INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR HOT FIX 82BB84 ON CMS BEFORE DOWNLOADING: The hot fix 82BB84 addresses the issue(s) in Release 8.2 (TS2M0) of Base SAS software on CMS as documented in SAS Note(s): SN-004574 Spanned headers in PROC REPORT may cause incorrect cellwidth when using ODS SN-004501 PROC TABULATE repeats statistics in all ODS destinations except listing and output data sets SN-005596 Output data set may not be generated when using the ODS OUTPUT statement SN-009281 The OVERPRINT system option does not work correctly with the ODS PRINTER and PDF destinations SN-010318 User-defined format can not be updated when applied to a variable created with ODS OUTPUT SN-010411 Customized template may cause observations to not appear in ODS PRINTER output SN-005994 Using a PREIMAGE= specification and STARTPAGE= with ODS PRINTER causes errors SN-009366 ODS PRINTER does not close registry keys properly which may be reviewed at: The hot fix package that is downloaded is in VMARC packed format. The name of the file is 82bb84cm.vmarc, and it contains the following files: * sashtm.loadlib the replacement executable containing the hot fix * sasmrk.loadlib the replacement executable containing the hot fix * sasxml.loadlib the replacement executable containing the hot fix * sasrtf.loadlib the replacement executable containing the hot fix * saspso.loadlib the replacement executable containing the hot fix * sasdat.loadlib the replacement executable containing the hot fix * sasxug.loadlib the replacement executable containing the hot fix * 82bb84cm.audit a hot fix identifier file that will allow Technical Support to determine which fixes have been applied to a system * 82bb84cm.txt a copy of these installation instructions DOWNLOAD OPTIONS: Along with the VMARC hot fix file, the latest copy of the HOTFIX EXEC should be downloaded. This REXX EXEC will be used to extract and process the files contained within the VMARC hot fix file. Any R/W disk can be used to store the VMARC file and the HOTFIX EXEC. There are three options for downloading these files from the SAS website to your CMS system: 1. Using a VM web browser, perform a binary receive on the VMARC file. Be sure to name the file 82BB84CM VMARC. To download the HOTFIX EXEC, view the file via the "hotfix exec" link from the hot fix URL and save it as text. Be sure to name the file HOTFIX EXEC. Depending on your browser, some modifications may be necessary to the HOTFIX EXEC. See Appendix A for details. 2. Using a non-VM web browser, download the VMARC file and save the HOTFIX EXEC to a local system (PC, Unix, etc.) and FTP these files from the local system to CMS. See Appendix B for additional instructions. 3. Using anonymous FTP, connect to the SAS hot fix directories and transfer the VMARC file using BINARY protocol and the HOTFIX EXEC using ASCII protocol directly to CMS. See Appendix C for additional instructions. IMPORTANT NOTE(S): 1. You must have Release 8.2 (TS2M0) installed on your system before applying this hot fix. 2. For the purpose of these instructions, the word 'disk' implies either minidisk or shared file system directory. 3. You must have VMARC software installed on your system before applying this hot fix. The VMARC executable can be downloaded at AFTER DOWNLOADING: The following instructions describe the steps for installing the fix(es) contained within the VMARC file. STEP 1: BACKUP or NOBACKUP? Before executing the HOTFIX EXEC to install the files contained within the VMARC file, you need to decide if you want to rely on system backup files in the event a restore or uninstall is necessary, or if you want the HOTFIX EXEC to create backup files on your SAS system disk. If you would like the HOTFIX EXEC to create backup files, you will need to issue the exec with the BACKUP option. This option creates a backup copy of any file replaced on the SAS system disk. In the case of a LOADLIB, only the member being replaced is copied to the backup file. After all of the backups are made, they are stored in a single, packed VMARC file using the hot fix name as the file name. IF YOU USE THE BACKUP OPTION, IT IS STRONGLY RECOMMENDED THAT YOU MAKE A COPY OF THE SAS SYSTEM DISK AND INSTALL THE HOT FIX ON THAT COPY. If an error or system outage were to occur during the HOTFIX EXEC using the BACKUP option, the SAS system disk would most likely have to be restored before the HOTFIX EXEC can be rerun so that the proper backups will be made. Once the hot fix is installed and tested, you can then move the new and updated files to the production SAS system disk or simply make the disk which holds the copy the production SAS system disk. The default option is NOBACKUP; the files installed from the hot fix VMARC file will directly replace the files on the disk which you designate as your SAS system disk. If you use the NOBACKUP option (or invoke the HOTFIX EXEC using defaults), you can safely install the hot fix files directly to your SAS system disk. If an error or system outage were to occur during the HOTFIX EXEC, no restore would be necessary and the HOTFIX EXEC could simply be rerun. STEP 2: WORK disk vs. the SAS System disk The HOTFIX EXEC will prompt you to enter the filemode of a disk to be used to temporarily store the files as they are unpacked from the VMARC file as well as any