* NAME: Z5501021 PRODUCT: SASC CATEGORY: SPEC SYSTEM: BiCMS * DATE: 28SEP93 STATUS: DZ+UT USAGE-ID: COMPILER-C1021 * * Add an option to force the compiler to ignore #line statements * * NOTE: APPLY TO LC370 LOADLIB (COMPILER AND UTILTIES) USING * THE APPLYZAP UTILITY. * NOTE: IF THE LIBRARY IS INSTALLED IN A DCSS, THE DCSS MUST BE * RESAVED. * END NAME LC1370 PARMS@$ LOAD VER 048C A7A7A7 REP 048C 898793 LOG Z5501021 ZAPLOG PARMS@$ Add an option to force the compiler to ignore #line NAME LC1370 PPRC@ LOAD VER 130C 5830,4118 REP 130C 47F0,431C LOG Z5501021 ZAPLOG PPRC@ Add an option to force the compiler to ignore #line st NAME LC1370 PPRC@: LOAD VER 031C 431C,431E VER 031C 431C,431E VER 0320 4320,4322 VER 0324 4324,4326 VER 0328 4328,432A VER 032C 432C,432E VER 0330 4330,4332 VER 0334 4334,4336 VER 0338 4338,433A VER 033C 433C,433E VER 0340 4340,4342 VER 0344 4344,4346 * REP 031C 4810,4346 REP 0320 5E10,C00C REP 0324 D503,1000 REP 0328 C044 REP 032A 4770,4342 REP 032E 1F11 REP 0330 5010,D130 REP 0334 58F0,4178 REP 0338 05EF REP 033A 47F0,5350 REP 033E 5830,4118 REP 0342 47F0,5350 REP 0346 7608 LOG Z5501021 ZAPLOG PPRC@: Add an option to force the compiler to ignore #line s