/**********************************************************************/ data sasuser.loadlist (drop=imagesav); retain imagesav; /* the firstobs=3 option skips the two header lines */ infile '[ /* mydir.loadlist */ ]eisload.lis' firstobs=3; input image $ size; if (image=imagesav or size=0) then return; imagesav=image; /* convert file size units to blocks */ size=size / 512; output; options nodate nonumber; proc print noobs; run; /**********************************************************************/ data sasuser.loadlist (drop=imagesav); retain imagesav; infile 'disk:temp.lis;*' eov=nextfile firstobs=3; input @; if (~nextfile) then do; input image $ size; if (image=imagesav or size=0) then return; imagesav=image; size=size / 512; output; end; else do; input; input; /* skip 2 title lines */ nextfile=0; imagesav=' '; end; run; /**********************************************************************/