SAS Institute. The Power to Know

SAS 9.1.3 (9.1 TS1M3) Hot Fixes

® Software
Hot Fix Bundle E9BX05 for z/OS (OS/390)

The following fixes are included in the E9BX05 Bundle for OS/390:Introduced
SN-017049Deleted observations can get added to new data set when migratingE9BX01
SN-017176JDBC connection to SAS/SHARE Server encounters transcoding error for non-English localeE9BX01
SN-017440SQRT function now supported in MDX code for SASŪ OLAP ServerE9BX01
SN-017694Missing Output when specifying APPLEVEL parameter on IOM Server definition in SAS Management Console or OBJECTSERVERPARMS SAS OptionE9BX01
SN-016954SAS/Integration Technologies 9.1 Object Spawner consumes excessive CPU when an ERROR=122 (EIO) occursE9BX01
SN-017801XMLSELECT with OMI_MATCH_CASE does not honor multiple attributes in a searchE9BX01
SN-013603IRR and INTRR function may generate INVALID ARGUMENT message in SAS 9.1E9BX01
SN-015522"ERROR: System abend s0C4 occurred in module unknown - vxvtc at offset 00082C"E9BX01
SN-018393Accessing a member from MEMLIST produces "ERROR: Invalid Device Type"E9BX01
SN-033285z/OS diagnostic traps might cause Base SASŪ software to abendE9BX04
SN-017208A long format length might cause a system error in PROC REPORTE9BX01
SN-018200FLOW option on DEFINE statement may cause system errorE9BX01
SN-018737Hot fix E9BA45 replaced by E9BA62 for z/OSE9BX01
SN-018969Specifying an encoding for the _WEBOUT fileref does not work when you run a stored process with the Stored Process ServerE9BX04
SN-019227NOWARN option for PROC APPENDE9BX01
SN-019218ERRORS produced when ODS PDF output contains a long bylineE9BX01
SN-016283A Japanese character that contains the hex value for a single or double quote may cause the Program Editor to have an incorrect colorE9BX01
SN-019388"Read Access Violation in Task [ Application Window ]" with SAS/AF Table Viewer ControlE9BX02
SN-019231JAVAOBJ component object fails to free semaphoresE9BX02
SN-019812Values are quoted when DBCS value has same hex code as delimiter characterE9BX02
SN-020409CDF, SDF, and QUANTILE functions might return missing values for the Beta distribution and small values of first shape parameterE9BX03
SN-020804SPD Engine WHERE CLAUSE processor does not support ESCAPE OPERATORE9BX03
SN-020887When you invoke SASŪ by using the SAS system option DMSEXP, a segmentation violation might occur if you rename a SASŪ Scalable Performance Data Engine (SASŪ SPDE) data setE9BX03
SN-021053The SASŪ Stored Process Server and SASŪ Workspace Server load balancing is not distributed across hosts with the lowest cost algorithmE9BX03
SN-015924DATETIMEw.d format can produce incorrect resultsE9BX01
SN-030622Error generated when MDYAMPM format is used in a FOOTNOTEE9BX03
SN-018463Access Violation or 0C4 abend in module SASSFM01 when using procedures that use multi-label formatsE9BX01
SN-020189Statistic labels in PROC TABULATE not displayed in uppercase in table outputE9BX02
SN-020444Error in PROC TABULATE NLS versions after applying hot fix E9BB28E9BX02
SN-020359Variable labels that contain multi-byte character set strings do not split correctlyE9BX02
SN-030679Page dimension "and" in PROC TABULATE not displayed in uppercase in table outputE9BX03
SN-017125LOCATEC/N function is counting deleted rows in its searchE9BX04
SN-021021Some national characters in variable names might be converted to other characters when the options VALIDVARNAME=ANY and GETNAMES=YESE9BX05 *
SN-034254How to allow a numeric value enclosed in quotation marks to be read in as numeric variable with PROC IMPORT or the IMPORT WIZARD E9BX05 *
SN-017906The I/O subsystem has returned error message 'WHERE clause is not allowed with preset index.'E9BX04
SN-017800WHERE clause is not allowed with preset indexE9BX01
SN-032112Performance degradation might occur with the SASŪ Metadata Server E9BX04
SN-032426Selection lists or pop-up menus might display behind SAS/AFŪ framesE9BX04
SN-030979Performance degradation might occur in SASŪ9 if you process VSAM files on a Remote Library Services (RLS) serverE9BX03
SN-032421Reading VSAM RLS file results in zero records readE9BX04
SN-032570PROC COPY might not honor the OBS= optionE9BX04
SN-017241"ERROR: System abend 0C4 occurred in module SASYHRE8 function YHRMHMR at offset 000420"E9BX01
SN-032682Error causes SAS/SHAREŪ server running with the TTCP option to fill log with error messagesE9BX04
SN-031851User accounts might show as in the SASŪ OLAP Server Monitor in SASŪ Management Console E9BX04
SN-017270Style not applied properly when sending ODS emailE9BX01
SN-017354SMTP email only uses the e-mail user ID (rather than the full e-mail address) for authenticationE9BX01
