SAS Institute. The Power to Know

SAS Enterprise Guide 4.305

Hot Fix Downloads for Windows for x64

* General Information about Hot Fixes

C44001 was replaced by C44032

C44002 was replaced by C44026

C44003 was replaced by C44032

C44004 was replaced by C44032

C44005 was replaced by C44026

C44006 was replaced by C44032

C44007 was replaced by C44026

C44008 was replaced by C44026

C44010 was replaced by C44032

C44012 was replaced by C44026

C44014 was replaced by C44032

C44015 was replaced by C44026

C44016 was replaced by C44026

C44017 was replaced by C44026

C44019 was replaced by C44026

C44022 was replaced by C44032

C44023 was replaced by C44026

C44024 was replaced by C44032

C44025 was replaced by C44026

C44026 for Windows for x64
SAS Enterprise Guide 4.305
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
38088 Totals might not display correctly for List Report in SAS® Enterprise Guide® C44002
41521 Localization updates available for SAS® Enterprise Guide 4.305 C44002
41835 The Change button might be missing when displaying properties for data being imported into SAS® Enterprise Guide® C44005
42193 Stored Process Wizard screen not displayed properly under some languages C44007
42194 'Save' window does not open in SAS® Enterprise Guide 4.305 for Hebrew C44007
42602 Task list is empty when using the SAS® Add-In for Microsoft Office in the Hebrew locale C44008
43195 Filter Information Map Dialog is incomplete in SAS Add-in for Microsoft Office 4.3 in Swedish environment C44012
43196 Very small buttons in the SAS Add-in for Microsoft Office 4.3 Outlook Gadget Manager in Danish or Turkish environment C44012
43549 Tasks will not run properly in Hebrew due to encoding issue with footnotes C44015
43551 Italian localizations missing in SAS® Enterprise Guide C44015
41548 In SAS Enterprise Guide® 4.3, the Stored Process Wizard will not allow the Source File Path on z/OS® to use an hfs file C44016
43696 Length of character computed column from SAS® Information Map might be truncated to 32 C44016
43796 Plot with one-step-ahead predictions and future forecasts is not available in ARIMA task in SAS® Enterprise Guide 4.3 C44016
44060 SAS® Enterprise Guide® 4.3 Import data function does not work for Hebrew C44017
44417 'Insert columns' selection is incorrectly translated to 'Copy' C44019
44418 'Prompt Type' dialog in Prompt Manager displayed incorrectly C44019
45250 DBCS functions are not listed on "New Computed Column" Window C44023
45453 Search box displayed incorrectly in SAS® Enterprise Guide C44023
45915 Information Map "Create custom Filter" dialog window is too large in SAS® Enterprise Guide 4.305 C44025
45916 "Show Member Property" on an OLAP cube produces an error in SAS® Enterprise Guide 4.305 and SAS® Add-in for Microsoft Office 4.305 C44025
46279 "Options" selections in Stored Process Wizard is incomplete in Polish environment C44026
46280 "Add New Prompt" pull-downs in Stored Process Wizard is not properly displayed in Polish environment C44026
NOTE: This hot fix is applicable to systems with one or more of the following languages installed: Chinese (Simplified), Chinese Traditional (Taiwan), Chinese Traditional (Hong Kong SAR), French, German, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
NOTE: You must also install hot fix C44032 to fully implement fixes in this hot fix.
Released: April 12, 2012     Documentation: C44026x6.html D       Download: C44026x6.exe  
D indicates that the Documentation has special pre-installation, post-installation or other unique instructions not commonly used for hot fix deployment.
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C44032 for Windows for x64
SAS Enterprise Guide 4.305
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
36223 Export as a Step in Project is slow when sending to Server instead of Local Computer in SAS® Enterprise Guide® C44001
37778 Errors might occur exporting a data set with more than 255 columns using SAS® Enterprise Guide® C44001
38834 SAS® Enterprise Guide® inserts quotation marks around formatted numeric values during export to a text file C44001
38889 Data might display in the data grid as '2A2A2A...2A' in SAS® Enterprise Guide® C44001
39692 Bar Chart task might generate errors when using a map data set in SAS® Enterprise Guide® C44001
40347 You cannot modify or add a Netezza Library from within SAS® Enterprise Guide® 4.2 C44001
40682 Filename properties might be missing or incomplete after project migration using SAS® Enterprise Guide® C44001
40698 Missing data when creating a slice from a SAS® OLAP cube C44001
40699 An error might occur when creating a OLAP data slice with SAS® Enterprise Guide® C44001
40704 Previously exported file is deleted if subsequent project execution fails in SAS® Enterprise Guide® C44001
40885 Unable to run code or task, log is empty, node is green, for certain projects in SAS® Enterprise Guide® C44001
41217 Exception returned when a format contains a numeric in the SAS® Add-In for Microsoft Office C44001
41544 Viewing properties for an unassigned DBMS library in SAS® Enterprise Guide® might cause certain library options to become unusable C44001
