SAS Institute. The Power to Know

SAS Enterprise GRC 4.3

Hot Fix Downloads for Windows

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D17022 was replaced by D17025

D17025 for Windows
SAS Enterprise GRC 4.3
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
41668 An unknown format type error occurs when you use Data Loading (Carregamento de Dados) in European Portuguese locales (pt or pt_PT) D17001
46085 A workflow does not start automatically when a near miss amount exceeds the threshold amount D17001
46100 When exporting questionnaires to Excel, Risk Type details are exported instead of Risk Instance details D17001
46995 ALERT - SASŪ Enterprise GRC might report errors when you are working with Risk Event Types and Control Types in Questionnaire Templates D17001
49117 You might experience slow performance when you query the incident table in the SASŪ Enterprise GRC web application D17001
52346 In SASŪ Enterprise GRC, measures might be incorrectly labeled as monetary measures when they are not monetary measures D17001
49854 When you edit an Incident in SASŪ Enterprise GRC as the Incident Validator, a "No screen found for ID: incidentEvent" message might be displayed D17001
52355 In SASŪ Enterprise GRC, if you change the impact type of a financial effect amount, your change might not be saved D17001
45336 In SASŪ Enterprise GRC, Recovery Amounts incorrectly appear on an Incident's Allocations tab when they should not be included D17001
45333 The Assessment Template list under risk libraries is not displayed D17001
50538 An "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException" error might be displayed when you work with a customized screen in the SASŪ Enterprise GRC web application D17001
51153 When you view a KRI in SASŪ Enterprise GRC, an error message might incorrectly be displayed saying "You do not have the appropriate capabilities" D17001
52635 You might not be able to send a KRI observation for validation when you use the KriObservations data loader in SASŪ Enterprise GRC D17001
52993 SASŪ Enterprise GRC security vulnerability: cross-site scripting D17001
50520 In SASŪ Enterprise GRC, a "java.util.MissingResourceException" error might be displayed when you try to send a risk rating for review D17001
45331 When exporting loss data from SASŪ Enterprise GRC to SASŪ OpRisk VaR, losses that have negative values are incorrectly omitted D17001
45329 The Create Policy link response time is slow D17005
33326 ALERT - A financial effect might incorrectly use the incident's "Entered On" date D17005
36851 In SASŪ Enterprise GRC, a Risk's status might be displayed as Open even after the Risk is closed D17005
43004 Monetary Breakdown table values are incorrect when financial effects have multiple amount entries in different currency denominations D17005
43005 The Create Incident window becomes read-only D17005
43024 Searching an incident linked event gives an OpRiskException error D17005
43030 Configured user with broad scope has slow performance when using the ORA chooser D17005
43159 ALERT - A "Service Temporarily Unavailable" message occurs when exporting data from SASŪ Enterprise GRC to Excel D17005
43161 ALERT - A financial effect that was created from an incident has an incorrect converted amount D17005
43436 The list of assessment templates is incorrectly empty D17005
43627 Allocation percentage totals are not correct when allocating by amount D17005
45061 "An error has occurred and has been logged" message appears when selecting a control table heading D17005
45271 Insurance monetary conversion fails for non-English languages, an IllegalArgumentException appears D17005
45273 A javascript warning dialog box "Error: '0' is null or not an object" appears when assigning testers to a control instance D17005
45274 Direct recovery ORA is not automatically the incident ORA when correctly customized D17005
45322 ALERT - A "Service temporarily unavailable" error message appears when exporting to Excel from the Issues screen D17005
45323 How to specify and configure up to 5 KRI thresholds D17005
45324 Normalized KRI scores might be missing from workflow e-mail D17005
45326 "Error on Page" is displayed when you select user values the query page D17005
45328 Performance is slow when selecting a dimension in the ORA chooser even though "pre-compute" is configured D17005
45334 Searching for objects in SASŪ Enterprise GRC should enable you to search for Incidents D17005