SN-007782Time stamp calculation when emailing from OS/390E9BX01
SN-019638Sending e-mail attachments using SMTP causes a read-access violationE9BX02
SN-020323SASŪ 9.1.3 and earlier SMTP e-mails do not timeout when block waiting for a response from a SMTP serverE9BX02
SN-018044Using SMTP e-mail with SASŪ 9.1.3 (English version with DBCS and Unicode support) might cause truncated or missing e-mail outputE9BX03
SN-031148Unable to authenticate e-mail on z/OSE9BX03
SN-033129The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) e-mail facility stops sending all e-mails when it encounters an invalid addressE9BX04
SN-010962SMTP e-mail might stop when an invalid address is encounteredE9BX04
SN-033077A Read-access violation occurs when a Zip file is attached to e-mail in a DBCS SASŪ sessionE9BX04
SN-019166Possible memory-related failures when using the CATALOG access methodE9BX01
SN-033414An error occurs when you include the ENCODING option in the FILENAME statement E9BX05 *
SN-033461The METAOPERATE procedure does not set the value of the SYSERR automatic macro variable when an error occursE9BX04
SN-013932"File does not exist" error message and problem accessing VIEWs from remote concatenated libraryE9BX01
SN-013931"File does not exist" error message and problems accessing remote VIEWs in concatenated libraryE9BX01
SN-019477PROC FREQ with WHERE statement causes connection failure using Remote Library ServicesE9BX02
SN-031047Chaining remote library assignments across SAS/CONNECTŪ or SAS/SHAREŪ servers might return incorrect dataE9BX03
SN-034212Loss of precision can occur when you insert numeric values into a table that resides in a chained RLS libraryE9BX05 *
SN-018254MDX WHERE clause might return incorrect number of rows resulting in a performance lossE9BX01
SN-018911"ERROR: System Exiting Status=401" message occurs when multiple processes update a SPD Engine data setE9BX01
SN-032674PROC OLAP stops responding even though CPU usage is highE9BX04
SN-033673Encountered error in DA-subsystem.E9BX04
SN-033879SAS® utilities abend when some diagnostic traps are set on z/OSE9BX05 *
SN-033882SAS® might receive a 0C4 abend while performing TCP functionsE9BX05 *
SN-019742An error occurs when attempting to connect to the SASŪ Metadata Server and the METAUSER= system option contains an embedded spaceE9BX03
SN-033883The SAS® object spawner might abend with a 0C4 if certain diagnostic traps are enabledE9BX05 *
SN-033995Error: "IOM call failed. Internal server exception: floating point divide by zero."E9BX05 *
SN-017767Export and Import Wizards require Metadata Server fixesE9BX01
SN-017743Login to SASŪ web application fails when using an email address as the userid with LDAP authenticationE9BX01
SN-017761Jobs that are duplicated within a Project repository may lose their connection to Target objectsE9BX01
SN-017860BI Manager "Import" might cause metadata to be destroyed for all stored processes that contain parameters in SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4E9BX01
SN-017852External table objects may get inadvertently deleted from metadata when importing or exporting metadata multiple timesE9BX01
SN-017855Server code does not support exporting and importing from a metadata Project repositoryE9BX01
SN-017857Exception may occur while exporting a block of objects from the Data Integration Studio custom treeE9BX01
SN-017854Incorrect behavior might occur when all items are not selected within a package when performing a metadata importE9BX01
SN-018452Unauthorized access to metadata server contentE9BX01
SN-030465Adding new records to a metadata repository after performing a metadata restore adds multiple metadata objects with the same internal ID valueE9BX03
SN-031345Metadata objects stored in a custom repository are not returned by client applications or metadata query results when they should beE9BX04
SN-033984Poor performance occurs in client applications when the metadata environment contains a large number of repositoriesE9BX05 *
SN-034096Content is added to a parent repository, even when you do not have Check In Metadata permissionsE9BX05 *
SN-017841Extraneous characters appear for catalog entry descriptions when using PROC CIMPORTE9BX03
SN-020578PROC CIMPORT generates "Warning: The transport file is from an earlier SAS release"E9BX03
SN-020673Using PROC CIMPORT in DBCS version of SASŪ may result in errors or garbage characters if transport file contains data with indexesE9BX03
SN-020675Garbage characters may result when using PROC CIMPORT to import a transport file containing double-byte character set dataE9BX03
