Installation Instructions for Hot Fix B9SZ01 on HPUX for Itanium


The hot fix B9SZ01 addresses the issue(s) in SAS 9.1 of SAS Management Console (Spanish localization) as documented in SAS Note(s):

SN-011412 German or Spanish characters do not display correctly in the SAS Management Console
which may be reviewed at:
The hot fix package that is downloaded is in compressed tar format. The name of the file is b9sz01hx.tar, and it contains the following file(s):
* templ_es.xml
contains multiple resource templates with corrected translations that must be applied to the metadata server repository


  1. You must have SAS 9.1 installed on your system before applying this hot fix.

  2. The Resource Template Wizard in the SAS Management Console Metadata Manager checks for duplicate templates in the repository before attempting to add a new one if one resource template per XML file is being added. In the case of the consolidated multiple resource templates in a single, the check for duplicates will only occur for the first resource template outlined in the merged XML file. Thus there's the risk of having multiple resource templates in the repository if the subsequent resource templates contained in the merged file are not deleted first. Hence, step 4 below is extremely vital.


The following instructions describe the steps for applying the corrected resource templates to the metadata server repository.

STEP 1: Extract the contents of b9sz01hx.tar.

The following tar command assumes that the tar file is downloaded to the user's HOME directory.

$> cd <directory to where templ_es.xml is to be extracted>
$> uncompress -c $HOME/b9sz01hx.tar | tar -xf -
This step only copies the file templ_es.xml to the current working directory; it does NOT apply the update.

STEP 2: Invoke SAS Management Console.

In SAS Management Console, connect to a metadata repository server and select the repository to add the multiple resource templates.

STEP 3: Go to the Metadata Manager plug-in.

In the Metadata Manager plug-in, select the Resource Templates category.

STEP 4: Remove obsolete resource templates.

In the table displaying resource templates, select and delete all templates that have a Spanish locale; the templates should be grouped together by locale. There are a total of 55 templates that should be removed. These templates will be replaced when the installation of temp_es.xml is complete.

STEP 5: Initiate the Add Resource Template Wizard.

Using the Actions menu, pop up menu or tool bar, select the "Add Resource Template..." action.
This brings up the Add Resource Template Wizard.
Select the custom installation option.
Click the Next button.

STEP 6: Select templ_es.xml.

Click the Add... button to bring up a file selector, and select the templ_es.xml containing the multiple resource templates.

STEP 7: Finish.

Click the Next button, review the named file in the summary section and click the Finish button to apply these resource templates to the current metadata repository.

This completes the installation of hot fix B9SZ01 on HPUX for Itanium.