/**********************************************************************/ var1 = ""; if (presentation_mode eq 1) then do; var1 = "a"; var2 = "b"; end; var3 = "c"; /**********************************************************************/ if (iAmAnInt eq 0) then do; iAmAnInt = 1; rc = activate('list',iAmAnInt); /**********************************************************************/ if (iAmAnInt eq 0) then iAmAnInt = 1; rc = activate('list', iAmAnInt); end; else rc = activate('places', iAmAnInt); /**********************************************************************/ rc = activate('places', iAmAnInt); /**********************************************************************/ if (iAmAnString eq "Astring ) then do; rc = activate('list', iAmAnInt); end; else rc = activate('places', iAmAnInt); /**********************************************************************/ if (iAmAnInt eq 0) then do; iAmAnInt = 1; rc = aFunctionCall(iAmAnInt); if (rc eq 1) then do; iAmAnInt = 0; end; rc = bFunctionCall(iAmAnInt); end; else if (iAmAnIntAlso eq 0) then do; iAmAnIntAlso = 1; end; /**********************************************************************/ if (iAmAnInt eq 0) then do; iAmAnInt = 1; rc = aFunctionCall(iAmAnInt); if (rc eq 1) then do; ... rc = bFunctionCall(iAmAnInt); end; else if (iAmAnIntAlso eq 0) then do; iAmAnIntAlso = 1; end; /**********************************************************************/ if (iAmAnInt eq 0) then do; ... else if (iAmAnIntAlso eq 0) then do; ... /**********************************************************************/ if (x eq 1) then do; /*************** * start this line * end this comment *************** */ /**********************************************************************/ if (iAmAnInt eq 0) then do; iAmAnInt = 1; end; rc = aFunctionCall(iAmAnInt); /**********************************************************************/ if (iAmAnInt eq 0) then do; iAmAnInt = 1; end; rc = aFunctionCall(iAmAnInt); /**********************************************************************/ ... link sub_sql_view; ... ... return; /* at the end of the code */ sub_sql_view: submit; proc sql; create view &workds as endsubmit; return; /**********************************************************************/ /*----------------------- * Local Variables: * mode:sas * eval: (message "setting vars") * sas-labels-standard: nil * sas-undent-end: t * sas-indent-level: 3 * End: *------------------------- */ /**********************************************************************/ (auto-execute 'sas-mode "*scl") (auto-execute 'sas-mode "*sas") (autoload 'sas-mode "< /* file pathname */ >") /**********************************************************************/ *** the beginning of my comment ; *** the middle ; *** and the end of it ; /**********************************************************************/