INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR HOT FIX E9TE10 AIX FIX INFORMATION: The hot fix E9TE10 addresses the issue(s) in SAS 9.1.3 (9.1 TS1M3) of SAS/ACCESS Interface to Teradata software on AIX as documented in the "Issue(s) Addressed" section of the hot fix download page: IMPORTANT NOTE(S): 1. You must have SAS 9.1.3 (9.1 TS1M3) and SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4 installed on your system before applying this hot fix. 2. You must have Administrator Privileges on your CLIENT or SERVER machine. 3. All currently active SAS sessions, daemons, spawners and servers must be terminated before applying this hot fix. 4. During hot fix installation files are extracted to /tmp. Be sure to check the space requirement on the download page to verify that sufficient space is available before initiating the download. 5. When applying multiple hot fixes at one time (See Step 6, Option 1) it is important that the directory specified contains only 9.1.3 hot fix files. Files other than 9.1.3 hot fixes will generate errors during the installation process. 6. Hot fixes should be installed under the same user account that performed the original SAS installation. 7. You may receive an error similar to the following while installing a hot fix: tar: 0511-188 Cannot create install/perl/lib/5.6.1/aix/auto/Fcntl/ Cannot open or remove a file containing a running program. or Text File Busy This problem is sporadic and often occurs during subsequent add-on installs or upgrades if run immediately after the first install. The workaround for this problem is to run slibclean as root between the installs. FILE INFORMATION: The hot fix package that is downloaded is in tar format. The name of the tar file is e9te10r6.tar, and it contains the following updated files: * sasiotra.e9te10 the replacement executable containing the hot fix * sasiotra a link to sasiotra.e9te10 * dbi7msg.msg.e9te10 the replacement message file containing the hot fix * dbi7msg.msg a link to dbi7msg.msg.e9te10 * sastra.e9te10 the replacement executable containing the hot fix * sastra a link to sastra.e9te10 * e9te10r6.aud a hot fix identifier file that will allow Technical Support to determine which fixes have been applied to a system * e9te10r6.txt a copy of these installation instructions; this file is installed in !SASROOT/hotfix/doc INSTALLATION STEPS: Step 1: Download the hot fix to a directory accessible for manual setup. Create the necessary sub-directories in !SASROOT if they do not already exist. $> cd /usr/lib/sas913 If the misc/dbi directory does not exist, it should be created. $> mkdir misc misc/dbi If the hotfix directory does not exist, it should be created. $> mkdir hotfix hotfix/sasexe STEP 2: Change to the !SASROOT/misc/dbi directory. $> cd /usr/lib/sas913/misc/dbi STEP 3: Extract the contents of the downloaded tar file. Assuming the tar file is downloaded to the user's HOME directory, execute the following commands: $> cd /usr/lib/sas913/misc/dbi $> tar –xvf $HOME/e9te10r6.tar After the files has been extracted, the following makefile and directory structure with files for linking will be created: !SASROOT/misc/dbi/sastra_ttu7.mak !SASROOT/misc/dbi/sastra_ttu8.mak !SASROOT/misc/dbi/sastra.txt !SASROOT/misc/dbi/sastra_obj/ STEP 4: Build the new version of SASROOT/hotfix/sasexe/sastra. $> pwd /usr/lib/sas913/misc/dbi If the version of teradata client on the system is TTU 7.*, then: $> make -f sastra_ttu7.mak Otherwise, if the version of teradata client on the system is TTU 8.*, then: $> make -f sastra_ttu8.mak This will create !SASROOT/hotfix/sasexe/sastra and replace !SASROOT/hotfix/sasexe/sasiotra with a new version. Any intermediate files created are cleaned-up. STEP 5: Once the tar command is complete, the following line must be added as the first line of the !SASROOT/sasv9.cfg file: -path !SASROOT/hotfix/sasexe Do not modify any existing -PATH options in the !SASROOT/sasv9.cfg file. STEP 6: Change the ownership (using the chown command) and permissions (using the chmod command) on the files in the !SASROOT/hotfix/sasexe directory to match the ownership and permissions on the files in the !SASROOT/sasexe directory. STEP 7: With Teradata client TTU 8.1, you may need to export your environment variable to point to the Teradata client libraries. export LIBPATH=/usr/teragss/aix-power/client/lib:/usr/lib/lib_64:$LIBPATH POST INSTALLATION: Step 1: Setting system environment variable (outside of SAS system) Problem Note 33955: Using the X versions of Teradata views to retrieve metadata causes performance degradation After installing,in order to use non-x views,you will need to set the environment variable SAS_NON_XVIEWS. This variable cannot be set within SAS, ie..cannot be set using a SAS option statement. You will need to set the variable outside of SAS. For Example: set SAS_NON_XVIEWS=YES This completes the installation of hot fix E9TE10 on AIX.