Table 2
SAS Code for Profile Plot Using Republican Vote Data

goptions reset=all goutmode=replace;
goptions htitle=1.0 ftitle=simplex htext=1.0 ftext=simplex;

data a;
input state $14. @16 y32 y36 y40 y60 y64 y68;
Missouri        35 38 48 50 36 45
Maryland        36 37 41 46 35 42
Kentucky        40 40 42 54 36 44
Louisiana        7 11 14 29 57 23
Mississippi      4  3  4 25 87 17
South Carolina   2  1  4 49 59 39

data b; set a;
year=1932; vote=y32; output;
year=1936; vote=y36; output;
year=1940; vote=y40; output;
year=1960; vote=y60; output;
year=1964; vote=y64; output;
year=1968; vote=y68; output;
drop y32--y68;

proc sort data=b;
by state year;

proc gplot data=b;
title1 'Figure 1';
title3 'Percentage of People Voting Republican in Presidential Elections';
title5 'Profile Plot';
axis1 label=(a=90 'Percent of People Voting Republican')
      width=1 major=(w=1) minor=(n=3 w=1)
      order=0 to 100 by 20;
axis2 label=('Election Year')
      width=1 major=(w=1) minor=none offset=(2)
      order=1932 1936 1940 1960 1964 1968;
legend1 label=('State:') across=2;
 plot vote*year=state / vaxis=axis1 haxis=axis2 legend=legend1
     href=1932 1936 1940 1960 1964 1968 lhref=2;
symbol1 v=none i=join l=1 c=red   w=1;
symbol2 v=none i=join l=2 c=red   w=1;
symbol3 v=none i=join l=1 c=blue  w=1;
symbol4 v=none i=join l=2 c=blue  w=1;
symbol5 v=none i=join l=1 c=green w=1;
symbol6 v=none i=join l=2 c=green w=1;

Table 3
SAS Code for Andrews Plot Using Republican Vote Data

data c; set a;
do t=-pi to pi by inc;

proc gplot data=c;
title1 'Figure 2';
title3 'Percentage of People Voting Republican in Presidential Elections';
title5 'Andrews Plot';
axis1 label=(a=90 'f(t)')
      width=&w major=(w=&w) minor=(n=1 w=&w)
      order=-150 to 200 by 50;
axis2 label=('t')
      width=&w major=(w=&w) minor=(n=1 w=&w)
      order=-3.2 to 3.2 by 0.8;
legend1 label=('State:') across=2;
plot f*t=state / vaxis=axis1 haxis=axis2 legend=legend1;
symbol1 v=none i=join l=1 c=red   w=1;
symbol2 v=none i=join l=2 c=red   w=1;
symbol3 v=none i=join l=1 c=blue  w=1;
symbol4 v=none i=join l=2 c=blue  w=1;
symbol5 v=none i=join l=1 c=green w=1;
symbol6 v=none i=join l=2 c=green w=1;

Table 4
SAS Code for Pinion Plot Using Republican Vote Data

data d; set a;
if state='Kentucky'       then code=1;
if state='Louisiana'      then code=2;
if state='Maryland'       then code=3;
if state='Mississippi'    then code=4;
if state='Missouri'       then code=5;
if state='South Carolina' then code=6;
x=y32; y=y36; output;
x=y40; y=y60; output;
x=y64; y=y68; output;
code=7; x=y32; y=y36; output;
code=8; x=y40; y=y60; output;
keep state x y code;

proc format;
value state 1='Kentucky' 2='Louisiana' 3='Maryland'
            4='Mississippi' 5='Missouri' 6='South Carolina'
            7='1932 vs 1936' 8='1940 vs 1960';

proc gplot data=d;
title1 'Figure 3';
title3 'Percentage of People Voting Republican in Presidential Elections';
title5 'Pinion Plot';
axis1 label=(a=90 'Election Year 1936/1960/1968')
      width=1 major=(w=1) minor=(n=3 w=1)
      order=0 to 100 by 20;
axis2 label=('Election Year 1932/1940/1964')
      width=1 major=(w=1) minor=(n=3 w=1)
      order=0 to 100 by 20;
legend1 label=('State:') across=2;
plot y*x=code / vaxis=axis1 haxis=axis2 legend=legend1;
symbol1 v=none   i=join l=1 c=red   w=1;
symbol2 v=none   i=join l=2 c=red   w=1;
symbol3 v=none   i=join l=1 c=blue  w=1;
symbol4 v=none   i=join l=2 c=blue  w=1;
symbol5 v=none   i=join l=1 c=green w=1;
symbol6 v=none   i=join l=2 c=green w=1;
symbol7 v=dot    i=none     c=black;
symbol8 v=circle i=none     c=black;
format code state.;