%macro formchar(fileref,fcstring);
   %local __lsold __number __fflag __pgno;
   /*  COPYRIGHT 1993 by Kernon M. Gibes                             */
   /*                                                                */
   /*  SYSTEM:   VAX/VMS                                             */
   /*  LANGUAGE: SAS 6.07 Macro                                      */
   /*  ABSTRACT: SAS macro to replace the ASCII codes of a SAS       */
   /*            PROC TABULATE FORMCHAR string with the DEC          */
   /*            Special Graphic (DSG) characters and escape         */
   /*            sequences in order to produce solid-lined           */
   /*            tables on DEC VTxxx/LN0x equipment.                 */
   /*  VERSION:  2.0                                                 */
   /*  DATE:     January 1993                                        */
   /*  AUTHOR:   Kernon M. Gibes                                     */
   /*                                                                */
   /*  INPUT:    File reference (logical name) and, optionally,      */
   /*            a FORMCHAR hex string                               */
   /*                                                                */
   /*  OUTPUT:   Edited file sent to procedure output destination    */
   /*                                                                */
   /*  USAGE:    %FORMCHAR(fileref[,fcstring])                       */
   /*                                                                */
   /*            fileref  = file reference used with PRINTTO         */
   /*            fcstring = optional FORMCHAR string used, in        */
   /*                       format 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'X,        */
   /*                       if not given, defaults to global         */
   /*                       value                                    */
   /*                                                                */
   /*  NOTES:    This macro currently only supports CC=CR            */
   /*            carriage control, and line sizes up to 200.         */

%if &fileref=%then %do;
   %put ;
   %put ERROR: FORMCHAR macro requires a fileref (logical name);
   %put %str(   ) No fileref was specified at invocation.;
   %put %str(   ) Macro FORMCHAR aborted.;
%else %do;

   /* Get the current values of the LINESIZE and NUMBER              */
   /* global options, and the fileref that should have               */
   /* been specified at invocation:                                  */
proc sql;
   reset noprint;

    select setting into :__lsold
    from dictionary.options
    where optname in ('LINESIZE');

    select setting into :__number
    from dictionary.options
    where optname in ('NUMBER');

    select fileref into :__fflag
    from dictionary.extfiles
    where fileref="%upcase(&fileref)"

      /* If necessary, get the FORMCHAR global option                */
   %if &fcstring=%then %do;
      select setting into :globalfc
      from dictionary.options
      where optname in ('FORMCHAR');
%else %do;

%if &__fflag=%then %do;
   %put ;
   %put ERROR: FORMCHAR macro requires a fileref (logical name);
   %put %str(   ) The given fileref, "&fileref", does not exist;
   %put %str(   ) Macro FORMCHAR aborted.;

%else %do;

%if &__lsold gt 200 %then %do;
   %put ;
   %put WARNING: FORMCHAR macro can only process line sizes to 200.;
   %put %str(   ) Since the linesize is greater than 200, note;
   %put %str(   ) that unpredictable results may occur.;

   /* Set linesize to maximum in order to accommodate the            */
   /* many-to-one mapping of FORMCHAR characters to DEC escape       */
   /* escape sequences.                                              */
options ls=256;

   /* Use a "null" data step to read in the TABULATE output,         */
   /* and do all FORMCHAR mappings for solid-lines:                  */
data _null_;
   length buffer $ 200  fc $ 11
          char escape SI formfeed $ 1
          fc1 - fc11 $ 6
          firstff numflag chknum 2

   retain firstff 1 chknum 0
   %if &fcstring=%then
        fc "&globalfc";
        fc &fcstring;
   %if &__number=NUMBER %then
          numflag 1;
          numflag 0;
          formfeed '0C'X  escape '1B'X  SI '0F'X

   /* Initialize the array of DEC escape sequences that each         */
   /* FORMCHAR character must be mapped into.                        */
array _fcmap {11} fc1 - fc11
   ('8F78'X, 'q', '1B2B301B6F6C'X, 'w', '6B0F'X, '1B6F74'X,
    'n', '750F'X, '1B6F6D'X, 'v', '6A0F'X );
   file   print   print notitles;
   infile &fileref noprint length=len;

   input buffer $varying200. len;

   /* Check for new page (formfeed). Only the very first             */
   /* one can be ignored, otherwise start a new page, and set        */
   /* a flag for parsing the page number (if necessary).             */
if buffer=formfeed then do;
   if numflag then chknum=1;
   if firstff then firstff=0;
              else put _page_;
else do;

   /* If this is the first line and page numbering is                */
   /* on, parse out the current value so that it can be              */
   /* used to reset the page number later on.                        */
if chknum then do;
   do i=length(buffer) to 1 by -1
      while(substr(buffer,i,1) ne ' ');
   call symput('__pgno',substr(buffer,i));
   put buffer $varying200. len;
else do;

      /* For each character in the input file, check to              */
      /* see if it is a FORMCHAR character. If not, just             */
      /* output it. If it is, output the appropriate                 */
      /* DEC escape sequence.                                           */
   do i=1 to length(buffer);
      if j>0 then do;
         put _fcmap[j] $varying6. l @;
      put char $1. @;

   /* Reset the linesize                                             */
options linesize=&__lsold;  

%if &syserr=0 %then %do;
   %put NOTE: FORMCHAR re-processing of TABULATE output completed.;
   %if &__number=NUMBER %then %do;
      options pageno=%eval(1+&__pgno);
   %put %str(   ) Page numbering reset to start at %eval(1+&__pgno);
%else %do;
   %put %str(   ) Page numbering not reset.;
%put ;
%else %do;
   %put ;
   %put ERROR: FORMCHAR re-processing of TABULATE output failed.;
   %put %str(   ) Unknown error occurred during processing.;


%mend formchar;