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Hot Fix Downloads
32RO01 was replaced by 32RO06 |
32RO02 was replaced by 32RO06 |
32RO04 was replaced by 32RO06 |
32RO05 was replaced by 32RO06 |
32ROM501 was replaced by 32RO06 |
32ROM502 was replaced by 32RO06 |
32ROM503 was replaced by 32RO06 |
32RO06 | |||
Issue(s) Addressed : | Introduced: | ||
SN-031099 | Loading data projects causes significant delay | 32RO01 | |
SN-031100 | Manually created profiles are missing the store category in the profile table | 32RO01 | |
SN-033000 | Improved benchmark heuristic | 32RO02 | |
SN-032700 | Incorrect specs might be used by estimation when running scenarios | 32RO02 | |
SN-033021 | Size profile lookup always returns exact match when found | 32RO02 | |
SN-032694 | IllegalArgumentException error after clicking 'Related Products by cross effects' link | 32RO02 | |
SN-032721 | Multiple competitor products are not getting added to new or existing plan | 32RO02 | |
SN-033004 | Null pointer exception and blank Price Change Approval screen | 32RO02 | |
SN-035763 | Load_STG2DM_Vehicle and Load_STG2DM_Vehicle_Attr jobs give ORACLE execute error unique constraint violated following 32RO04 hot fix installation | 32RO04 | |
SN-034540 | The Markdown Performance Report in SASŪ Markdown Optimization might contain incorrect values | 32RO04 | |
SN-034541 | You might encounter a mid-tier exception when attempting a product search in SASŪ Markdown Optimization with an Oracle database | 32RO04 | |
SN-034491 | A date conversion error might occur during an append to Oracle table in SASŪ Markdown Optimization | 32RO04 | |
SN-034745 | Errors in output might occur if you run multiple reports simultaneously in SASŪ Markdown Optimization | 32RO04 | |
SN-034402 | Approve-to-budget might spend more than the budget amount or might skip markdowns in SASŪ Markdown Optimization | 32RO04 | |
SN-034639 | ETL jobs Load_STG2DM_Vehicle and Load_STG2DM_Vehicle_attr in SASŪ Markdown Optimization might fail to respond | 32RO04 | |
SN-034533 | Plan names that are longer than 40 characters are truncated in SASŪ Markdown Optimization | 32RO04 | |
SN-034204 | 'Target Inventory %' and 'Salvage Value %' minimum values cannot be changed in SASŪ Markdown Optimization | 32RO04 | |
SN-034399 | Store participation rates are not displayed for standard size codes 111 and 112 | 32RO04 | |
SN-033760 | An error might occur while extracting price elasticity index in SASŪ Markdown Optimization | 32RO04 | |
SN-034494 | Numeric fields might be exported as text to Microsoft Office Excel from SASŪ Markdown Optimization | 32RO04 | |
SN-033737 | Errors might occur with hedonic price models in SASŪ Markdown Optimization | 32RO04 | |
SN-033761 | SASŪ Markdown Optimization might incorrectly display 01Jan1960 in the date field if you are using Oracle | 32RO04 | |
SN-034110 | SASŪ Size Profiling might perform slower than expected when running multiple preprocessing tasks simultaneously | 32RO04 | |
SN-034501 | The UI Price Export to CSV/Excel function in SASŪ Markdown Optimization might export incorrect the price values | 32RO04 | |
SN-034504 | Incorrect "End Inv at Risk ($)l" values might be displayed in SASŪ Markdown Optimization | 32RO04 | |
SN-034655 | The SASŪ Markdown Optimization jobs "Load_STG2DM_Product_hier_assoc_dm" and "Load_stg_product_hier_assoc_dm" might run for a very long time | 32RO04 | |
SN-034495 | Export to Excel might fail in SASŪ Markdown Optimization | 32RO04 | |
SN-034536 | Future markdowns and approvals are not properly deleted when plan settings are changed | 32RO04 | |
SN-034689 | The DI_MAINTAIN_JOB for SASŪ Size Profiling might fail when the number of records in the prf_stockout_fact table is greater than 10**8 | 32RO04 | |
SN-034469 | Calibration might terminate prematurely in SASŪ Markdown Optimization | 32RO04 | |
SN-034205 | Incorrect values are displayed on the Markdown Performance Report | 32RO04 | |
SN-034496 | Create Plan dialog might ignore imported allowed markdown dates | 32RO04 | |
SN-034383 | The Generate Store Groups process might fail due to duplicate values for the index key error in SASŪ Size Profiling | 32RO04 | |
SN-034537 | Incorrect "New fact data has become available since plan was evaluated" message might display in SASŪ Markdown Optimization | 32RO04 | |
