* NAME: Z6061010 PRODUCT: BASE CATEGORY: REQU SYSTEM: MVS * DATE: 30OCT90 STATUS: DZ+UT USAGE-ID: V6-SYS.DATA-1010 * * The ** operator may return a 0 instead of the correct value * * NOTE: This zap was originally shipped on the DEC90 SAS Notes tape * (VOLSER=OSDE60), and included zap code for two products, * SAS/IML and SAS/ETS, that are separately licensed from base * SAS Software, and my not be installed at your site. Thus, an * attempt to apply the DEC90 version of this zap may result in * non-zero return codes from AMASPZAP for the zap segments that * pertained to SAS/IML or SAS/ETS Software, even though the * remainder of the zap (for base SAS Software) will have been * properly applied by AMASPZAP. * * As of the JAN91 SAS Notes tape (VOLSER=OSJA61), the SAS/IML * and SAS/ETS zap segments have been removed from this zap * (Z6061010), and two new zaps have been added, Z6062146 for * SAS/IML, and Z6062147 for SAS/ETS. * * You should also note that the zap category has been changed to * REQUIRED for all three zaps. * * Finally, if you have SAS/ETS licensed and have already applied * the DEC90 version of this zap (Z6061010), you should still * apply zap Z6062147, due to the addition of a zap segment for * an MVS/SP (non-XA) overlay module for SAS/ETS; however, you * should expect a non-zero return code from AMASPZAP in this * case. * * END NAME SASDSC ZPOWER@ CHECKSUM VER 01F0 4730,51FC REP 01F0 47F0,51FC CHECKSUM 9BDC9B1C IDRDATA Z6061010 NAME SABDS ZPOWER@ VER 01F0 4730,51FC REP 01F0 47F0,51FC CHECKSUM 9BDC9B1C IDRDATA Z6061010 NAME SABDSC ZPOWER@ VER 01F0 4730,51FC REP 01F0 47F0,51FC CHECKSUM 9BDC9B1C IDRDATA Z6061010 NAME SASDSX DSXBIF@ VER 048E 4730,5262 REP 048E 47F0,5262 CHECKSUM 9EE09E20 IDRDATA Z6061010 NAME SABDS DSXBIF@ VER 048E 4730,5262 REP 048E 47F0,5262 CHECKSUM 9EE09E20 IDRDATA Z6061010 NAME SABDSX DSXBIF@ VER 048E 4730,5262 REP 048E 47F0,5262 CHECKSUM 9EE09E20 IDRDATA Z6061010