/**********************************************************************/ libname mylib ' mydir '; proc access dbms=oracle; create mylib.emp.access; user=scott; orapw=tiger; table=emp; path='@2:512,buffsize=500'; run; /**********************************************************************/ proc access dbms=oracle accdesc=mylib.emp; create mylib.emp_v.view; select empno ename sal deptno; subset where empno >= 7700; run; /**********************************************************************/ proc sql; connect to oracle (user=scott password=tiger); execute (update emp set sal=1200.00 where empno=7369) by oracle; /**********************************************************************/ update emp set sal=1200.00 where empno=7369; /**********************************************************************/ execute (update emp set sal=&s_adjust where empno=&enum) by oracle; /**********************************************************************/ proc sql; connect to oracle (user=scott password=tiger); create table mylib.newdata as select * from connection to oracle (select * from emp); /**********************************************************************/ data mylib.emp_v; modify mylib.emp_v mylib.newdata; by empno; if _iorc_=%sysrc(_sok) then replace; else if _iorc_=%sysrc(_dsenmr) then do; output; _error_=0; end; run; /**********************************************************************/ ----+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4 jones 41 male 76 212 2 0 smith 43 male 73 190 3 2 doe 35 female 70 130 1 2 /**********************************************************************/ /* used to read flat1 file */ data info; infile 'userid.sas.v6code(flat1)'; input name $ 1-10 age 11-12 sex $ 14-19 ht 21-22 wt 24-26 cars 28 chldrn 30; run; /**********************************************************************/ /* used to create raw data file */ data _null_; file 'userid.flat(flatfile)' lrecl=36 blksize=36; set info; put name $10. age ib4. sex $6. ht pib4. wt rb4. cars zd4. chldrn pd4.; run; /**********************************************************************/ data read_raw; infile 'c:\bslash raw_file' recfm=u; input name $ebcdic10. age s370fib4. sex $ebcdic6. ht s370fpib4. wt s370frb4. cars s370fzd4. chldrn s370fpd4.; run; /**********************************************************************/