: unique constraint..." error D81016
47317 Base price and base cost might be incorrectly displayed in SASŪ Regular Price Optimization D81016
48745 The error "BY variables are not properly sorted on data set WORK.TMP_RPP_VEH_EXP" occurs during a vehicle export D81018
48103 Status column in Purchase Order Plans view might not update properly D81018
48862 ALERT - Order quantity threshold might not be met when "Minimum Store Quantity" is applied D81018
49098 Sales forecast units might be incorrect for a product-location when the product is in multiple promotions D81019
49155 ALERT - Forecasts might change abruptly from week to week due to invalid promotion support effects in the demand model D81020
49089 Size distribution percentages might experience random behavior D81021
49358 The Sales Forecast Export might not honor adjustments that are applied to regional promotions D81022
49321 Slow performance might be encountered when exporting purchase order plans using the PKOPurchaseOrderService D81023
49015 ALERT - Wide variances might occur between allocation quantity and pack results D81023
49019 Stores might receive units better suited for other stores D81023
49473 ALERT - Maximum store quantity might be violated D81023
49682 SASŪ Pack Optimization might erroneously return packs with unrequested SKUs D81023
49726 Pre-packs might not be chosen for stores with fractional need and a store min constraint in SASŪ Pack Optimization D81023
50017 ALERT - Optimizing a Purchase Order Plan gives an "ERROR: The System ran out of memory" message D81023
49490 The %DI_JOB_RO job_est task might generate a "BY variables are not properly sorted on data set HMGP_LIB._MGP_EXCLUDE" error D81024
49875 The Load_STG2DM_Promotion_fact job is slow D81024
49546 "Committing configuration to data mart failed..." error is generated when attempting to save model specification changes to the data mart D81024
49547 Attributes used in the product analytical hierarchy are not allowed to be used in attribute effect modeling for the REG component D81024
49652 Model group level model specifications are not honored D81025
50251 Stores with different store-grouping-attribute values might be incorrectly placed into the same store group D81025
51212 ALERT - PROMOTION_FACT and PROMOTION_FACT_FUTURE partition tables are missing indexes and might be empty D81026
51522 Pack recommendations might be undesirable after installing SASŪ Merchandise Intelligence D81023 D81027
51722 Estimation fails with "ERROR: File THRD_LIB._MODEL_GP_XXX.DATA does not exist." D81027
54027 Load_STG2DM_Geo_prod generates " ERROR: Integrity constraint _NM0001_ was rejected because X observations failed the constraint." D81028
Released: September 11, 2014     Documentation: D81028x6.html D       Download: D81028x6.exe  
D indicates that the Documentation has special pre-installation, post-installation or other unique instructions not commonly used for hot fix deployment.
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