INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR HOT FIX 14SP02 ON SOLARIS BEFORE DOWNLOADING: The hot fix 14SP02 addresses the issue(s) in Version 1.4 of Strategic Performance Management software on Solaris as documented in the 14SP02 "Issue(s) Addressed" list on: The hot fix package that is downloaded is in tar format. The name of the tar file is 14sp02s2.tar, and it contains the following files: * wsvlsa.cpo the replacement SAS catalog (in transport format) containing the hot fix * a sas program to convert the transport format catalog to native format * 14sp02s2.aud a hot fix identifier file that will allow Technical Support to determine which fixes have been applied to a system * 14sp02s2.txt a copy of these installation instructions AFTER DOWNLOADING: The following instructions describe the steps for installing the files listed above. These files should replace the files of the same name within the Knowledge Base tools directory. In these instructions, this location will be /sas/spm1.4/kb/ STEP 1: Change directory to the location of your Knowledge Base tools directory. $> cd /sas/spm1.4/kb/ STEP 2: Back up the original versions of the files being replaced: $> mv wsvlsa.sas7bcat wsvlsa.sas7bcat.bak STEP 3: Extract the contents of the tar file: $> tar xf 14sp02s2.tar STEP 4: Convert the transport format catalog to native format: $> sas cimport NOTE: In step 4, you should substitute the appropriate command used to invoke Release 8.2 of SAS. When the SAS job completes, look at cimport.log in the current directory to verify that the job ran without errors. This completes the installation of hot fix 14SP02 on Solaris.