SN-034280A "426 Connection closed; transfer aborted" message might appear in your SASŪ log when using FTP to send a transport file that was created with CPORTE9BX05 *
SN-017704An update to ensure proper authentication logging on to an Integration Technology ServerE9BX01
SN-020384If your z/OS user ID begins with special characters, you cannot see pre-assigned libraries from SASŪ Enterprise GuideŪ 4.1E9BX02
SN-020418"ACCESS DENIED" authentication error is not displayed as expected when the Metadata server using a Japanese version of WindowsE9BX02
SN-031165IOM messages are truncated in the SASŪ Metadata Server logE9BX03
SN-032805Trusted Peer Connections between a SASŪ process in a Windows environment and a Metadata Server in a z/OS environment run as public user connectionsE9BX04
SN-034913The SASŪ Metadata Server stops responding if a long user ID or password is submitted for authenticationE9BX05 *
SN-034915Submitting a blank user ID when logging in to the SASŪ Metadata Server causes the server memory usage to increase suddenlyE9BX05 *
SN-020299PROC PRINT may show missing columns in HTML, LISTING or RTF outputE9BX05 *
SN-017976Error about running out of space using PROC PRINT in certain situationsE9BX01
SN-034756Column data might be blank using the List Data task in SAS® Enterprise Guide®E9BX05 *
SN-035147A variable is missing from PROC PRINT output when using ODS Listing or ODS HTMLE9BX05 *
SN-017072Metadata server service might show starting state but never startE9BX03
SN-020274Grid sign-on fails to honor the TCPPORTFIRST and the TCPPORTLAST optionsE9BX03
SN-019386SAS/CONNECT may issue "Segmentation Violation In Task [ Program ]"E9BX03
SN-020817Using the JOBNAME= option to specify a job name in the GRDSVC_ENABLE call routineE9BX03
SN-031719Some components from version 6 of SAS/AFŪ software might cause a read-access violation with repeated useE9BX05 *
SN-031795Dragging the cursor to an unselected item within the Radio Box control can unexpectedly update the internal value for the unselected itemE9BX05 *
SN-031400Resetting system time backwards causes negative "real time" value in STIMER outputE9BX04
SN-019028Truncation errors might occur when using Unicode SAS with UTF-8 encoding to process 8-bit charactersE9BX05 *
SN-032113The $EBCDIC format/informat generates incorrect results if ENCODING=UTF8 is setE9BX04
SN-019330Problems might occur when you invoke SASŪ macros using Microsoft Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) automation submit methodE9BX05 *
SN-032096ERROR "SAS Error Event: Error sending status, 1, to SCM. Error 6: The handle is invalid." occurs when stopping the SASŪ Metadata ServerE9BX05 *
SN-032521A Multi-Processing (MP) CONNECT session might not respond in UNIX environmentsE9BX05 *
SN-032547Data sets written to tape in SASŪ 8.2 are not readable in SAS 9.1.3 E9BX05 *
SN-033403Segmentation violation and bridge stub errors on AIXE9BX05 *
SN-035481Java DBCS encoding on Windows uses incorrect Japanese encoding resulting in garbage charactersE9BX05 *
SN-019773Abend U1314 or traceback notes and messages attempting to read a migrated view from SASŪ 8E9BX02
SN-035112Invalid binary data when tranferring SAS data sets with PROC COPY or CPORT/CIMPORT.E9BX05 *
SN-036111Potential memory leak in SORT module causes Workspace server to failE9BX05 *
SN-017915Memory leak in transcoding routine from MBCS to MBCSE9BX03
SN-019115TRANWRD() function has different performance in SASŪ 6, and SASŪ 8 and SASŪ 9.1.3E9BX01
SN-020676PROC CIMPORT may fail or generate errors when the file contains SBCS Katakana dataE9BX03
SN-030987Performance problems occur in DBCS SASŪ software when you use the RLINK or DLM= options in the FILENAME statementE9BX03
SN-031391Transcoding problem occurs between SASŪ Japanese encoding shift-jis and EUCE9BX03
SN-019088KCVT function has problem handling trailing null characterE9BX01
SN-036269Inconsistent transcoding using the KCVT function produces incorrect results in SASŪ 9.2E9BX05 *
SN-020378A segmentation violation might occur during execution of the DOWNLOAD procedureE9BX03
SN-031087A floating-point exception error might occur if you use the DOWNLOAD procedure to move a file that is larger than 2 GBE9BX03
SN-013122WZX: Invalid Conversion Map SpecifiedE9BX04
SN-032983Invalid results occur when you use the DOWNLOAD procedure with the V6TRANSPORT option in SASŪ 9.1.3 in the z/OS environmentE9BX04
SN-035807Observations might be missing after you use the UPLOAD procedure to transfer data setsE9BX05 *
SN-033576SASŪ Enterprise GuideŪ does not detect when SAS data sets are created, updated, or deleted through a gridE9BX04
