INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS FOR HOT FIX 14SP03 ON WINDOWS BEFORE DOWNLOADING: The hot fix 14SP03 addresses issue(s) in Version 1.4 of Strategic Performance Management software on Windows as documented in SAS Note(s): SN-009573 - Formula to calculate the MAX returns 0 when all values are negative SN-009572 - Formulas that reference the CHILDREN token may not refresh correctly in SPM Map SN-009571 - Incorrect results of formula when the CHILDREN token is used with another token SN-009570 - Time period flyover is blank when displaying a graph in SPM Compass SN-009569 - SPM Map can crash when removing elements with the XML interface SN-009568 - Negative values on radar charts do not display correctly SN-009567 - Scrollbar and title can become corrupted when switching between views in Compass SN-009566 - Specifying a URL for a shape on a diagram does not produce the correct link SN-009565 - Some terms do not display in the correct language in SPM Compass SN-009564 - Page cannot be found message when trying to display an ActiveX graph in SPM SN-009563 - Incorrect link of child objective to parent objective in SPM SN-009525 - Changing time periods in SPM Compass may also change current language SN-009524 - Threshold flags only appear for aggregate in the top level scorecard SN-009510 - SPM Map abends when selecting a VIEW after working with the Key Metric Table SN-008495 - Garbage characters in tool tips for flags in SPM Compass within DBCS environment which may be reviewed at Hot fix 14SP03 supersedes hot fix 14SP01. AFTER DOWNLOADING: The hot fix package downloaded is a self-extracting executable named 14sp03wn.exe. Launching the executable will initiate the install wizard, which will guide you through the setup process. You should install to the folder where version 1.4 is already installed. The following files will be installed (the default location for the files to be replaced is shown in parentheses): * map.exe (C:\Program Files\SAS\Strategic Performance Management\1.4) the replacement executable containing the hot fix * bsdtools.dll (C:\Program Files\SAS\Strategic Performance Management\1.4) a replacement DLL containing the hot fix * ral.dll (C:\Program Files\SAS\Strategic Performance Management\1.4) a replacement DLL containing the hot fix * messages.xml (C:\Program Files\SAS\Strategic Performance Management\1.4) the replacement message file containing the hot fix * messages-jpn.xml (C:\Program Files\SAS\Strategic Performance Management\1.4) the replacement japanese message file containing the hot fix * sv.js (C:\Program Files\SAS\Strategic Performance Management\1.4\publish\script) the replacement Javascript file containing the hot fix * 14sp03wn.aud a hot fix identifier file that will allow Technical Support to determine which fixes have been applied to a system * 14sp03wn.txt a copy of these installation instructions This completes the installation of hot fix 14SP03 on Windows.