/****************************************************************************** * $Id: sdts_al.h 26613 2013-11-14 17:42:08Z goatbar $ * * Project: SDTS Translator * Purpose: Include file for entire SDTS Abstraction Layer functions. * Author: Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam@pobox.com * ****************************************************************************** * Copyright (c) 1999, Frank Warmerdam * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included * in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS * OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL * THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING * FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER * DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #ifndef SDTS_AL_H_INCLUDED #define SDTS_AL_H_INCLUDED #include "cpl_conv.h" #include "iso8211.h" class SDTS_IREF; class SDTSModId; class SDTSTransfer; #define SDTS_SIZEOF_SADR 8 char **SDTSScanModuleReferences( DDFModule *, const char * ); /************************************************************************/ /* SDTS_IREF */ /************************************************************************/ /** Class holding SDTS IREF (internal reference) information, internal coordinate system format, scaling and resolution. This object isn't normally needed by applications. */ class SDTS_IREF { int nDefaultSADRFormat; public: SDTS_IREF(); ~SDTS_IREF(); int Read( const char *pszFilename ); char *pszXAxisName; /* XLBL */ char *pszYAxisName; /* YLBL */ double dfXScale; /* SFAX */ double dfYScale; /* SFAY */ double dfXOffset; /* XORG */ double dfYOffset; /* YORG */ double dfXRes; /* XHRS */ double dfYRes; /* YHRS */ char *pszCoordinateFormat; /* HFMT */ int GetSADRCount( DDFField * ); int GetSADR( DDFField *, int, double *, double *, double * ); }; /************************************************************************/ /* SDTS_XREF */ /************************************************************************/ /** Class for reading the XREF (external reference) module containing the data projection definition. */ class SDTS_XREF { public: SDTS_XREF(); ~SDTS_XREF(); int Read( const char *pszFilename ); /** Projection system name, from the RSNM field. One of GEO, SPCS, UTM, UPS, OTHR, UNSP. */ char *pszSystemName; /** Horizontal datum name, from the HDAT field. One of NAS, NAX, WGA, WGB, WGC, WGE. */ char *pszDatum; /** Zone number for UTM and SPCS projections, from the ZONE field. */ int nZone; }; /************************************************************************/ /* SDTS_CATD */ /************************************************************************/ class SDTS_CATDEntry; /** List of feature layer types. See SDTSTransfer::GetLayerType(). */ typedef enum { SLTUnknown, SLTPoint, SLTLine, SLTAttr, SLTPoly, SLTRaster } SDTSLayerType; /** Class for accessing the CATD (Catalog Directory) file containing a list of all other files (modules) in the transfer. */ class SDTS_CATD { char *pszPrefixPath; int nEntries; SDTS_CATDEntry **papoEntries; public: SDTS_CATD(); ~SDTS_CATD(); int Read( const char * pszFilename ); const char *GetModuleFilePath( const char * pszModule ); int GetEntryCount() { return nEntries; } const char * GetEntryModule(int); const char * GetEntryTypeDesc(int); const char * GetEntryFilePath(int); SDTSLayerType GetEntryType(int); }; /************************************************************************/ /* SDTSModId */ /************************************************************************/ /** Object representing a unique module/record identifier within an SDTS transfer. */ class SDTSModId { public: SDTSModId() { szModule[0] = '\0'; nRecord = -1; szOBRP[0] = '\0'; szName[0] = '\0'; } int Set( DDFField * ); const char *GetName(); /** The module name, such as PC01, containing the indicated record. */ char szModule[8]; /** The record within the module referred to. This is -1 for unused SDTSModIds. */ long nRecord; /** The "role" of this record within