SPD Server 4.4

Hot Fix Downloads

44SPDS01 was replaced by 44SPDS05

44SPDS02 was replaced by 44SPDS05

44SPDS03 was replaced by 44SPDS05

44SPDS04 was replaced by 44SPDS05

Issue(s) Addressed :Introduced:
SN-020354PROC SPDO SHOWLIBNAME/DATA now handles tables with names longer than 8characters44SPDS01
SN-020169MINMAXVARLIST now available for use with PASSTHRU44SPDS01
SN-020174SPD Server Audit logger terminates when audit log is reset44SPDS01
SN-020175Message indicates when an index scan is used44SPDS01
SN-020170IXUTIL -FIXCLUSTMEM causes core dump44SPDS01
SN-020168Parallel JOIN with GROUPBY and HAVING clause my cause memory trash44SPDS01
SN-020164SPD Server 4.4 LDAP authentication hangs the server when an invaliduserid or password is issued44SPDS01
SN-019385SPD Server 4.4 will not start if the LDAP library is not present44SPDS01
SN-019382SPD Server 4.4 log window prints "Unable to get model info" message44SPDS01
SN-020178Error message changed when DPF component is missing for table44SPDS01
SN-020165SORTEDBY assertion support added for dynamic clusters44SPDS01
SN-019390SPD Server 4.4 Backup and Restore does not support minmaxvarlist44SPDS01
SN-020177SPD Server log file shows all options set for the server44SPDS01
SN-019392SPD Server 4.4 SMC plugin may hang when changing user group definition44SPDS01
SN-020179Indexes for materialized view tables can now be created44SPDS01
SN-019393ALERT - Unauthorized access to SPD Server 4.444SPDS01
SN-020330Unable to delete table with a persistent ACL44SPDS02
SN-020345PROC SPDO now shows all connections to SPD Server44SPDS02
SN-020351Support added for SPD Server START/ENDOBS LIBNAME options with valueslarger than 2G44SPDS02
SN-020331SPDS_ERROR: Encountered error while making key44SPDS02
SN-020332DYNLOCK may not work correctly on WIN3244SPDS02
SN-020333Parallel join may fail for when joining two very large tables44SPDS02
SN-020335Adding ACL user with SPDSMGR plugin may fail44SPDS02
SN-020336Calculated name cannot be a subset of an existing calculated name44SPDS02
SN-020339SPDSLS does not list cluster tables44SPDS02
SN-020349Parallel join column alias added44SPDS02
SN-020338PRINTLOG option added to SPD Server to log SQL statements from client44SPDS02
SN-020346CLUSTER CREATE fails when member index order differs44SPDS02
SN-020350CLUSTER CREATE with unique indexes is slow44SPDS02
SN-020347Multi-homed support added for SPD Server on Windows44SPDS02
SN-020355Correlate an SPD Server base process to an SPD Server user in the serverlog44SPDS02
SN-030634Missing value in SQL SELECT statement may cause SPD Server to disconnect44SPDS03
SN-030616SPD Server SMC Plugin may hang when changing passwords44SPDS03
SN-030543NUMGEN option support added for clustering44SPDS03
SN-030538SPDSNBIX macro variable added in SAS SPD Server 4.4 TSM344SPDS03
SN-030614Windows configuration with 10 or more processors my cause SPD Server name server to fail44SPDS03
SN-030504Materialized views are not rebuilt after adding a new cluster member44SPDS03
SN-030545SPD Server index memory leak on failed append44SPDS03
SN-020940ALERT - SPD Server STARJOIN produces incorrect results with short key variables44SPDS03
SN-030546SQL GROUP BY does not handle a missing GROUP BY value44SPDS03
SN-020987SPD Server STARJOIN produces incorrect results with STARMAGIC=144SPDS03
SN-030612SPD Server cluster ADD requires exclusive access to cluster44SPDS03
SN-030549SAS SPD Server giving incorrect results for a LIKE statement with a escape clause44SPDS03
SN-030550Additional printlog information included for debugging44SPDS03
SN-030613SPDSCLEAN aborts with unexpected token DYNLOCK44SPDS03
SN-030572Support for the operator port option needed if running SPD Server within a firewall44SPDS03
SN-030617SPD Server SQL sorting may be improved with SPD Server 4.4 TSM344SPDS03
SN-030635PROC SPDO refresh parms command may cause server to crash44SPDS03
SN-031293Using symbolic substitution with left join in SAS Scalable Performance Data Server (SPDS) may cause incorrect results44SPDS04
SN-031298REFRESH domains or parms command may fail even when ACLSPECIAL=YES is set44SPDS04
SN-032085Incorrect SQL optimization may produce incorrect results44SPDS04
SN-031301Expired SAS Scalable Performance Data Server password causes warning when using LDAP authentication44SPDS04
SN-031313Poor performance with SAS Scalable Performance Data Server STARJOIN using IN-SET strategy44SPDS04
SN-030631SAS/SHARE server crashes when used with SPD Server libraries44SPDS04
SN-031314Password showing in plain text when PRINTLOG is enabled in SAS Scalable Performance Data Server44SPDS04
SN-031355SAS Scalable Performance Data Server audit log does not print header information once it rolls over to a new day44SPDS04
SN-031356SAS Scalable Performance Data Server 4.4 TSM4 adds client engine for Linux operating system44SPDS04
SN-031357Unnecessary dynamic locking message added to SAS SPD Server log file44SPDS04
SN-032083SUBSTRN function reference in query produces errors44SPDS04
SN-031375Symbolic substitution support added for implicit pass-through and data step query with SAS SPD Server 4.4 TSM444SPDS04
SN-031039Implicit passthrough librefs do not honor domains with dynamic locking44SPDS04
SN-032037SPDO procedure enhanced to provide more information about dynamic clusters44SPDS05
SN-032105Query against dynamic cluster table generates warning and incorrectly returns rows44SPDS05
SN-032104HAVING clause generates error in pass-through44SPDS05
SN-032095Creating indexes in parallel may produce misleading error messages44SPDS05
SN-032091LDAP authentication generates errors44SPDS05
SN-032089Sort spill file conflict causes various "not sorted" messages44SPDS05
WindowsReleased: May 2008
Install Instructions: 44SPDS05wn.txt
Download: 44SPDS05 for Windows   (file size: 25.7M)
HPUX 64bitReleased: May 2008
Install Instructions: 44SPDS05h6.txt
Download: 44SPDS05 for HPUX 64bit   (file size: 52.6M)
Solaris 64bitReleased: May 2008
Install Instructions: 44SPDS05s6.txt
Download: 44SPDS05 for Solaris 64bit   (file size: 38.2M)
AIX 64bitReleased: May 2008
Install Instructions: 44SPDS05r6.txt
Download: 44SPDS05 for AIX 64bit   (file size: 42.9M)
ATTENTION: You may receive "Symbol resolution" error when upgrading to SPD Server 4.4 TS M5 on AIX. See SAS Note SN-020446 for additional information.
HPUX for ItaniumReleased: May 2008
Install Instructions: 44SPDS05hx.txt
Download: 44SPDS05 for HPUX for Itanium   (file size: 96.9M)
Solaris for x64Released: May 2008
Install Instructions: 44SPDS05sx.txt
Download: 44SPDS05 for Solaris for x64   (file size: 110.4M)
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