SN-036081The UPLOAD and DOWNLOAD procedures add null values to the ends of variables when you specify a SAS view with the DATA= data set option E9BX05 *
SN-017410SASŪ OLAP Server process may crash if slicer contains infinite loopE9BX01
SN-017408Permission condition memory is not released when OLAP session closedE9BX01
SN-017409SASŪ OLAP Server performance enhancements available in SAS 9.1.3 Service Pack 4E9BX01
SN-018037PROC OLAP DEFINE statement can allow duplicate calculated members to be createdE9BX01
SN-017931NUNIQUE values may be incorrect depending on the setting for "Maximum number of region execution threads"E9BX01
SN-017445Listing active queries on SASŪ OLAP Server can cause server crashE9BX01
SN-017523Selecting an OLAP Session in the OLAP Server monitor may cause SASŪ Management Console to hangE9BX01
SN-018020SASŪ OLAP Server may error when empty data is passed to certain SASŪ functionsE9BX01
SN-017871Drilldown may cause calculated member values to return from the SASŪ OLAP Server as missing in Service Pack 4E9BX01
SN-018018Complex MDX query within a WITH expression might generate an access violationE9BX01
SN-018030SASŪ OLAP Server might abend with an OLS_NAMESPACEDELETE tracebackE9BX01
SN-017907OLAP cubes with deep hierarchies may return incorrect result setsE9BX01
SN-018089Detailed SASŪ OLAP Server logging now outputs SAS OLAP Server option settingsE9BX01
SN-018012Threadpool options for the SAS® OLAP Server are being overwrittenE9BX01
SN-018198TKASSERT error might be received when querying a SASŪ OLAP cube on z/OSE9BX01
SN-017449NON EMPTY CROSSJOIN optimization in SASŪ OLAP ServerE9BX01
SN-018254MDX WHERE clause might return incorrect number of rows resulting in a performance lossE9BX01
SN-018701Session and Global calculated members might be dropped when using NonEmpty OptimizationE9BX01
SN-018580Disabling NonEmpty Crossjoin optimization does not have any effectE9BX01
SN-018794DrillDownMemberTop function might cause crashes in the SASŪ OLAP ServerE9BX01
SN-018702Global calculated members might cause crash in SAS OLAP Server with Optimization of Non Empty CrossjoinsE9BX01
SN-018795OLAP queries might return empty results if requesting missing valuesE9BX01
SN-018796MDX iif functions that return null values might incorrectly return empty result setsE9BX01
SN-019048Calculated measures might be dropped from the OLAP result set when using Non Empty Crossjoin OptimizationE9BX01
SN-019164Memory degradation or access violation could occur when querying a SAS® OLAP cube with member-level security appliedE9BX01
SN-018253DBCS drillthrough labels might not be rendered correctlyE9BX01
SN-019226Sorted OLAP queries might return incorrect resultsE9BX01
SN-019314Use of global MDX String functions could halt the SASŪ OLAP ServerE9BX01
SN-019418AGGREGATE MDX function might cause slow query performance when member-level security is defined to the OLAP cubeE9BX01
SN-019725AGGREGATE functions using calculated members containing NUNIQUE measures might cause SASŪ OLAP Server to crashE9BX02
SN-019820NONEMPTYCROSSJOIN function might cause data loss in an OLAP QueryE9BX02
SN-020202Incorrect totals calculated when aggregate has members in same dimension of the NUNIQUE measure being usedE9BX02
SN-020292SASŪ OLAP Server performance might be worse after applying hotfix E9BA34 or laterE9BX02
SN-020291SASŪ OLAP Server AGGREGATE function might return incorrect results on certain calculated membersE9BX02
SN-030537SAS MDX isEmpty function will not evaluate cells containing character dataE9BX03
SN-020146Total calculations might be incorrect when an NUNIQUE measure is usedE9BX02
SN-013365Drill-through and ROLAP aggregation tables can fail if the MDX query contains a numeric memberE9BX04
SN-020028Empty drillthrough result when format width for a column is too smallE9BX04
SN-020652NON EMPTY CROSSJOIN optimization might drop members from result setE9BX05 *
SN-035621SASŪ OLAP Server appears to hang and must be frequently restartedE9BX05 *
SN-033970NON EMPTY CROSSJOIN optimization might cause slower performance with secured dataE9BX05 *
SN-036393ERROR: "An OLAP server thread has failed" occurs when a drill-through query returns no recordsE9BX05 *
SN-031241"ERROR: Library LIBREF is not assigned" when running the METALIB procedure E9BX04
SN-017581ERROR: Invalid physical name for library XXXX is displayed when using Update Table Metadata or PROC METALIB with concatenated librariesE9BX01
SN-017580ERROR: This Library is already assigned or cannot be reassignedE9BX01
