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SAS Enterprise Case Management 2.3

Hot Fix Downloads for Solaris for x64

* General Information about Hot Fixes

D60001 was replaced by D60006

D60002 was replaced by D60006

D60003 was replaced by D60006

D60004 was replaced by D60006

D60006 for Solaris for x64
SAS Enterprise Case Management 2.3
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
43438 Inserting a value into the PARTY_CONFIG database table fails because it violates a unique constraint D60001
46395 ALERT - A Suspicious Activity Report might not display all suspects, an "Add/Update failed.." warning appears in the log D60001
46419 An "Add/Update failed for data set ECM_RPT..." error occurs when you run the %ECM_REPORTING_DRIVER macro in SASŪ Enterprise Case Management D60001
42192 You cannot change the primary owner of a case when editing a case D60001
42195 A case remains locked after you are finished editing it D60001
42669 A modification error occurs when you try to save changes to a case D60001
42685 Empty rows are displayed when you add more than one suspect to a financial fraud case D60001
43439 An incident is incorrectly removed from a case when you add a new subject to the incident D60001
46202 In SASŪ Enterprise Case Management, you cannot access Case data from your Incident user interface definitions D60001
46203 In SASŪ Enterprise Case Management, you cannot access Case or Incident data from your Financial Item user interface definitions D60001
46391 You cannot identify which subjects are linked to a case as suspects in SASŪ Enterprise Case Management D60001
46396 Your changes are lost when you log off from SAS® Enterprise Case Management without saving your case, incident, or subject D60001
46425 Performance is slow when you use the SASŪ Enterprise Case Management web service to load a large number of financial items D60001
46429 You cannot restart a case workflow in SASŪ Enterprise Case Management D60001
46431 The "...Content already has an existing parent..." error occurs when saving a financial item in SASŪ Enterprise Case Management D60001
46432 An "Error Please specify a file to upload" message appears when you try to add an attachment in SASŪ Enterprise Case Management D60001
43463 ALERT - You might not be able to create report mart tables, search subjects using web services, view case network analysis graphs, or generate SAR-DI reports D60002
43465 ALERT - When you preview or submit a SAR-DI report containing more than 39,103 characters, some characters are incorrectly deleted from the report D60002
43466 Performance is slow when you create report mart tables, search subjects, view case network analysis, or generate SAR-DI reports D60002
43457 An "IndexOutOfBoundsException" error occurs when you try to delete a custom properties file with an incorrect filename extension D60002
43459 You can incorrectly create a Suspicious Activity Report including suspects that do not have a specified relationship to the financial institution D60002
43476 A web services Create request fails and returns an OPTIMISTIC_LOCK_EXCEPTION error D60002
43480 ALERT - Performance is slow when you search cases, incidents, or subjects D60002
43485 ALERT - Performance is slow while the initial case search page loads D60002
43277 SASŪ Enterprise Case Management 2.3 does not support a French user interface D60003
45146 Updating the version of Suspicious Activity Reports in SASŪ Enterprise Case Management D60004
46154 Viewing and printing the March 2011 version of Suspicious Activity Reports in SAS® Enterprise Case Management D60004
46187 Previewing a report in SASŪ Enterprise Case Management gives an "Unable to create report preview" error D60004
46188 Running the %ECM_REPORTING_DRIVER macro gives an "ERROR: BY variables are not properly sorted on data set" error D60004
46120 ALERT - SASŪ Enterprise Case Management might become slow or unresponsive D60004
46127 When you delete a financial item in SASŪ Enterprise Case Management, the item might reappear in the list of financial items D60004
46130 Saving a case in SASŪ Enterprise Case Management gives a "Someone else modified the case while you were..." error D60004
46136 After saving a case in SASŪ Enterprise Case Management, the case might be read-only, the message "Task assigned to another user" appears D60004
46155 In SASŪ Enterprise Case Management, changes you made to case activity status are not saved when you click "Return to List" D60004
46179 In SASŪ Enterprise Case Management, performance is slow when searching for cases, even if there are no search results D60004
46181 A "java.lang.NullPointerException" error appears if you try to save a case without an assigned investigator in SASŪ Enterprise Case Management D60004
46182 The SASŪ Enterprise Case Management log file might not have any debugging information about an HttpRequest workflow policy action D60004
43162 SASŪ Social Network Analysis 2.2 does not support a French user interface D60006
47375 The Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) form in SASŪ Enterprise Case Management expires in March 2013 D60006
47962 The error "file has exceeded the maximum allowed size" occurs when you try to add an attachment in SASŪ Enterprise Case Management D60006
48121 The "newStatus" parameter for the "C_WorkflowTermination" component is ignored in SAS® Enterprise Case Management D60006
48182 SASŪ Enterprise Case Management screens appear in Read-Only mode when you try to edit an object D60006
48186 The "TypeAhead" component cannot be added to the "Subject" UI definition in SASŪ Enterprise Case Management D60006
48188 ALERT - SASŪ Enterprise Case Management drop-down lists might not display the correct value when the display is in Read-only mode D60006
48338 SAS® Enterprise Case Management does not recognize metadata groups that belong to other metadata groups D60006
Released: December 11, 2012     Documentation: D60006sx.html D       Download: D60006sx.bin  
D indicates that the Documentation has special pre-installation, post-installation or other unique instructions not commonly used for hot fix deployment.
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