/*---------------------------------------------------------\ | This REXX exec will be used during the nightly update | | procedure. The procedure outlined below will allow | | the segment to be purged, updated with all changes from | | the previous day, and then reloaded. | | o The SAS installation disk is accessed in order to | | execute REXX EXECs necessary for manipulating | | segments. | | o Access the disk where the application is stored. | | o The CMSSEGS EXEC, which uses the OBSPROJ CMSSEGS | | control file to create additional required control | | files, is executed. | | o SAS is invoked and the 'update sas' program is | | executed which does the following: | | The transaction data set will be sorted by employee | | number and an update will follow. The update will | | take the master data set on disk and update it with | | the changes from the transaction data set on disk. | | The old transaction data set is then deleted and a | | new, empty data set is created for the next day. | | o The OBSPROJ EXEC is executed to define the new | | segment. | | o The SASCSEG6 EXEC is executed to load the new | | segment into storage. | | o Release the SAS installation disk. | | o Release the disk where the application is stored. | | | | NOTE: All error checking has been left to the reader. | \---------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Access installation disk */ /* Access application disk */ 'EXEC CMSSEGS OBSPROJ' /* Create control files */ 'EXEC SAS UPDATE' /* Invoke SAS and update data */ 'EXEC OBSPROJ DEFINE' /* Define the new segment */ 'EXEC SASCSEG6 OBSPROJ' /* Load the segment */ /* Release the SAS installation disk */ /* Release application location disk */ exit rc