SN-034203 | Incorrect values might be displayed on the Markdown Projection Report in SASŪ Markdown Optimization | 32RO04 | |
SN-034740 | Queued stored process requests might fail to execute in SASŪ Size Profiling after restart due to missing parameter values | 32RO04 | |
SN-034401 | Markdown Approval report might contain incorrect spend % (percent) values | 32RO04 | |
SN-034201 | Incorrect values might be displayed on the Markdown Inventory Aging report in SASŪ Markdown Optimization | 32RO04 | |
SN-034656 | The calibration step might fail and cause an error if very limited data is available for SASŪ Markdown Optimization to fit a time series model | 32RO04 | |
SN-034206 | Incorrect price export for plans with uniform pricing level above the lowest level will occur in SASŪ Markdown Optimization | 32RO04 | |
SN-034741 | Plans with zero members in SASŪ Markdown Optimization might not be seen correctly by users | 32RO04 | |
SN-034693 | Current units onâhand at plan level value does not match value at product level, plan facts displayed are incorrect when plan starts in the future | 32RO04 | |
SN-035947 | The Markdown Approval monthly view might display incorrect PERIOD_START_INV_UNITS and PERIOD_INV_AT_RET metrics | 32RO04 | |
SN-034743 | A deadlock might occur if you run a report that logs off of SASŪ Markdown Optimization before the report finishes | 32RO04 | |
SN-034859 | Unsaved changes on Approvals view might be lost when you choose Optimize/Evaluate | 32RO04 | |
SN-034505 | An exception might occur in SASŪ Markdown Optimization when you open a plan to view products by style or color | 32RO04 | |
SN-036340 | Errors might occur when you run the back-end job for the calibration task (job_est) in the SASŪ Revenue Optimization Suite | 32RO05 | |
SN-037117 | Generate store groups fails when a group by attribute is selected | 32RO05 | |
SN-036049 | The Markdown DC Inventory Report product description column values are missing (blank) | 32RO05 | |
SN-035386 | E-Comm Store is not being classified into its own store group in SASŪ Size Profiling | 32RO05 | |
SN-036316 | The Last Modified Date column does not sort properly in the Data Project List view in SASŪ Size Profiling | 32RO05 | |
SN-037021 | An array subscript out of range error occurs when running the di_dm_promo_price_fact_extract macro | 32RO05 | |
SN-036308 | New stores might not be classified into store groups of data projects | 32RO05 | |
SN-036390 | Incorrect Price Points rule violation message might be reported in SASŪ Regular Price Optimization | 32RO05 | |
SN-037036 | SASŪ Regular Price Optimization error message does not state the cause of the error | 32RO05 | |
SN-036302 | Errors might be encountered when running DI_MC_FORECAST_ERROR_PLOT | 32RO05 | |
SN-036303 | The SASŪ Merchandise Solutions Configuration Workbench allows the TS and REG calibration levels to be the same | 32RO05 | |
SN-036963 | SASŪ Markdown Optimization plan import erroneously requires associated ACTIVE_PLAN_NM value in STG_MDO_IMPORT_PLAN table. | 32RO05 | |
SN-034602 | The short term markdown lift is turned off when the model spec PS_MARKDOWN is set to 2 or 3 | 32RO05 | |
SN-037088 | Spaces or other special characters in geography or product IDs might cause problems in error messages | 32RO05 | |
SN-035994 | Incorrect Minimum and Maximum Price Change(%) Rule Violation Type Count might be displayed in the user interface | 32RO05 | |
SN-036951 | Error org.hibernet.exception.genericJDBCexception. might be encountered in SASŪ Regular Price Optimization | 32RO05 | |
SN-037002 | Forced markdown date is not retained in SASŪ Markdown Optimization | 32RO05 | |
SN-034638 | An Incorrect Approval Deadline Date is displayed | 32RO05 | |
SN-036964 | ALERT - Approvals may not be preserved after optimization when REOPTIMIZE_APPROVED_MARKDN=1 | 32RO05 | |
SN-036941 | Incorrect profiles are returned when ALLOW_STORE_CATEGORY=1 and no store category profile is available | 32RO05 | |
SN-036304 | Model specs with ATTR_SPEC_ID set to -1 are ignored during the attribute based estimation and computation of hedonic price | 32RO05 | |
SN-036321 | Model specification parameters (PL_ADJ_TSF, INV_ADJ_TSF, ARP, and RRP) might not be ignored | 32RO05 | |