the module. This is normally empty for references, but set in the oModId member of a feature. */ char szOBRP[8]; /** String "szModule:nRecord" */ char szName[20]; }; /************************************************************************/ /* SDTSFeature */ /************************************************************************/ /** Base class for various SDTS features classes, providing a generic module identifier, and list of attribute references. */ class SDTSFeature { public: SDTSFeature(); virtual ~SDTSFeature(); /** Unique identifier for this record/feature within transfer. */ SDTSModId oModId; /** Number of attribute links (aoATID[]) on this feature. */ int nAttributes; /** List of nAttributes attribute record identifiers related to this feature. */ SDTSModId *paoATID; void ApplyATID( DDFField * ); /** Dump reable description of feature to indicated stream. */ virtual void Dump( FILE * ) = 0; }; /************************************************************************/ /* SDTSIndexedReader */ /************************************************************************/ /** Base class for all the SDTSFeature type readers. Provides feature caching semantics and fetching based on a record number. */ class SDTSIndexedReader { int nIndexSize; SDTSFeature **papoFeatures; int iCurrentFeature; protected: DDFModule oDDFModule; public: SDTSIndexedReader(); virtual ~SDTSIndexedReader(); virtual SDTSFeature *GetNextRawFeature() = 0; SDTSFeature *GetNextFeature(); virtual void Rewind(); void FillIndex(); void ClearIndex(); int IsIndexed(); SDTSFeature *GetIndexedFeatureRef( int ); char ** ScanModuleReferences( const char * = "ATID" ); DDFModule *GetModule() { return &oDDFModule; } }; /************************************************************************/ /* SDTSRawLine */ /************************************************************************/ /** SDTS line feature, as read from LE* modules by SDTSLineReader. */ class SDTSRawLine : public SDTSFeature { public: SDTSRawLine(); virtual ~SDTSRawLine(); int Read( SDTS_IREF *, DDFRecord * ); /** Number of vertices in the padfX, padfY and padfZ arrays. */ int nVertices; /** List of nVertices X coordinates. */ double *padfX; /** List of nVertices Y coordinates. */ double *padfY; /** List of nVertices Z coordinates - currently always zero. */ double *padfZ; /** Identifier of polygon to left of this line. This is the SDTS PIDL subfield. */ SDTSModId oLeftPoly; /** Identifier of polygon to right of this line. This is the SDTS PIDR subfield. */ SDTSModId oRightPoly; /** Identifier for the start node of this line. This is the SDTS SNID subfield. */ SDTSModId oStartNode; /* SNID */ /** Identifier for the end node of this line. This is the SDTS ENID subfield. */ SDTSModId oEndNode; /* ENID */ void Dump( FILE * ); }; /************************************************************************/ /* SDTSLineReader */ /* */ /* Class for reading any of the files lines. */ /************************************************************************/ /** Reader for SDTS line modules. Returns SDTSRawLine features. Normally readers are instantiated with the SDTSTransfer::GetIndexedReader() method. */ class SDTSLineReader : public SDTSIndexedReader { SDTS_IREF *poIREF; public: SDTSLineReader( SDTS_IREF * ); ~SDTSLineReader(); int Open( const char * ); SDTSRawLine *GetNextLine( void ); void Close(); SDTSFeature *GetNextRawFeature( void ) { return GetNextLine(); } void AttachToPolygons( SDTSTransfer *, int iPolyLayer ); }; /************************************************************************/ /* SDTSAttrRecord */ /************************************************************************/ /** SDTS attribute record feature, as read from A* modules by SDTSAttrReader. Note that even though SDTSAttrRecord is derived from SDTSFeature, there are never any attribute records associated with attribute records using the aoATID[] mechanism. SDTSFeature::nAttributes will always be zero. */ class SDTSAttrRecord : public SDTSFeature { public: SDTSAttrRecord(); virtual ~SDTSAttrRecord(); /** The entire DDFRecord read from the file. */ DDFRecord *poWholeRecord; /** The ATTR DDFField with the user attribute. Each subfield is a attribute value. */ DDFField *poATTR; virtual void Dump( FILE * ); }; /************************************************************************/ /* SDTSAttrReader */ /************************************************************************/ /** Class for reading SDTSAttrRecord features from a primary or secondary attribute module. */ class SDTSAttrReader : public SDTSIndexedReader { SDTS_IREF *poIREF; int bIsSecondary; public: SDTSAttrReader( SDTS_IREF * ); virtual ~SDTSAttrReader(); int Open( const char * ); DDFField *GetNextRecord( SDTSModId * = NULL, DDFRecord ** = NULL, int bDuplicate = FALSE ); SDTSAttrRecord *GetNextAttrRecord(); void Close(); /** Returns TRUE if this is a Attribute Secondary layer rather than an Attribute Primary layer. */ int IsSecondary() { return bIsSecondary; } SDTSFeature *GetNextRawFeature( void ) { return GetNextAttrRecord(); } }; /************************************************************************/ /* SDTSRawPoint */ /************************************************************************/ /** Object containing a point feature (type NA, NO or NP). */ class SDTSRawPoint : public SDTSFeature { public: SDTSRawPoint(); virtual ~SDTSRawPoint(); int Read( SDTS_IREF *, DDFRecord * ); /** X coordinate of point. */ double dfX; /** Y coordinate of point. */ double dfY; /** Z coordinate of point. */ double dfZ; /** Optional identifier of area marked by this point (ie. PC01:27). */ SDTSModId oAreaId; /* ARID */ virtual void Dump( FILE * ); }; /************************************************************************/ /* SDTSPointReader */ /************************************************************************/ /** Class for reading SDTSRawPoint features from a point module (type NA, NO or NP). */ class SDTSPointReader : public SDTSIndexedReader { SDTS_IREF *poIREF; public: SDTSPointReader( SDTS_IREF * ); virtual ~SDTSPointReader(); int Open( const char * ); SDTSRawPoint *GetNextPoint( void ); void Close(); SDTSFeature *GetNextRawFeature( void ) { return GetNextPoint(); } }; /************************************************************************/ /* SDTSRawPolygon */ /************************************************************************/ /** Class for holding information about a polygon feature. When directly read from a polygon module, the polygon has no concept of it's geometry. Just it's ID, and references to attribute records. However, if the SDTSLineReader::AttachToPolygons() method is called on the module containing the lines forming the polygon boundaries, then the nEdges/papoEdges information on the SDTSRawPolygon will be filled in. Once this is complete the AssembleRings() method can be used to fill in the nRings/nVertices/panRingStart/padfX/padfY/padfZ information defining the ring geometry. Note that the rings may not appear in any particular order, nor with any meaningful direction (clockwise or counterclockwise). */ class SDTSRawPolygon : public SDTSFeature { void AddEdgeToRing( int, double *, double *, double *, int, int ); public: SDTSRawPolygon(); virtual ~SDTSRawPolygon(); int Read( DDFRecord * ); int nEdges; SDTSRawLine **papoEdges; void AddEdge( SDTSRawLine * ); /** This method will assemble the edges associated with a polygon into rings, returning FALSE if problems are encountered during assembly. */ int AssembleRings(); /** Number of rings in assembled polygon. */ int nRings; /** Total number of vertices in all rings of assembled polygon. */ int nVertices; /** Offsets into padfX/padfY/padfZ for the beginning of each ring in the polygon. This array is nRings long. */ int *panRingStart; /** List of nVertices X coordinates for the polygon (split over multiple rings via panRingStart. */ double *padfX; /** List of nVertices Y coordinates for the polygon (split over multiple rings via panRingStart. */ double *padfY; /** List of nVertices Z coordinates for the polygon (split over multiple rings via panRingStart. The values are almost always zero. */ double *padfZ; virtual void Dump( FILE * ); }; /************************************************************************/ /* SDTSPolygonReader */ /************************************************************************/ /** Class for reading SDTSRawPolygon features from a polygon (PC*) module. */ class SDTSPolygonReader : public SDTSIndexedReader { int bRingsAssembled; public: SDTSPolygonReader(); virtual ~SDTSPolygonReader(); int Open( const char * ); SDTSRawPolygon *GetNextPolygon( void ); void Close(); SDTSFeature *GetNextRawFeature( void ) { return GetNextPolygon(); } void AssembleRings( SDTSTransfer *, int iPolyLayer ); }; /************************************************************************/ /* SDTSRasterReader */ /************************************************************************/ /** Class for reading raster data from a raster layer. This class is somewhat unique amoung the reader classes in that it isn't derived from SDTSIndexedFeature, and it doesn't return "features". Instead it is used to read raster blocks, in the natural block size of the dataset. */ class SDTSRasterReader { DDFModule oDDFModule; char szModule[20]; int nXSize; int nYSize; int nXBlockSize; int nYBlockSize; int nXStart; /* SOCI */ int nYStart; /* SORI */ double adfTransform[6]; public: char szINTR[4]; /* CE is center, TL is top left */ char szFMT[32]; char szUNITS[64]; char szLabel[64]; SDTSRasterReader(); ~SDTSRasterReader(); int Open( SDTS_CATD * poCATD, SDTS_IREF *, const char * pszModule ); void Close(); int GetRasterType(); /* 1 = int16, see GDAL types */ #define SDTS_RT_INT16 1 #define SDTS_RT_FLOAT32 6 int GetTransform( double * ); int GetMinMax( double * pdfMin, double * pdfMax, double dfNoData ); /** Fetch the raster width. @return the width in pixels. */ int GetXSize() { return nXSize; } /** Fetch the raster height. @return the height in pixels. */ int GetYSize() { return nYSize; } /** Fetch the width of a source block (usually same as raster width). */ int GetBlockXSize() { return nXBlockSize; } /** Fetch the height of a source block (usually one). */ int GetBlockYSize() { return nYBlockSize; } int GetBlock( int nXOffset, int nYOffset, void * pData ); }; /************************************************************************/ /* SDTSTransfer */ /************************************************************************/ /** Master class representing an entire SDTS transfer. This class is used to open the transfer, to get a list of available feature layers, and to instantiate readers for those layers. */ class SDTSTransfer { public: SDTSTransfer(); ~SDTSTransfer(); int Open( const char * ); void Close(); int FindLayer( const char * ); int GetLayerCount() { return nLayers; } SDTSLayerType GetLayerType( int ); int GetLayerCATDEntry( int ); SDTSLineReader *GetLayerLineReader( int ); SDTSPointReader *GetLayerPointReader( int ); SDTSPolygonReader *GetLayerPolygonReader( int ); SDTSAttrReader *GetLayerAttrReader( int ); SDTSRasterReader *GetLayerRasterReader( int ); DDFModule *GetLayerModuleReader( int ); SDTSIndexedReader *GetLayerIndexedReader( int ); /** Fetch the catalog object for this transfer. @return pointer to the internally managed SDTS_CATD for the transfer. */ SDTS_CATD *GetCATD() { return &oCATD ; } SDTS_IREF *GetIREF() { return &oIREF; } /** Fetch the external reference object for this transfer. @return pointer to the internally managed SDTS_XREF for the transfer. */ SDTS_XREF *GetXREF() { return &oXREF; } SDTSFeature *GetIndexedFeatureRef( SDTSModId *, SDTSLayerType *peType = NULL); DDFField *GetAttr( SDTSModId * ); int GetBounds( double *pdfMinX, double *pdfMinY, double *pdfMaxX, double *pdfMaxY ); private: SDTS_CATD oCATD; SDTS_IREF oIREF; SDTS_XREF oXREF; int nLayers; int *panLayerCATDEntry; SDTSIndexedReader **papoLayerReader; }; #endif /* ifndef SDTS_AL_H_INCLUDED */