goptions reset=all;
options linesize=137;

*                                                      *;
* Function:  to produce a histogram with a normal parametric        *;
*            distribution curve with an optional additional         *;
*            user specified normal curve                            *;
* Support:   SAS Institute Tech Support staff                       *;
* Enhancements:                                                     *;
* Uncomment the line below for debugging                            *;
*                                                                   *;
* options symbolgen macrogen mprint;                                *;
*                                                                   *;

* First set the range of data for the distribution.                 *;
* If you set the low AND high ranges to 0, then the program will    *;
* get maximum and minimum values from the data and use these for    *;
* the data range.                                                   *;
*                                                                   *;
* Other parameters are also set from this section                   *;

data setup;
%let lowrange=0;         /* lowest bar category and highest bar      */
%let hirange= 0;         /* if both values are set to 0 then we will */
                         /* retrieve the low and high range from the */
                         /* data itself.  The ranges allow you to    */
                         /* eliminate outlying data or explore part  */
                         /* of the data easily                       */
%let barnum=5;           /* number of bars in the distribution       */
%let ptnum=100;          /* number of points drawn on the curve      */
%let barcolor='red';     /* color of bars                            */
%let barpat=solid;       /* pattern for the bars                     */
%let outline='blue';     /* color of the bar outline                 */
%let lineclr1 =blue;     /* color of the curve line                  */
%let lineclr2 =green;    /* color of user supplied distribution line */
%let linesty1=1;         /* linestyle of the SAS-generated
                             distribution line                       */
%let linesty2=2;         /* linestyle of user supplied line          */
%let curvewid=3;         /* thickness of the line drawn on the curve */
%let mean2=30;           /* mean of the curve you select vs. the
                              generated mean from the data           */
%let std2=10;            /* std deviation on the curve you select vs.
                              the generated value from the data      */
%let drawline=join;      /* draw the computed normal curve
                            'none' turns off the line                */
%let drawlin2=join;      /* draw the user specified line--'none'
                              turns off the line                     */
%let legend=frame;       /* draws the specified legend frame         */
                         /* set this to blank if drawline and        */
                         /* drawlin2 are set to none                 */
%let tailparm=3;         /* number of std deviations on the curve,   */
                         /* The higher the value, the more tail on
                           the curve                                 */
%let title1= Histogram with Normal Density Curve;    /* title text   */
%let tclr= magenta;           /* color of the title                  */
%let theight =2;              /* height of the title                 */
%let tfont=swiss;             /* font for the title                  */
%let label1=Est. density;     /* label for computed normal curve     */
%let label2=Spec. density;    /* label for user specified normal curve
                                 off if drawline is 'none'           */
%let fnote1a=Est. Mean = ;    /* label for estimated mean footnote   */
%let fnote1b=Est. Stddev = ;  /* label for estimated std footnote    */
%let fnote2a=Spec. Mean = ;   /* label for user specified mean
                                    turned off if drawline is none   */
%let fnote2b=Spec. Stddev = ; /* label for the user specified deviation
                                    turned off if drawline is none   */

* Read in the data.                                                 *;

data temp1;
input xvar @@;
5 10 10 15 15 15 15 15 15 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 25
25 25 25 25 25 25 30 30 30 30 30 35 35 35 40 40 40


proc sort; by xvar;

* Now run PROC MEANS to create data that will be used to       *;
* generate the normal density curve in the next step.          *;

proc means data=temp1 n var mean min max std sum;
var xvar;
output out=newmean var=var1 mean=mean1 std=std1 min=min1 max=max1 n=n1;

* Store parameter estimates calculated by PROC MEANS as macro variables *;

data newmean; set newmean;
call symput('topn',n1);
call symput('compmean',mean1);
call symput('compstd',std1);
call symput('compmin',min1);
call symput('compmax',max1);

proc print data=newmean; run;

* Generate a normal distribution curve from the data generated     *;
* from the proc means output                                       *;

data curve1(keep=x fx min1 max1); set newmean;
mu= mean1;                                       /* variance and mean */
first=mu - &tailparm * std1;
last=mu +  &tailparm * std1;
do x=first to last by byval;
   fx=denom*exp(-(x-mu)**2/(2* var1));

* Generate a normal distribution curve using the                   *;
* user supplied mean and standard deviation                        *;

%macro curveit(curve, mu, tailparm, std, ptnum2);
data &curve;
first=&mu - &tailparm * &std;
var1=&std ** 2;
last=&mu +  &tailparm * &std;
do x2=first to last by byval;
      fx2=denom*exp(-(x2-&mu)**2/(2* var1));
%mend curveit;

%curveit(curve2, &mean2,&tailparm,&std2, &ptnum);

