/***************************************************************************** * grib2api.h * * DESCRIPTION * This file contains the header information needed to call the grib2 * decoder library. * * HISTORY * 12/2003 Arthur Taylor (MDL / RSIS): Created. * * NOTES ***************************************************************************** */ #ifndef GRIB2API_H #define GRIB2API_H #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif /* __cplusplus */ #include "type.h" void unpk_grib2 (sInt4 *kfildo, float *ain, sInt4 *iain, sInt4 *nd2x3, sInt4 *idat, sInt4 *nidat, float *rdat, sInt4 *nrdat, sInt4 *is0, sInt4 *ns0, sInt4 *is1, sInt4 *ns1, sInt4 *is2, sInt4 *ns2, sInt4 *is3, sInt4 *ns3, sInt4 *is4, sInt4 *ns4, sInt4 *is5, sInt4 *ns5, sInt4 *is6, sInt4 *ns6, sInt4 *is7, sInt4 *ns7, sInt4 *ib, sInt4 *ibitmap, sInt4 *ipack, sInt4 *nd5, float *xmissp, float *xmisss, sInt4 *inew, sInt4 *iclean, sInt4 *l3264b, sInt4 *iendpk, sInt4 *jer, sInt4 *ndjer, sInt4 *kjer); int C_pkGrib2 (unsigned char *cgrib, sInt4 *sec0, sInt4 *sec1, unsigned char *csec2, sInt4 lcsec2, sInt4 *igds, sInt4 *igdstmpl, sInt4 *ideflist, sInt4 idefnum, sInt4 ipdsnum, sInt4 *ipdstmpl, float *coordlist, sInt4 numcoord, sInt4 idrsnum, sInt4 *idrstmpl, float *fld, sInt4 ngrdpts, sInt4 ibmap, sInt4 *bmap); void pk_grib2 (sInt4 * kfildo, float * ain, sInt4 * iain, sInt4 * nx, sInt4 * ny, sInt4 * idat, sInt4 * nidat, float * rdat, sInt4 * nrdat, sInt4 * is0, sInt4 * ns0, sInt4 * is1, sInt4 * ns1, sInt4 * is3, sInt4 * ns3, sInt4 * is4, sInt4 * ns4, sInt4 * is5, sInt4 * ns5, sInt4 * is6, sInt4 * ns6, sInt4 * is7, sInt4 * ns7, sInt4 * ib, sInt4 * ibitmap, sInt4 * ipack, sInt4 * nd5, sInt4 * missp, float * xmissp, sInt4 * misss, float * xmisss, sInt4 * inew, sInt4 * minpk, sInt4 * iclean, sInt4 * l3264b, sInt4 * jer, sInt4 * ndjer, sInt4 * kjer); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif /* __cplusplus */ #endif /* GRIB2API_H */