/**********************************************************************/ /* To produce a CONTENTS data set, execute your own version of */ /* the following SAS code. */ libname prodlib 'prod.data.set' disp=old; proc contents data=prodlib._all_ out=prodlib._content; run; /**********************************************************************/ data clnts; set tape1.clients; ...more SAS code run; data prspct; set tape1.prospect; ...more SAS code run; /**********************************************************************/ proc copy in=tape1 out=work memtype=data; select clients prospect; run; ...SAS DATA steps /**********************************************************************/ filename tapefile 'prod.tape1' disp=shr; libname dasdfile 'prod.dasd1' disp=old; data dasdfile.custinfo(sortedby=lname); infile tapefile; input @1 lname $20. ...more SAS statements run; /**********************************************************************/ filename tape1 'prod.tape1' volser=B90210 disp=shr; data _null_; infile tape1 end=eof; input @1 lname $20.; count + 1; if _n_ = 1 then put 'first value= ' lname; if eof then do; put 'last value= ' lname; put 'number of records= ' count; end; run; /**********************************************************************/ filename tape1 'prod.tape1' volser=(B90125,B42755) disp=shr; data namefile(sortedby=lname); infile tape1 end=eof; input @1 lname $20. ...other input variables ; if lname > "CLAPTON" then stop; ...other SAS program statements run; /**********************************************************************/ /* Program #1 */ libname dasd1 'prod.dasd1'; filename tape1 'prod.tape1' volser=(B90210,B90125) disp=shr; data dasd1.namefile(sortedby=lname); infile tape1 end=eof; input @1 lname $20. ...other input variables ; ...other SAS program statements run; /**********************************************************************/ /* Program #2 */ libname dasd2 'prod.dasd2'; filename tape1 'prod.tape1' volser=(B42755,B55274) disp=shr; data dasd2.namefile(sortedby=lname); infile tape1 end=eof; input @1 lname $20. ...other input variables ; ...other SAS program statements run; /**********************************************************************/ /* Program #3 */ libname dasd3 'prod.dasd3'; filename tape1 'prod.tape1' volser=(B27554,B21000) disp=shr; data dasd3.namefile(sortedby=lname); infile tape1 end=eof; input @1 lname $20. ...other input variables ; ...other SAS program statements run; /**********************************************************************/