FIND: method findname $50 sysrc 8; name=findname; /* Find the observation with the value entered */ /* in NAME. */ sysrc=where(dsid,'NAME='|| quote(findname)); call set(dsid); /* Read the observation into the SCL data */ /* vector and the class instance variables. */ sysrc=fetch(dsid); /* If the read was not successful, blank out */ /* the values in the SDV and the class */ /* instance variables. */ if (sysrc = %sysrc(_sweof)) or (sysrc > 0) then do; custnum = ' '; state = ' '; zipcode = ' '; city = ' '; phone = ' '; ord1dte = .; end; endmethod; RENAME: method newname $50 sysrc 8; /* Save the old name and assign the new name to */ /* the NAME variable. */ oldname=name; name = newname; call set(dsid); /* Attempt to update the observation. */ sysrc = update(dsid); /* If the observation can't be updated, */ /* restore the old name. */ if sysrc then name=oldname; endmethod; _INIT_: method; /* Call the inherited _INIT_ method. */ call super(_self_,'_INIT_'); /* Open the CUSTOMER data set in update mode. */ dsid=open('company.customer','U'); endmethod; _TERM_: method; /* Close the data set. */ sysrc=close(dsid); /* Call the inherited _TERM_ method */ /* to delete the instance. */ call super(_self_,'_TERM_'); endmethod;