* NAME: Z4500180 PRODUCT: SASC CATEGORY: SPEC SYSTEM: BiCMS * DATE: 31MAY91 STATUS: DZ+UT USAGE-ID: SPE-C0180 * * ABEND 0Cx using bldexit to handle asynchronous interrupts with SPE * * NOTE: This is a SOURCE UPDATE to the following three source files: * LCUSER MACLIB(member EXEL * LSU MACLIB(member L$UPROL * LSU MACLIB(member L$UEXLK * Applying this zap takes special care. To apply follow the * below instructions. * (1) For each update file, change all occurrences of "*/" to * "./" and remove all comments before the first "./" card. * (2) Split this file into 3 update files (one for each * source file to be updated) with filetypes of UPDATE. * (3) Create temporary, sequential copies of the 3 source files. * Using XEDIT, edit the MACLIB member, turn serialization * off and save the member to the A disk. Following are * sample commands for the EXEL member of LCUSER MACLIB. * XEDIT LCUSER MACLIB (member EXEL * SET SERIAL OFF * FILE = ASSEMBLE A * Do this for each source file. * (4) Using the CMS UPDATE command, apply the fix to the * sequential, renumbered copies of EXEL, L$UEXLK and * L$UPROL. Following are the sample commands (the lower * case names are the names of the update files). * UPDATE EXEL ASSEMBLE A exelu (NOCTL NOREP * UPDATE L$UPROL ASSEMBLE A l$uprolu (NOCTL NOREP * UPDATE L$UEXLK ASSEMBLE A l$uexlku (NOCTL NOREP * The output source filename will be preceded with a "$". * Do this for each source file. * (5) Store the updated version of EXEL (now $EXEL) back into * the LCUSER MACLIB using the MACLIB command. The MACLIB * command insists on the filetype be COPY so the file * must be renamed. Below are sample commands. * RENAME $EXEL ASSEMBLE A EXEL COPY A * MACLIB REP LCUSER EXEL * (6) Assemble the new L$UEXLK and L$UPROL (now called $L$UEXLK * and $L$UPROL) and store the object code in LC370SPE TXTLIB * using the TXTLIB command. The assembler option SYSPARM(BI * must be used. Below are sample commands. * GLOBAL MACLIB LCUSER CMSLIB OSMACRO * HASM $L$UEXLK (SYSPARM(BI) * HASM $L$UPROL (SYSPARM(BI) * TXTLIB DEL LC370SPE L$UPROL L$UEXLK * TXTLIB ADD LC370SPE $L$UPROL $L$UEXLK * (5) Store the updated version of L$UPROL and L$UEXLK back * into the LSU MACLIB using the MACLIB command. * Following are the sample commands. * RENAME $L$UPROL ASSEMBLE A L$UPROL COPY A * RENAME $L$UEXLK ASSEMBLE A L$UEXLK COPY A * MACLIB REP LSU L$UPROL L$UEXLK * (6) Re-link your application before running. * NOTE: The following is a SOURCE UPDATE; to apply, you must * (1) ensure that the target source file has not been re-numbered, * (2) change all occurrences of "*/" back to "./", and * (3) remove all comments before the first "./" card, * before using the CMS UPDATE command */ * -----------------------------Split Here--------------------------- */ * Updates to LCUSER MACLIB (member EXEL */ * ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ R 310001 EXELSDSA DC (DSAMIN/4)A(*-*) SAVE AREA FOR DSA AT TIME OF Z4500180* */ * -----------------------------Split Here--------------------------- */ * Updates to LSU MACLIB (member L$UPROL */ * ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ R 1690000 1700001 L R14,DSAPRBSV FIND INLINE PROLOG BASE Z4500180 MVC CRABCDSA,DSAPDSA RESTORE PREVIOUS "C DSA" Z4500180 */ * -----------------------------Split Here--------------------------- */ * Updates to LSU MACLIB (member L$UEXLK */ * ------------------------------------------------------------------ */ R 2330001 MVC EXELSDSA(DSAMIN),0(R3) COPY CONTENTS TO SAFETY Z4500180 */ R 3290001 MVC 0(DSAMIN,R3),EXELSDSA ELSE, RESTORE OLD STATUS Z4500180