D19024 for Windows |
SAS Add-in for Microsoft Office 4.3 |
Issue(s) Addressed: | Introduced: |
35656 | SAS® data set associations might be removed after copying and repositioning worksheets in Microsoft Excel |
D19003 |
38061 | An application error might occur after modifying the Logistic Regression task in SAS® Enterprise Guide® |
D19003 |
39599 | SAS® Add-In for Microsoft Office cannot open an information map if a data item includes an apostrophe in its ID |
D19003 |
40519 | Performance is slow when opening a SAS® Information Map using the SAS® Add-in for Microsoft Office |
D19003 |
40584 | An error occurs when the SAS® Add-In 4.3 for Microsoft Office and the SAS® Add-In 4.2 for Microsoft Office are installed side-by-side |
D19003 |
40591 | SAS menus do not appear in Microsoft Office programs when SAS® Add-In 4.3 for Microsoft Office is installed on 32-bit computers with Wow6432Node |
D19003 |
40673 | Publish task might randomly generate an error in SAS® Enterprise Guide® |
D19003 |
40698 | Missing data when creating a slice from a SAS® OLAP cube |
D19003 |
41171 | The SAS® Add-In 4.3 for Microsoft Office does not display the SAS® menu in Microsoft Office 2003 programs |
D19003 |
41204 | Titles for task results might not display correctly in SAS® Enterprise Guide® |
D19003 |
41213 | Unformatted values are shown with the SAS® Add-In for Microsoft Office |
D19003 |
41216 | Cell formatting is removed after refreshing when output parameters are specified in the SAS® Add-In for Microsoft Office |
D19003 |
41217 | Exception returned when a format contains a numeric in the SAS® Add-In for Microsoft Office |
D19003 |
41336 | Error occurs when you try to build a query or filter on a data set in SAS® Enterprise Guide® |
D19003 |
41548 | In SAS Enterprise Guide® 4.3, the Stored Process Wizard will not allow the Source File Path on z/OS® to use an hfs file |
D19003 |
41583 | The error "Invalid object DNA" occurs when you run migrated projects in SAS® Enterprise Guide® 4.2 |
D19003 |
41586 | Unable to type formatted date values into the filter dialog |
D19003 |
42041 | Error creating a custom filter in SAS® Enterprise Guide® or the SAS® Add-In for Microsoft Office when the data item name contains blank spaces |
D19003 |
42064 | A copied Microsoft Excel worksheet might not retain SAS content from the original worksheet |
D19003 |
40587 | Error retrieving results when getting values for some prompts in SAS® Enterprise Guide® |
D19006 |
41470 | Option to display filter information in Microsoft Excel does not work for information maps opened with the SAS® Add-In for Microsoft Office |
D19006 |
42043 | Cannot create a custom filter for missing dates or datetimes when opening an information map in SAS® Enterprise Guide® or the SAS® Add-In for Microsoft Office |
D19006 |
42098 | Icons might display for View instead of List or Details in SAS® Enterprise Guide® |
D19006 |
42310 | Applying Hot Fix C44003 causes a transcoding error when running a stored process on non-English editions of SAS® Enterprise Guide® 4.3 |
D19006 |
42584 | Cannot change input data source for a task in the SAS® Add-In for Microsoft Office |
D19006 |
42585 | Advanced filter is removed after migrating a SAS® Add-In 2.1 for Microsoft Office file to SAS Add-In 4.3 for Microsoft Office |
D19006 |
42588 | Opening a large information map in SAS® Enterprise Guide® might display empty prompts |
D19006 |
42589 | Prompts do not display in Microsoft Excel when opening an information map that uses a prompted stored process |
D19006 |
42590 | Formats might not be displayed in charts when connected to a SAS® 9.3 OLAP Server |
D19006 |
42602 | Task list is empty when using the SAS® Add-In for Microsoft Office in the Hebrew locale |
D19006 |
41915 | Prompt values are duplicated when opening OLAP-based SAS® Web Report Studio reports in the SAS® Add-In for Microsoft Office |
D19010 |
41969 | Application error when creating multiple line plots in SAS® Enterprise Guide® |
D19010 |
42316 | Line legend options might apply to the bar legend for the Bar-Line Chart task in SAS® Enterprise Guide® |
D19010 |
43127 | "Access is denied" when attempting to run the switcher utility with the SAS® Add-in for Microsoft Office |
D19010 |
43128 | Forced out of edit mode when using the SAS® Add-In for Microsoft Office to edit a SAS® table in Microsoft Excel |
D19010 |
43192 | taskeng.exe window appears when running a SAS® Enterprise Guide® project using Visual Basic Script |
D19010 |
43901 | SAS® Enterprise Guide® projects might fail and result in the error "SDS failed to provide the decoder for the data set" |
D19010 |
42693 | The SAS® Add-in for Microsoft Office generates an error when you invoke Microsoft Excel from a Web application |
D19011 |
44629 | SAS® Enterprise Guide® might encounter a problem connecting to a SAS application server in a SAS grid environment |
D19011 |
13604 | WHERE clause might be too long and cause syntax errors in SAS® Enterprise Guide |
D19014 |
42623 | Data items with the same name from different tables might be switched when modifying the Import Data task in SAS® Enterprise Guide® |
D19014 |
42975 | Scheduled projects that contain a condition might stop responding in SAS® Enterprise Guide® |
D19014 |
43047 | "File or Directory" prompt type does not work when the workspace server is on the same machine as SAS Enterprise Guide |
D19014 |
43331 | After installing SAS® Add-in for Microsoft Office, problems occur when multiple user accounts open Microsoft Office |
D19014 |
43696 | Length of character computed column from SAS® Information Map might be truncated to 32 |
D19014 |
43737 | SAS® Stored Process prompt list is not sorted by unformatted value if SAS® Enterprise Guide® created the prompt |
D19014 |
43796 | Plot with one-step-ahead predictions and future forecasts is not available in ARIMA task in SAS® Enterprise Guide 4.3 |
D19014 |
43888 | Prompt list might not be sorted correctly in SAS® Enterprise Guide® |
D19014 |
44352 | Code generated by the Query Builder might result in syntax errors due to incorrect parsing |
D19014 |
46013 | Formatting might be removed when sending results from SAS® Enterprise Guide® to Microsoft Excel |
D19014 |
46087 | Opening a protected Microsoft Word document with Microsoft Office 2010 might display an exception in the SAS® Add-In for Microsoft Office |
D19014 |
44984 | Graphs generated by SAS tasks in the SAS® Add-in for Microsoft Office might generate incorrect results when input data is filtered in Microsoft Excel |
D19022 |
45434 | Dashboards created with SAS® BI Dashboard 4.31 cannot be opened in Microsoft Outlook using the SAS® Add-In 4.3 for Microsoft Office |
D19022 |
45435 | Task template error might appear when refreshing SAS® Add-In for Microsoft Office content |
D19022 |
46428 | "Index was outside the bounds of the array" appears when viewing details for a Microsoft Excel PivotTable that contains more than 256 columns |
D19024 |
D indicates that the Documentation has special pre-installation, post-installation or other unique instructions not commonly used for hot fix deployment. |