INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR HOT FIX B9BA04 LINUX FOR INTEL FIX INFORMATION: The hot fix B9BA04 addresses the issue(s) in SAS 9.1 (TS1M0) of Base SAS software on Linux for Intel as documented in SAS Note(s): SN-011733 SAS/CONNECT supports PAM authentication to a LDAP server which may be reviewed at: IMPORTANT NOTE(S): 1. You must have SAS 9.1 (TS1M0) installed on your system before applying this hot fix. 2. During hot fix installation files are extracted to /tmp. Be sure to check the space requirement on the download page to verify that sufficient space is available before initiating the download. 3. When applying multiple hot fixes at one time (See Step 6, Option 1) it is important that the directory specified contains only 9.1 hot fix files. Files other than 9.1 hot fixes will generate errors during the installation process. FILE INFORMATION: The hot fix package that is downloaded is in tar format. The name of the tar file is b9ba04.tar, and it contains the following updated files: * sasauth.b9ba04 the replacement other containing the hot fix * b9ba04lx.aud a hot fix identifier file that will allow Technical Support to determine which fixes have been applied to a system * b9ba04lx.txt a copy of these installation instructions; this file is installed in !SASROOT/hotfix/doc INSTALLATION STEPS: In these instructions, the directory where SAS 9.1 (TS1M0) is installed is: /usr/lib/sas91 Step 1: Download the hot fix or group of hot fixes that are to be installed to a directory accessible to the SAS Setup. Step 2: Invoke the SAS Setup $ cd /usr/lib/sas91 $ ./sassetup Step 3: From the Primary Menu select Run Setup Utilities Primary Menu ------------ 1. Update an Existing Installation * 2. Run Setup Utilities ------------------------------- g: Go back q: Quit h: Help ------------------------------- Action? (1) 2 Step 4: From the Setup Utilities Menu select Run Technical Support Tools Setup Utilities Menu -------------------- 1. Renew SAS Software 2. Perform SAS Software Configuration 3. Perform Product-Specific Configuration * 4. Run Technical Support Tools 5. List Previously Installed Software ------------------------------- g: Go back q: Quit h: Help ------------------------------- Action? (1) 4 Step 5: From the Technical Support Tools Menu select Install applicable hotfixes Technical Support Tools Menu ---------------------------- 1. Run Revcheck tool to check system settings * 2. Install applicable hotfixes 3. List all installed hotfixes ------------------------------- g: Go back q: Quit h: Help ------------------------------- Action? (1) 2 Step 6: Specify the location of the hot fix(es) to be installed. Option 1: Apply multiple hot fixes at one time: Enter the full directory path that contains all of the hot fixes that are to be installed. All hot fixes in the directory specified will be installed EXCEPT for hot fixes that have been previously applied. Hot fixes in this directory that have been previously applied will NOT be reapplied. IMPORTANT: This directory should not contain any files other than 9.1 hot fixes. Files other than 9.1 hot fixes will generate errors during the installation process. Option 2: Apply one hot fix at a time: Specify the full path and filename for the single hot fix that is to be installed. (Optional) Step 7: From the Technical Support Tools Menu select List all installed hotfixes Technical Support Tools Menu ---------------------------- 1. Run Revcheck tool to check system settings 2. Install applicable hotfixes * 3. List all installed hotfixes ------------------------------- g: Go back q: Quit h: Help ------------------------------- Action? (3) 3 All configuration file updates and utility configurations are handled by the installation. This completes the installation of hot fix B9BA04 on Linux for Intel.