data _null_; infile ibm; file dec; input string $80.; decstr=kcvt(string,'IBM','DEC'); put decstr; run; proc cport catalog=my.lib.afsys.catalog intype=dec outtype=ibm; run; options dbcs dbcstype=ibm dbcslang=japanese; proc upload c=mypc.afcat out=mainfr.afcat; run; proc dbcstab /* name of the new translate table */ name=custtab /* based on HP encoding */ basetype=hp15 /* data to create the new table */ data=trantab /* Korean language */ dbcslang=korean /* catalog descriptor */ desc='Modified Korean Trantab' /* where the table is stored */ catalog=sasuser.dbcs /* checks for invalid DBCS in the new data */ verify; data trantab; hp15='6189'x; dec='b9b3'x; pcibm='a4d2'x; run; options trantab=(,,,,,,,,,custtab); options trantab=(,,,,,,,,systab); /* ninth argument */ options trantab=(,,,,,,,,,usrtab); /* tenth argument */