
goptions reset=all ftext=centx htext=3.5 pct;
data samples;
   input year mn n k;
1988 .19 45 10.6
1989 .25 54 9.2
1990 .52 35 11.0
1991 .15 48 7.2
1992 .38 29 8.1


proc format;
   picture pctfmt low-high='009.9%';


axis1 offset=(4,4) width=5 value=(h=5 pct) label=none
      major=none minor=none order=1988 to 1992 by 1;
axis2 order=(0 to .6 by .2, 3, 6 to 12 by 2,
      13, 15 to 60 by 15) label=(a=90 r=0 'Concentration')
      value=(tick=5 ' ' tick=10 ' ') offset=(2,2);
axis3 order=(0 to .6 by .2, 3, 6 to 12 by 2,
      13, 15 to 60 by 15) label=none
      value=(tick=5 ' ' tick=10 ' ') offset=(2,2);


symbol1 interpol=join width=5 color=gray88
        value=dot height=6;
symbol2 interpol=join width=5 color=gray88
        value=dot height=6;
symbol3 interpol=join width=5 color=gray88
        value=dot height=6;
symbol4 interpol=none value='Mn' font=centb
        color=black height=2;
symbol5 interpol=none value='K'  font=centb 
        color=black height=2;
symbol6 interpol=none value='N'  font=centb 
        color=black height=2;


proc gplot data=samples;
   plot  (mn k n)*year / overlay vaxis=axis2 haxis=axis1
                         vref=3,13  cframe=grayee;
   plot2 (mn k n)*year / overlay vaxis=axis3;
   format mn k n pctfmt.;
title font=centb color=black height=8 pct 
      'Sample Analysis';
      footnote justify=c font=centb
      color=black height=3 pct
      'N=Nitrogen K=Potassium Mn=Manganese';