45353 A ServletException occurs when you select a linked Test Plan in a Policy D17005
43003 ALERT - Running might take a long time and show "there is not enough WORK disk space.." errors D17005
45284 The KRI report in SASŪ Enterprise GRC does not contain complete information D17005
45327 When exporting loss data from SASŪ Enterprise GRC to SASŪ OpRisk VaR, if there is no recovery amount, a recovery date is incorrectly assigned D17005
45330 ALERT - When exporting loss data from SASŪ Enterprise GRC to SASŪ OpRisk VaR, losses that have not been validated are incorrectly omitted D17005
46084 Unable to control listed order of risks or controls in an assessment D17008
46103 Modifying comments or attachments causes Issues and Action Plans to be re-validated D17008
46104 ALERT - You can create and edit a financial effect even though your role does not give you necessary permissions D17008
44661 Saving a new incident prompts you for a change reason D17008
46101 Custom field historical data is incomplete and inaccurate when extracted for report mart build D17008
46105 A newly created incident asks for a reason that you are saving D17008
46110 The "Return from Validation" button is grayed-out D17008
46113 You cannot specify an incident discovered date that is later than its financial impact loss date D17008
46119 A "No value or invalid value for instance.instanceId" error appears when loading MonitorAnswerSheets D17008
46099 Financial effects entered as formatted numbers sometimes result in "OpRiskFrameworkError: Not a valid number.." errors D17010
46416 ALERT - Using a data loader to change the name of an auxiliary dimension causes a "Can't set the parent..." error, and can cause database corruption D17010
46772 SASŪ Enterprise GRC updates the wrong field when you use a data loader to update an Action Plan's Latest Revised Target Completion Date D17010
46418 Scroll bars do not appear correctly when viewing Operational Area dimensions in SASŪ Enterprise GRC D17010
46771 Turning off change reasons and setting a default change reason message in SASŪ Enterprise GRC D17010
46773 The Key Risk Indicators report is not displayed in SASŪ Enterprise GRC D17010
46964 Filtering Causes and Controls based on Risk Instances in Questionnaire-Based Assessments with SAS® Enterprise GRC D17012
46968 In SASŪ Enterprise GRC, filtering Linked Incidents by Operational Risk Point results in an empty window D17012
46974 ALERT - Unloading dimensional data can cause database corruption with SAS® Enterprise GRC D17012
46987 Custom Field values are not saved when you click Sign Off in a Form-Based Assessment using SASŪ Enterprise GRC D17012
46988 A "javax.servlet.ServletException..." error occurs when clicking Accept on the Incident screen in SASŪ Enterprise GRC D17012
46991 A "java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NullPointerException..." error occurs when you try to create a KRI Indicator in SASŪ Enterprise GRC D17012
46993 You might not be able to add Comments for Tests and Nonfinancial Effects in SASŪ Enterprise GRC D17012
46967 Selecting a root node for Operational Point when viewing a report in SASŪ Enterprise GRC causes an empty report D17012
47926 Russian localization updates are available for SASŪ Enterprise GRC 4.3 D17013
48125 A "java.lang.NullPointerException" error occurs when you log on to SASŪ Enterprise GRC and you edit a KRI request D17015
33380 Setting the comment and attachment fields to be non-revalidation fields for issues and action plans does not work in SASŪ Enterprise GRC D17015
46032 Dimension names are not translated in linked business objects tables in SASŪ Enterprise GRC D17015
48218 A blank screen appears when you click "Save as Draft" in the Issues window in SASŪ Enterprise GRC D17015
48220 In SASŪ Enterprise GRC, an object is not sent for re-validation when you update the object within an incident D17015
48222 The message "An error has occurred and has been logged" appears when you edit a risk instance or test instance in SASŪ Enterprise GRC D17015
48224 Localized names are not displayed for dimension names when you use the LinkedBusinessObjects component in SASŪ Enterprise GRC D17015
48226 Fields that provide a unique object ID and that should be optional are required when you use the KRI or KRI Template data loaders D17015
