INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR HOT FIX 82BB21 ON OS/390 BEFORE DOWNLOADING: The hot fix 82BB21 addresses the issue(s) in Release 8.2 (TS2M0) of Base SAS software on OS/390 as documented in SAS Note(s): SN-004555 Subsequent records not read after invalid VBS segment detected SN-004078 FILENAME statement requests three tape mounts for a single tape SN-004439 BY variable position may cause errors SN-004435 Abend S0C1 received in PROC SORT step SN-004629 RC=0 incorrectly issued when running out of directory space writing to PDS SN-004465 LIBNAME statement WAIT= option may cause incorrect engine assignment SN-007318 DIALOG WINDOW of PMENU may issue message indicating an incorrect command SN-005862 SASXAL module has increased in size from 300K to 730K from Release 8.1 to 8.2 SN-005121 U315, U317, U319, S0C4 and Page Validation Errors when creating catalog entries SN-005971 Cannot connect to OS/390 Spawner with MAXASSIZE=2G in BPXPRM** SN-005642 SAS Notes referring to Version 8 multivolume SASIO problems SN-006609 PROC SOURCE abends when processing many members SN-007032 ZDVw.d informat incorrectly rejects a value of '9' SN-006754 Performance degradation due to support for long character string variables SN-007394 Experimental SECPROFILE SAS System option along with a new SVC routine, allows use of the RACF Secured Signon function SN-007000 An @ sign in the userid when attempting to connect to SAS/Share server receives "Invalid value" message SN-007065 Loop in SAS/SHARE during termination of Server task SN-007066 Abend SEC6 in BPXAS address space using FTP with MP-Connect for OS/390 SN-007513 System abend S0C1 due to bad call from YN1NDMS at +x'166' after applying 82BA77 hot fix SN-007455 Small numeric values causing problems on OS/390 in Release 8.2 SN-007722 Publish fails when the French-encoded EBCDIC version is used SN-007220 S400 abend, S0C9 abend, or Insufficient Space messages SN-007210 OS/390 sites may receive S282-048 abend SN-007952 Blank lines written to terminal when SAS CLIST is called from a CLIST SN-008252 When using SAS/SECURE with Spawner script signon, -noinheritance must be specified SN-008432 Insufficient USS capability causes authorization messages with certain hot fixes applied SN-006517 B37 abend may cause looping when building an index SN-008820 SAS failing due to not enough buffers available SN-008435 System abend S0C1 in function VSPRNTF which may be reviewed at: The following file(s) will be installed: * 82bb21os.xmit CNTL PDS in XMIT format. It contains all of the XMIT code necessary to apply the hotfix. IMPORTANT NOTE(S): 1. You must have Release 8.2 (TS2M0) installed on your system before applying this hot fix. 2. Before proceeding with STEP 5 of the INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS, insure no Version 8.2 SAS jobs are running because this step requires exclusive access to the SASHELP library. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: The following instructions describe the steps for extracting the contents of the downloaded file, moving the files to your OS/390 system and installing the hot fix. Please be sure to read the 'ADDITIONAL NOTES' section for situations where additional actions may be required. STEP 1: PRE-ALLOCATE THE XMIT FILE ON MVS Pre-allocate a file on MVS with the following DCB. Be sure to check the space requirement on the download page: Organization : PS Record format : FB Record length : 80 Block size : 3120 STEP 2: FTP THE XMIT FILE TO MVS FTP the XMIT file into this newly created file. This can be done in one of 2 ways: Method 1) Download the packaged hot fix to your PC. The packaged hot fix is a is a self extracting executable. Launching the executable will extract the OS/390 files to a default location example: C:\os390\82xxxxos (where 82 is the release and xxxx is the hot fix number) You will be prompted during the extraction process to accept or overwrite the default unzip location. The remaining steps in these installation instructions assume that you have unzipped the files to the default location After extracting the file, FTP the 82xxxxos.xmit file to your MVS system doing a BINARY upload into the preallocated file created in step 1. Method 2) From MVS, FTP to using userid=anonymous and Once you're logged on, cd into the following directory: /techsup/download/hotfix/v82/base/82xxxx/mvs (where 82 is the release and xxxx is the hot fix number) Issue the