* NAME: Z5000482 PRODUCT: SASC CATEGORY: REMO SYSTEM: CMS * DATE: 06JUL94 STATUS: DZ+UT USAGE-ID: LIBRARY-C0482 * * Bad Zap....INDEP-compiled CICS applications may Abend ASRA in CICS/ESA * * PRE-REQUISITE: Z5000482 * * NOTE: This is a SOURCE UPDATE to the following two source files: * LCUSER MACLIB(member CONDCOPY * LCUSER MACLIB(member L$UCENV * Applying this zap takes special care. To apply follow the * below instructions. * (1) For each update file, change all occurrences of "*/" to * "./" and remove all comments before the first "./" card. * (2) Split this file into 2 update files (one for each * source file to be updated) with filetypes of UPDATE. * (3) Create temporary, sequential copies of the 2 source files. * Using XEDIT, edit the MACLIB member, turn serialization * off and save the member to the A disk. * Following are sample commands for the CONDCOPY member of * LCUSER MACLIB: * XEDIT LCUSER MACLIB (member CONDCOPY * SET SERIAL OFF * FILE = ASSEMBLE A * Do this for each source file. * (4) Using the CMS UPDATE command, apply the fix to the * sequential, renumbered copies of CONDCOPY and * L$UCENV. Following are the sample commands (the lower * case names are the names of the update files). * UPDATE CONDCOPY ASSEMBLE A condcopu (INC NOREP * UPDATE L$UCENV ASSEMBLE A l$ucenvu (INC NOREP * The output source filename will be preceded with a "$". * (5) Store the updated version of CONDCOPY (now $CONDCOPY) and * L$UCENV (now $L$UCENV) back * into the LCUSER MACLIB using the MACLIB command. The * MACLIB command insists on the filetype be COPY so the file * must be renamed. Below are sample commands. * RENAME $CONDCOPY ASSEMBLE A CONDCOPY COPY A * RENAME $L$UCENV ASSEMBLE A L$UCENV COPY A * MACLIB REP LCUSER CONDCOPY * MACLIB REP LCUSER L$UCENV * (6) Assemble L$UPREP, as directed in the source file located * in the LSU MACLIB (member L$UPREP. * The assembler option SYSPARM(CICS) must be used. * Below are sample commands. * GLOBAL MACLIB LCUSER CMSLIB OSMACRO * HASM L$UPREP (SYSPARM(CICS) * TXTLIB DEL LC370STD L$UPREP * TXTLIB ADD LC370STD L$UPREP * (7) Re-link your application before running. * * NOTE: The following is a SOURCE UPDATE; to apply, you must * (1) ensure that the target source file has not been re-numbered, * (2) change all occurrences of "*/" back to "./", and * (3) remove all comments before the first "./" card, * before using the CMS UPDATE command * NOTE: The following is a SOURCE UPDATE; to apply, you must * (1) ensure that the target source file has not been re-numbered, * (2) change all occurrences of "*/" back to "./", and * (3) remove all comments before the first "./" card, * before using the CMS UPDATE command */ * -----------------cut here------------------------------------ .29 */ * .29 */ * This update is for the CONDCOPY macro */ * .29 */ R 00023991 00023991 $ 00020001 00003990 CONDCOPY &WHATEVER 00020001 */ R 00113991 00113991 $ 00110001 00003990 COPY &WHATEVER 00110001 */ * -----------------cut here------------------------------------ .29 */ * .29 */ * This update is for the L$UCENV macro */ * .29 */ I 00230018 $ 00240018 00010000 * Update the TWA mapping below if this assumption is 5.0 00240018 * incorrect! 5.0 00250018 */ D 00515016 00515016 */ D 00523016 00526016 */ D 00535016 00535016 */ I 00540016 *********************************************************************** 00550013 * This marks the beginning of the TWA. 5.0 00560016 *********************************************************************** 00570013 L$UCENV DS A CRAB Pointer 5.0 00580016 TWALEN EQU *-TWACOBA Length of the TWA 5.0 00590016 */ R 00662006 00725686 PCTCBAR EQU R10 5.0 00660016 DFHCSAD TYPE=LOCATE,REG=R12 5.0 00670020 L TCACBAR,CSACDTA-DFHCSADS(,R12) Point to the user TCA 5.0 00680020 L PCTCBAR,TCASYAA Point to the system TCA 5.0 00690016 L PCTCBAR,TCATCPC-DFHSYTCA(,PCTCBAR) Point to PCT entry5.0 00700016 N PCTCBAR,=X'00FFFFFF' Clear the top byte 5.0 00710016 CLC PCTTWA,=AL2(TWALEN) Could the TWA point to a CRAB? 5.0 00720016 BNL *+6 Branch if so 5.0 00730016 DC H'0' Otherwise, ABEND 5.0 00740016 LA R12,L$UCENV FIND C ENVIRONMENT POINTER 5.0 00750016 */ D 00762016 00766016