
   /* Create the data set */
data temps;                 
   input date date7. temp;  
01apr92 45                  
01apr92 73                                                    
02apr92 49                                                    
02apr92 75                                                    
03apr92 52                                                    
03apr92 60                                                    
04apr92 39                                                    
04apr92 62                                                    
05apr92 50                                                    
05apr92 72                                                    
   /* Calculate the mean temperature */                       
proc means data=temps mean noprint;                           
   var temp;                                                  
   by  date;                                                  
   output out=meands(keep=date temp avgtemp) mean=avgtemp;    
   /* Create a new data set with high, low, and mean values */
data both;                                                    
   merge temps meands;                                        
   by date;                                                   


   /* Print the resulting data set */
proc print data=both;                
  format date date7.;                


   /* Define symbols */                                    
symbol1 i=hilo v=none c=black;                             
symbol2 i=none v=x h=2.5 c=black;                          
   /* Provide a border around the graphics area */         
   /* and set the default font for text         */         
goptions ftext=swiss;                                      
title 'High, Low, and Mean Temperatures for April';        
   /* Generate the plot */                                 
proc gplot data=both;                                      
   plot temp*date avgtemp*date / overlay haxis=axis1 frame;
   format date date7.;                                     
      /* Define horizontal axis */                         
   axis1 minor=none label=none offset=(2);                 
