INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR HOT FIX 31CITATNWEB19 ON WINDOWS BEFORE DOWNLOADING: The hot fix package downloaded is a self extracting executable named 31citatnweb19wn.exe. IMPORTANT NOTE(S): 1. You must have SAS Web Report Studio Release 3.1 installed on your system before applying this hot fix. 2. The hotfix must be installed using the same userid who performed the initial SAS Web Report Studio Release 3.1 installation. 3. You must have Administrator Privileges on your CLIENT or SERVER machine. 4. All currently active SAS sessions, daemons, spawners and servers must be terminated before applying this hot fix. 5. If you have made changes directly to the deployed SASWebReportStudio\WEB-INF\WebReportStudioProperties.xml that are not duplicated in \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\config\WebReportStudioProperties.xml.orig back up the deployed SASWebReportStudio\WEB-INF\WebReportStudioProperties.xml. 6. If you are running any of the following solutions with SAS Web Report Studio: SAS Financial Management SAS Strategic Performance Management SAS Human Capital Management back up the following locations. If the solutions listed were installed with the default configuration settings, the locations should appear as: \sas\SASSolutionsConfig\Lev1\web\webapps\exploded \sas\SASSolutionsConfig\Lev1\web\Deployments If the solutions were installed with non-default configuration settings, the locations to back up should be similar to: \Lev1 7. Additional actions are required to fully implement the fixes for the problems documented in the following SAS Notes. The additional actions are documented in Step #8 and should be completed after installing this hot fix. SAS Note 30710 Securing a clustered SAS® Web Report Studio Configuration SAS Note 30585 Other users might have the ability to display reports stored in Personal Folders from SAS® Web Report Studio SAS Note 31119 SAS® Web Report Studio reports that are saved as read-only cannot be deleted or modified if the author authenticates to LDAP INSTALLING THIS HOT FIX: 1. Technical Support strongly suggests that you back up the files being replaced by this hot fix. You should always try to include the current date in the name of the backup file created to distinguish between versions of backup files. By doing this you will maintain a history of the file, which will be helpful when multiple iterations of a hot fix have been applied to the same file. For example, cp where 07012006 is the date when the hot fix is applied. The . extension MUST be appended AFTER the .jar extension as it appears above to avoid unexpected results due to jar mismatching. The files that should be backed up for this hot fix are listed in Step #3 below. As an alternative to creating backups of the individual files, you may use an archive utility like tar for Unix or WinZip for Windows to back up the entire directory \SASWebReportStudio\3.1 2. Launch the executable, which will initiate a Java install wizard and will guide you through the extraction of the updated components. 3. To verify the installation of the hot fix confirm that the file(s) in the location(s) below have been updated to the level indicated by the date provided: \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\ Date: 04/27/10 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\errorPage.jsp Date: 04/03/07 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\userManagement.jsp Date: 04/03/07 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\cdd_templates\ExceptionHighlightingChartSelectorPanel.html Date: 11/30/07 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\cdd_templates\ExceptionHighlightingSelectorPanel.html Date: 11/30/07 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\scripts\citation_createNewFilter.js Date: 11/11/08 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\scripts\citation_filterRankCrosstab.js Date: 08/20/08 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\scripts\citation_logon.js Date: 01/25/08 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\scripts\citation_popup.js Date: 12/21/06 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\scripts\citation_reportControl.js Date: 08/02/06 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\scripts\sas_comboBoxView.js Date: 09/17/08 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\scripts\sas_ExceptionHighlightingSelector.js Date: 11/30/07 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\scripts\sas_exportSelector.js Date: 11/20/08 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\scripts\sas_treeview.js Date: 08/20/08 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\styles\citation.css Date: 08/20/08 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\tiles-components\builderSelectDataDialogTabContent.jsp Date: 08/04/06 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\tiles-components\editReportImageDialogContent.jsp Date: 12/12/06 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\tiles-components\invokingApplicationReturn.jsp Date: 05/04/06 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\tiles-components\linkPromptsSharedDialogContent.jsp Date: 06/06/07 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\tiles-components\reportWizardStep1Content.jsp Date: 08/04/06 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\tiles-components\saveOptionsDialogContent.jsp Date: 03/12/09 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\tiles-components\viewReportDataPane.jsp Date: 08/04/06 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\tiles-components\viewReportHowDoIMenu.jsp Date: 06/15/07 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\tiles-components\filterViewElement\filterRankCrosstabDialogTabContent.jsp Date: 08/20/08 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\tiles-layouts\dialogLayout.jsp