following commands where 'sas.hotfix.xmit' is the filename you created in step 1. binary get 82xxxxos.xmit 'sas.hotfix.xmit' (rep STEP 3: RECEIVE THE XMIT FILE TO CREATE THE CNTL PDS On MVS do a RECEIVE command on the uploaded XMIT file as follows where 'sas.hotfix.xmit' is the preallocated file in step 1. receive indataset('sas.hotfix.xmit') After doing this you will be prompted with something similar to the following: INMR901I Dataset DATA.SET.NAME from USERID on ???????? INMR906A Enter restore parameters or 'DELETE' or 'END' + at this prompt you sould enter: DA('sas.hotfix.cntl') ... where sas.hotfix.cntl will be a new PDS that contains all of the parts necessary to apply this hot fix. STEP 4: EXECUTE THE REXX EXEC In your new CNTL data set is a REXX exec that will, if applicable, create any new load libraries and, if applicable, generate any JCL required to modify SAS catalogs in your SAS system. Execute this REXX exec from ISPF prompt: ex 'sas.hotfix.cntl(rexx)' STEP 5: RUN ANY GENERATED JCL If the REXX exec generated any JCLxxxxx members in your CNTL dataset you will need to edit the JCL to make any site specific modifications and then run the JCL. Note that the output data sets in this JCL requires DISP=OLD, so you will have to run it at a time when this would be possible. STEP 6: MERGE GENERATED LIBRARIES WITH SAS If the REXX exec created: (note: HF82xxxx where 82 is the release and xxxx is the hot fix number) * '&prefix.HF82xxxx.LIBRARY' then you will need to replace the like-named modules in your current Release 8.2 (TS2M0) installation library with the modules loaded to '&prefix.HF82xxxx.LIBRARY'. We suggest you rename the modules in the current Release 8.2 (TS2M0) installation library before replacing. * '&prefix.HF82xxxx.DBCS.LIBRARY' then you will need to replace the like-named modules in your current Release 8.2 (TS2M0) installation DBCS library with the modules loaded to '&prefix.HF82xxxx.DBCS.LIBRARY'. We suggest you rename the modules in the current Release 8.2 (TS2M0) installation library before replacing. * '&prefix.HF82xxxx.SASMSG' then you will need to replace the like-named members in your current Release 8.2 (TS2M0) installation SASMSG library with the members loaded to '&prefix.HF82xxxx.SASMSG'. We suggest you rename the members in the current Release 8.2 (TS2M0) installation SASMSG library before replacing. * '&prefix.HF82xxxx.AUTOLIB' then you will need to replace the like-named members in your current Release 8.2 (TS2M0) installation AUTOLIB library with the members loaded to '&prefix.HF82xxxx.AUTOLIB'. We suggest you rename the members in the current Release 8.2 (TS2M0) installation AUTOLIB library before replacing. * '&prefix.HF82xxxx.ITSV.CPMISC' then you will need to replace the like-named members in your current Release 8.2 (TS2M0) installation CPMISC library with the members loaded to '&prefix.HF82xxxx.ITSV.CPMISC'. We suggest you rename the members in the current Release 8.2 (TS2M0) installation CPMISC library before replacing. ADDITIONAL NOTES: * If the REXX exec created a '&prefix.HF82xxxx.LIBRARY' that contains a SASHOST, SASXAL, or SASXA1 module, and if you set SAS System options by assembling the DEFAULT OPTIONS TABLE using the BAOPTS1 member of the original CNTL data set, then you must re-assemble this table after applying this hot fix. To re-assemble this table do the following: 1) Edit the BAOPTS1 member in the original CNTL data set. 2) Change the SYSLMOD DD in all three LINK EDIT steps to point to the new HLQ.LIBRARY 3) rerun BAOPTS1. * If the REXX exec created a '&prefix.HF82xxxx.LIBRARY' and you run with an entry point of SASXAL then you will need to look in the unloaded library to see if any of the new modules are installed in your LPA. If so, then you will need to replace them with the new modules. In the installation guide, the modules recommended for installation in the LPA are SASXAL SASXAL2 SABXSPL SABXDML SABDS SABSCLL SABDBGM SABZPLH SABXGPH Please note that if you use the BNDLSUFX option, you will have to rename the modules appropriately in your LPA. For more information about the LPA bundled configuration and information about using the BNDLSUFX option, please refer to the section entitled "Installing The SAS System Into The LPA" in the "Installation Instructions and System Manager's Guide" appropriate to the Version and maintenance level for your SAS System. This completes the installation of hot fix 82BB21 on OS/390.