SAS Institute. The Power to Know

SAS OpRisk Monitor 4.1_M2

Hot Fix Downloads for Windows

* General Information about Hot Fixes

B02003 was replaced by B02004

B02004 for Windows
SAS OpRisk Monitor 4.1_M2
Issue(s) Addressed:Introduced:
38730 Links to "Create Financial Effect" and "Create Direct Recovery" tasks appear even when you do not have permission B02001
38737 Standard Risk Event Type incorrectly appears as an item choice B02001
38742 Blank auxiliary fields on related issues are incorrectly populated by information from the main issue B02001
38744 ORP information does not appear when you are editing or creating an incident (loss event) B02001
38745 Setting a user-specified base amount for an incident B02001
38746 The list of risks to a control is unfiltered even when the constrain by mappings check box is selected B02001
38747 New functionality allows you to avoid entering a change reason when you approve Action Plans B02001
38748 Images might not display correctly if locale is set to Russian B02001
38750 An Invalid Query error appears when you attempt to query the Controls table using the Control Type or Cause Type fields B02001
37006 Assessment scores are blank in the risk profile B02002
38909 A blank screen appears when you enter non-numeric characters in the Base Amount field B02002
38911 An "interacting with the database" error appears when you save a form that has a blank Base Amount field B02002
39168 Scores for risks with the same Risk Event Type that are created after plan/scope are not pushed properly to the risk profile B02002
39215 Recent assessments are not accessible from the current assessment B02002
39216 The validator and the business owner cannot view an attachment that is added in a risk B02002
39226 A framework error occurs in SASŪ OpRisk Monitor when you enter text in the Base Amount field B02002
39227 An Action Plan is published before the corresponding Issue is published in SASŪ OpRisk Monitor B02002
39228 The Web application Key Risk Indicator color does not match the report color on boundary values in SASŪ OpRisk Monitor B02002
39372 European calendar "day of the week" labels are not correct in SASŪ OpRisk Monitor B02002
39373 ALERT - The computed amount is not updated when the currency rate is updated in SASŪ OpRisk Monitor B02002
40389 The dynamic measure columns of the Recent Assessments table do not display sorted by column name B02004
40395 The rating group help text does not support HTML formatting B02004
40397 After saving a new questionnaire object, the questionnaire remains locked B02004
40401 You can delete an Incident without the Delete permission B02004
40402 The new computed measure value is not displayed on an assessment of controls B02004
39134 Traditional Chinese (Taiwan) updates are available for SASŪ OpRisk Monitor 4.1 B02002
39505 ALERT - A RepositoryException occurs when you run admin tools scripts after installing hot fix 3 B02003
Released: August 13, 2010     Documentation: B02004wn.html D       Download: B02004wn.exe  
D indicates that the Documentation for B02004 contains special pre-installation and/or post-installation instructions.
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