SN-017849PROC METALIB fails to update an SPDS library table metadata with "Error: Invalid Option User."E9BX01
SN-019486"ERROR: Invalid memptr" occurs and the SASŪ session becomes unresponsive when trying to access a view via a libref with the META LIBNAME engineE9BX02
SN-020460Joining two tables can cause your system to stop responding or can cause an access-violation problemE9BX04
SN-031002Database passwords are displayed in the SASŪ log in clear textE9BX04
SN-032284A Read-access violation occurs when running PROC METALIB to update tables that originate from an Adabas databaseE9BX04
SN-016116Pre-Assigned Library fails with an unexpected error has occurredE9BX04
SN-032376Access violation occurs when updating metadata for a table that contains multiple indexes with long index namesE9BX04
SN-034840Running PROC METALIB on a DB2 libray and attempting to update a table that has a foreign key relationship with another table might cause an errorE9BX05 *
SN-036544ERROR: "Libname lref not available for use" occurs when assigning a library using the META engineE9BX05 *
SN-030992A memory shortage might cause a loop and SC78 abend to occur in SASŪ Metadata Server in the z/OS environmentE9BX03
SN-031147Performance issues might occur with the SASŪ OLAP Server in the z/OS environmentE9BX03
SN-031661Using the TKOPT_CPOOL3= threaded-kernel environment variable causes large amounts of memory to be usedE9BX05 *
SN-036446SASŪ session intermittently becomes non-responsive upon SAS terminationE9BX05 *
SN-017873Extra WHERE clause may get added to query passed to databasesE9BX01
SN-017888Segmentation Violation error issued when using PROC SQL and SAS/ACCESSŪ with a LENGTH= option larger than 32E9BX01
SN-018108Segmentation violation when executing multiple queries against a PROC SQL view containing a LIBNAME statementE9BX01
SN-018176Import of table through Information Map Library Engine deletes physical tableE9BX01
SN-020479Batch jobs might end with a return code of 4 with no warning in the SASŪ logE9BX03
SN-018487Compress() function returns incorrect results when used on PROC SQL INSERT statement after applying SASŪ 9.1.3 Service Pack 4E9BX01
SN-016074"WARNING: At least one nonessential grouping column reference has been removed from a GROUP BY's reference list"E9BX01
SN-019170Errors issued when integer references for column is used in a PROC SQL GROUP BY statementE9BX01
SN-019372Performance is poor in the SQL procedure when you use the COUNT(Distinct xxxx) functionE9BX02
SN-019527Specifying the NOIPASSTHRU option in PROC SQL does not disable implicit passthruE9BX02
SN-016547Correlated subqueries using column aliases may not be passed to your dbms when using SAS/ACCESS LIBNAME statementE9BX02
SN-019930Using more than 36 tables in a UNION operation within an SQL procedure generates an error messageE9BX02
SN-020130Aliases columns or aliased tables in the SQL procedure blocks Implicit Pass-ThroughE9BX03
SN-030428Aliased constant values become missing in outer joins and unionsE9BX03
SN-020162Using functions without parameters in WHERE clauses can block Implicit Pass-ThroughE9BX03
SN-020126SAS/ACCESSŪ software now provides full support of the INNER JOIN syntaxE9BX03
SN-020116SAS/ACCESSŪ software fails to use table aliases correctly when you use in-line SELECT statementsE9BX03
SN-020123Incorrect SQL text is generated when inner and left joins are usedE9BX03
SN-020125Using implicit pass-through might cause an incorrect table reference assignmentE9BX03
SN-020129An incorrect Implicit Pass-Through query is generated when you use a combination of inner and outer JoinsE9BX03
SN-020122Performance issues occur because SQL code is not passed to the databaseE9BX03
SN-030390Improvements are now available in relational database optimization via the SQL procedureE9BX03
SN-019655Filter behavior inconsistent between SASŪ Web Report Studio 3.1 and SASŪ Information Map StudioE9BX03
SN-020635Incorrect textualization of SQL Implicit Pass-Through queries occurs when you combine multiple inner joins with one or more outer joinsE9BX03
SN-032085Incorrect SQL optimization may produce incorrect resultsE9BX04
SN-030942The WHERE clause strips trailing blanks from string literals that are concatenated with DBMS columns of type VARCHARE9BX03
SN-030923Aliased summary functions in Base SASŪ software are not passed to databasesE9BX03
SN-030893Using an ORDER BY clause in the SQL procedure causes performance problemsE9BX03
SN-031102A segmentation-violation error might occur after you apply Hot Fix E9BA83 and you access OracleE9BX03
SN-031191Support is now available for the PROC SQL CREATE TABLE statement for the SASŪ Scalable Performance Data ServerŪ E9BX03
