* NAME: Z5000293 PRODUCT: SASC CATEGORY: SPEC SYSTEM: MVS * DATE: 07OCT91 STATUS: DZ+UT USAGE-ID: LIBRARY-C0293 * * Assembling SPE routines gives: "IEV060 COPY CODE NOT FOUND -- DFHCSADS " * * NOTE: APPLY THIS ZAP TO THE sasc.MACLIBA LIBRARY USING THE * IEBUPDTE UTILITY. THIS ZAP IS A SOURCE UPDATE AND * SPECIAL HANDLING WILL BE REQUIRED. * NOTE: The following is a SOURCE UPDATE; to apply, you must * (1) ensure that the target source file has not been re-numbered, * (2) change all occurrences of "*/" back to "./", and * (3) remove all comments before the first "./" card, * before using the MVS IEBUPDTE utility */ ADD NAME=CONDCOPY MACRO *Z5000293* 00010000 CONDCOPY &WHATEVER 00020001 .********************************************************************** 00030000 .* COPYRIGHT (C) 1991 BY SAS INSTITUTE INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. * 00040000 .********************************************************************** 00050000 .* This macro is just an artifice to allow a conditional copy to * 00060001 .* occur, because the assembler insists on expanding COPY statements * 00070001 .* before performing conditional assembly. * 00080001 .********************************************************************** 00090000 .* 00100000 COPY &WHATEVER 00110001 MEND *Z5000293* 00120000 */ CHANGE NAME=L$UCENV DFHCSAD TYPE=DSECT *Z5000293* 00510016 CONDCOPY DFHPCTDS *Z5000293* 00520016 */ ENDUP