/* Associate the libref MAPS with your SAS Map  */
   /* Library. This may already be done at your    */
   /* site when the SAS System is invoked.         */
libname maps 'SAS-maps-library';                     

   /* Create the sales information data set for    */
   /* selected cities by state. Note: The STATE    */
   /* and CITYFIPS values in the response data set */
   /* must match the FIPS values that appear in    */
   /* the MAPS.USCITY and MAPS.US map data sets.   */ 
   /* In this example the sales data are already   */ 
   /* sorted by STATE and CITYFIPS.                */ 
data sales;                                           
   input state cityfips sales cityname $13.;          
40 3550 300 Oklahoma City                             
40 4780 200 Tulsa                                     
48 1730 600 Dallas                                    
48 3280 500 Houston                                   
48 4140 250 Lubbock                                   
48 6090 400 San Antonio                               

   /* Merge the sales information data set (SALES) */ 
   /* with the MAPS.US data set to produce a data  */ 
   /* set called SALETERR with coordinates for     */ 
   /* only the states that appear in the SALES     */ 
   /* data set.                                    */ 
data saleterr;                                        
   merge sales(in=sales)  maps.us(in=inus);           
   by state;                                          
   if sales and inus;                                 

   /* Sort MAPS.USCITY by STATE and CITYFIPS and   */ 
   /* create a data set called UCITY. The data set */ 
   /* must be sorted before it can be merged with  */ 
   /* the SALES data set.                          */ 
proc sort data=maps.uscity out=ucity;                 
   by state cityfips;                                 

   /* Merge the SALES and UCITY data sets to       */ 
   /* produce a data set with the coordinates of   */ 
   /* only the cities that appear in the sales     */ 
   /* information data set. Assign a new STATE     */ 
   /* value, unique to each city by adding the     */ 
   /* values of STATE and CITYFIPS/100,000.        */ 
   /* Dividing CITYFIPS by a large value is        */ 
   /* necessary to prevent duplicate values for    */ 
   /* STATE. For example, adding the values of     */ 
   /* STATE=10 and CITYFIPS=150 would yield the    */ 
   /* same result as adding STATE=30 and           */ 
   /* CITYFIPS=130.                                */ 
data ctycoord;                                        
   merge sales(in=insales) ucity(in=incity);          
   by state cityfips;                                 
   if insales and incity;                             

   /* Create the map data set MYMAP by combining   */ 
   /* the SALETERR and CTYCOORD data sets.         */ 
data mymap;                                           
   set saleterr ctycoord;                             

   /* Take the response data set SALES and assign  */ 
   /* values to the STATE variable that match the  */ 
   /* values in the UCITY data set by adding the   */ 
   /* values of STATE and CITYFIPS/100,000.        */ 
data newsales;                                        
   set sales;

   /* Create the map using the new response data   */
   /* set NEWSALES and the map data set MYMAP.     */
   /* The ALL option must be included on the PROC  */
   /* GMAP statement so the Oklahoma and Texas     */
   /* boundaries are drawn. The DISCRETE option    */
   /* must be specified on the BLOCK statement so  */
   /* the procedure will treat each sales value as */
   /* a separate category.                         */
goptions ftext=swiss;                                
title1 'Sales for Oklahoma and Texas';               

proc gmap data=newsales map=mymap all;               
   id state;                                         
   block sales/discrete                              

      /* patterns for the blocks                   */                 
   pattern1 v=solid c=black;                         
   pattern2 v=r1    c=black;                         
   pattern3 v=empty c=black;                         
   pattern4 v=x1    c=black;                         
   pattern5 v=x4    c=black;                         
   pattern6 v=r3    c=black;                         