SN-031122SQLPLAN internal errors might occur when you select columns from an SQL viewE9BX03
SN-031121Implicit Pass-Through errors occur when accessing Oracle tables E9BX03
SN-031291Errors occur in SASŪ Scalable Performance Data ServerŪ for numeric columns that are defined with the MISSING statement when it is used in WHERE processingE9BX03
SN-031211Errors occur in the SQL procedure's Implicit Pass-Through facility after you apply hot fixes E9BB72, E9BB76, and E9BB80E9BX03
SN-031249SQLPLAN errors occur when you reference a calculated column on an SQL WHERE clause E9BX03
SN-031905Enhancements to the Implicit SQL Pass-Through facility enable more of a query to be passed to a databaseE9BX04
SN-031863Using the EQT operator in the SQL procedure incorrectly classifies rows with missing values as a matchE9BX04
SN-031564Performance problems occur when you use the CASE expression with DBMS tablesE9BX04
SN-031825After applying hot fixes E9BB98 and E9BB99, column aliases are passed to the SQL GROUP BY clause in place of the corresponding real column namesE9BX04
SN-033763Using the CALCULATED keyword in a WHERE clause in a PROC SQL inner join generates a cartesian productE9BX04
SN-033649Calculations that involve DBMS datetime values can return incorrect resultsE9BX04
SN-033073Using the CALCULATED keyword in a WHERE clause generates a Carteisan productE9BX04
SN-032636A Read-access violation might be generated after you apply hot fixes E9BB80, E9BB98, and E9BB99E9BX04
SN-032537Incorrect query results might be generated after you apply hot fixes E9BB80, E9BB98, and E9BB99 or you run SASŪ 9.2 E9BX04
SN-032925An error occurs when you use the IDXNAME= and the WHERE= data set options in an SQL procedure queryE9BX04
SN-032472Concatenating libraries can result in Read-access violations in the SQL procedure E9BX04
SN-032545An SQLPLAN error might occur after you apply hot fixes E9BB98 and E9BB99 E9BX04
SN-032406Outer joins that contain a WHERE clause with the STRIP() and PUT() functions cause abnormal endingsE9BX04
SN-035779The LENGTH= column modifier is handled incorrectly when you use PROC SQL to create character columns in SASŪ Scalable Performance Data ServerŪ tablesE9BX05 *
SN-034012Column aliases are not passed correctly to GROUP BY or ORDER BY clauses in the SASŪ Scalable Performance Data ServerŪE9BX05 *
SN-032542An error message incorrectly appears when you use the IDXNAME= and the WHERE= option data set options together in an SQL procedureE9BX04
SN-011210Incorrect results from PROC SQL using WHERE= option with indexed tablesE9BX04
SN-034564The COUNT() or N() functions return incorrect results when used in a query containing a WHERE clause or a WHERE= data set optionE9BX05 *
SN-035011A Read-access violation occurs in the SQL procedure when the WHERE= data set option is placed in an ORDER BY clauseE9BX05 *
SN-033094Incorrect results might be generated when you use the LIBNAME statement to join multiple Oracle tables E9BX04
SN-033648The implicit pass-through facility does not correctly switch argument order for the DB2 LOCATE() function when you pass the INDEX() function to DB2E9BX05 *
SN-034993An error occurs when you run an SQL query with the ORACLE LIBNAME engineE9BX05 *
SN-034975Segmentation violations might occur after you apply Hot Fix E9BC46 in queries that reference DBMS tables E9BX05 *
SN-034391An SQLPLAN error might occur when you use a calculated field to subset a tableE9BX05 *
SN-036280The SQL procedure generates incorrect results when you copy a SASŪ data set from one platform to another platformE9BX05 *
SN-033084An SQLPLAN internal error might occur when reference a variable from an in-line view that created the variable from a constant E9BX05 *
SN-034678An SQLPLAN error occurs when you submit a query with a CALCULATED column reference in a CASE expression that contains a GROUP BY clauseE9BX05 *
SN-036177Incorrect results might occur when you run a PROC SQL join with an additional WHERE clause against Teradata tables E9BX05 *
SN-036202SQLPLAN internal errors might occur when you reference calculated columns in an SQL procedureE9BX05 *
SN-036748The MULTI_DATASRC_OPT= option is ignored when multiple WHERE clause predicates are used in an SQL join operationE9BX05 *
SN-034153Option DBIDIRECTEXEC prevents SASŪ Enterprise Guide from opening tables created by PROC SQLE9BX04
SN-034234Incorrect results might occur if you use the LIBNAME statement option IP=YES with an SQL procedure that contains data calculations in a WHERE clauseE9BX05 *
