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SAS Warranty Analysis 4.3

Hot Fix Downloads for Windows

* General Information about Hot Fixes

C79001 for Windows
SAS Enterprise Miner 6.2 hot fix for SAS Warranty Analysis 4.3
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
41578 Inconsistent results might occur when you use the Failure Relationship analysis feature of SAS® Warranty Analysis C79001
Released: February 23, 2011     Documentation: C79001wn.html       Download: C79001wn.exe  
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D64001 was replaced by D64003

D64002 was replaced by D64003

D64003 for Windows
SAS Warranty Analysis 4.3
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
42309 SAS® Warranty Analysis project-based analyses must be resubmitted manually after a data mart has been refreshed D64001
42809 A SAS® Warranty Analysis analysis completes successfully but later shows the red X, indicating that the analysis failed D64001
41397 Published child reports are incorrect after refreshing a data mart D64001
42304 ALERT - The SAS® Warranty Analysis rich client machine stops responding D64001
42305 ALERT - Performance is slow when you copy a project node, especially when the project contains subnodes and many analyses D64001
42307 ALERT - Logging on to the SAS® Warranty Analysis rich client machine fails D64001
42308 ALERT - Operations that are performed on various SAS® Warranty Analysis objects, such as projects, data selections, and reports, run slowly D64001
42678 Information in a SAS® Warranty Analysis analysis is out-of-date D64001
43358 ALERT - The analysis results for a subset data selection created from a SAS® Warranty Analysis Emerging Issues alert are incorrect D64001
42306 Subscribers receive information for extraneous alerts in Emerging Issues subscription e-mail D64001
42414 A Summary Tables analysis fails if "Claims Per Unit To Include" is set to "First Claim Per Unit" in SAS® Warranty Analysis D64001
42415 ALERT - SAS® Warranty Analysis performance is slow if the USERRL or USERFDL library is extremely large D64001
42417 ALERT - Deleting files or reformatting columns in SAS® Warranty Analysis is slow if the USERRL folder is extremely large D64001
42703 ALERT - Analyses fail when SAS® Warranty Analysis is running on a 64-bit machine in a Microsoft Windows environment D64001
42753 The SAS® utility program does not function as expected in SAS® Warranty Analysis D64001
42780 Batch reports that are added to the job queue in SAS® Warranty Analysis do not run successfully D64001
42848 SAS® Warranty Analysis does not run and returns a job control error D64001
42859 After a SAS® Warranty Analysis data mart has been refreshed, some outdated views are not deleted from the USERRL library D64001
43178 Reports in SAS® Warranty Analysis might be listed incorrectly as published D64001
43179 The run date might not be displayed in the SAS® Warranty Analysis Administration workspace D64001
43180 Duplicating a variable name across multiple data mart tables can cause errors in SAS® Warranty Analysis D64001
43181 An automated run in SAS® Warranty Analysis Emerging Issues causes an error for which no e-mail alert is sent D64001
43184 The subtotal tables on SAS® Warranty Analysis summary tables do not match the values for trend-by-exposure analyses for some reporting variables D64001
43238 Filtered data might be deleted from a SAS® Warranty Analysis emerging issues analysis but the results for the analysis are not deleted D64001
52746 Reliability Analysis results might be in the incorrect sort sequence order in SAS® Warranty Analysis D64001
43239 Errors might occur in SAS® Warranty Analysis when the Auto-Update selection check box is changed while an analysis is running D64002
43937 ALERT - The swaActivateBatchJobs program might hang during execution if it contains Auto Update data nodes and the jobtype is MARTREFRESH D64002
43938 The on demand cache rebuild in SAS® Warranty Analysis might require a significant amount of time to complete and might result in slow performance D64002
43940 Results from a data selection attribute (smart filter) are not a subset of the parent attribute D64002
44003 ALERT - "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage" message when selecting a link in the SAS® Warranty Analysis 4.3 Diagnostic Client D64002
44005 A new analysis might not use updated options in SAS® Warranty Analysis D64002
44007 Summary Tables analysis output does not display changes to variable formats D64002
44395 'Widget is disposed' exception might occur when performing an analysis in SAS® Warranty Analysis D64002
44524 The None option is missing from the Analysis Options, Exposure Type field in the Summary Tables analysis of SAS® Warranty Analysis rich client D64002
44597 A NullPointerException might occur when opening Tools->Lookup Values D64002
43886 'Unable to launch the application' when downloading the SAS® Warranty Analysis 4.3 client D64002
44063 Enhancements to default properties of SAS® Warranty Analysis 4.3 portlets D64002
44064 Viewport functionality not applied when exporting a report as a PDF file D64002
44526 ALERT - SAS® Warranty Analysis rich client performance might be slow when creating or editing data selections D64002
43872 Job Control Table synchronize jobs do not run properly in a new SAS® Warranty Analysis 4.3 installation D64002
43873 ALERT - SAS® Warranty Analysis report output contains repeated lookup table descriptions D64002
43874 A Java error occurs when you delete an Ad Hoc - Analytic analysis from the Administration workspace in SAS® Warranty Analysis 4.3 D64002
43941 ALERT - Re-running an existing Emerging Issues Automated job might not generate expected output D64002
44004 Incorrect label might be displayed in analysis output when using SAS® Warranty Analysis D64002
44006 Alerts generated by an Emerging Issues Threshold analysis in SAS® Warranty Analysis might not show Display Name in list of users D64002
44065 Incorrect label might be displayed in Multivariate Statistical Drivers output D64002
44327 "ERROR: A variable appears twice in IN statement" message generated by SAS® Warranty Analysis text analysis D64002
44328 Wu-Meeker critical values might decrease with the sales period D64002
44393 Emerging Issues Ad Hoc - Analytic analysis fails when Product Build Option Code Value (PBOCODEVALUE) is '?' D64002
44394 A Multivariate Statistical Driver analysis fails with the error 'Syntax error while parsing WHERE clause.' in macro ANL_MULTIVARIATECALC D64002
44520 The legend for a Trend by Exposure analysis in SAS® Warranty Analysis is missing or incorrect D64002
44521 Clearing the cache on the Memory and File Cache View of the SAS® Warranty Analysis Diagnostic Client might take a long time D64002
44522 The child analysis from Analyze Subset in SAS® Warranty Analysis might not use the correct subset D64002
44525 Claim Rates in a Summary Tables analysis might be incorrect when more than one reporting variable is selected D64002
44527 D64002 An analysis from an Emerging Issues drillto fails with log message "ERROR: The macro UTIL_GETFILTEREDDATA will stop executing." D64002
44798 Emerging Issues Automated takes a long time to run in SAS® Warranty Analysis D64002
45092 The label for the top bar in a Pareto analysis is not displayed correctly in SAS® Warranty Analysis when a viewport is applied D64003
Released: February 20, 2012     Documentation: D64003wn.html D       Download: D64003wn.exe  
D indicates that the Documentation has special pre-installation, post-installation or other unique instructions not commonly used for hot fix deployment.
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