README file for getting SAS/ACCESS TO ODBC to work with the Teradata ODBC Driver on HPUX ====================================================================== WARNING: Please read this entire README file before proceeding. Depending on the type of SAS installation you have, the procedure for you to follow may vary slightly (See Methods 1 AND 2). ====================================================================== By default, the SAS/ACCESS Interface to ODBC can only communicate with ODBC drivers created with the cfront (c) compiler. Since the Teradata ODBC driver was created with the aCC (C++) compiler, you will need to download a fix in order for this to work. ======================================================================= Method 1: ======================================================================= Use this method if you are only using SAS/ACCESS Interface to ODBC to interface with your Teradata ODBC driver. If you have any other ODBC datasources that you use (which use cfront drivers), please see Method 2. Before proceeding, please take a moment to make a backup copy of the sasodb module that is located in your !SASROOT/sasexe/dbi directory. We recommend that you name the module something that will identify the type of compiler used to create it. For example: > mv !SASROOT/sasexe/dbi/sasodb !SASROOT/sasexe/dbi/sasodb.cfront.orig The module you will need to download to replace your sasodb module is at the following web location: The name of the file is: sasodb.teradata You will need to make sure you download this file in BINARY format. Once downloaded an 'ls -l' listing should show the following file size: > ls -l sasodb.teradata -rw-r----- 1 sssims techsup 574576 Feb 26 10:33 sasodb.teradata You will then need to rename the module to sasodb: > mv sasodb.teradata sasodb Then, make sure the permissions are set to READ and EXECUTE for everyone: > chmod 755 sasodb You should then be able to connect to your Teradata ODBC driver from within SAS with code similar to the following: proc sql; connect to odbc (uid=johndoe pwd=yourpw dsn=yourdsn); select * from connection to odbc (select * from yourtable); disconnect from odbc; quit; (You will need to make sure your Teradata ODBC driver is setup properly for this to work. Please refer to the documentation NCR provided with the driver). ========================================================================== WARNING: Please note that this sasodb module will only work with odbc drivers compiled with the aCC compiler. If you have multiple drivers on your system that you need to access, and some of them were compiled with the cfront compiler, please see Method 2. ========================================================================== ========================================================================== Method 2: ========================================================================== Please use this method if you have a need to access data via the Teradata ODBC driver AS WELL AS data from other ODBC data sources. This method will all you to take advantage of the fix needed for the Teradata driver, as well as access your other datasources with the older sasodb file. ========================================================================== The module you will need to download is sasodb.teradata and it is located at the following web location: Once downloaded, create a new directory for this file: mkdir !SASROOT/sasexe/dbi/aCC Copy the file you downloaded from our web site into that directory: cp sasodb.teradata !SASROOT/sasexe/dbi/aCC Rename the file: cd !SASROOT/sasexe/dbi/aCC mv sasodb.teradata sasodb Change the permissions: chmod 755 sasodb Then, you will need to make a copy of your !SASROOT/sasv7.cfg file: cd !SASROOT cp !SASROOT/sasv7.cfg !SASROOT/sasv7.cfg.teradata In the new config file, you will find several lines preceded by the -PATH option. One of the -PATH options points to the !SASROOT/sasexe/dbi directory. You will need to add the following line BEFORE the one pointing to the !SASROOT/sasexe/dbi directory. -path !SASROOT/sasexe/dbi/aCC Then, when a user that needs to use SAS to connect to Teradata or another aCC driver, they would need to use the special config file you created in the prior step. For example: sas -config sasv7.cfg.teradata If you have any questions about this process, please call SAS Technical Support at (919)677-8008, or by emailing your question to