48227 The Delete link for controls incorrectly appears when you have only View capability for controls in SASŪ Enterprise GRC D17015
48232 When you return to an Incident from a linked object in SASŪ Enterprise GRC, the Incident is displayed in Read-Only mode, or an error occurs D17015
43434 Assessed risks are treated as monetary even though they are configured as non-monetary D17017
44659 Slow performance when querying a large number of incidents D17017
49063 An "IllegalStateException" error message is displayed when you sort users or synchronize users with metadata in SASŪ Enterprise GRC D17017
49115 You might experience slow performance when you log on to the SASŪ Enterprise GRC web application D17017
49139 When an error occurs in the SAS® Enterprise GRC web application, Java stack trace information that should not be visible might be displayed D17017
49140 A "Value is not a date" error message is displayed when you save a screen that contains a date selection in SASŪ Enterprise GRC D17017
49149 An "OpriskFrameworkError: Not a valid number" message is displayed when you try to save a non-numeric KRI target value in SASŪ Enterprise GRC D17017
49151 If you add related issues to a KRI request in SASŪ Enterprise GRC, the issues are not saved when you save the KRI request D17017
49152 The message " not valid owner for the indicator's current location." is displayed when you select a KRI owner D17017
49153 A "javax.servlet.ServletException" error message is displayed when you create a KRI definition with scale type 4 in a non-English locale D17017
49160 In SASŪ Enterprise GRC, a validator for a KRI observation might not receive an alert notification when the observation is returned D17017
49143 A "No data to display" message is displayed when you attempt to view an incident recovery or incident allocation in SASŪ Enterprise GRC D17017
50030 In SASŪ Enterprise GRC, the output of a custom action is not displayed in a new window if you specify its output-destination as "window" D17020
49782 You cannot close or delete a risk or control from the Ratings Summary page in SASŪ Enterprise GRC D17020
49786 A "NullPointerException" error message might be displayed when you try to export a table from a Rating Group page in SASŪ Enterprise GRC D17020
49791 Changes might not be saved when you try to modify and save the Scale Type value for a Measure in a KRI definition in SASŪ Enterprise GRC D17020
49793 When you return a KRI, SASŪ Enterprise GRC might send the KRI back to the KRI originator instead of the previous validation stage D17020
49845 SASŪ Enterprise GRC might display a "Cannot edit object" error message when you use a data loader to submit a KRI observation for validation D17020
49846 You cannot enforce a maximum length for the name, description, or help text, using the KRI and KRI Template data loaders in SASŪ Enterprise GRC D17020
49851 A "ServletException" message might be displayed if you save a KRI observation request and then cancel the Change Reason screen in SASŪ Enterprise GRC D17020
49859 SASŪ Enterprise GRC might become unresponsive if you export a large amount of data or you create a large number of risk instances or control instances D17020
49870 How to restrict SASŪ Enterprise GRC attachments by filename or file extension D17020
49877 KRI observations cannot be fully validated when you use the KriObservationRequests data loader in SASŪ Enterprise GRC D17020
49878 You might be able to incorrectly load a fully validated KRI observation without providing a score for the observation in SASŪ Enterprise GRC D17020
49880 You might be able to open incident-related screens in Edit mode in SASŪ Enterprise GRC D17020
49885 The error "You do not have the appropriate capabilities" might occur when you try to view a KRI indicator in SASŪ Enterprise GRC D17020
49881 KRI reports are incomplete or display very slowly when the report contains many Key Risk Indicators (KRIs) in SASŪ Enterprise GRC D17020
42027 An incident has a status of "Fully Validated" but its financial effect has a status of "Not Submitted" D17022
44725 Customized column choices do not consistently appear in the risk instance selection dialog box D17022
45272 Financial Effect status incorrectly shows "not submitted" when its related incident is fully validated D17022
50524 In SASŪ Enterprise GRC, you cannot add review comments to a risk rating in the Ratings Summary window D17022