* Combine the two curve values into one data            *;
* set that we can use in the GPLOT step                 *;
* If the DRAWLINE parameter is set to none, then we want to eliminate *;
* the second curve.  To do this we set values of the second curve     *;
* equal to the values of the first curve                              *;

data newcurve; merge curve1 (keep=x fx) curve2 (keep = x2 fx2);
if "&drawline"="none" then do;
   call symput('mean','');
   call symput('std','');
   call symput('label1','');
   call symput('fnote1a','');
   call symput('fnote1b','');
if "&drawlin2"="none" then do;
   call symput('mean2','');
   call symput('std2','');
   call symput('label2','');
   call symput('fnote2a','');
   call symput('fnote2b','');

* This DATA step sorts the data into groups and sets the bounds       *;
* for the midpoints of the vertical bars.  If the LOWRANGE and        *;
* HIGHRANGE parameters are set to 0, we use the maximum               *;
* and minimum values to set the range for the vertical bars.          *;
* There are 3 DATA steps here because of the macro variables involved.*;

data temp2; set temp1;
if ((&lowrange=0) and (&hirange=0)) then do;
    call symput('lowrange',"&compmin");
   call symput('hirange',"&compmax");

data temp2; set temp2;
call symput('groupint',groupint);

data temp2; set temp2;
do i = &lowrange to &hirange by &groupint;
   lowbound =i-subtract;
   hibound=i+ subtract;
   if xvar>=lowbound and xvar <=hibound then group=i;

data temp2; set temp2;
lowbound =group-subtract;
hibound=group+ subtract;

* Calculate the frequency for each group and                  *;
* get the density value for the bar and the frequency value.  *;

proc freq data=temp2;
tables group/out=newgrp1 ;

data newgrp1; set newgrp1;
density=   ((count/ &topn) / &groupint);

*  Because some of the midpoints will have no data, we must      *;
*  create bars with zero observations in them to merge with      *;
*  the original dataset so that all group bars are present.      *;

data grp0;
do i = &lowrange to &hirange by &groupint;

data newgrp2; merge grp0 newgrp1;
by group;

* Create the boundaries for the midpoints for           *;
* each bar in this step.  This controls the number      *;
* of observations that will be represented by each bar  *;

data newgrp3; set newgrp2; by group;
lowbound =i-subtract;
hibound=i+ subtract;

*  The dataset is now converted into ANNOTATE observations which can  *;
*  be used to draw the bars                                           *;

data anno3; set newgrp3;
length function color style $ 8;
xsys='2'; ysys='2';
function='move'; x=lowbound; y=0; output;
function='poly'; x=lowbound; y=0; color=&barcolor; style='solid'; 
function='polycont'; x=lowbound; y=density; color=&barcolor;
   style='solid'; output;
function='polycont'; x=hibound;  y=density; color=&barcolor;
   style='solid'; output;
function='polycont'; x=hibound;  y=0; color=&barcolor; output;
   style='solid'; output;
function='move'; x=lowbound; y=0; output;
function='draw'; x=lowbound; y=density; color=&outline; output;
function='draw'; x=hibound; y=density; color=&outline; output;
function='draw'; x=hibound; y=0; color=&outline; output;
function='draw'; x=lowbound; y=0; color=&outline; output;

* We then figure out which is taller--the maximum curve value *;
* or the maximum bar value.  This is used to determine the    *;
* vertical axis range for the plot.                           *;

proc means data=newgrp2 max;
var density;
output out=maxgrp max=maxgrp1;

proc means data=curve1 max;
var fx;
output out=maxcurve max=maxcrv1;

proc means data=curve2 max;
var fx2;
output out=maxcurv2 max=maxcrv2;

* This DATA step determines the maximum value (either       *;
* one of the curve values or the bar density),              *;
* and then adds .005 and rounds it to the nearest           *;
* hundredth so that the axis ordering can be in equal       *;
* values.  It does not affect the charting data.            *;

data maxaxis; merge maxgrp maxcurve maxcurv2;
if (maxgrp1 >= maxcrv1) then maxaxis=maxgrp1;
else maxaxis=maxcrv1;
if (maxaxis >= maxcrv2) then maxaxis=maxaxis;
else maxaxis=maxcrv2;
maxaxisr=maxaxis + .005;
maxaxisr=round(maxaxisr, .01);
call symput('maxaxisr',maxaxisr);

proc print data=maxaxis;
title 'maximum values for group and curve values';

* We then plot the generated curve data and use the ANNOTATE     *;
* data set to draw the bars.                                     *;

proc gplot data=newcurve anno=anno3;
Title h=&theight f=&tfont c=&tclr "&title1" ;
axis1 order=(0 to &maxaxisr by .01) offset=(0);
legend1 position=(top right inside) mode=protect across=1
        value=("&label1" "&label2")  label=none &legend;
plot fx * x fx2 * x2/overlay vaxis=axis1 legend=legend1;
symbol1 c=&lineclr1 l=&linesty1 i=&drawline v=none w=&curvewid;
symbol2 c=&lineclr2 l=&linesty2 i=&drawlin2 v=none w=&curvewid;
footnote1 c=black f=swissl
 "&fnote1a &compmean  &fnote1b &compstd";
footnote2 c=black f=swissl
 "&fnote2a &mean2  &fnote2b &std2";