/* Get the common system configuration switches from the main file. */ #include "cpl_port.h" /* Libtiff specific switches. */ /* Support CCITT Group 3 & 4 algorithms */ #define CCITT_SUPPORT 1 /* Support LogLuv high dynamic range encoding */ #define LOGLUV_SUPPORT 1 /* Support LZW algorithm */ #define LZW_SUPPORT 1 /* Support NeXT 2-bit RLE algorithm */ #define NEXT_SUPPORT 1 /* Support Macintosh PackBits algorithm */ #define PACKBITS_SUPPORT 1 /* Support ThunderScan 4-bit RLE algorithm */ #define THUNDER_SUPPORT 1 /* Pick up YCbCr subsampling info from the JPEG data stream to support files lacking the tag (default enabled). */ #define CHECK_JPEG_YCBCR_SUBSAMPLING 1 /* Treat extra sample as alpha (default enabled). The RGBA interface will treat a fourth sample with no EXTRASAMPLE_ value as being ASSOCALPHA. Many packages produce RGBA files but don't mark the alpha properly. */ #define DEFAULT_EXTRASAMPLE_AS_ALPHA 1 /* Support strip chopping (whether or not to convert single-strip uncompressed images to mutiple strips of ~8Kb to reduce memory usage) */ #define STRIPCHOP_DEFAULT TIFF_STRIPCHOP #define CHUNKY_STRIP_READ_SUPPORT 1 #define DEFER_STRILE_LOAD 1 /* Default size of the strip in bytes (when strip chopping enabled) */ #define STRIP_SIZE_DEFAULT 8192 /* Enable SubIFD tag (330) support */ #define SUBIFD_SUPPORT 1 /* Signed 16-bit type */ #define TIFF_INT16_T GInt16 /* Signed 32-bit type */ #define TIFF_INT32_T GInt32 /* Signed 64-bit type */ #define TIFF_INT64_T GIntBig /* Signed 8-bit type */ #define TIFF_INT8_T signed char /* Pointer difference type */ #define TIFF_PTRDIFF_T ptrdiff_t /* Signed size type */ #ifdef _WIN64 # define TIFF_SSIZE_T GIntBig # define TIFF_SSIZE_FORMAT CPL_FRMT_GIB #else # define TIFF_SSIZE_T signed long # define TIFF_SSIZE_FORMAT "%ld" #endif /* Unsigned 16-bit type */ #define TIFF_UINT16_T GUInt16 /* Unsigned 32-bit type */ #define TIFF_UINT32_T GUInt32 /* Unsigned 64-bit type */ #define TIFF_UINT64_T GUIntBig /* Unsigned 8-bit type */ #define TIFF_UINT8_T unsigned char #define TIFF_UINT64_FORMAT CPL_FRMT_GUIB #define TIFF_INT64_FORMAT CPL_FRMT_GIB #ifdef JPEG_DUAL_MODE_8_12 # define LIBJPEG_12_PATH "../../jpeg/libjpeg12/jpeglib.h" #endif #ifdef RENAME_INTERNAL_LIBTIFF_SYMBOLS #include "gdal_libtiff_symbol_rename.h" #endif