temporary work files created by the HOTFIX EXEC. All these files will be removed at the completion of the exec except for the hot fix instruction file. Likely candidates for the WORK disk are your A disk, a temporary disk, or even the SAS system disk itself (if you are not creating backup files). The HOTFIX EXEC will also prompt you to enter the filemode of the SAS System disk. This can be the actual SAS System disk or a copy of it. If you are installing directly to your SAS System disk, you can use the SAS System disk as the WORK disk. IMPORTANT: If you specify the BACKUP option, you cannot use the SAS System disk as the WORK disk; it MUST be a separate disk. STEP 3: Run the HOTFIX EXEC 1. Access your SAS system disk R/W or make a copy of your SAS system disk to an empty R/W disk. 2. Issue the command: HOTFIX 82BB84CM If you would like backup copies of the files being replaced, issue the command: HOTFIX 82BB84CM (BACKUP STEP 4: Verify After running the HOTFIX EXEC, the LOADLIB of the product associated with this hot fix should be updated with the new executable(s). The new LOADLIB will be on the disk designated as the SAS System disk. Any catalogs or message files associated with this hot fix will also be replaced on the SAS System disk. If the hot fix contains an executable which belongs in a LOADLIB, the file 82BB84CM TRACE will be created on the SAS System disk. This file contains a record of all LOADLIB replaces that were executed during the HOTFIX EXEC, including backups if the BACKUP option was specified. Browse this file and make sure all replaces executed without failure. You may opt to erase this file after verifying, but SAS Institute Technical Support recommends you save it for future reference. Also, the HOTFIX EXEC will add a record to the HOTFIX AUDIT file on the SAS System disk. This file is created the first time you run the HOTFIX EXEC. DO NOT MODIFY OR ERASE THIS FILE. It is an official record of all hot fixes that have been applied to your SAS System. If you used the BACKUP option, a VMARC packed file of all files and executables replaced on the SAS System disk will be created. The name of the file will be 82BB84CM BACKUP. DO NOT ERASE THIS FILE. STEP 5: Move into production If you elected to install the hot fix directly to your SAS system disk, then this step can be skipped. If you installed the hot fix to a COPY of the SAS system disk, you must now move all the newly updated files from that copy to your production SAS system disk, or convert the copy to be your production SAS system disk. Typically segments will have to be resaved if you have SAS installed in segments at your site: if the hot fix contains an executable which is included in the segments, and/or if the hot fix contains a SASHELP or MESSAGE file and you have these two libraries installed in segments, segments will have to be resaved. This completes the installation of hot fix 82BB84 on CMS. ===== APPENDIX A ===== After saving the HOTFIX EXEC as text from a VM web browser, the following modifications may be necessary: 1) The browser may append URL information to the top of the file. These lines will have to be deleted before the exec can be run. XEDIT the HOTFIX EXEC and delete these lines; the first line of the file should be the border of the header information: /*------------------------------------------------------------------+ 2) Some ASCII-EBCDIC translation tables may encode the caret (^) as x'B0' rather than x'5F'. If this is the case, then you will receive the following error when attempting to execute the HOTFIX EXEC: Error 13 running HOTFIX EXEC, line xx: Invalid character in program You will need to XEDIT the HOTFIX EXEC and issue the following commands from within XEDIT. Note you can issue these commands without damaging the exec regardless of whether it contains x'B0' characters or not: set hex on top ch/x'B0'/x'5F'/* * file ===== APPENDIX B ===== Using a non-VM web browser, download the VMARC file and the HOTFIX EXEC to a local system (PC, Unix, etc.) and FTP these files from the local system to CMS. Perform a binary download of the VMARC hot fix file by selecting the 82BB84 link from the CMS hotfix area. Perform an ASCII download of the HOTFIX EXEC by viewing the file via the "hotfix exec" link and saving it as text. After downloading the two files to the local system, use FTP from CMS to connect to that system and issue the following commands: cd "local_directory_name" get "hotfix_exec_local_file_name" hotfix.exec. binary locsite f 80 get "vmarc_local_file_name" 82bb84cm.vmarc. where and quoted path names are of your specification. Note the VMARC file must be transferred in binary mode, and it must have a logical record length of 80. The HOTFIX EXEC file may contain ASCII carriage return characters that will have to be removed. To remove these characters, XEDIT the HOTFIX EXEC and issue the following commands from within XEDIT: set hex on top ch/x'0D'//* * file ===== APPENDIX C ===== Using anonymous FTP, connect to the SAS hot fix directories and transfer the VMARC file using BINARY protocol and the HOTFIX EXEC using ASCII protocol directly to CMS. FTP to using: userid=anonymous Issue: cd /techsup/download/hotfix/v82/base/82bb84/cms get hotfix_exec.txt hotfix.exec. binary locsite f 80 get 82bb84cm.vmarc 82bb84cm.vmarc. where is of your specification.