SN-037611Incorrect results are possible when you use the INDEX function without a comparison in the z/OS environmentE9BX05 *
SN-016428DBSLICEPARM creates incorrect syntax when DB2DECPT=,E9BX01
SN-018162System abend SA03 during SASŪ termination when DB2 LIBNAME engine with DEFER=YES specifiedE9BX03
SN-030942The WHERE clause strips trailing blanks from string literals that are concatenated with DBMS columns of type VARCHARE9BX03
SN-031862A U1314 abend might occur when a job sorts an SQL procedure view that references a DB2 table E9BX04
SN-016338Using PROC APPEND to insert rows into an Oracle table may report an error as a noteE9BX05 *
SN-033648The implicit pass-through facility does not correctly switch argument order for the DB2 LOCATE() function when you pass the INDEX() function to DB2E9BX05 *
SN-035895An error occurred Executing the Workspace Job . The server is disconnected might occur if you run a job in SASŪ Enterprise GuideŪE9BX05 *
SN-035991A generic IOM error occurs when executing a stored process that produces graphics outputE9BX05 *
SN-036748The MULTI_DATASRC_OPT= option is ignored when multiple WHERE clause predicates are used in an SQL join operationE9BX05 *
SN-037611Incorrect results are possible when you use the INDEX function without a comparison in the z/OS environmentE9BX05 *
SN-035879Data imported from a DB2 library may be corruptE9BX05 *
SN-017745WHERE clause processing against an SQL view can cause Read Access or Segmentation ViolationsE9BX01
SN-031607Using the BY statement with the formatted ODS destinations can generate incorrect outputE9BX04
SN-017962The first blank space in the name literal table names gets removed when you set the SYSLAST macro variable or _LAST_ system optionE9BX01
SN-017876Creating index may cause SASŪ to loopE9BX01
SN-017981Incorrect output with WHERE and BY statementsE9BX01
SN-015813Read Access Violation in Task (CONNECT) caused by long commentsE9BX01
SN-018156Invoking an autocall macro which is stored as a SOURCE entry within a catalog may cause errorsE9BX01
SN-018305Garbage characters in SAS log when localized DBCS SAS is used with products related to the Workspace serverE9BX01
SN-018396Queries or WHERE clauses run against large data sets can cause SAS/SHAREŪ server to hangE9BX01
SN-015882A DBCS character that contains the hexadecimal value for a single or double quote might be misinterpreted by the SASŪ tokenizerE9BX01
SN-019372Performance is poor in the SQL procedure when you use the COUNT(Distinct xxxx) functionE9BX02
SN-019601The option VALIDVARNAME=UPCASE is not working as expectedE9BX02
SN-019978Specifying LOGPARM system option may generate INSUFFICIENT AUTHORIZATION messagesE9BX02
SN-019984Output in the listing is truncated using the DBCS version of SASE9BX02
SN-019344SASŪ may ignore indexes during query on 64-Bit UNIX systemsE9BX02
SN-019578Update Flags from PROC SQL views are propagated by SASŪ procedures with OUT= optionE9BX02
SN-020208The ACCESS=READONLY option in the CATNAME statement is not working correctlyE9BX02
SN-020562PROC APPEND step may damage BASE data setE9BX02
SN-021003Using the %v or #v LOGPARM path directive might cause the workspace server to fail to start and processes to stop respondingE9BX03
SN-030390Improvements are now available in relational database optimization via the SQL procedureE9BX03
SN-030428Aliased constant values become missing in outer joins and unionsE9BX03
SN-019655Filter behavior inconsistent between SASŪ Web Report Studio 3.1 and SASŪ Information Map StudioE9BX03
SN-031300Poor performance occurs when you use views that consist of inner joins from DBMS tablesE9BX03
SN-032375Errors might occur reading XML files using the XML engine with very long stringsE9BX04
SN-033744An incorrect buffer break occurs when calling a macro from an EXECUTE statement that specifies a parameter with an "at" sign (@) in the parameter nameE9BX04
SN-035492Could not find value or Record ID (RID) to do delete on indexE9BX05 *
SN-035895An error occurred Executing the Workspace Job . The server is disconnected might occur if you run a job in SASŪ Enterprise GuideŪE9BX05 *
SN-035991A generic IOM error occurs when executing a stored process that produces graphics outputE9BX05 *
SN-034012Column aliases are not passed correctly to GROUP BY or ORDER BY clauses in the SASŪ Scalable Performance Data ServerŪE9BX05 *
SN-036280The SQL procedure generates incorrect results when you copy a SASŪ data set from one platform to another platformE9BX05 *
SN-033084An SQLPLAN internal error might occur when reference a variable from an in-line view that created the variable from a constant E9BX05 *