Date: 04/03/07 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\tiles-layouts\mainPageLayout.jsp Date: 04/03/07 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\WEB-INF\web.xml Date: 03/29/10 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\WEB-INF\lib\jobflow.jar Date: 03/12/08 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\WEB-INF\lib\jobflowui.jar Date: 02/19/08 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\WEB-INF\lib\lsfsecurity.jar Date: 02/07/08 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\WEB-INF\lib\ Date: 07/07/09 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\WEB-INF\lib\sas.core.jar Date: 11/09/07 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\WEB-INF\lib\ Date: 11/09/07 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\WEB-INF\lib\sas.expr.visuals.jar Date: 08/28/08 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\WEB-INF\lib\sas.graph.bip.jar Date: 12/04/09 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\WEB-INF\lib\sas.graph.core.jar Date: 11/09/07 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\WEB-INF\lib\sas.graph.esrimap.jar Date: 11/09/07 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\WEB-INF\lib\sas.graph.gtk.jar Date: 11/09/07 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\WEB-INF\lib\ Date: 08/07/06 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\WEB-INF\lib\sas.iquery.dataservices.jar Date: 05/14/10 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\WEB-INF\lib\sas.iquery.metadata.jar Date: 07/07/09 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\WEB-INF\lib\ Date: 02/15/08 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\WEB-INF\lib\ Date: 05/14/10 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\WEB-INF\lib\ Date: 12/10/08 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\WEB-INF\lib\ Date: 12/15/09 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\WEB-INF\lib\ Date: 05/14/10 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\WEB-INF\lib\ Date: 11/09/07 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\WEB-INF\lib\ Date: 08/28/08 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\WEB-INF\lib\sas.reportstudio.web.jar Date: 05/14/10 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\WEB-INF\lib\sas.rpf.jar Date: 02/15/08 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\WEB-INF\lib\sas.schedule.model.jar Date: 11/09/07 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\WEB-INF\lib\sas.servlet.jar Date: 12/04/09 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\WEB-INF\lib\sas.smc.schedule.remote.jar Date: 03/13/08 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\WEB-INF\lib\ Date: 12/11/08 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\WEB-INF\lib\sas.svc.connection.jar Date: 05/07/09 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\WEB-INF\lib\sas.svc.storedprocess.jar Date: 11/12/07 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\WEB-INF\lib\sas.swing.jar Date: 08/28/08 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\WEB-INF\lib\sas.swing.remote.jar Date: 05/14/10 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\WEB-INF\lib\sas.web.framework.jar Date: 02/23/09 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\code\WEB-INF\lib\saslogin.jar Date: 02/07/08 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\config\WebReportStudioProperties.xml Date: 02/13/08 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\config\WebReportStudioProperties.xml.orig Date: 02/13/08 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\config\Source\Java\resources\ Date: 03/29/10 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\config\Source\Java\resources\ Date: 03/29/10 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\config\Source\Java\resources\ Date: 03/29/10 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\config\Source\Java\resources\web.xml.trusted.tomcat Date: 03/29/10 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\config\Source\Java\resources\web.xml.trusted.weblogic Date: 03/29/10 (EST) \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\config\Source\Java\resources\web.xml.trusted.websphere Date: 03/29/10 (EST) 4. Un-deploy, Configure and Deploy SAS Web Report Studio *** If you are running any of the following solutions with SAS Web Report Studio skip this step and proceed with step #5. SAS Financial Management SAS Strategic Performance Management SAS Human Capital Management Configure and deploy SAS Web Report Studio by following the instructions for your operating system and web application server in the file \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\deployment.html. Note: If SAS Web Report Studio was originally installed using the SAS Configuration Wizard, there is a copy of the .war file in the \Lev1\web\webapps folder. Also, if the application is configured for deployment in WebLogic, an additional directory containing an exploded copy of the SASWebReportStudio.war exists in the \Lev1\web\webapps\exploded folder. To maintain the same version of the .war file in all locations, it is recommended that you replace these files when reconfiguring this application. 