SN-036337 | Incorrect base/sales forecast are calculated for share models in Forecast accuracy (FA) monitoring | 32RO05 | |
SN-036411 | Errors might be encountered when modeling cross effects and life cycle (LCP) effects in incremental mode | 32RO05 | |
SN-037014 | ERROR: "Cannot run post STP process" occurs in SASŪ Regular Price Optimization | 32RO05 | |
SN-036311 | Performance issues might be encountered during the store synchronization process in SASŪ Size Profiling | 32RO05 | |
SN-035134 | Markdown Approval Report might display plans that failed optimization | 32RO05 | |
SN-036313 | An error is generated when you run the macro %di_dm_partition_table_and_write macro in SASŪ Size Profiling | 32RO05 | |
SN-036271 | ALERT - Multiple views are opened in SASŪ Regular Price Optimization when View Price Inquiry is selected | 32RO05 | |
SN-037073 | SASŪ Pack Optimization sets negative store size need results to 0 but then incorrectly rounds value | 32RO05 | |
SN-037008 | Cannot move products from an existing plan to a new manual plan | 32RO05 | |
SN-035349 | ALERT - Incorrect On Order Inventory and On Order Inventory $ values might display on Markdown DC Inventory Report | 32RO05 | |
SN-035348 | Optimized plans might incorrectly appear as "Evaluated" in SASŪ Markdown Optimization | 32RO05 | |
SN-037074 | Query performance is slow on RPO_PLAN_MEMBER table joins | 32RO05 | |
SN-037080 | ALERT - Displaying the plan list view takes a long time when planning tables contain millions of records | 32RO05 | |
SN-037081 | ALERT - Drilling into plan members takes a long time when planning tables contain a large number of records | 32RO05 | |
SN-037083 | ALERT - Displaying the plan summary view takes a long time when planning tables contain a large number of records | 32RO05 | |
SN-037085 | ALERT - Displaying price inquiries takes a long time for a large list | 32RO05 | |
SN-036903 | SASŪ Regular Price Optimization global setting MIN_SUBPLAN_ILCNT refers to maximum value instead of minimum value | 32RO05 | |
SN-036347 | SASŪ Merchandise Solutions Configuration Workbench incorrectly reports missing HOLDIAY_xx model specs in a model group | 32RO05 | |
SN-035534 | Text expression length exceeds maximum length error when publishing a large number of plans | 32RO05 | |
SN-037020 | ERROR: "ORACLE execute error: ORA-01438: value larger than specified precision allowed for this column" | 32RO05 | |
SN-036306 | The Markdown Plan Performance Report in SASŪ Markdown Optimization might be blank | 32RO05 | |
SN-035765 | Average Weekly KPIs are incorrect on the Plan Detail window in SASŪ Markdown Optimization | 32RO05 | |
SN-035970 | Optimization might fail due to a missing INT value in the price promo elasticity table | 32RO05 | |
SN-036980 | Incorrect information is displayed on the Regular Price Plan Summary view | 32RO05 | |
SN-037017 | A null pointer exception occurs when you try to approve and save a price change | 32RO05 | |
SN-037019 | Error: "Cannot approve a price of $ 0.00" | 32RO05 | |
SN-036069 | ALERT - Incorrect metrics are displayed on the Markdown Approvals By Product screen | 32RO05 | |
SN-037031 | Status for Price Inquiries and Regular Price Plans might not display properly in SASŪ Regular Price Optimization | 32RO05 | |
SN-036364 | ALERT - ERROR: "Running stored process: SizeProfilingStoreGroupsGen" | 32RO05 | |
SN-036412 | PROD_ATTR_STATUS was not defined error might occur during Incremental Model Calibration | 32RO05 | |
SN-036314 | Seed values are updated for two documented PRF_CONFIG parameters in SASŪ Size Profiling | 32RO05 | |
SN-037086 | Incorrect current prices are displayed in SASŪ Regular Price Optimization | 32RO05 | |
SN-036074 | ALERT - Apply to all groups button might produce incorrect results | 32RO05 | |
SN-036282 | ALERT - Attribute hierarchy might fail to build when using the SASŪ Merchandise Solutions Configuration Workbench | 32RO05 | |
SN-036240 | ALERT - Spend dollar amount displayed in approval screen does not match calculation | 32RO05 | |
SN-036289 | ALERT - Blank tab might be displayed when using the Model Group Scheduler for a large number of model groups | 32RO05 | |
SN-036242 | BY variables are not properly sorted on data set WORK._ODF_GP_EXISTING_STORE | 32RO05 | |