SN-034678An SQLPLAN error occurs when you submit a query with a CALCULATED column reference in a CASE expression that contains a GROUP BY clauseE9BX05 *
SN-036177Incorrect results might occur when you run a PROC SQL join with an additional WHERE clause against Teradata tables E9BX05 *
SN-036202SQLPLAN internal errors might occur when you reference calculated columns in an SQL procedureE9BX05 *
SN-036281PROC REPORT output generated by the CALL EXECUTE routine does not include text or variables generated by a COMPUTE blockE9BX05 *
SN-034018MPRINT output generated twice when CALL EXECUTE is used within a macroE9BX04
SN-036070Extraneous code might be added if CALL EXECUTE is used to generate many ODS HTML statementsE9BX05 *
SN-036592DELETE statement sometimes does not remove qualifying observationsE9BX05 *
SN-034234Incorrect results might occur if you use the LIBNAME statement option IP=YES with an SQL procedure that contains data calculations in a WHERE clauseE9BX05 *
SN-017147Output to RECFM=FB SASLIST file may contain carriage controlE9BX01
SN-017380Client TSO session loops while processing FSBROWSE on library allocated to a SAS/SHAREŪ serverE9BX01
SN-019281PROC CIMPORT fails when the transport file is a member of an uncataloged partitioned data setE9BX03
SN-017797"ERROR: Physical file does not exist, SYS06144.T115731.RA000.N389610T.INCL.H04" message from %INCLUDEE9BX01
SN-013425Autoexec may continue processing when leaving MENU entry defined to SHARE server in SAS/AFE9BX01
SN-018423Control incorrectly appears to return to SAS/AFŪ application when sorting data on the mainframeE9BX01
SN-013720TSO may hang when leaving SAS after running SAS/AF application with SAS/SHAREE9BX01
SN-016476System abend 0C4 in module SASTKE9BX01
SN-018430ERROR: Unable to initialize TCP/IP subsystem returns Condition Code 0E9BX01
SN-019299Division-by-zero processing causes severe performance degradationE9BX01
SN-020327Contents of a variable change when you pass the variable to the FILEEXIST functionE9BX02
SN-018637ALTLOG and ALTLIST files may be missing if directed to HFSE9BX01
SN-019065DISP is ignored in LIBNAME statement when existing allocation already existsE9BX01
SN-019522The FILENAME function for an HFS pathSAS argument generates incorrect resultsE9BX01
SN-017038Limited support in SASŪ 9.1.3 SP4 for DSNTYPE=LARGE data sets when running under z/OS Releases V1R7 and laterE9BX02
SN-019842SASŪ 9 software reads all generations of a generation data group controlled by the Storage Management SubsystemE9BX02
SN-020035The RELEASE procedure can damage a currently assigned SASŪ data library, resulting in an I/O error or U315 abnormal ending messageE9BX02
SN-020459Performance issues found in SASŪ software memory management on the z/OS platformE9BX02
SN-020583Concatenation of 257 physical sequential data sets fails when you run SASŪ software on z/OSE9BX03
SN-020905Warning messages might appear when you read a large file from a UNIX file systemE9BX03
SN-030981MP CONNECT (multi-process CONNECT) might fail when you use the XMS Access Method in Base SASŪ in the z/OS environmentE9BX03
SN-010972An error occurs when you use the %INCLUDE statement with a fileref that begins with an underscoreE9BX03
SN-031411Unused allocated space on a volume other than the last volume of an existing library will generate a warning rather than an errorE9BX03
SN-033865Base SASŪ software might enter a loop after an input/output (I/O) error or “out of space” error occursE9BX04
SN-032798The system ends abnormally with an S0C4 abend code during SAS termination E9BX04
SN-033040A %INCLUDE statement for an explicit path of a cataloged disk data set might fail in Base SASŪ in the z/OS environmentE9BX04
SN-034459Using the NODLTRUNCK option to process truncated libraries can result in data loss E9BX05 *
SN-033892A SAS/SHAREŪ server does not free a library when a client times outE9BX05 *
SN-035332The message "Libname libref is not assigned" might appear if you do not specify an engineE9BX05 *
SN-035116An error might occur when using ODS on the z/OS operating system after application of hot fix E9BC53 or E9BC70E9BX05 *
SN-035225An error might occur when using ODS on the z/OS operating system after application of hot fix E9BC53 or E9BC70E9BX05 *
SN-036164ERROR: "Library data set does not comply with RECFM=FS requirements or is truncated" E9BX05 *
SN-037166An abend occurs when you specify a user exit in an INFILE or FILE statement or with the ENGINE= option in the FILENAME statement E9BX05 *

E9BX05 * Indicates fixes that are appearing in a bundle for the first time.

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