5. Un-deploy, Configure and Deploy SAS Web Report Studio to Solution environments *** You must implement the steps documented in SN-020856 before configuring and deploying this hot fix. See for the detailed instructions. *** Step #5 is necessary for SAS Financial Management and SAS Strategic Performance Management only if SAS Web Report Studio are used. *** Step #5 is required for SAS Human Capital Management. a. Stop all Managed Servers. b. Re-create the SASWebReportStudio.war in the installation folder. The script that should be executed is \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\sas.wrs.config.bat c. Deploy SAS Web Report Studio to Foundation. The script that should be executed is For Weblogic: \Lev1\Utilities\SASSolutionsServices\Deployment\bin\FoundationWebReportStudio.bat For Websphere: \Lev1\Utilities\SASSolutionsServices\Deployment\bin\FoundationWebReportStudioWS.bat d. Deploy SAS Web Report Studio to Solutions. The script that should be executed is For Weblogic: \Lev1\Utilities\SASSolutionsServices\Deployment\bin\SolutionsWebReportStudio.bat For Websphere: \Lev1\Utilities\SASSolutionsServices\Deployment\bin\SolutionsWebReportStudioWS.bat e. Deploy SAS Web Report Studio to HR. *** This step applies only if SAS Human Capital Management is installed. The script that should be executed is For Weblogic: \Lev1\Utilities\SASSolutionsServices\Deployment\bin\HRWebReportStudio.bat For Websphere: \Lev1\Utilities\SASSolutionsServices\Deployment\bin\HRWebReportStudioWS.bat f. Deploy SAS Web Report Studio to Finance. *** This step applies only if SAS Financial Management is installed. The script that should be executed is For Weblogic: \Lev1\Utilities\SASSolutionsServices\Deployment\bin\FinanceWebReportStudio.bat For Websphere: \Lev1\Utilities\SASSolutionsServices\Deployment\bin\FinanceWebReportStudioWS.bat 6. Enable Report Web Services If you previously deployed Report Web Services, you will need to re-deploy it. Please follow the instructions in the "Enable Report Web Services" section of the deployment.html document. 7. Update login.config file *** This step is required only if you have a SAS Financial Management, SAS Performance *** Management or SAS Human Capital Management installed. If you do not have one of *** these products installed, this step can be skipped. a. Open login.config file in your WRS installation folder, for example on Windows: \SASWebReportStudio\3.1\live\login.config on Unix: /SASWebReportStudio/3.1/live/login.config b. Change the following line and save the file. from: optional "debug"="false" to (if Weblogic): optional "debug"="false" to (if WebSphere): optional "debug"="false" c. Open login.config file in your Portal configuration folder, for example on Windows: \Lev1\web\Deployments\Portal\login.config d. Change the following line and save the file. from: to (if not already set to the following): e. In order to fully implement the fix for SN-018045 - 'Could not get the row level security for Type="PhysicalTable"' error when scheduling a report in SAS Web Report Studio you must add the trusted user information (trusteduser and trustedpw) to the file ConfigDir\Lev1\web\Deployments\SASSolutionsServices\login.config file for the remote services deployment. For example the existing login.config may look similar to this /** Login Configuration for SAS Enterprise Solutions **/ PFS { required "host"="" "port"="8561" "repository"="Foundation" "domain"="DefaultAuth" "debug"="false"; }; After editing, it should contain trusteduser and trustedpw information and look similar to this: /** Login Configuration for SAS Enterprise Solutions **/ PFS { required "host"="" "port"="8561" "repository"="Foundation" "domain"="DefaultAuth" "trusteduser"="mytrusteduserid" "trustedpw"="mytrustedpw" "debug"="false"; }; d. Restart all the services. 8. After the installation of this hot fix the following steps are required to fully implement the fixes for problems documented in the corresponding SAS Notes. a. SAS Note 30710 Securing a clustered SAS® Web Report Studio Configuration After the install of this hot fix and verification that users are operating normally, you should use SAS® Management Console to change the access rights to the preferences/history folder ( BIP Tree/ReportStudio/Users/Preferences/ ) so that only the admin has read metadata permission. By default, the admin is "saswbadm";. You can verify the actual admin by looking at the SAS Web Report Studio properties file (WebReportStudioProperties.xml) at the entry "". Assuming the admin is saswbadm, we recommend setting the folder's security to: PUBLIC DENY READMETADATA saswbadm GRANT READMETADATA Other combinations will work. However, without this one manual step, the security concern will not be addressed. (b) and (c) require that changes be made to your WebReportStudioProperties.xml or LocalProperties.xml file, depending on which file contains your settings. These files are usually located in your webapp server directory in the following location: (webappserverdir)/webapps/SASWebReportStudio/WEB-INF The file WebReportStudioProperties.xml can be overwritten by subsequent installation activities. For this reason, it is recommended that you store application properties settings in a centralized location that is not affected by subsequent installation activities. To do this, create and use a LocalProperties.xml file. For instructions, see “Create a LocalProperties.xml File” on page 105 of the SAS® 9.1.3 Intelligence Platform Web Application Administration Guide Second Edition ( Settings in the LocalProperties.xml file override conflicting settings in the WebReportStudioProperties.xml file. After updating your WebReportStudioProperties.xml or LocalProperties.xml file, you will need to restart your WebApp server. b. SAS Note 30585 Other users might have the ability to display reports stored in Personal Folders from SAS® Web Report Studio The following two properties in SAS Web Report Studio need to be set to true for this new functionality to take effect: true true If you had an existing personal folder, the permissions will not be changed until you login to SAS Web Report Studio again after making this change. c. SAS Note 31119 SAS® Web Report Studio reports that are saved as read-only cannot be deleted or modified if the author authenticates to LDAP The following property in SAS Web Report Studio needs to be set to true for this new functionality to take effect: true This completes the installation of hotfix 31CITATNWEB19.