SN-036179 | New Price and Approval date/status might be copied from the source plan | 32RO05 | |
SN-036209 | The Export Price incorrectly outputs prices for closed stores | 32RO05 | |
SN-036241 | ALERT - Regular Price Change Summary report might be blank | 32RO05 | |
SN-037076 | ALERT - Price approvals fail when running with concurrent users | 32RO05 | |
SN-036246 | An out of memory error occurs in the dipcl_act_prd_mts back-end task | 32RO05 | |
SN-036335 | A Plan Members view export to Excel does not export group membership | 32RO05 | |
SN-036984 | Margin Exceptions report and Cost Greater Than Competitor Price report do not work properly | 32RO05 | |
SN-037022 | The SASŪ Markdown Optimization user interface price export should include markdown spend | 32RO05 | |
SN-036806 | Incorrect start date and end date are set for new Profile Projects | 32RO05 | |
SN-036808 | Profiles might be incorrectly generated using the start date and the end date of the corresponding data project | 32RO05 | |
SN-036935 | Store group generation fails when you use a LABEL attribute | 32RO05 | |
SN-036820 | SQLException: ORA-01795: maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000 might be encountered in SASŪ Size Profiling | 32RO05 | |
SN-037030 | SASŪ Regular Price Optimization and Oracle might produce an error when making changes to competitive rules | 32RO05 | |
SN-037056 | SASŪ Regular Price Optimization plan price errantly shows status of approved after removing new price date | 32RO05 | |
SN-037723 | Store groups for copied profiles do not get published | 32RO06 | |
SN-037601 | Rebuild of attribute based hierarchy due to attribute value changes is now supported | 32RO06 | |
SN-036795 | Incorrect Affected Inventory Units and Affected Inventory might display on the Approvals by Month view | 32RO06 | |
SN-037087 | Prices entered from the summary view in a plan that has been optimized are not displayed in the plan member details | 32RO06 | |
SN-038928 | ALERT - Markdown Recommendations might be made earlier than expected | 32RO06 | |
SN-037095 | Export markdowns to csv incorrectly includes comma as thousands separator for values | 32RO06 | |
SN-037318 | Price rules tree nodes are not displayed in bold for product hierarchy nodes that have price grids defined | 32RO06 | |
SN-038668 | Incorrect Competitor Price Type is displayed on the Competitor Pricing View | 32RO06 | |
SN-038704 | Error "Job.RefreshSizeSet.Exception.Result.txt" might be encountered | 32RO06 | |
SN-038819 | "Error has occurred.. Please check the log" message might display | 32RO06 | |
SN-037868 | Changing the project scope after partitioning might result in incompatible partitions | 32RO06 | |
SN-037707 | Identical profiles are generated for parent and child | 32RO06 | |
SN-038751 | Incorrect override allowed for a recommended price change | 32RO06 | |
SN-037738 | Markdown plan approvals are not preserved following reoptimization | 32RO06 | |
SN-037747 | Error: "Invalid data project dates; start date and end date must fall within the range:" might be encountered | 32RO06 | |
SN-038786 | SAS programs might be created in the parent of the SASWORK directory | 32RO06 | |
SN-038787 | Incorrect competitor information might be displayed in the "Cost Greater than Competitor Price" report | 32RO06 | |
SN-038825 | No information is returned to the user when View Alerts (New Cost/Article) is selected | 32RO06 | |
SN-038808 | Store Count might be incorrect when final Markdown exists in approvals by month view | 32RO06 | |
SN-037911 | Profile Lookup might return a profile that is not a match | 32RO06 | |
SN-038814 | Error when publishing multiple profiles | 32RO06 | |
SN-038799 | ALERT - Alerts might fail to display in the Alert Views | 32RO06 | |
SN-038616 | ALERT - Plan edit permission is incorrectly required in order to have permission to approve and override prices on the Markdown Approvals view | 32RO06 | |
SN-038447 | Incorrect plan to date actual metrics | 32RO06 | |
SN-038451 | ALERT - Geo-prods are added to active plans when you chooses to leave the geo-prods in their existing completed plans | 32RO06 | |
SN-038818 | ALERT - Hedonic Price might be computed incorrectly | 32RO06 | |
SN-038794 | The âApply to all groupsâ feature does not work for auto-generated specification, such as PS_XX and HOLIDAY_XX | 32RO06 | |
