* NAME: Z5182660 PRODUCT: SAS CATEGORY: RECO SYSTEM: OS * DATE: 21FEB89 STATUS: DZ+UT USAGE-ID: INFORMAT-V52660 * * $CHARZB informat alters field being read in * * * This zap requires that the module @$CHARZB be expanded to provide * room for the zap. The expansion should be done with the linkage * editor. Sample JCL to do the EXPAND is shown in the comments * below. * * Parameters in lower case in the JCL should be modified as * appropriate by each site applying the zap. * * * // job card * //STEP1 EXEC PGM=IEWL,PARM='XREF,NCAL' * //SYSLIB DD DSN=your.sas.library,DISP=SHR * //SYSLMOD DD DSN=test.sas.library,DISP=SHR <-- can be same as SYSLIB * //SYSUT1 DD UNIT=scratchdisk,SPACE=(TRK,(10,4)) * //SYSPRINT DD SYSOUT=A * //SYSLIN DD * * INCLUDE SYSLIB(@$CHARZB) * EXPAND @$CHARZB(222) * SETSSI AE1C8100 * ENTRY @$CHARZB * NAME @$CHARZB(R) * // end of job * * END CHECKSUM NAME @$CHARZB @$CHARZB VER 0000 4420,F026 VER 01F8 0000,0000,0000 VER 01FE 0000,0000 VER 0202 0000,0000 VER 0206 0000,0000 VER 020A 0000 * REP 0000 47F0,F1FE REP 01F8 D200,F130,1000 REP 01FE 4420,F1F8 REP 0202 4110,F130 REP 0206 4420,F026 REP 020A 07FE CHECKSUM 45AFB464 SETSSI AE1C8100 IDRDATA Z5182660