FSEINIT: control term; /* Initialize the identifier for the image window */ /* task. */ task_id=0; /* Specify the size (in pixels) and location of */ /* the window. */ width=400; height=300; /* Coordinate for upper left corner. */ x_loc=0; y_loc=0; /* Create an SCL list to contain the WSIZE command */ /* and its arguments to define the size and */ /* location of the window. */ cmd_id=makelist(); rc=insertc(cmd_id,"WSIZE",-1); rc=insertn(cmd_id,width,-1); rc=insertn(cmd_id,height,-1); rc=insertn(cmd_id,x_loc,-1); rc=insertn(cmd_id,y_loc,-1); /* Create an SCL list to pass the command to the */ /* image window task. */ allcmd_id=makelist(); rc=insertl(allcmd_id,cmd_id,-1); /* If the SCL list exists, start the image window */ /* task. */ if (task_id=0) then task_id=imginit(allcmd_id); /* If the window fails to open... */ if (task_id=0) then _msg_="Unable to open the Image window"; /* If the window opens... */ else _msg_="The Image window may be under this window"; /* Assign a fileref to the directory containing */ /* image files. */ rc=filename("pictures","directory-name"); return; INIT: /* Does the entry have a value for PARKCODE? */ if (parkcode ne "") then do; /* Build the filename. */ file=lowcase(parkcode)||".tif"; img_path=lnamemk(4,"pictures",file, "format=tiff"); /* Read the image file. */ rc=imgop(task_id,"read",img_path); /* Display the image. */ rc=imgop(task_id,"paste"); end; return; MAIN: return; TERM: /* Remove the image from the window. */ if (parkcode ne "") then rc=imgop(task_id,"destroy"); return; FSETERM: /* Close the image window. */ if (task_id ne 0) then rc=imgterm(task_id); return;