SN-038731 | ALERT - Errors might be encountered while running the "rpo_alert" task of the back-end jobs | 32RO06 | |
SN-038824 | Markdown approvals view is slow to load | 32RO06 | |
SN-037225 | Errors might be encountered when using Store Category | 32ROM501 | |
SN-037234 | ALERT - Profile Generation fails with "ERROR: Specified value for parameter topmost_prod_lvl is invalid in module SZPF_PFGN_POPULATE_PROFILES." | 32ROM501 | |
SN-037578 | Duplicate records might exist in tables that are related to pricing rules | 32ROM502 | |
SN-037551 | The di_maintain_job macro only purges data the first time it is invoked | 32ROM502 | |
SN-037515 | A SASŪ Markdown Optimization plan import takes a long time to run | 32ROM502 | |
SN-037579 | Error "Not authorized for Write permission to class class.com.sas.solutions.di.server.mdo.api.MarkdownPlan" might be encountered | 32ROM502 | |
SN-037580 | ALERT - Exiting the user interface while optimization is running results in subsequent logon issues | 32ROM502 | |
SN-037675 | An incremental purge might incorrectly change historical geo_prod status code | 32ROM502 | |
SN-037676 | Creating and modifying plans might take longer than expected in SASŪ Markdown Optimization | 32ROM502 | |
SN-037756 | ALERT - The SASŪ Markdown Optimization Projection Report might be blank | 32ROM502 | |
SN-037990 | Price recommendations and sell-through % might be incorrect | 32ROM503 | |
Windows | Released: Apr 2010 | ||
Install Instructions: 32RO06wn.pdf | |||
Download: 32RO06 for Windows   (file size: 99.3M) | |||
ATTENTION (1): You can use the 32RO06 download and instructions to install the 32RO06 maintenance release for: You cannot use these instructions if you have installed only Maintenance Release 32RO02you must install Maintenance Release 32RO04. For assistance, contact SAS Technical Support. ATTENTION (2): You must also download and install Base hot fix E9BC76 for AIX to address the issue described in SN-033581. E9BC76 for AIX E9BC76 Installation instructions ATTENTION (3): The SAS Server updates for SAS Enterprise Miner 5.3 should be applied to the SAS Server Tier on your system. Download 53DMINE04, extract the contents of the downloaded file and install the 53da04r6.tar for AIX or 53da04wn.exe for Windows per the 53DMINE04 instructions. ATTENTION (4): SAS HPF hot Fix E9HP02 must be downloaded and applied to the SAS Server Tier of your system. |
AIX 64bit | Released: Apr 2010 | ||
Install Instructions: 32RO06r6.pdf | |||
Download: 32RO06 for AIX 64bit   (file size: 152.2M) | |||
ATTENTION (1): You can use the 32RO06 download and instructions to install the 32RO06 maintenance release for: You cannot use these instructions if you have installed only Maintenance Release 32RO02you must install Maintenance Release 32RO04. For assistance, contact SAS Technical Support. ATTENTION (2): You must also download and install Base hot fix E9BC76 for AIX to address the issue described in SN-033581. E9BC76 for AIX E9BC76 Installation instructions ATTENTION (3): The SAS Server updates for SAS Enterprise Miner 5.3 should be applied to the SAS Server Tier on your system. Download 53DMINE04, extract the contents of the downloaded file and install the 53da04r6.tar for AIX or 53da04wn.exe for Windows per the 53DMINE04 instructions. ATTENTION (4): SAS HPF hot Fix E9HP02 must be downloaded and applied to the SAS Server Tier of your system. |
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32ROM601 was replaced by 32ROM602 |
32ROM602 | |||
Issue(s) Addressed : | Introduced: | ||
SN-039929 | ALERT - The Competitor Pricing View might not display the most recent competitive price | 32ROM601 | |
SN-039701 | Geo-prods from deleted plans are incorrectly added to the target plan when you choose to leave the geo-prods in their existing completed plan | 32ROM601 | |
SN-041529 | ALERT - APPROVAL_STATUS_DTTM might be null in RPO_PLAN_MEMBER | 32ROM602 | |
Windows | Released: Nov 2010 | ||
Install Instructions: 32ROM602wn.pdf | |||
Download: 32ROM602 for Windows   (file size: 54.9M) | |||
AIX 64bit | Released: Nov 2010 | ||
Install Instructions: 32ROM602r6.pdf | |||
Download: 32ROM602 for AIX 64bit   (file size: 71.0M) |
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