%macro imlmed (data=,       /* input data set             */
               var=,        /* variable list to calculate */
                            /* the median from            */
               out=);       /* output data set            */

proc iml;

      /* Read VAR into a temporary matrix. */
   use &data var {&var};
   read all into temp;

      /* Transpose the matrix, calculate the median,      */
      /* retranspose the matrix, and horizontally         */
      /* concatenate the median to the input matrix.      */

      /* Create a matrix that contains the original       */
      /* variable names and a name for the median.        */
      /* This matrix will name the variables in the       */
      /* output data set.                                 */
   names={&var median};

      /* Create a SAS data set that contains values from  */
      /* the input data set and values for the medians.   */
   create &out from median [colname=names];
   append from median;

%mend imlmed;