42041 Error creating a custom filter in SAS® Enterprise Guide® or the SAS® Add-In for Microsoft Office when the data item name contains blank spaces C44001
38061 An application error might occur after modifying the Logistic Regression task in SAS® Enterprise Guide® C44003
39526 Error opening a SAS® Enterprise Guide® project created in a different locale C44003
39599 SAS® Add-In for Microsoft Office cannot open an information map if a data item includes an apostrophe in its ID C44003
40447 Query with computed columns might generate syntax errors after project migration to SAS® Enterprise Guide® 4.2 C44003
40673 Publish task might randomly generate an error in SAS® Enterprise Guide® C44003
40967 Prompt selection might not persist in the Values field when building a filter in the Query Builder in SAS® Enterprise Guide® C44003
41171 The SAS® Add-In 4.3 for Microsoft Office does not display the SAS® menu in Microsoft Office 2003 programs C44003
41204 Titles for task results might not display correctly in SAS® Enterprise Guide® C44003
41318 Manually linking a program node to a table defined in metadata might generate an error in SAS® Enterprise Guide® C44003
41336 Error occurs when you try to build a query or filter on a data set in SAS® Enterprise Guide® C44003
41548 In SAS Enterprise Guide® 4.3, the Stored Process Wizard will not allow the Source File Path on z/OS® to use an hfs file C44003
41583 The error "Invalid object DNA" occurs when you run migrated projects in SAS® Enterprise Guide® 4.2 C44003
44062 Computed column might cause a syntax error after project migration to SAS® Enterprise Guide® 4.3 C44003
46791 Enhanced Editor option to Format Code might cause a semicolon to be removed or added to the program generating incorrect results C44003
35654 SAS® Enterprise Guide® 4.2 projects cannot be scheduled in a Windows x64 operating environment C44004
39954 Incorrect date and time formats might be generated when using "Send to Microsoft Excel" or "Export to Excel" in SAS® Enterprise Guide® C44006
40238 Application Error might occur when adding a prompt in SAS® Enterprise Guide® C44006
40476 SAS® Stored Processes created using SAS® Management Console might fail to run when the language is set to Norwegian C44006
40587 Error retrieving results when getting values for some prompts in SAS® Enterprise Guide® C44006
41266 Filenames with a "\\dq" or "\\sq" in the path are interpreted incorrectly in SAS® Enterprise Guide® C44006
41532 Sorting by certain computed column names in the Query Builder of SAS® Enterprise Guide® might generate errors C44006
41832 SAS® Enterprise Guide® might not retain the operator selected for the Conditional Processing task C44006
42043 Cannot create a custom filter for missing dates or datetimes when opening an information map in SAS® Enterprise Guide® or the SAS® Add-In for Microsoft Office C44006
42098 Icons might display for View instead of List or Details in SAS® Enterprise Guide® C44006
42310 Applying Hot Fix C44003 causes a transcoding error when running a stored process on non-English editions of SAS® Enterprise Guide® 4.3 C44006
42588 Opening a large information map in SAS® Enterprise Guide® might display empty prompts C44006
42590 Formats might not be displayed in charts when connected to a SAS® 9.3 OLAP Server C44006
42731 An error occurs when you add a z/OS bound library to a SAS® Enterprise Guide® 4.3 project C44006
43964 The message "The SAS Metadata server has SAS 9.3 stored processes that are not supported in this release of Enterprise Guide" appears C44006
41934 ALERT - Export as a Step in Project task might append data instead of replace data when using SAS® Enterprise Guide® C44009
38888 Opening a Private OLAP Server definition might cause SAS® Enterprise Guide® to work incorrectly C44010
41915 Prompt values are duplicated when opening OLAP-based SAS® Web Report Studio reports in the SAS® Add-In for Microsoft Office C44010
41969 Application error when creating multiple line plots in SAS® Enterprise Guide® C44010
42316 Line legend options might apply to the bar legend for the Bar-Line Chart task in SAS® Enterprise Guide® C44010
42625 The MDX expression displayed in the Preview window for a saved slice might not be correct C44010
43117 Certain values incorrectly display as missing after project migration from SAS® Enterprise Guide® 4.1 to 4.3 C44010
43192 taskeng.exe window appears when running a SAS® Enterprise Guide® project using Visual Basic Script C44010
43901 SAS® Enterprise Guide® projects might fail and result in the error "SDS failed to provide the decoder for the data set" C44010
44567 A filter on a summary column might cause errors in SAS® Enterprise Guide® C44010
39269 Some future dates imported from Microsoft Excel into SAS® Enterprise Guide® might not be correct C44011
42693 The SAS® Add-in for Microsoft Office generates an error when you invoke Microsoft Excel from a Web application C44011
44629 SAS® Enterprise Guide® might encounter a problem connecting to a SAS application server in a SAS grid environment C44011
13604 WHERE clause might be too long and cause syntax errors in SAS® Enterprise Guide C44014