50526 An "'Attachments' is required" message might incorrectly be displayed in SASŪ Enterprise GRC D17022
50531 You might not be able to sort risks by their overall risk ratings for an assessment in SASŪ Enterprise GRC D17022
50532 When you export a PDF report in SASŪ Enterprise GRC, the file might not contain a .pdf extension or an "Unable to download" error might be displayed D17022
50533 Some of the available columns might not be displayed if you customize the RiskInstanceExCustomizations.xml file in SASŪ Enterprise GRC D17022
50536 In SASŪ Enterprise GRC, when you change a Financial Effect Nature from GAIN to LOSS, the Impact Type incorrectly remains as GAIN D17022
50537 In SASŪ Enterprise GRC, you can specify new configuration options for assessment recommendations D17022
50539 In SAS® Enterprise GRC, it is not possible to specify the display style for system-generated assessment questions D17022
50540 In SASŪ Enterprise GRC, the search and sort functions for tables that contain Risk Recommendations might not return the correct results D17022
50564 In SASŪ Enterprise GRC, a "You do not have the appropriate capabilities" error might be displayed when a financial effect or recovery is saved D17022
50567 In SASŪ Enterprise GRC, when you send an incident for validation, an associated financial effect might not be sent for validation D17022
50601 You might not be able to unload data when you use the TesterAssignments data loader in SASŪ Enterprise GRC D17022
50609 In SASŪ Enterprise GRC, if you remove a question from a form-based assessment screen, the punctuation mark for the question is not removed D17022
50611 SASŪ Enterprise GRC might display an "ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException" error message if you cancel the risk ratings page D17022
50525 During the accept/respond stage of a form-based assessment in SAS® Enterprise GRC, an "exception occurred processing JSP" error might be displayed D17022
50534 You might not be able to log on to SASŪ Enterprise GRC after you run the user synchronization program D17022
51628 How to specify the sort order for questionnaire-based assessments in SAS® Enterprise GRC D17025
51606 ALERT - If you use a data loader to update an auxiliary dimension in SASŪ Enterprise GRC, a "Can't set the parent..." error message might be displayed D17025
52129 If you use the IncidentCauses data loader in SASŪ Enterprise GRC to update an existing incident cause, the operational area might not be updated D17025
52211 You might experience slow performance when you log on to SASŪ Enterprise GRC, if you have a large number of policy objects in your task list D17025
52224 In SASŪ Enterprise GRC, when you try to unload a position with more than one dimension, the position might not be unloaded D17025
52225 With SASŪ Enterprise GRC, a "java.lang.NullPointerException" message might be displayed when you try to load KRIs D17025
52230 If you update IncidentCauses using the SASŪ Enterprise GRC IncidentCauses data loader, the value for Management Organization might not be updated D17025
52335 If an error occurs when you sign off on an assessment in SASŪ Enterprise GRC, the error message does not identify the items that caused the error D17025
52349 With SAS® Enterprise GRC, when you unload cause instances, a "do not match" error message might be displayed D17025
43364 ALERT - A Javascript error occurs when report parameter prompts are Hebrew D17025
52179 When you save a change reason in SASŪ Enterprise GRC, an "error interacting with the database" message might be displayed D17025
52181 When you add linked control instances to a test instance in SASŪ Enterprise GRC, the linked control instances might not be saved D17025
52185 In SASŪ Enterprise GRC, when you select risks for an assessment, you might see risks that are not applicable to the assessment's dimensions D17025
52202 If you move or delete a dimension in SASŪ Enterprise GRC, a confirmation message might not be displayed D17025
52226 When you try to send an incident for investigation in SAS® Enterprise GRC, a "Security clearance" error message might be displayed D17025
Released: February 18, 2014     Documentation: D17025wn.html D       Download: D17025wn.exe  
D indicates that the Documentation has special pre-installation, post-installation or other unique instructions not commonly used for hot fix deployment.
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