42164 SAS® OLAP Server sessions might not be closed when the cube is closed or removed from a project in SAS® Enterprise Guide® C44014
42393 Modifying a large file in the Import Data task might perform poorly in SAS® Enterprise Guide® C44014
42448 Filter and Sort task returns an error when modifying a filter on a missing data set in SAS® Enterprise Guide® C44014
42623 Data items with the same name from different tables might be switched when modifying the Import Data task in SAS® Enterprise Guide® C44014
42975 Scheduled projects that contain a condition might stop responding in SAS® Enterprise Guide® C44014
43047 "File or Directory" prompt type does not work when the workspace server is on the same machine as SAS Enterprise Guide C44014
43696 Length of character computed column from SAS® Information Map might be truncated to 32 C44014
43737 SAS® Stored Process prompt list is not sorted by unformatted value if SAS® Enterprise Guide® created the prompt C44014
43796 Plot with one-step-ahead predictions and future forecasts is not available in ARIMA task in SAS® Enterprise Guide 4.3 C44014
43888 Prompt list might not be sorted correctly in SAS® Enterprise Guide® C44014
44091 Import Data task in SAS® Enterprise Guide® might not import all rows when the data contains Japanese characters C44014
44352 Code generated by the Query Builder might result in syntax errors due to incorrect parsing C44014
43878 An Application Error might occur when using the Logistic Regression task in SAS® Enterprise Guide® C44018
43884 Data sets in migrated SAS® Enterprise Guide® projects might have incorrect creation and modification dates C44018
44398 Filter and Sort task in SAS® Enterprise Guide® might lose selections and no longer run after project migration C44018
39982 Export as a step in project might send prior results instead of current results in SAS® Enterprise Guide® C44020
43807 Conditional highlighting for negative values might not be applied to reports opened in SAS® Enterprise Guide® or the SAS® Add-In for Microsoft Office C44020
44226 Reports that contain empty tables might not correctly display in SAS® Enterprise Guide® and the SAS® Add-In for Microsoft Office C44020
44389 Customizations in the Import Data task might be discarded after migrating to SAS® Enterprise Guide® 4.3 C44020
45250 DBCS functions are not listed on "New Computed Column" Window C44020
45695 Using an analysis variable with all missing values prevents the summary statistics task from running C44020
39824 Computed Columns might appear in the list of Group By columns in the Query Builder of SAS® Enterprise Guide® C44022
45013 Errors occur in SAS® Enterprise Guide® 4.3 when importing a Microsoft Excel named range in a project that was migrated from version 4.1 C44022
45065 SAS® Enterprise Guide® might incorrectly shift focus to the Input Data tab after the Modify Task tab is clicked C44022
45159 Input Data might show "Loading" when selecting Modify Task in SAS® Enterprise Guide® C44022
36528 "The LENGTH value is out-of-range" when specifying certain length values in New Computed Columns in the Query task of SAS® Enterprise Guide® C44024
44057 Microsoft Excel files containing erroneous functions are imported incorrectly in SAS® Enterprise Guide® 4.3 C44024
45951 OLAP cubes might display only the first slice after the project is migrated to SAS® Enterprise Guide® 4.3 C44024
45952 Error might appear when exporting a SAS Report as PDF or HTML using SAS® Enterprise Guide® C44024
45956 PNG image file path in HTML might change if the SAS® Enterprise Guide® project is run on another PC C44024
46053 Custom add-in tasks for SAS® Enterprise Guide® do not display output data sets C44024
46302 Sequential files on a z/OS server fail to open from SAS® Enterprise Guide® 4.3 user-defined folders C44024
44584 SAS® Enterprise Guide® does not import UTF-16 files correctly using a UTF-8 SAS® server C44027
46633 Manually entering a date value in the Filter and Sort task might not return the correct results in the SAS® Add-In for Microsoft Office C44028
46879 Japanese characters in column names in a query might cause syntax errors after project migration in SAS® Enterprise Guide® C44028
38820 Connection options in a SAS/ACCESS® software LIBNAME statement are not retained when you create a stored process via SAS® Enterprise Guide® 4.1 C44029
47406 An error might occur when viewing a consolidated SAS report in SAS® Enterprise Guide® C44029
48155 An out-of-memory exception might occur in the SAS® Add-In for Microsoft Office when previewing results that include 100 columns C44029
48790 The VIEWTABLE window scroll bars in SAS® Enterprise Guide® do not function C44032
49428 When you open a SAS® Enterprise Guide® project, you might be alerted that a project element caused a serialization error C44032
Released: March 20, 2013     Documentation: C44032x6.html D       Download: C44032x6.exe  
D indicates that the Documentation has special pre-installation, post-installation or other unique instructions not commonly used for hot fix deployment.
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